Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 105 Broken

Brian walked slowly in the street, looking at the bustling lights and lights amid the rain.

"It's all a dream..." Brian laughed at himself, "Is this 'death'?"

He returned home, and his parents were looking through a photo album. They saw Brian coming back and waved to him.

"Look at the photos of you when you were a child." The father said with a smile, "Your mother found them when she was cleaning today. They are really interesting."

Brian looked through it and found a picture of him dressed as a little girl, wearing a red skirt, his face painted like a monkey's butt, and a red dot between his eyebrows.

"Yeah, it's interesting." Brian said softly. He raised his eyes and looked at the two people. Time had made them no longer young, but their feelings were still deep.

"How is the girl today?" my father said after flipping through the photo album.

"That's good, but I really don't have that intention." Brian shook his head.

"You don't like anyone, do you plan to live on your own in the future?" the father said angrily.

"Don't worry, I know what I should do." Brian said with a smile.

A family of three was sitting on the sofa talking, a singing program was playing on the TV, and the family's puppy ran over and wagged its tail.

When the night got late, they returned to their respective bedrooms. Brian sat by the window, looking at the rich night outside the window, and sighed slightly.

This may be the most perfect life he expected in his previous life.

"However, all dramas have an ending, and all dreams will eventually wake up." He said softly, "It's time to end."

He turned off the light, walked out of the bedroom, glanced towards his parents' bedroom, and walked out the door quietly.

"Goodbye..." he said softly.

Go up the stairs, go up, and open the door to the rooftop. The dark clouds have dispersed, and the stars are very bright tonight. The wind whistled past his ears, as if it was telling something.

He walked forward, spreading his arms as if to embrace the gorgeous night.

"No!" A voice called from behind, shrill and hoarse.

He turned around and saw his mother looking at him with tears in her eyes and calling his name, but it was too long to be heard clearly. The father frowned and slowly approached, grinned, stretched out a hand, and called him in a hoarse voice, but it seemed to be coming from the distant horizon.

"I can't let myself indulge in fantasy. In reality, someone is waiting for me." Brian said softly.

"I think death is just the end of a dream, waking up and starting a new journey." He murmured, "I am grateful for this confusing and bright dream, but I must leave..."

"Sorry, I hope you find happiness in your dreams."

He stretched his arms and leaned back, but he seemed to be pulled and blocked by many people. Familiar calls rang in his ears. They were parents, friends, and everyone who cared about him, calling to pull him back.

Brian leaned back unswervingly, ignoring the panic and fear rising in his heart, ignoring those sad and desolate calls. He had never been so determined.

His body fell from the top of the tall building, falling.

The strong wind howled in his ears, and he had an erratic feeling like his soul was out of his body. He couldn't breathe, his heart was beating wildly, and his blood seemed to be so cold that it would freeze his whole body...

"Bang -" Brian's body fell to the ground, but his soul seemed to be floating in the sky, watching this scene.

His soul continued to rise, and the world before his eyes was like a whirling kaleidoscope. It soon turned into a hazy and chaotic color, and finally turned into a dazzling pure white, which made him close his eyes involuntarily.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a sound like a broken mirror. Brian looked around, and pieces of debris scattered and shattered, turning into little stars and dissipating into the darkness.

He felt his feet go empty, and then he stood on the ground again.

What a fantastic scene all around!

The sky and the earth are black, with no edges visible. Several picture frames float in the air not far from the ground, emitting a subtle light. They rotate slowly, like a painting or a door.

There was a gentle glow blooming quietly in the darkness further away, which attracted him strongly and made him feel creepy.

Brian did not act rashly, he first checked his situation.

He was wearing the clothes in his dream, and in his imagination, the clothes transformed into a black wizard robe.

He touched his cheek, his expression a little solemn.

"My soul is the same as my current body... looks like Brian Foley." Brian pondered, "Is it really a simple time travel? But the time is wrong..."

He closed his eyes and concentrated on searching for the system. A line of cloud-like handwriting appeared in my mind.

"The system is still there..." Brian muttered, "In other words, the system is related to my soul, but it is not the soul that resides in me."

This discovery made him slightly relieved. At least he's not related to Horcruxes or anything like that.

"Then, try using the witness points." Brian looked at the eight witness points he had accumulated and added two of them to his memory, raising it to master level. His thinking ability instantly improved a lot.

From the perspective of the soul, everything seems to be traceable.

What surprised Brian was that power did not seem to emerge from the system, but that his soul interacted with something, and then his memory ability improved out of thin air.

"And that thing..." Brian suddenly looked at the halo of light in the distance, "Is it connected to it?"

"It seems that there is also the key to solving all this." Brian frowned slightly.

"So, can I use magic?" he thought.

As he had this thought, a magic wand appeared out of thin air in his hand. He recited a magic spell and was somewhat relieved to see that his power was almost the same as in reality.

He cast his eyes around the surrounding frames and saw Daphne in the first frame. She is sleeping in the painting with her hands folded, wearing a pure white dress, a beautiful wreath on her head, and a sweet smile on her lips, like a beautiful oil painting.

"Daphne?" Brian carefully put his hand on the painting, but couldn't touch her. He pondered for a moment, raised his wand and said: "Resume quickly!"

The picture frame shattered instantly and turned into tiny dots of light. Daphne fell out of the painting and was caught by Brian with a wave of his wand.

"Daphne!" Brian shook her shoulders and called her name softly.

"Hmm..." Daphne let out a low groan, and then opened her eyes, with Brian's shadow reflected in her blue eyes.

"Brian, you're here." She smiled vaguely and rubbed her eyes gently, "I was just going to find you..."

"Wake up, Daphne. Do you remember what happened?" Brian said softly.

"I'm awake..." Daphne looked around, looking a little confused. Gradually, her eyes brightened.

"I remembered, I tasted the potion Pansy brewed, and then I fainted..." She blushed, "Then I have been dreaming..."

"You didn't try to break away from this dream?" Brian said.

Daphne recalled everything in her dream, and her cheeks turned red as she thought of something. She lowered her head, revealing only her crimson forehead, and said in a low voice: "I...I didn't realize it was a dream. It was very real and very long..."

Brian nodded thoughtfully. He felt that this was one of the changes of "death": the dream became too complete and real.

So the little wizards were trapped in their dreams and didn't notice the problem at all.

And he was able to successfully discover the problem obviously because he had lived two lives. When two scenes of life merge together, there will be a sense of dissonance everywhere. But even so, he spent a lot of time discovering the truth in his dreams.

"So, you have also experienced a period of life?" Brian asked.

"No, I have experienced several periods of life, but now when I look back, I can't remember them clearly." Daphne said thoughtfully, "It seems that I have experienced birth, old age, illness and death every time, but they are all perfect..." The look on her cheeks She turned red again, but her eyes were shining with yearning and expectation.

Brian nodded slightly.

"It seems that death is the only way to escape from the dream, but you must actively embrace death." He said softly.

Slytherin made this arrangement, perhaps hoping that the heirs could face their own hearts, resolutely get rid of the beautiful temptations in dreams, overcome the fear of death, and truly experience death.

This in itself is a spiritual experience.

Brian sighed slightly as he thought about everything in his dream.

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