Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 106 Moving forward

"Where is this, Brian?"

Daphne looked around, looking curious and uneasy.

"Perhaps you can't remember clearly, you lost your soul." Brian explained for her, "There was a rumor about the soul leaving in the school, and that brass coin amulet was used to protect us."

"But your amulet was secretly hidden by Pansy, so you also left your soul."

Daphne listened carefully and heard Pan XZ pick up her amulet. She frowned, then checked herself and said, "In other words, are we in a soul state now?" She didn't panic too much and looked at herself calmly. Condition.

"That's right." Brian said.

"So... Brian, why are you here?" Daphne looked at him with burning blue eyes.

"I wanted to find out something, so I took the initiative to come here." Brian said softly.

Daphne didn't know what she thought of, her cheeks turned red, she lowered her head and gently pulled the hem of her skirt.

Brian wasn't paying attention to her and he started looking at the other frames.

"Colin Creevey..." In a picture frame, a thin little wizard is resting his hands on his hands, with the corners of his mouth raised, as if he is having a sweet dream.

In another frame, he saw Fred, saw Crabbe...

"Oh, Dumbledore!" Daphne exclaimed softly, looking at a picture frame. Then she looked at a picture frame next to her and covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming out of fear and disgust.

Brian looked over. Dumbledore, with white beard and white hair, was sleeping in a picture frame, frowning slightly, his expression a mixture of relief and complexity.

In the frame on the other side, there is a naked child sleeping. He is curled up, his red skin is very rough, as if a layer of skin has been peeled off, and it is very wrinkled and ugly. But when people see him, they will not feel any pity, only rejection and disgust.

"Why is Dumbledore here...and, what...is this thing?" Daphne breathed heavily.

"Dumbledore is here to find you," Brian looked at them calmly, "and this thing is an evil thing..."

"Even Dumbledore can't get rid of dreams?" Daphne blinked and looked at Brian with an unusual look. He could do things that even Dumbledore couldn't.

"I think it's not that he can't find the problem, it's just that he doesn't want to wake up." Brian twitched the corner of his mouth and said angrily. He could even guess what Dumbledore was dreaming about.

"That's right, that dream is so beautiful that you can't let it go." Daphne said with a sense of sadness.

"As for Tom Riddle..." Brian looked at the wrinkled child. There was a trace of joy and struggle on the child's face, making his expression look twisted and ferocious.

"Judging from his fear of death...even if he discovers a problem, he wouldn't be able to actively embrace death anyway." Brian murmured in his heart, "That's why he hasn't gotten out of trouble."

"Are you going to wake up Dumbledore and the others?" Daphne realized that Brian didn't want to mention the child and didn't bother, so she asked instead.

"Forget it, I sneaked in, and I don't want others to know about it for the time being." Brian looked at the misty white light in the distance, "Let's try exploring here first."

Daphne nodded and raised her hand to tuck a strand of long golden hair behind her ear.

Brian took one last look at the frames, and he still had one question: why magic hadn't appeared in his dreams.

What he pursues is the ultimate in magic and unfettered freedom, and everything in the dream is like what he longed for in his previous life. This obviously made it easier for him to get out.

"So, is it a dream based on me in the previous life?" Brian frowned slightly, "Then who is I now?"

The two people walked towards the dim light, and the sound of empty footsteps drifted away, which reminded Brian of the dream he had had twice. In the dream, he was also walking in deep darkness and could only see his own body.

But there was no cacophony of whispered questions.

The glimmer of light seemed far away, but as they walked toward it, they discovered that it was actually very close.

"Brian, that thing..." Daphne looked a little uneasy and anxious. "It's very attractive, but it makes me extremely scared..." She grabbed the front of her clothes, breathed heavily, and stared straight at it. .

Brian looked much calmer. He looked at the glimmer of light. The creepiness at the beginning had almost disappeared, leaving only a strong attraction.

"How about you go back first?" Brian suggested, "I'll just go and take a look."

Daphne shook her head firmly and forced a smile: "Maybe I can help you in some way. And I'm also very curious... Don't worry, I will tell you if I can't hold on any longer."

Brian smiled at her and nodded.

When the glimmer of light seemed so close, Brian took a step forward, and everything around him suddenly became bitingly cold, as if he had suddenly walked into icy water.

"Stop first!" Brian raised his wand vigilantly and said. Daphne stopped behind him, pinching her wand nervously.

"What's wrong?" Daphne asked.

"Do you feel the cold?"

"No, it's normal."

"It seems that I have entered another area. Don't come in yet." Brian said calmly.

"Okay." Daphne pointed the wand in front of nothing and responded crisply.

The darkness ahead suddenly surged, like black smoke blown by the wind. They condensed into hooded black figures, like dementors or ghosts.

They bared their teeth and claws and rushed toward Brian, and the surrounding space was so cold that it seemed like it was about to freeze into ice.

"The flames are blazing!" Brian frowned slightly and hit the front ghost with a fire spell.

Unexpectedly, the ghost was instantly wrapped in flames and burned up in an instant.

"That's it?" Brian was a little surprised. He cast a few spells at random and quickly cleared away the nearest ghosts. And there were more ghosts approaching from behind.

"How was it?" Daphne asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter, just keep moving forward. They are weak." Brian said.

Daphne continued walking forward with him, and more ghosts rushed towards her.

"Fires are raging!" Brian continued to use fire spells, but found that they had become much stronger. The ghost easily extinguished the flames on his body and continued to fly towards him.

Daphne imitated him and cast several fire spells, but with little effect. In a blink of an eye, the two of them were about to be surrounded.

"How is it possible..." Brian stood in front of Daphne and continued to try stun spells, explosion spells, and bone-shattering spells, but none of them could stop them from moving forward.

"Get out!" Brian took Daphne's hand and finally ran out before the ghosts surrounded them.

"Will they become stronger?" Daphne panted.

"No, this is wrong..." Brian muttered, "They have become too strong. There is no process, so it is impossible for us to pass here."

Brian suddenly thought of something, and he said: "You wait here first, and I will go in and try."

Daphne gritted her teeth, nodded and said, "Then be careful."

"It's okay, just trust me." Brian turned around and said with a smile, his voice was very soft.

Daphne looked at him blankly, showing a bright smile: "Well, I believe you."

Brian entered the cold area again and used the fire spell on a ghost again, easily solving it.

"As expected," Brian smiled. "It's because Daphne was awakened by me instead of dreaming. She would feel that the thing in front of her was scary... maybe it represents 'death'."

"And these ghosts may reflect people's fear of death. The more afraid of death, the stronger they will be..."

Brian looked a little indifferent.

It has to be said that what he fears has never been death itself.

He explained to Daphne and asked her to wait here. Daphne seemed a little disappointed, but she stayed where she was obediently.

Brian continued to move forward, easily clearing away the ghosts along the way.

Gradually, the hazy light came into view before his eyes.

It is pure and beautiful, making people happy, but it can always induce people's most primitive fears.

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