Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 42: Meeting with Dumbledore

With the exception of Moody's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, all the junior wizards in the fourth grade quickly noticed that they had significantly more homework to do this semester.

This feeling was not obvious at the beginning of the school year, but as time went by, after layer by layer of each homework, they gradually found that they were about to be overwhelmed by these homework.

And when the classmates complained loudly that Professor McGonagall assigned too much homework in Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall explained why.

"You are entering an important period of your magical education!" she told them, her eyes glittering majestically behind square lenses, "your O.W.Ls exam is approaching—"

"The Age of Rebirth"

"We don't take our grades until fifth grade!" Dean Thomas said angrily.

"Maybe so, Thomas, but trust me, you need to be well prepared! In this class, Mr. Prewett is always the only one who can turn a hedgehog into a satisfying pincushion.

Thomas, I should warn you that your needle pad still curls up in fear when someone comes near it with a needle! "

Thomas blushed, but he knew that Professor McGonagall was telling the truth, and he couldn't be jealous of Clark's ability. ?

In addition to Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration, on the other hand, Professor Binns - the ghost who taught them the history of magic, assigned them this week to write a paper on the eighteenth century goblin rebellion.

And Professor Snape in Potions, forcing them to study the antidote.

They dared not take it lightly, as Professor Snape had hinted that he was going to poison one of them before Christmas to see if their antidote worked.

As for the Charms class, Professor Flitwick asked them to read three more books to prepare for learning the Flying Spell.

Among these professors, perhaps the one that the students liked the most was Hagrid, who was in the Protection of Magical Creatures class.

Those fried-tailed snails grow very fast, and although no one has figured out what they like to eat, they are still the same every day, and soon grow a moderately soft shell and spikes.

So after a few lessons on the protection of magical creatures, Hagrid decided to take them and the fried tail snails to feed the dragons in the park.

Now for this course, the most enthusiastic students among the students are not Harry, but Malfoy.

Regarding those fried tail snails, he actually put down his reservedness and prejudice, and took care of them carefully. The box of fried tail snails that he was in charge of was the best and the largest.

"By the way, when will Fire Dragon Park open?" Ron asked Clark curiously on the way to the dragon farm carrying the box containing the fried tail snails.

"I don't know about that," Clark shook his head. "Maybe we'll have to wait until next year, when the Triwizard Tournament is about to end. After all, this place is still useful—"

"What, the Triwizard Tournament will use the Dragon Farm?!"

Draco Malfoy, who was eavesdropping on the side, suddenly put down the suitcase in his hand and moved closer to Clark.

"Isn't the competition going to be about fighting a fire dragon? Will it hurt Norberta? How could they do this, Norberta is still a young dragon, she's not an adult!"

Malfoy shouted nervously, causing the other students to look sideways.

Clark had to reassure him, "Don't worry, the Triwizard Tournament has nothing to do with Norberta."

However, Malfoy was still uneasy and continued to ask questions.

But Clark didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked forward in silence.

As for the box he carried? With psionic power and Neville's strength, he didn't need to do anything at all.

In this way, Hagrid took a group of little guys into the forbidden forest and came to the gate of the new dragon farm.

Unlike before, this time, when Clark and the others passed through the gate and entered the dragon farm, a green light swept across them, startling some students.

"It's alright, don't be afraid," Hagrid quickly comforted them. "This is a spell specially used to identify bad guys. As long as it's green light, it doesn't matter."

They continued to walk in again, and as soon as they entered, they saw that the dragon farm had changed a lot.

You must know that at the end of the third year, the entire dragon farm was involved in a time vortex because of the werewolf attack.

Although they finally got out of trouble by relying on Clark's psionic power and observer effect, the entire dragon farm shrunk by a large circle, leaving only the small area of ​​Fire Dragon Park.

Today, even the park that once brought joy to many children is gone.

The original shops, streets and entertainment facilities in the park have been demolished, packed and taken away, and replaced by a small hill, a small valley, and a small river.

Of course, in addition to these specific and subtle landscaping, in the small valley, there is a prostrate, obsidian-like fire dragon, Norberta.

At this time, because she sensed Clark's arrival, she jumped up from the ground, fluttered her wings, and flew in front of the students.

Such a giant beast with a height of nearly one floor suddenly landed in front of him, putting a lot of pressure on the little wizards present. ??

Especially when But Norberta brought her huge dragon head up and opened her mouth, some timid witches were even scared to the point of crying.

However, Hagrid seemed to be completely oblivious to all this.

He took the initiative to stretch out his palm, touched Norberta's cheek, and then scratched the soft flesh on her chin like a puppy, which made Norberta turn her head away in disgust.

"Hey, look how cute she is!" Hagrid said happily.

Among the little wizards present, only one person agreed with him, and that was Draco Malfoy.

He stared at the beautiful big guy in front of him obsessively, and couldn't help reaching out, wanting to stroke her paw lightly.

"Yeah, she's so pretty, look at the scales, look at the claws..."

It's a pity that his admiration doesn't seem to make Norberta appreciate it. The little female dragon raised its claws and waved at him. At the same time, it snorted viciously and spewed a few sparks from its nostrils.

However, this kind of intimidation did not scare Malfoy away. He even turned his head excitedly at his two followers and shouted, "Ah, did you see that? She's saying hello to me!"

"Who is this guy, I'm afraid he's not a fool, right?" A childish child's voice sounded in Clark's mind through a spiritual link.

