Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 41: First contact with the Imperius

"Organize the Mage Club yourself, why?"

Clark asked curiously after hearing Hermione's words.

He thought that Hermione was going to make some kind of "vomit (S-P-E-W like in the original book, and it was also a House Elf Rights Promotion Association.

Unexpectedly, she wanted to get a mage club.

"Don't you usually care about your cousin? Ginny has completed her transfer as a mage, just before the end of summer vacation." Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at him.

"What, Ginny has completed the transformation of the mage?!" This time, Clark, who had always been calm, was shocked.

"Keep your voice down," Hermione reassured him. "It's not a formal job transfer, it's just that it's almost at the forming stage."

"Recently, the magic she used has been ineffective, and she has no energy and always dozed off. That's why she came to ask me if there was something wrong with her."

Hermione said, "I checked for her and found that it should be the last step of her career transfer ceremony, and the chaotic magic in her body began to gradually change to normal magic."

"How's it going, okay?" Clark asked.

Hermione nodded, "It's okay, the job transfer ceremony you designed is fine, the magic power is transformed smoothly, the only downside may be that it will take a little longer, and in the next year, her magic will gradually fail, Until she relearns a new way to cast spells."

"So you are going to establish a new mage club to guide her to complete the subsequent transfer?" Clark asked.

"Yes, in the future, there should be more and more new class transferees like Ginny, and we must give them special guidance.

On the one hand, it is to prevent some young wizards from appearing during the transfer process, and on the other hand, it reduces the chance of professors being aware of it.

By the way, I'm going to use the name of 'Magic Book Club' for this new club, at least it won't look weird. "

Hearing Hermione's arrangement, Clark had no objection, on the contrary, he also said to Neville.

"Since the mage has the first new class transferee, then your warrior class has to worry a lot, pay attention."

Neville waved his hand, "It's still early on my side. Warriors are different from mages. Strong physiques need more time to exercise."

The three then discussed the restructuring of the dueling club for a long time, and finally decided to abandon the practice of attaching the mage club to the dueling club, but to separate it as a separate society.

In the future, the dueling club will only be responsible for the recruitment of new recruits in the early stage. The real learning and promotion, or guide them to the mage club or the warrior club that will be established in the future.

In the next few days, in addition to guiding Ginny, Hermione took advantage of the opportunity of the dueling club's first event to specifically check and count how many people in the club were about to change jobs.

Fortunately, the statistical results show that there are only a few people like Ginny who have made rapid progress, and most of the little wizards have not made enough progress in transferring careers.

Of course, this might also have something to do with their slack in their usual practice. Anyway, according to Hermione's estimation, most of them should be transferred during the summer vacation next year.

In addition to the Dueling Club, Hermione had to worry about the work of the Hogwarts School Magazine.

Since the last news of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts, letters asking for more information have been sent like snowflakes.

Hermione saw that those readers, especially those outside the school, were very interested in this content, so she opened a special feature for the Triwizard Tournament in the school magazine, preparing to report it in detail.

At the same time, she is very business-minded, and she plans to refer to her experience at the Quidditch World Cup in the summer vacation and obtain authorization from Hogwarts through Clark, so that she can cooperate with George and the Fred brothers to develop some peripheral toys for the game.

Of course, Clark himself was not idle. On the second day of school, he went to Huolong Park for the reconstruction of the park, as well as the investment promotion of the surrounding Huolong Industrial Park, and the design and planning of the Huolong community.

The Triwizard Tournament is just around the corner, and many school directors who have invested in these projects believe that this is an excellent opportunity to make a name for themselves in the industry.

Besides, there are already quite a few wizards like Sirius Blake who have paid the pre-sale payment for house purchases. Anyway, they have to break ground and make some noise, so they can rest assured.

In addition to these trivial things, after entering the fourth grade, Clark's homework became more and more difficult, and the requirements became higher and higher, especially Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

To their surprise, in a Defence Against the Dark Arts class two weeks later, Professor Moody announced that he was going to cast the Imperius Curse on each of his classmates in turn to demonstrate the spell's power and see if they could resist. its impact.

"But—but you said it was illegal, Professor, you said—it's illegal to use it on someone else."

Hermione couldn't help saying when Moody waved his wand and pushed the desks aside, leaving a large space in the middle of the classroom.

After all, Clark had said that there were hidden dangers from the Old Gods in the Imperius Curse.

However, Moody's doesn't seem to see a problem with this.

"Professor Dumbledore hopes to teach you to feel it in advance."

Moody's enchanted eye turned and stared at Hermione grimly, without blinking.

"If you're willing to learn in a more brutal way—waiting for someone to recite the spell for you, keeping you in the palm of your hand—that's fine. I agree. You can go."

He stretched out a rough finger and pointed at the classroom door.

Hermione fell silent and stepped back obediently.

"Very good!" said Moody. "Now that you've made up your mind, come one by one—"

He started calling for his classmates to take turns to come forward and give them the Imperius Curse.

Under the influence of this spell, hilarious comedy scenes began to be staged in the classroom, and one by one, the students made the most abnormal behavior.

Dean Thomas hopped around the classroom three times, singing the national anthem.

Lavender Brown imitates a squirrel.

After him, Moody shouted in a gruff voice, "Neville Lombard!"

Neville stepped forward nervously.

"Out of body!" said Moody, waving his wand.

Unlike the previous few times, the cursed Neville didn't immediately act strangely at Moody's request.

He stood there with a struggling look on his face, his hands and feet raised and lowered, as if struggling with Moody's orders.

The classmates stared at him with wide eyes, expecting him to survive.

