Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 27: crime-fighting, heroic moments


The bedroom door opened from the inside, and Clark and Neville, who were lying in their clothes, walked out directly.

Next door to them, Hermione was in the same state, only Ginny rubbed her eyes sleepily, apparently just falling asleep.

"W-what?" she asked.

"I don't know." Clark turned his ears and listened carefully to the movement outside.

It was late at night, the voices in the camp changed, the cheerful singing stopped, and he could vaguely hear the screams and the sound of people running in a panic.

At this moment, there was a knock on the wooden door of the hut, Clark waved his hand, and Neville and Hermione put their hands on their weapons and prepared themselves very alertly.

Ginny was also infected by their tense atmosphere, and the last bit of sleepiness disappeared completely.


With the psionic power of [Global Vision], Clark had already seen Mr. Wesley standing outside the door, but he still asked.

"It's me," said Mr. Wesley. "Come out, there are special circumstances!"

Clark opened the door, and Mr. Wesley was standing outside the door, wearing pajamas and a pair of denim jackets. At first glance, he got up in a hurry, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes.

"Come on, call Hermione and Ginny and come over here."

Clark obeyed the instructions, took Hermione and the others out of the wooden house, turned around and restored it to the shape of a suitcase and held it in his hand.

When they got to Wesley's tent, by the light of the fire, they saw the wizards running into the woods, as if to avoid something moving towards them at some camp.

The thing glowed strangely and made a sound like a gunshot.

At the same time some loud jeers, wild laughter, and drunken shouts moved towards them.

Then, a strong green light flashed, illuminating everything around.

I saw a group of wizards gathered tightly together at the moment, and everyone pointed their wands upwards, advancing together, and slowly moving across the field.

Clark squinted and looked carefully. These people were wearing hoods on their heads, masks on their faces, and a layer of magical fluctuations covering their bodies.

His [Telepathy] and [Global Vision] wanted to penetrate that layer of magical fluctuations, but it seemed like they had penetrated into a layer of magical fog, and everything inside was hazy and could not be seen clearly at all.

Obviously, these people have done a full set of preparations to prevent others from seeing their true identities.

As for the reason they did this, it was only because above their heads, there were four struggling figures floating.

These four poor fellows were twisted into all kinds of weird shapes, like puppets manipulated by the masked wizards on the ground.

Apparently, these nasty guys attacked the four.

Not only that, but with the passage of time and the cover of darkness at night, more wizards chose to indulge themselves and join the advancing ranks.

These scumbags laughed loudly, pointing to the bodies floating above.

As the parade grew, more tents collapsed.

Once or twice, Clark saw a marcher set a roadside tent on fire with a wand.

The fire spread to several surrounding tents in an instant, and the screams became louder.

But when the floating men passed over the burning tent, suddenly illuminated by the fire, Clark recognized one of them as Mr. Roberts, the camp manager, and the other three appeared to be his wife and children.

A marcher below waved a wand and tipped Mrs Roberts down.

Mrs. Roberts' pyjamas fell, revealing a huge pile of fancy panties, and the crowd below screamed and booed happily as she struggled to cover herself.

"It's disgusting," said Ron Douban, looking at the youngest Muggle kid who was in the air, sixty feet above the ground, and began to spin like a top, his head limply tilted here and there, To that side, "It's too outrageous..."

Neville even put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his eyes were full of anger, as if he would rush up at any time.

For a Gryffindor, this kind of bullying is hard to forgive.

Just then, Bill, Charlie, and Percy emerged from the boys' tent, neatly dressed, with their sleeves rolled up and wands in their hands.

"We want to help maintain order in the ministry!"

Mr. Wesley's voice drowned out the commotion, and as he rolled up his sleeves, he shouted: "Sirius, you take these children--go into the woods, walk together, don't spread out. Wait. I'll find you after I've settled it!"

Bill, Charlie, and Percy were already running towards the oncoming parade, and Mr. Wesley quickly followed.

The staff of the Ministry also rushed to the accident site from all directions. When all the foreign friends were there, such a vicious incident happened, which was really a headache.

"Let's go."

The remaining Sirius followed Mr. Wesley's instructions, took Ginny's hand, and dragged her into the woods.

Harry, Ron, George and Fred followed.

When they got into the woods, they all turned their heads and looked behind them, only to see that the team under the Roberts family was even bigger than before.

Facing the increasingly serious situation, the wizards in the ministry desperately tried to rush in and approach the hooded wizards in the middle, but they encountered great resistance.

It seemed that they dared not perform any magic, for fear that the Roberts family would fall.

"Come on, the Ministry of Magic will solve this problem." Sirius urged again.

Harry was about to keep up with the army, but suddenly found that Clark, Hermione and Neville didn't follow.

He hurriedly looked back again—

The lights that had illuminated the way to the gym were now gone, and only some dark figures stumbled along in the woods.

The children were crying, and the nervous, anxious shouts and voices echoed in the cold night sky around them, but Clark and the others were nowhere to be seen.

The Clark trio and they were swept away by the crowd!

"Clark! Hermione! Neville-" Harry cried anxiously, but in the dark night, no one responded to him, but the cries of those children became louder.

"Go! Harry!" After seeing Harry stop, Ron pulled him and continued to run.

"Wait a minute, Clark and the others haven't caught up yet!"

