Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Moody's Weird

Clark, Hermione, and Neville stood at the end of a corridor. On the other side of the corridor, the students who had just finished class were enthusiastically discussing the content of the class just now.

"The power of the old gods, the fire of hell, the breath of death, what are these things?" Neville asked curiously after hearing Clark's words.

Clark was silent for a while before speaking.

"The so-called old gods refer to those supernatural high-dimensional beings that existed long before humans appeared.

Some of them, after the emergence of human beings, accepted beliefs and were kind to people, we call them new gods.

And those evil gods worshipped by humans are often called evil gods, or the rulers of the old days.

Only those who have no connection with human beings at all and are indifferent to human existence, we call them old gods. "

Hermione and Neville nodded, the first time they had heard such a statement.

"The power of the old **** contained in the Imperius Curse is very similar to a **** I once heard of. Of course, I can't name her, but it is said that when she was sleeping, the power fluctuated unintentionally, It can affect the spirit of a lot of people.”

"But didn't you say the gods have long since disappeared?" Hermione asked.

Clark nodded.

"Yeah, long before the golden age, the old gods were driven into the deep space of the universe by the new gods and the old rulers.

However, it is unimaginable for the powerful human beings of the gods. Sometimes their flesh and blood may remain for a long time, or even develop and strengthen on their own.

Perhaps the original wizards discovered the power left by an old **** and incorporated it into their magic. "

he guessed.

"Witchcraft and magic originated from priests who sacrificed to gods from the very beginning. Many different magics, or divine arts, can only be performed with the help of gods of faith.

Therefore, it is not unusual to use the power of the old gods to perform Soul Reaper. "

"Apart from this, the Cruciatus should have borrowed part of the power of hell.

That scorching fire breath is full of the feeling of depravity, and it also does great harm to the soul, which is why the Cruciatus Curse is more painful than other spells.

You know, even the Bible says that the most serious punishment for a person is to send him to hell. "

"Then the Avada Solitary Charm borrowed the power of the **** of death, right?" Hermione hurriedly said, "The breath hidden in that spell is very similar to the breath of death we felt in the oasis of Egypt. "

"Yes," Clark said, "but the exact power of which Reaper is, is unknown."

"So that's why they've been banned from the Ministry of Magic?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, ordinary black magic requires wizards to mobilize negative emotions and use dark emotions to guide magic.

The Unforgivable Curse takes it a step further, requiring not only negative emotions, but also access to these alien energies.

During this process, there is a risk of being infected by these advanced energies at any time, and it is even possible to learn this kind of magic spell, and it is necessary to actively contact and guide this kind of power. "

"Isn't it too dangerous for the students that Moody is still teaching us this?" Neville said suddenly.

"Didn't you listen to Professor Moody, this is allowed by Headmaster Dumbledore. In order to let us know the knowledge of black magic in advance, be prepared." Hermione replied.

However, Neville didn't seem to accept this statement very much. "Anyway, I always feel that there is something wrong with that Professor Moody. When he asked me to answer the question, I felt a little malicious."

"No," Hermione glanced at him suspiciously, "he's a professor, why would he be malicious to a student?"

"Could it be that he noticed the difference in me?" Neville looked at Clark. "After all, my profession is different from that of a wizard, and more like a warrior. Could he have an opinion on other supernatural beings?"

Clark shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Did you tell Neville that there was a good chance that Professor Moody was his enemy pretending to be?

"I will discuss with Headmaster Dumbledore about the professor's Unforgivable Curse. As for Professor Moody's malice towards you..."

He glanced at Neville.

"I trust your perception of malice as a warrior, but Professor Moody was also the elder who fought against Voldemort with your parents.

In addition, he is a teacher, and he has not interacted with you before, so it is absolutely impossible to be malicious to you, unless..."

"Unless what?" Neville asked.

"Unless he's not Professor Moody!"

"how is this possible!"

"Professor Dumbledore can't fail to find out!"

Both Neville and Hermione's eyes widened, and it was more difficult for them to believe Clark's words than the fact that Moody was malicious to Neville.

"Who's to say that," Clark shrugged, "Moody is very old, and he was on the front lines of the fight against dark magic, and he learned and used the Unforgivable Curse himself. ."

"You know the influence of the magic of chaos. In this case, it is very possible that he, who is old and weak, and whose willpower has declined, is affected by magic, distorts his mind, and becomes another person.

That's why we're spreading the word about the new career system, isn't it? The hidden danger of chaotic magic is really dangerous. The older and stronger the wizard, the higher the risk of falling. "

The corridor fell silent for a while, Neville and Hermione had worried expressions on their faces, and neither of them spoke.

At this moment, there was a strange banging sound behind them.

The three turned around and saw Professor Moody limping toward him.

They looked at each other, a little confused about what the other was coming for.

Moody limped closer, looked at Neville and asked, "Are you feeling better, Neville?"

When he spoke, his voice, though still gruff, was much lower and softer than they had heard before.

Neville's reaction was also quick, licking his lips, swallowing his saliva, and pretending to be nervous, without saying a word.

"It's alright, boy," Moody said to Neville. "The past always has to be dealt with. Would you like to come to my office? Come on... we can have a cup of tea together..."

Neville seemed even more frightened at the thought of having tea with Moody.

He didn't move or speak.

Moody turned his enchanted eye to Clark.

"Are you all right, Prewett?"

"Of course it's fine, Professor," Clark said calmly. "Just a few Unforgivable Curses, nothing to make a fuss about."

Moody's blue eyes looked Clark up and down, and they quivered slightly in their sockets.