Unfortunately, after struggling for a while, Neville was defeated by Moody and performed a series of amazing gymnastics.

"It's a pity," Moody lifted the Imperius Curse on Neville. "You came close to resisting it, and of course, being able to resist a little, proves your will is strong."

The sobered Neville showed a disappointed expression.

Next, Moody cast a spell on some other students, but none of them seemed to be able to resist the spell, not even a little resistance like Neville did. They were all recovered after Moody removed the spell. normal.

Until, Moody's voice rumbled, "Potter, it's your turn."

Harry stepped forward and walked to the middle of the classroom, to the space Moody had made by removing the desk.

Moody raised his wand, pointed at Harry, and said, "Out of body!"

This time, Harry's performance was a little stronger than Neville's, although his expression was blank, as if he was under the Imperius Curse.

But when Moody gave the order, he didn't do much too much.

He just bent his knees and tried to keep himself from jumping - as a result he slammed his head into the table and knocked it over.

"Okay, that's right!" Moody praised in a hoarse voice. "Look, y'all... Potter resisted! He resisted, he nearly beat it!"

After saying that, he commanded Harry very strongly.

"Very well, let's try again, Potter, and the rest of you keep an eye out - look him in the eyes, that's the point - good, Potter, very good! They don't try to control you so easily!"

In this way, Moody insisted that Harry test it four times in a row, until Harry was completely free from the influence of the Imperius Curse, stopped falling to the ground, and just stood there.

"Clark Prewett!" said Moody's voice rumbled after Harry had finished. "It's your turn."

Clark stepped forward and walked to the center of the classroom. Moody pointed his wand at him and said, "Out of body!"

It was the same grayish-white, octopus-like abstract phantom that emerged from the tip of Moody's wand and landed on Clark.

As this magic power entered his body, Clark immediately felt that an illusory and elusive force, like water, penetrated into his body pervasively, soothing his mind, and making him feel as if he were back When it was born, it was soaked in warm amniotic fluid.

In this comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, even his speed of thinking seems to have slowed down a lot.

However, a fake is a fake. How can Buddhism, such a superb state of mind meditation, be achieved with a single magic spell?

With his powerful spiritual power, when the Imperius Curse entered his body, Clark had insight into the truth hidden under the beauty and vainness.

Those beautiful and relaxing spiritual experiences are simply the influence of the old **** power in the Imperius Curse.

"[Dreamland] Authority?"

Clark, who was under the Imperius Curse, looked dumbfounded on the surface, but he was thinking to himself.

"It seems that there is still a little shadow of [water], [ocean], and [source of life] in it.

The authority of these old gods is really chaotic. They only know how to devour them blindly, but they don’t know how to organize them into a system. It is no wonder that they are not comparable to those new gods. "

The shard of the Godhead of the [God of Knowledge] in his mind also flickered faintly after sensing the power of the old **** at close range, as if analyzing the power.

At the same time, a strong desire to devour also spread into his mind, driving him to open his spiritual protection and help the fragments of the godhead devour the power of the old god.

Of course Clark wouldn't do it, and he didn't know whether the sudden urge to devour was real or not.

He just said that after the power of the old **** was swallowed up, Moody's reaction was unbearable.

After getting close contact with the power of the old gods, he admitted that he still underestimated the evil of this power.

This power is not as he imagined, originally hidden in magic, and then revealed by the wizard's Imperius Curse.

It is more like a living energy weapon summoned by a wizard.

Even a spell book without Imperius, with this brief encounter, Clark could roughly guess how it was practiced.

To learn Imperius, you must have borrowed a bit of power from an old **** through some mysterious ritual, and then incorporated it into your own magic.

Only with the power of this old **** could they successfully use the Imperius Curse.

After that, without using the Imperius Curse once, both the caster and the recipient will become the sustenance of this old god's power, providing nourishment for it and making it stronger.

Therefore, the connection between the power of the old **** and the caster is also very close. Once Clark devours it, Moody will definitely react.

Moody had already started giving orders for Clark to walk and croak like a rooster.

Naturally, Clark wouldn't do such a shameful thing. He just stood there quietly and didn't move. His abnormal performance made the surrounding students start to talk in a low voice.

Moody did not expect that in just one class, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would meet three children who could resist his Imperius Curse.

This is really strange. You must know that even many adult wizards have a hard time resisting the Imperius Curse. It's really outrageous that there are three at once.

In the face of this situation, Moody's face was a little unbearable. He had boasted about the Unforgivable Curse before, but now he has lost the chain—

Thinking of this, Moody's wand trembled slightly, secretly increasing the output of magic power.

It's a pity that in the face of Clark, who has high intelligence and protection of psychic energy, these gray-white, looming powers of the old gods can only pull the turtles - there is no way to start.

Of course, Clark couldn't let Moody continue to test himself, so he opened his eyes in front of everyone.

"Professor, is this Imperius Curse also related to the strength of magic? Why do I just feel my head dizzy, and then I don't feel anything at all?"

Clark's words made Moody's face turn black, and at the same time, there was a trace of fear in his intact eyes.

After all, this was the second time he had encountered someone who could completely resist his Imperius Curse.

As for the last time, Moody didn't want to remember anymore, because that time had left him with painful memories.

"Okay, Clark completely resisted! Good! Very good! Next!" Moody, who had been silent for a long time, said in a rough voice.

The lessons continued, and after that, no one was as perverted as Clark.

Even Hermione, under her clumsiness, only behaved like Neville.

This gave Moody a little bit of confidence back, at least when the bell rang after class, he still managed to give them a lot of homework in his high-spirited voice.

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