Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 104 Fantasy

"Do you believe there is magic in the world?"

Brian sat at the table by the window in the cafe and looked at the woman opposite.

"I'm sorry, are you talking about...magic?" Hermione, wearing loose casual clothes, tilted her head when she heard this, looking a little surprised.

"Yeah." Brian took a sip of coffee.

"Well...you have a lot of imagination." Hermione smiled awkwardly but politely. She looked at her watch frequently and seemed anxious.

"So, you don't believe that magic exists in this world?" Brian looked out the window at the crowds of people coming and going and the dark clouds in the sky.

"How can there be magic in this world," Hermione said in a clear tone, "Of course, the quantum physics topic I am currently studying is as magical as magic in the eyes of some people... If you are referring to this... "

She looked at her watch again, her expression a little impatient. It was obvious that she didn't want to waste time talking about such a useless topic with a stranger.

"If you are in a hurry, you can leave first." Brian said softly, "To be honest, I was forced to come here by my family."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I do have something urgent. You know, my parents are always nagging me about this. I still can't get out of the lab." Hermione nodded and said, "Nice to meet you."

The two shook hands businesslikely and were about to say goodbye and leave. The whole journey took no more than ten minutes.

"Oh, Hermione!" the two men greeted her.

"Harry, Ron, long time no see!" Hermione waved to them happily.

"Harry...Harry Potter?" Brian felt as if his heart had stopped.

"Hello, do you know me?" The man wearing round glasses looked over with emerald green eyes.

"Do you have a lightning-shaped scar on your forehead?" Brian was silent for a moment, and his voice seemed to be floating in the clouds.

"Oh, how did you know?" Harry's eyes widened in surprise, "I had a car accident not long after I was born..." He shook his head, obviously not wanting to mention it anymore.

"Okay, I'm going back." Hermione said, "I will get together with you after my experiment is completed."

"Come on, Hermione, you've said this a dozen times." Ron exaggeratedly said, "I'm afraid your experiments will never be completed in your lifetime!"

Hermione glared at him and blushed slightly. She waved her hand, paid directly at the counter, and then strode away.

Watching the three people go away, Brian sat here expressionless, looking at his reflection in the coffee cup.

"I remembered, the name of that novel is "Harry Potter"."

"Why do they appear in my world?" Brian pursed his lips and smiled to himself.

He closed his eyes and left here.

"Do you believe there is magic in this world?"

Brian asked the girl across from him. They were sitting in a corner of the bookstore, and Luna was squatting on the ground without any image, intently flipping through a magazine with messy lines painted on the cover.

"Magic? I believe it." Luna raised her eyes and looked at him with light-colored eyes after hearing this, her tone was a little dazed.

"There must be magic in this world, everywhere." She said ethereally, her voice was small but clear.

Brian smiled, feeling somewhat relieved.

"Do you know? I have seen you before, in the novel I read in my dream." Brian squatted down next to Luna and looked ahead with a confused look.

Luna put down the magazine and listened intently.

"In the dream, the name of the novel was "Harry Potter." It was about a boy who discovered that he was a wizard one day. He came to a magic school called Hogwarts to study magic, where A legendary story of seven years of adventure and growth.”

"It's like a fairy tale." Luna said.

"Yes, a fairy tale." Brian slowly told the story.

"You know what? You're part of the story too..." He told Luna's story.

"That's really good, participating in a wonderful adventure with friends." Luna's eyes seemed a little dazed, "It's like a beautiful dream, which makes me yearn for it. I don't know if she will yearn for me?"

"Yeah, tell me, is the world real or fake?" Brian said softly.

"For me, this place is real." Luna said briskly. "I am also experiencing interesting adventures and facing surprises that life gives me every day."

"Sometimes I wonder if this world is a dream," Luna said in a sing-song tone. "If this is really the case, then how interesting it would be. Maybe the dead are just in a certain place." Wake up somewhere and embark on a new journey..."

"Death?" Brian murmured, "What do you think that is?"

"That is a journey that must be taken. The dead people just arrived at the end of the journey first and are waiting for us there." She said in an erratic tone.

"Really?" Brian closed his eyes.

"You've been worried," Luna patted Brian's head with a magazine, with a pure smile on her face, "Would this be better?"

Brian laughed and said, "I thought you were going to say that there was a bug stalking me..."

"Harassment Fly? What is that?" Luna widened her eyes curiously, looking very interested.

"Ah, that's a small invisible flying insect that will fly into people's brains along their ears and mess up their thoughts." Brian said softly.

"If they really exist, they must be unpleasant and interesting creatures." Luna said, "It's like magic."

"Next I'm going to the rainforest to look for a creature. It will definitely be a fantastic and magical journey." Luna said happily when leaving.

"Then, I hope you find them." Brian said.

"Well, I also hope you can find your own magic...and reality." Luna waved her hand and left lightly.

"Death will be a new adventure..." Brian said softly, looking at the cloudless sky.

"Do you believe in magic, Daphne?"

Soothing music was playing in the western restaurant, and raindrops were falling outside the window.

Daphne was wearing a slim-fitting light blue dress, with long golden hair hanging on her chest, and she was cutting steak elegantly and skillfully.

"Magic? I don't know." Daphne said calmly, "It's like a miracle."

"I think you look familiar." Brian took a sip of red wine and looked at Daphne in confusion.

"Really? The old-fashioned way of picking up a conversation..." Daphne covered her lips and smiled, looking bright and charming.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be familiar with you, but you feel like an old friend." Brian murmured to himself, "It's not the one in the novel, it's not the current one, but you are so familiar..."

"It's like the truth is really hidden." Brian said every word.

"Well, you are a little strange." Daphne said softly, "You seem to be outside the world, which I don't like very much."

"You are still so outspoken." Brian blurted out, but was stunned.

"Say it like we've known each other for a long time..." Daphne muttered with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"You said, what is death...?" Brian suddenly asked.

"Death?" Daphne looked at him with some confusion and said, "I don't like this topic very much. I think it is still far away from us, although it always comes unexpectedly."

"No, it's very close..." Brian said. He stared straight at Daphne.

Daphne smoothed her golden hair, looking unhappy.

"Sorry, I lost my temper." Brian came back to his senses and said softly.

"It's okay," Daphne responded dignifiedly and politely, "You seem to have been worrying about something, so you are absent-minded. I think, no matter what, I believe you can always find the answer."

"Do you believe it? Why do you believe it?" Brian said. He seemed to remember someone who once told him, "Believe in you."

"Well...that feeling always comes out of nowhere." Daphne said with a hand on her chin.

At the end of the meal, they nodded politely and distantly to each other, held their umbrellas, and walked in opposite directions.

"Goodbye, Brian." Daphne turned around and smiled.

Brian stopped and his palms clenched into fists. He turned around and said in a hoarse voice, "My name is Brian?"

"Yes, your English name." Daphne smiled softly.

Something seemed to explode in his mind. He staggered and his umbrella fell to the ground. He stood in the rain curtain, and the rain slid down his face. He covered his face and smiled: "My name is Brian."

"Are you okay?" Daphne leaned over and held an umbrella for him, looking at him with some worried eyes.

"No, thank you, Daphne." Brian smiled gently and politely.

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