Then he said, "I know there are many people who disagree with teaching you the Unforgivable Charm, but you have to understand. There's no need to hide... well... let's go, Longbottom, I've got some books in there. , you might be interested."

Neville glanced at Clark and Hermione, silently letting Moody put a large rough hand on his shoulder and lead him away.

"You just let him take Neville away?" Hermione looked worried.

"Hermione, I trust Neville's strength as much as I trust you," Clark said. "He must be sure enough to go with Moody."

The two left the corridor and rejoined the flow of people, first to the auditorium for a meal, and then back to the Gryffindor common room.

As they climbed into the hole, they happened to see Harry and Ron holding their divination homework, preparing to predict their fate for the next month.

"Oh, it's so strange today," Hermione teased when she saw the two of them, "and even took the initiative to do her homework."

The faces of the two immediately collapsed, and Clark excused them from the side.

"It's not because of you that you can say that. If you are still taking divination classes, they can naturally wait for you to finish before copying. Now they can only support themselves."

Harry and Ron couldn't tell for a moment whether Clark was helping them or laughing at them.

The two say goodbye to the homework duo, and Hermione is stopped by Ginny to ask her questions about the content of the next issue of Hogwarts Magazine.

Clark went to the upstairs dormitory alone, and as soon as he opened the door, he found that Neville was alone in the room, sitting on the bed reading a book.

He looked normal and greeted him with a smile when he saw Clark coming back.

"How's it going?" Clark asked him.

"Hmm... can't figure it out," Neville replied. "Moody took me to his office, just comforted me, and lent me the book..."

He held up the book in his hand: "The Amazing Aquatic Plants of the Mediterranean and Their Properties."

"It appears that Professor Sprout told Professor Moody that I was very good at herbal medicine, so he thought I would like this book."

There was a hint of doubt in Neville's voice, "This is very strange. It should be Professor McGonagall who told him that I am better at melee combat than herbalism."

Clark took the book from him and flipped through it, then smiled, "It seems that you are being selfish, and this book is not for you."

"Who was that for?" Neville asked.

"The Magical Aquatic Plants of the Mediterranean Sea and Their Characteristics, one of the contents of this Triwizard Tournament involves the marine environment." Clark said, "It is said that the players need to go deep into the water to complete a certain task. ."

"Then what did he do for me?" Neville's eyes widened. "Does he think I can be a Hogwarts representative?"

But before Clark could speak, he shook his head.

"Impossible. If the junior students can become representatives of Hogwarts, then your chances are better than mine."

Clark laughed when he heard this, "You still have some self-knowledge, but although you didn't guess it right, it's not far from the truth."

"You mean, Moody wants to lend my hand to give this book to that Hogwarts contestant?" Neville responded quickly, and instantly understood what he meant, "but he How can I be sure, I know that contestant very well?"

Having said that, he glanced at Clark again, "Don't Moody think, you're going to play, right? He knows that I have the best relationship with you, and it's almost inseparable."

Clark shrugged. "Who knows, maybe Professor Moody really looks up to me."

The two discussed it for a while, and they couldn't talk about anything without Clark's reluctance to reveal more information.

Seeing that it was still early, they returned to the common room.

Harry and Ron were sitting at a table at this point, and it was obvious that they were making no progress. There were many pieces of parchment full of numbers and symbols thrown around.

However, this state did not last long, and soon, they adopted a repertoire for divination classes—fabrication out of thin air.

Clark looked at Harry and Ron who had made up their unfortunate events, shook their heads helplessly, marveled at their brains, and watched their made-up prophecies become more and more tragic.

At this time, the people in the common room had already got up and went back to sleep one after another, and the surroundings slowly became deserted.

Hermione's colorful-faced cat named Crookshanks came over, jumped lightly on an empty chair, and looked around with inscrutable eyes.

In addition to Harry, Ron, Clark and Neville, there were two brothers George and Fred in the corner at this time.

When Clark walks in, they're discussing how to renovate their first joke toy store.

It can be seen that they have put a lot of thought into this, and they have designed more than a dozen concept drafts of various styles.

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Clark just watched silently, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not comment on this, after all, this is their first store, which can be said to be very memorable.

But shortly after that, the twins also rolled up the parchment, said goodnight to them, and went back to sleep.

About ten minutes after Fred and George left, Hermione walked out of the girls' dormitory by stepping on the stairs.

"Are you done?" She glanced at the two Harrys, who were still making up their homework.

"I'm done! I'm done!" Ron hurriedly dropped his quill, ready to pack up the homework in front of him.

Hermione sat down and pulled Ron's prophecy before her.

"You've had enough luck this month, haven't you?" she said sarcastically, Crookshanks curled up in her lap.

"Yeah, at least I was forewarned," said Ron, yawning.

"You seem to have drowned twice," said Hermione.

"Really?" Ron hurriedly looked down at his prophecy. "I'd better change one of them to being trampled to death by a rampaging hippogriff."

"Isn't it obvious that you made this up out of thin air?" Hermione said.

"How dare you say that!" said Ron, pretending to be indignant. "We've been busy all night here, working like house-elves!"

Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Sorry, bad wording," Ron said quickly.

Harry also put down his quill, seeing that the situation was not good, he had just predicted that he would be beheaded.

"I'm done."

With that said, without waiting for Hermione to look at his homework, he dragged Ron and fled back to the dormitory in embarrassment.

Now, only Clark, Hermione, and Neville were left in the common room.

"I'm going to organize a mage club myself." Hermione said, looking at them both.

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