Harry wanted to hold Ron, but the crowd around him pushed him to and fro, and he could only be pushed forward without any resistance.

At the same time, at the scene of the riot, the three of Clark were watching silently.

As the saying goes, the calmer the more important things are, the more calm they are at this time, Clark and the others.

"When are we going?"

Neville pressed his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, looking at the movement not far away, a little eager to try.

Hermione also took out her magic book, which was thicker than a brick, and controlled it to float in front of her.

Although the two had fought and took risks before, it was the first time that they were faced with a chaotic situation like today.

Clark waved and used [Mind Link] to connect himself and his two companions, and then shouted in his heart, "Since everything is ready, let's give these bullying **** a bit of a taste!"

Hearing the words, Neville drew his sword without a word, and rushed up first.

The cold sword reflected the cold light in the firelight, just like Neville's attitude towards these evil people.

At this time in the heart of the riot, the Ministry of Magic staff were surrounding the troublemakers.

It's just that the staff of the Ministry of Magic, including Mr. Wesley, are a little timid.

Instead of using various powerful spells, they waved their wands, walked around the edge of the battlefield, and emitted various magical lights to slow down and stop the march of the parade, as if looking for opportunities Rescue the muggles hanging above.

In this case, Neville, who was charging with a sword in the crowd, was extraordinarily ridiculous.

Some dark wizards with hoods apparently saw this too, and laughed at the rushing kid.

They waved the wands in their hands, and the vicious magic light shot from the tip of the wand, hitting the charging figure straight.

"Neville, watch out!"

Mr. Wesley, who was on the side, saw this scene, and hurriedly twisted his wrist, trying to help Neville block the blow, but his opponent's wand flicked, but it interrupted his spellcasting.

It's a pity that they all seem to underestimate this child. His small body clearly contains a huge amount of energy.

Colorful rays of light flickered on his body, like a colorful spherical crystal cover, and it was all kinds of magic shields that started to take effect.

[Increase Resistance], [Shield Technique], [Resist Energy Damage]…

The pitch-black magic beam hit him, like waves hitting a reef by the sea, and it exploded into a cloud of sparks, but it couldn't hurt Neville in the slightest.

He held the sword like this, and dashed in front of the dark wizards with the magic bombardment.

This can make those careless guys panic, after all, anyone who sees the sharp sword poking at his forehead or neck will find it difficult to remain calm.

Some hooded wizards have even begun to chant even more sinister spells, ready to teach the ignorant boy in front of him a lesson.

However, at this moment, a dark sphere that seemed to devour all the light, and then the dim night, projected from not far away, fell into the middle of the group of people.

The next moment, the black ball swelled, forming a huge semi-circular shady curtain, enveloping the hooded wizards and the Muggle family they were controlling.

Of course, this also includes Neville.

When the staff of the Ministry of Magic surrounded by outside saw this scene, they were frightened and took a few steps back, thinking that it was some kind of strange black magic being cast.

But they soon discovered that there was nothing dangerous about this black hemispherical cover.

That's right, this is the third-level spell that Hermione casts - [Black Light].

【Black Light】: Evocation 3rd level spell.

Casting cost: 50 mana

Duration: 2 hours/level (can be cancelled in advance)

Casting Material: 1 oz Obsidian Powder

Effect: Creates a completely dark, impenetrable area with a radius of 10 meters, but you can see normally in this area.

Within the scope of the [Black Light Technique], everyone's vision was completely deprived. Their eyes were pitch black, and only various familiar and unfamiliar voices surrounded them.

In this environment, one person does not appear to be affected.

With Clark's [Mind Link] ability, he shared the vision of Hermione, the caster, and under the shroud of [Black Light], he could still see the surrounding scene.

So the next battle was very simple. When the enemy was vigilantly vigilant all around, the nimble Neville could easily knock them to the ground.

Even if there are occasionally one or two guys who can react without looking at the object, the result of a wizard facing a close warrior is naturally self-evident.

So, when the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic hurried over by Apparition, UU read www. uukanshu.com The Roberts family have been rescued by Ministry of Magic staff and are undergoing healing and memory erasure.

As for the troublesome hooded wizards, all of them had fallen to the ground, completely incapable of resisting, and were being guarded by Neville, Charlie and Bill.

"Young man, did you deal with them all by yourself?" Auror Command Head Rufus Scrimgeour, who came over to take over these guys, asked Neville curiously.

Neville nodded. "It wasn't just me, but my friends, who also helped."

Rufus Scrimgeour, who looked like an old lion, smiled. "Looks like you're still a small team."

He was joking with the three of Clark when, at this moment, deep in the woods beyond the camp, there was a loud noise, as if a bomb had been dropped.

Immediately afterwards, in the dark night sky, a huge, green light flashed.

It jumped up the treetops at once and flew into the sky.

In the end, it turned into a huge skull, made up of countless green star-like things, and a large python emerged from the skull's mouth like a tongue.

Under the gazes of everyone, the skull rose higher and higher, emitting a dazzling light in a cloud of green smoke, set off by the dark night sky, like a newly rising constellation.

"Oh no, it's the Dark Mark!"

Hermione, who had always been calm, trembled a little after seeing this huge green picture.

As for those Aurors, they didn't even care about the prisoners at the scene, and immediately ran towards the place where the green smoke came out.

After Clark and Hermione looked at each other, they quickly caught up with the Auror and disappeared into the dark woods.

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