Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 107 Reality

Brian entered the glimmer of light without hesitation.

What appeared in front of him made him a little disappointed. There was only a door-like mirror placed alone in the darkness, shining slightly, reflecting Brian's figure.

"What is this?" Brian looked in the mirror and then circled around it.

There is an inscription written behind the mirror:

The mirror of reality reflects the truth of everything for you.

"Is it true?" Brian pursed his lips. He continued to look at the inscription below and found the use of the mirror.

The mirror responds to a question from the visitor, which can only be answered with a "yes" or "no". But there is no doubt that it reflects reality.

"But... what is the principle of this?" Brian frowned and thought, "Why is it placed here..."

He pondered for a moment, then came to the mirror and looked deeply at himself in the mirror.

"Then, let's test it..." He put his hand on the mirror and said softly, "Should I continue to use the system?"

The mirror surface slowly fluctuated, and a bright red letter emerged, filling the mirror surface.

"'Really'?" Brian's eyes looked dark and gloomy, "Sure enough..."

He pulled back and the mirror began to shatter. The reflection of him in the mirror was divided into small figures, and then shattered on the ground. All that was left was an ethereal fog gate.

The fog gate is as misty as water waves, but its antiquity can be seen. The stone door frame looked shaky, and the tattered curtain hung on the door was swaying gently as if being blown by the wind.

Brian took two steps back and pursed his lips tightly.

He was very familiar with this door. It was the stone arch that had appeared in his dream!

The figure in the dream entered it, and he in the dream seemed to be about to step in.

He had already remembered what it was.

The body of the stone arch is located in the "Hall of Death" in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. It is said that the arch and the curtain lead to death itself.

There was a strong attraction inside the fog door, and it seemed that everything he desired was hidden inside. Brian circled the fog door a few times without recklessly trying to touch it.

This fog door is like a projection of the real stone arch, but I don't know if it can also lead to death.

Brian tried to find the source that was tightly connected to the system, but found nothing. He summoned the system again and added 2 witness points to the magic power, making it a master level.

That feeling of soul synchronization struck again, pointing deep into the curtain. The attraction coming from the fog door became stronger, giving him the urge to step in.

"Death?" Brian laughed to himself, "I am always being called by death..."

He thought that this might be the source of the mutation in "Death".

He took a deep look at the white mist stone arch, turned around and walked out of the white light, passing through the icy area. The ghosts inside now dissipated and no longer stopped him.

"Brian!" Daphne stood there and waved to him, with a smile of relaxation and joy on her face.

"Well, can it be solved?" Daphne said softly.

"I don't know, but I want to do an experiment." Brian blinked and turned the wand in his hand.

They walked silently towards the beginning, where it was still extremely quiet, and all the souls were asleep in the painting.

Brian used his wand to lift up the picture frame where Tom was, squinted at the ugly child inside, and pulled the picture frame toward the dim light.

"Daphne, you can wait here for a while..."

Daphne was silent for a moment, and knowing that she could not help much, she nodded slightly and looked at him with some worry, but gave him the greatest trust and support.

Dragging the picture frame, Brian continued to walk on this road, as if he was in a dream again.

In the icy area, it seemed that because Brian passed there once, or the Mirror of Reality inside was shattered, no ghosts came out to stop him anymore, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Soon he came to the foggy door again. He looked at the picture frame in his hand. Tom's expression was still ferocious and twisted, as if he was trying his best to resist something.

"Very good, then, let's try it. What will it be like to go inside?" Brian whispered, waving his hand and throwing the frame over.

The picture frame flew through the air, and one corner sank into the fog door, and then slowly sank in. Soon, half of the picture frame was sunk in.

The frame shattered silently, and Tom opened his eyes, an evil red light shining in them. He glared at Brian maliciously and wanted to fly over, but found that he could not resist the suction coming from the fog door.

The child let out a high-pitched scream and struggled hard, but fell deeper and deeper. He howled in fear and waved his withered arms vigorously, but he could only watch himself being swallowed by the fog door.

"No--" With a harsh roar, he disappeared through the fog door.

The curtain on the foggy door shook slightly, and then the silence returned.

"Is this really connected to that door?" Brian's expression was a little solemn.

"Then..." Brian pointed his wand at the fog door, "Thunderbolt explosion!"

The light of the magic spell hit the fog door, and the fog door rippled like water waves.

Then, just like the mist dissipating, the fog door quietly dispersed, and the white mist drifted away like ink and disappeared into nothingness.

For a moment when the foggy door dissipated, Brian seemed to see the real stone archway shimmering, as if welcoming him. The curtains above were rippling slightly, as if someone had just opened the curtain and passed through.

Everything around him shattered, and Brian fell into darkness.

He struggled to open his eyes, gasping for breath, and suddenly jumped up.

Only then did he realize that he had returned to reality.

There was no one else in the dormitory except him. Silver Snake Ofer was curled up sleeping, and the surroundings were silent.

Brian found Tom's diary from his bag and opened it carefully.

As he turned the pages, the diary's tattered cover cracked fragilely.

"This Horcrux is destroyed..." Brian looked at the broken cover and pursed his lips.

He recalled the experience of exploring "death", which revealed many truths, but also made him more confused.

Brian carefully picked up the diary, walked out of the dormitory, and threw it in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

The sound of Myrtle crying loudly came from the bathroom, and Brian walked out of the castle and came to the outside field.

It's early morning now, and the rising sun hangs between the mountains, spreading its warm light to the world.

There were shouts in the school hospital. Brian walked over and saw Madam Pomfrey wiping her tears with joy.

"Those children who have left their souls are awake." She said with a smile after seeing Brian.

"Can I go see them?" Brian said softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry you can't go over yet, I have to give them a good check." Madam Pomfrey said hurriedly.

Brian found a chair and sat down, waiting quietly.

Madam Pomfrey called several professors to check together. Dumbledore also rushed back during the process. His expression looked a little lonely and gloomy. After confirming that none of the little wizards had suffered any permanent damage, he hurriedly left. .

Brian looked at Dumbledore's back and wondered if this experience would make him more sober.

After obtaining Madam Pomfrey's permission, he entered the ward where Daphne was. She was sitting quietly on the bed, her expression peaceful and gentle. The sun shone on her body, making her whole body seem to glow.

"Brian!" Daphne looked very happy after seeing him, "You're here!"

"Well, do you remember what happened before?" Brian said softly.

"I have almost forgotten everything in the dream," Daphne said with some disappointment. Then her cheeks turned red, and she looked at Brian with burning blue eyes and said, "But I remember that you saved me, and I didn't do anything to help you..." She showed an annoyed expression again.

"I think you did a good job, Daphne." Brian comforted, "Not everyone can stay calm at that time."

Daphne's ears turned red. She raised her swan-like long and graceful neck and said seriously: "Because you were by my side at that time, so I wouldn't be afraid..."

Brian blinked and was about to say something when the door suddenly opened and Daphne's parents walked in. Mrs. Greengrass rushed over and hugged Daphne, wiping her tears.

Seeing the family hugging each other and talking softly, Brian smiled slightly and left here quietly.

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