Clark also said dumbfoundedly, "This is your admirer."

"Admirer? Can you eat it?" Clark was startled by Norberta's words, and he hurriedly educated her in the spiritual link.

Of course, verbal education alone is not enough, because Clark hasn't come to see her for a long time, and this little guy is arrogant and angry.

Fortunately, those fried-tailed snails that Hagrid raised succeeded.

When Hagrid threw the first fried tail snail into Norberta's mouth, the little female dragon fell in love with the new food.

Although Clark had never tasted that kind of taste, he could still feel a little bit of Norberta's feeling through the spiritual connection.

The hard shell of the fried snail was chewed by the dragon teeth, and the kacha squeaked like crispy potato chips.

Such a special taste, coupled with the irritating taste brought by the flammable substances rich in fried tail snails, is simply a delicacy in the world for fire dragons.

In the end, Norberta couldn't even wait for the little wizards to feed her, so she lowered her head and started eating.

In this way, a class on the protection of magical creatures made the students and the fire dragon very happy, and completely helped Hagrid to establish a good image in the children's hearts.

"Professor, can we still feed the fire dragon later?"

Malfoy called out the Professor to Hagrid for the first time, with a grin on his face.

Regrettably, Hagrid said directly, "That can't be done. The rear dragon farm will have to be closed. If you want to feed the dragons, you have to wait until next semester."

The news made Malfoy cry out in grief.

However, when they finished the course and returned to the castle, another good news made them forget the unpleasantness.

When Clark and his party came to the foyer, they found that the front was no longer passable. Because a large group of students were crowded in front of the sign at the foot of the marble staircase, reluctant to leave.

Neville, the tallest of them all, stood on tiptoe, passed over the heads of those in front of him, and read aloud to them the words on the notice:

"Triwizard Tournament

Representatives from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at 6pm on Friday, October 30. The afternoon session will end half an hour early—"

"Fantastic!" said Harry happily. "Friday's last class is Potions! Snape didn't have time to poison us all!"

"At that time, please send the schoolbags and textbooks back to the dormitory, gather in front of the castle, welcome our guests, and then attend the welcome banquet." Neville continued to read.

"It's only been a week!"

Ernie McMillan from Hufflepuff squeezed out of the crowd and said with sparkling eyes, "I don't know if Cedric knows. I'll go tell him..."

There are still many people who have the same idea as him, and soon, the news was spread all over the campus by the students.

And the announcement in the foyer also had a noticeable effect on the people who lived in the castle.

For the next week, wherever you go, you can hear people seem to be talking about only one topic: the Triwizard Tournament.

All kinds of rumors spread quickly among the students, spreading like a contagion:

Who will be the champion of Hogwarts? What events will there be in the competition? How are the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang different from them?

In addition to the concerns of these students, the castle also appears to be undergoing a thorough cleaning.

Several dirty portraits were scrubbed clean, and the scrubbed figures were very unhappy about it.

They sat huddled in the frame, groaning sullenly, grinning in pain every time they touched the new pink tender flesh on their faces.

The armor that was placed along the corridors and steps suddenly became shiny and no longer creaking when moving.

The janitor, Argus Filch, was furious when he saw a student forgetting to wipe his shoes, sending two first-year girls into hysteria.

The other teachers were also very nervous.

Sometimes, the little problems they make can make the teachers lose their temper.

In the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, perhaps only Professor Dumbledore was particularly calm.

At least that's what Clark thought when he walked into the principal's office.

Because as soon as he entered, he saw the old professor vigorously playing magic cards with the portrait of the principal on the wall.

"It's Little Clark here!"

Dumbledore, reminded by the portrait, raised his head, his blue eyes surveying him up and down through his half-moon glasses.

Outside the window at this time, it was a dark night sky, and a little bit of stars.

Dumbledore didn't seem surprised that it was so late why Clark didn't stay in the dormitory to rest, but suddenly ran to the headmaster's office.

It's all because of that big wooden box that Clark was holding in his arms.

"I think you should be here too. After all, the game is about to start. It won't work without this." Dumbledore said, looking at the old box inlaid with various gems in Clark's arms. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Clark didn't say much, just carefully placed the box on the table in front of Dumbledore, and pressed his palm on it.

Along with his low voice, the lid of the wooden box creaked open, and the contents of the box were completely displayed in front of the two of them.

"It's just an antique. Since everything was discussed at the beginning, I naturally won't break my promise." Clark looked at the contents of the box and said with a smile.

In the old wooden box, on the golden red velvet cloth, there is a wooden goblet about the length of the forearm, which is roughly cut and rough.

How rough is this cup?

You can even see a small sprouting young leaf on the cup, with a little dewdrops.

It was as if someone had cut a section from a tree early in the morning, and before even the bark had been peeled off, it was cut twice before putting it in the box.

However, it was such an ordinary and crude wooden cup that Dumbledore, who had been lazy, became serious.

He stretched out his thin, veined palm, and carefully took the wooden cup out of the box and placed it on the table.

"This is not an ordinary antique." Dumbledore looked at the cup with admiration in his eyes.

"Yeah," Clark continued. "After all, who would have thought that the legendary Holy Grail was actually carved from a piece of ordinary oak."

Dumbledore was silent for a long time before finally taking his eyes off the wooden cup with difficulty.

"Actually, I've been undecided about whether I want to make this step..." He looked at Clark, as if asking him, as if asking himself, "After all, once this Holy Grail battle begins, it will never be possible again. stopped."

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