Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 28: Dark Mark, Woods Farce

On the dark forest road, Clark was in front, Hermione and Neville in the back, running in a hurry.

"The direction that the Dark Lord's mark appeared just now seems to be Harry and the others..."

Before Hermione's question was finished, Clark shook his head, "It's not clear yet, let's rush over and take a look."

Because of the riots in the camp, the paths in the woods were densely packed with people.

But at this moment, they all raised their heads nervously, looking at the huge skull above the forest. It was now high up, illuminating the woods like a terrifying neon sign.

The three of Clark continued to move deeper and deeper into the woods along the dark path, looking for the traces of Red, George, Ginny, and Ron and Harry.

On the way, they saw a group of goblins fighting against a bag of gold coins in front of them. The dark mark in the sky seemed to frighten them, and instructed them to prepare to divide up the gold coins and break up.

They walked a little further and walked into a soft silver light.

Looking through the woods, they saw three slender and beautiful veelas standing in a clearing, looking up at the sky with horror on their faces.

A group of young wizards surrounded Veela. Although they were frightened, they were still talking in loud voices.

"Don't be afraid, I work on the Dangerous Creatures Committee, which specializes in slaughtering fire dragons!" one of the young wizards shouted.

"Bah! You're not!" his friend shouted, "You wash dishes at the Leaky Cauldron... As for me, I'm a vampire hunter, I've killed more than ninety... Don't worry, I will. protect you."

Clark and the others had no intention to pierce these lies, and continued to speed up and go deep into the forest.

On the way, they also met Draco Malfoy and his party. This little bully also seemed to be frightened by what was above his head. As soon as he saw Clark and the others, he wanted to come over and ask for Clark's help, but he refused.

After getting rid of the entanglement of Malfoy and the others, they walked not long, and finally came to a short distance below the Dark Mark, and saw a clearing in the forest.

However, the situation in the open space at this time does not seem to be very good.

More than 20 tall wizards are forming a circle aggressively, holding wands in their hands to point to the open space ahead, as if worried that some dangerous person will rush out to attack them.

In their siege, there were only Harry, Ron and Sirius Blake. Facing the circle of wizards around them, they could only hold their heads in their hands, lie on the ground, and look sullenly. Up very embarrassed.

"Stop!" A familiar voice said, "Stop! That's my son!"

Among the wizards in a circle, some of them put down their wands when they heard this. It turned out that Mr. Wesley had strode into the middle of the open space and blocked them from Harry.

"Ron—Harry—" His voice was trembling and his expression was terrified. "Sirius—are you all alright?"

"Get out of the way, Arthur," said a cold, emotionless voice.

It was Barty Crouch, and he and the other wizarding officials in the ministry were all around, but the wand in his hand was still pointed at Sirius and he didn't put it down.

"Sirius! Appeared at the scene of the Dark Mark! I knew it, this is what you did, right?"

he asked sharply, his sharp eyes swept between the three of them, and finally settled on Sirius's face.

"It wasn't my godfather!" Harry said, pointing to the skull above his head.

"We didn't do anything!" Ron stood up with Harry, rubbing his elbow and looking at his father angrily. "Why are you attacking us?"

"Don't lie, sir!" Crouch still pointed his wand at Sirius, his eyes popping out - he looked a little crazy. "You were found at the crime scene!"

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

"Especially you, Sirius, a former Death Eater..."

"Mr. Crouch," Clark led Hermione and Neville into the clearing, "the fact that Sirius is not a Death Eater has been characterized by the Minister and published in the newspaper. You said so, but It's just slander!"

"Barty," whispered a witch in a wool dressing gown, who also leaned in to his ear, "they have two more children, Barty, they could never—"

Barty Crouch gave a cold snort and put down the wand in his hand.

At this time, in order to clear Harry and the others, Mr. Wesley asked anxiously, "You three, where did this mark come from?"

"Over there," Sirius calmly pointed to the grove behind them, "there was someone behind that tree... it should be the spell he chanted, of course, if nothing else, he should have been knocked unconscious by your spell. already."

"Oh, he just stood there, didn't he?"

Barty Crouch was still looking at Sirius with his piercing eyes, with suspicion written all over his face.

"He also chanted a spell, didn't he? How did you know so well? Maybe that spell you must be familiar with, Sirius—"

Harry glared at Crouch, and some of the department's wizarding officials frowned.

It seems that, except for Crouch, those who think that Harry, Ron and Sirius are absolutely impossible to conjure skeletons.

They listened to Sirius' words, and one by one they raised their wands again, pointed them in the direction he pointed, and peered into the dark trees with squinted eyes.

"Maybe we're late," said the witch in the woolen dressing gown, shaking her head, "there are so many of us, and in this case, he should have Apparate long ago."

"I don't think so."

A wizard with a short brown beard spoke - it was Amos Diggory, Cedric's father.

"We didn't come too late and fired the Stunning Charm just in time, the guy probably got hit... we might be able to catch him...

"Amos, be careful!"

With kindly reminders from the wizards, Mr. Diggory puffed out his chest, raised his wand, strode across the clearing, and disappeared into the darkness.

Seconds later, they heard Mr. Diggory shouting.

"It's done! Caught! There's someone here! Comatose! It's - ouch - oh my..."

Mr. Diggory's yelling made everyone outside nervous.

"You caught someone?" Crouch's tone was full of disbelief. "Who? Who?"

