Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 39: The secret of black magic

Since the ferret incident, the next two days at Hogwarts have been uneventful, and no further incidents have occurred.

The event quickly arrived on Thursday, and the Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson that the fourth-year Gryffindor students had been waiting for had finally arrived.

After lunch on Thursday, and before the school bell rang, they were early in line outside Moody's classroom.

When the three of Clark arrived, they found that the classroom was already full of people early.

Everyone was in high spirits, and they were looking forward to Moody's course for the first time in several years.

Ron and Harry had already arrived, and Clark and the others hurriedly took their seats in front of the podium, took out their respective "Dark Forces: Self-Defense Guide" and waited, the atmosphere was extraordinarily quiet.

Soon, they heard the distinctive "beep, beep" sound coming from far and near.

Professor Moody limped into the classroom, looking as eccentric and terrifying as usual. They could just see his wooden claw foot sticking out from under the robe.

"Put these things away," he said gruffly, trudging to the podium with his cane, and sat down. "You don't need the knowledge in these textbooks."

The classmates excitedly put the books into their bags. They had already inquired about them before they came. Professor Moody never spoke falsely in class.

Sure enough, after calling his name, he said.

"I received a letter from Professor Lupin about the course.

It looks like you already have quite a few basics on how to deal with black magic beasts - you've learned to deal with Boggarts, Red Hats, Hinkpunks, Grindylo's, Kabbahs and Werewolves, right? "

The students murmured their approval.

"But you haven't learned enough—not enough about how to deal with spells," Moody said. "So I'm going to give you a taste of what the wizards do with the spells. I have a year to teach you how to deal with dark magic. —"

"What! What did you say?" Ron blurted out.

Moody's magical eye turned to stare at him.

Ron looked terrified, but Moody soon laughed.

Of course, many students would prefer him not to laugh.

Because he smiled, the scarred face looked even more twisted and weirder.

But it was always comforting to know that he was still smiling friendly, and at least Ron was relieved.

"You're the son of Arthur Weiss, eh?"

Moody said, "Your father helped me out of a very difficult and difficult situation a few days ago...Yeah, I only taught for a year as a favor to Dumbledore...Just a year and then went back to my peace. retirement life.”

He laughed hoarsely, then clapped his rough big hands.

"well, let's get back to business.

Magic spells, they come in many forms, and their manifestations vary.

According to the Ministry of Magic, this year I'm supposed to teach you all kinds of cracking spells, that's all.

Logically, since you're not in sixth grade, I'm not supposed to tell you what illegal black magic spells look like.

Because you are still young, you can't grasp this set of things, and it is easy to indulge in it because of curiosity and arrogance, and go down the wrong path.

But Professor Dumbledore raved about your courage, he thinks you can handle it, and it seems to me that the sooner you know what you're dealing with, the better.

If you've never seen something, how can you protect yourself from it?

If some evil dark wizard casts you an illegal spell, he won't tell you his plans.

He won't spell you candidly, fairly, politely, you have to be prepared and vigilant.

You'd better get that stuff out of the way while I'm talking, Miss Brown. "

Lavender was startled and flushed.

Just now, she showed Parvati the painted fortune-telling map under the table.

Apparently, Moody's enchanted eye could penetrate not only the back of his head, but hard wood as well.

"So... do any of you know, which spells are the most severely punished by wizarding law?"

Several hands were raised tremblingly, and Ron was among them.

Moody pointed at Ron, but his enchanted eye remained on Lavender.

"Um, yes," said Ron uncertainly. "My dad told me a... name of Imperius or something, right?"

"Ah, yes," said Moody admiringly, "your father must have known that spell. Back then, Imperius caused a lot of trouble for the Ministry of Magic."

He walked to the podium with difficulty on his prosthetic leg, opened the drawer, and took out a glass bottle.

Inside the bottle were three palm-sized, black-haired spiders crawling restlessly, seemingly aware of their own fate.

Moody reached into the bottle, grabbed a spider and placed it on his outstretched palm for all to see.

"Soul out of the body!"

A gray-black haze like an abstract palm, like an octopus, flew out of his wand with an ominous aura, and then sank into a spider's body.

The next moment, the cursed spider jumped from Moody's palm, hung on a filament, and began to swing back and forth, as if sitting on a high swing.

It straightened its legs stiffly, then turned around and did a somersault, breaking the filament.

The spider fell straight on the table, but it didn't respond to it, and continued to do somersaults in circles.

Moody flicked his wand, and it stood up on its hind legs again, doing a kind of tap dance, yes, that kind of tap dance.

Everyone laughed - only Moody didn't.

No, there was one more person, and Clark didn't laugh either.

Not only did he not smile, but his expression was even a little dignified at the moment.

As a [Psion] who plays with consciousness and soul, he is very keenly aware of the almost imperceptible alien aura in the Imperius Curse that Moody just cast.

Although the aura was very dark, and it was well hidden, Clark still felt it.

However, just the slightest breath he sensed made his scalp feel numb, as if he was being entangled and bound by a dozen soft and smooth octopus tentacles with suction cups.

That disgusting, strange feeling made him uncomfortable.

Moody was still spitting on the podium.

"Totally under my control," he whispered, when the spider had gathered up and started rolling around, "I can make it jump out of the window, or drown itself, or jump into your A classmate's throat..."

Ron shook involuntarily.

"Many wizards were under the Imperius Curse years ago," Moody said. "That's really busy the Ministry of Magic, trying to figure out who is being forced and who is doing what they want."