They heard the snapping of branches, the rustling of fallen leaves, and the creaking of footsteps, and then Mr. Diggory came out from behind the bushes.

In his arms, still holding a small limp body, Clark recognized the tea towel at a glance, it was the house-elf they had seen in the top box of the Quidditch field, Winky.

Harry and the others didn't know what was going on, and looked curiously as Mr. Diggory put the house-elf at Barty Crouch's feet.

Mr. Crouch, who had always been known for his strictness and discipline, was neither moving nor speaking at the moment.

The other officials of the Ministry of Magic were staring at him with strange eyes, which made the atmosphere in the clearing even more depressing, and even the insects in the forest were silent.

For a few seconds, Clark thought Crouch was stunned.

After all, he stood there motionless, as if frozen, only the fire-breathing eyes on his pale face were still staring fiercely at Twinkle on the ground.

Then, he seemed to come back to his senses.

"It's—impossible—impossible," he said after a pause, "impossible—"

Crouch no longer had the calmness and composure of the past, and the crest of the back, which had been kept straight, also bent down.

He walked hurriedly around Mr. Diggory, ignoring that the branches in the woods would rip through his clothes and mess up his appearance, and strode toward where Winky had been found.

"It's no use, Barty," Mr. Diggory called after him, "there's no one else there."

But Crouch doesn't seem to want to pay attention to his words, and he seems to be **** off by the presence of his house-elf at the crime scene.

The Ministry of Magic wizarding officer in the clearing, with Clark and the others, heard Crouch walking up and down the woods, and heard him rustling leaves as he pushed through the bushes to search.

"It's a little embarrassing," Mr. Diggory looked down at Winky's delirious figure. "Barty Crouch's house-elf...I mean..."

Harry's ears perked up.

"Stop talking nonsense, Amos," Mr. Weasley retorted in a low voice. "Do you really think the elf did it? The Dark Mark is a wizarding symbol. It takes a wand."

"But she also has a wand." Mr. Diggory said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"What?" Mr. Wesley's eyes widened.

"Here, you see," Mr. Diggory held up a wand and handed it to Mr. Wesley, "she had this in her hand when I found her."

"Then this violates Article 3 of the "Guidelines for the Use of Wands": No non-human creature may carry or use a wand." Hermione whispered the legal terms.

Ron said with schadenfreude on the side, "So, Mr. Crouch, whom Percy most admires, the elf in his family is actually breaking the law? Does this belong to covering up criminals?"

Clark glanced at him, this big mouth, but he accidentally told the truth of the matter.

It's a pity that the character set up by Crouch is so solid that even if Ron guesses the truth, no one will believe him.

Just as the melon-eating crowd watched the development secretly, there was another puff in the air, and a panting Ludo Bagman Apparated beside Mr. Wesley.

As soon as he appeared, he was startled by the dark mark in the sky, but before he could ask the colleagues around him what was going on, Crouch just happened to come back empty-handed.

The director's face was still terrifyingly pale, his hands and mustache were twitching, and he didn't know if he was angry or scared.

"Where have you been, Barty?" Bagman asked. "Why didn't you come to the game? Your house-elf even got a seat for you—oh my God!"

Only then did Bagman find Winky lying at his feet, "What's the matter with her?"

Crouch looked at his house elf with a gloomy face, and said word by word, "She was put on a stun spell."

"Stunned by someone? You mean, you guys? Why-"

Bagman's bright round face suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, and his eyes swept back and forth over the green skeleton and Winky in the sky, and finally fell on Crouch.

"Impossible!" he said. "Winky? Made the Dark Mark? She doesn't know how! First, she needs a wand!"

"She does have a wand, though," said Mr. Diggory. "I found her holding one, Ludo. If you're okay with it, Crouch, I think we should hear how she defends herself. ."

Crouch didn't respond, as if he didn't hear Mr. Diggory.

And Mr. Diggory seemed to take his silence as acquiescence, so he raised his wand, pointed at Twinkle and said, "Recover!"

Twinkle, who was lying on the ground, was hit by the green light, and his body trembled weakly, and then his copper bell-like brown eyes opened.

It's just that the look on her face is still blank, and it seems that she hasn't recovered.

"Pixie!" asked Mr. Diggory sternly. "Do you know who I am? I'm a member of the Division for Fantastic Creatures Control!"

Winky was frightened by Mr. Diggory's stern voice, and then she realized where she was at the moment.

She sat up tremblingly, looking up to see Mr. Diggory's feet, then slowly, tremblingly, she looked up, past Mr. Diggory's face, to the floating skeleton The image was reflected in her big dull eyes.

"Hi~" Winky took a deep breath, looked at the people surrounding the open space, especially the ashen Mr. Crouch, and then suddenly cried in fear.

However, Mr. Diggory didn't care about this. "You saw it too, little goblin. Someone made a dark mark here just now, and you were found under the mark! Now what do you want to explain?"

"I-I-I didn't, sir!" Winky's voice was full of fear, "I don't know how, sir!"

"Don't try to lie to me, you were found with a wand in your hand!" Mr. Diggory growled filially, waving the wand in front of Winky.

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Sir, that wand, it seems to be mine!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the open space turned their faces and looked at the speaker.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" asked Mr. Diggory in disbelief.

Harry raised his hand in embarrassment in front of everyone. "Sorry, sir, if I read it right, it should be my wand. I lost it!"

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