"Fortunately, the Imperius Curse can be resisted, and I will teach you how to do it, but this requires a strong personality, and not everyone can master it.

The best way to resist black magic is not to be hit by it, always be vigilant! "He suddenly yelled, startling everyone.

Moody grabbed the somersaulted spider and threw it back into the glass bottle.

"Does anyone else know what spells? Illegal spells?"

Without waiting for the people below to raise his hand, he reached out and pointed at Neville sitting beside Clark.

"Go ahead."

Moody's enchanted eye turned to stare at him, and Clark frowned slightly at this time.

Neville's parents were victims of black magic, and this Moody purposely called him up to answer, obviously exposing his scars.

"There's one—the Cruciatus." Neville's voice was still clear and bright.

Moody looked at Neville very intently, this time with both eyes.

"Are you Longbottom?" he said, his enchanted eye down to examine the roster.

Neville was silent, just nodded.

Moody didn't ask any more questions, turned his back to the class, took out a second spider from the glass bottle, and placed it on the podium.

The spider was motionless and looked terrified.

"The Cruciatus, you need to zoom in a bit so you can see clearly," he said, pointing at the spider with his wand. "Get bigger quickly!"

The black spider swelled up and was now bigger than the tarantula.

Ron, unable to hide it, moved his chair back, as far away from Moody's podium as possible.

Moody raised his wand again, pointed at the spider, and said softly, "Gouging out the bone!"

Like the Imperius Curse just now, this time, Clark also sensed that along with the Cruciatus Curse, there was also a faint, dark red fiery aura like lava.

And the spider that was hit by this breath immediately shrank all eight legs, clinging to the body.

It flipped over as it twitched violently, swaying from side to side.

Although there was no sound, everyone present believed that if it had a vocal organ, it must be screaming desperately at the moment.

Moody didn't take his wand away, and the spider started shaking, twitching even harder—

Clark turned his head and looked at Neville beside him with a little worry, and found that his expression was normal, no different from other students.

However, he still noticed that Neville's hands were clutching his robe tightly at the moment, and the knuckles were turning white.

"Extremely painful," Moody said softly on stage. "If you can chant Cruciatus, you don't need thumb clips or knives to torture people... This spell was very popular at one point."

He lowered his wand, and the spider's legs slackened, but still twitched.

"Shrink quickly!"

Moody retracted the spider to its original size and put it back into the bottle.

"Okay... Does anyone else know what spell?"

The little wizards in the audience look at me and I look at you. Seeing that no one answered, Clark took the initiative to raise his hand, then stood up, and replied without waiting for Moody to speak.

"Avada Suo Life Curse."

Some of the students looked at him uneasily, including Ron.

"Ah," Moody said—his crooked mouth twitched again, a faint smile on his face, "yes, it's the last and most powerful spell ever. Avada Throwing Curse… Death Curse."

His magical eyes glanced down at the roster again. "Are you Clark Prewett, the Prewett family?"

Clark nodded, "Yeah, my father and my uncle should have worked with you back then, don't you remember?"

"Oh, of course I remember, Brother Prewett."

Moody muttered something, then turned and put his hand into the glass bottle.

The third spider, as if aware of the impending doom, crawled desperately around the bottom of the bottle, trying to avoid Moody's fingers, but was caught anyway and placed on the podium.

Moody raised his wand, and all the little wizards held their breaths.

"Avada Suo!" Moody yelled.

A dazzling green light pierced one's eyes, and there was a chaotic sound, as if an invisible shadow had slipped through the air—

This time, not only Clark, but also Hermione noticed it, and she looked at Clark in confusion and shock.

The two looked at each other without saying anything.

At the same time, the spider also turned over and lay on the table on its back. Although there was no scar on its body, the breath of life had disappeared.

"It's not nice," Moody said quietly, as if he had run over an ant. "It's unpleasant, and there's no way to break the spell, there's no way to defend against it. Only one person is known to have escaped this Spell, he's sitting right in front of me right now."

Moody's eyes were fixed on Harry, and now everyone knew who he was talking about.

"But you can rest assured that the Avada Suo Life Charm requires a very strong magical power as a foundation, and this is not a spell that everyone can master.

You can take your wand out, point it at me, and say this spell, I suspect I'll get a nosebleed at best. "

His bad jokes didn't make the students laugh,

"Okay...these three spells—the Avada Throwing, Imperius, Cruciatus—are called the Unforgivable.

Using any of these spells on humans would be enough to serve a lifetime in Azkaban.

That's what I'm going to teach you to defend against, and you need to be prepared.

But the most important thing is to be vigilant at all times and never let up.

Now, why don't you take out your quills and write this down? "

For the rest of the class, the students were busy taking notes on the three Unforgivable Charms.

The classroom was silent, and no one spoke until the bell rang.

When Professor Moody announced that the get out of class was over, as soon as the students left the classroom, all kinds of discussions suddenly surged like a flood.

"Did you see the spider twitching?"

"—he killed the spider at once—as simple as that!"

"No wonder the others admired him so much after class—"

The three of Clark did not participate in this discussion, but quickly left the classroom.

They made their way through several corridors in a row and up many steps, only to slow down as they approached the Gryffindor common room.

"Did you feel it, Clark? When Professor Moody cast the Unforgivable Curse just now." Hermione asked Clark, turning her head.

"Of course!" Clark nodded. "The power of the old gods, the fire of hell, and the breath of death. These wizards are really brave."

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