Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Take the opportunity to shoot, the heart hints

"You said you lost your wand?"

Harry's voice was not small, so everyone present heard it.

Mr. Diggory's eyes widened, and he repeated suspiciously, "You lost it? Are you confessing? You threw the wand away after you made the mark?"

"Oh, Amos, think about who you're talking to!" said Mr. Wesley very angrily. "Do you think Harry Potter could conjure the Dark Mark?"

"This—" Mr. Diggory muttered, "Of course not, I'm sorry... I'm dizzy..."

Clark noticed that Mr. Crouch stood by without saying a word at this time, and he had no intention of speaking.

Maybe he wanted to use this incident to cause some trouble for Sirius and give Fudge some eye drops.

But now Crouch, who has shot himself in the foot, just wants to quickly end this farce.

"I didn't leave it there," Harry explained, still there. "As soon as we walked into the woods, my wand was gone."

"So," Mr. Diggory turned his gaze back to Winky, who was curled up at his feet, "You found this wand, goblin, didn't you? You picked it up, thinking you could find something with it. Lezi, isn't it?"

"I didn't use it for magic, sir!"

Winky shrieked, tears streaming down the sides of her nose like brooks, "I...I...I just picked it up, sir! I didn't get the Dark Mark, sir, I don't know. How did it change!"

But Mr. Diggory didn't seem to believe what she said. As a staff member of the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures, he faced these house elves with a natural sense of superiority.

"Well, we'll find out soon, there's an easy way to spot the last spell cast on a wand, elf, you know?"

Twinkle was trembling with fright, shaking her head desperately, ears flapping.

Mr. Diggory raised his wand and docked it with Harry's.

"Flashback to the previous curse!"

As the spell took effect, a fist-sized skull spitting out snake letters emerged from where the two wands met.

"Disappear without a trace!" Mr. Diggory waved his hand, and the skull turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

"How do you say that?"

Mr. Diggory looked at Wink at his feet with a smug look on his face.

"It's not me!" Shouted Shimmer, trembling all over, eyes rolling in horror, "It's not me, it's not me, I don't know how to do it! I'm a good elf, I don't fiddle with a wand, I don't know how to do it! "

"You were caught on the spot, goblin!" shouted Mr. Diggory. "You were caught with this criminal wand in your hand!"

"Mr. Diggory," Clark, who had been standing silently by the side, said at this moment, "I don't think it can be this house elf. Come to think of it, there are very few wizards who can cast that spell... Where is she from? What did you learn?"

"Maybe someone is implying something," Crouch, who had not intended to speak, had to speak, and every syllable of his now had cold anger, "implying that I regularly teach my servants to be black. Magic Mark?"

The entire open space fell into a very oppressive silence in an instant. Mr. Diggory seemed to be frightened by his words, and quickly explained: "Mr. Crouch... No... Absolutely not..."

"That's impossible to say," Crouch said coldly, "you don't mean it, it doesn't mean that others don't mean it."

"From just now until now, you have used almost obvious words to accuse two people in this open space for no reason. They are the least likely to conjure up that mark!" Crouch roared, "Harry Potter -And me! I think you should be familiar with this boy's background, Amos?"

"Of course--everyone knows--" muttered Mr. Diggory, looking terrified.

"As for me, I'm sure you remember that throughout my long career there was much evidence of my consistent distaste and hatred for black magic and all those who play with it, don't you?" exclaimed Mr. Crouch, The eyeballs protruded again.

"Mr. Crouch, I--I never implied you had anything to do with this!" said Amos Diggory again, aggrieved, flushed from the back of his brown beard.

But Crouch's eyes were not on him, but on Clark.

"When you accuse my elf, you are accusing me. Otherwise, where would she learn this kind of magic?"

However, under Crouch's gaze, Clark remained calm and composed, and even glared back unceremoniously.

The two sides looked at each other, their eyes were like real swords, colliding with each other, shooting out invisible sparks.

But soon, this evenly matched confrontation formed a one-sided situation with Clark's words.

"We really don't know how she learned the Dark Mark, but I remember that, aside from Mr. Crouch, there seemed to be someone in your family who knew how to make the Dark Mark, didn't it?"

Some of the newly recruited Ministry of Magic wizards still did not understand what Clark meant by this sentence, but the older Ministry of Magic wizards looked at Clark in shock.

You must know that his son is a Death Eater and was sent into Azkaban by himself. This is a scar that Crouch will never forget in his life.

But now the scar was opened by a child, and the **** past was exposed.

This also caused Crouch, who heard this sentence, to have the chill in his eyes like a snow peak under the scorching sun, completely melted and collapsed.

Clark saw shock and grief in his eyes first, then enlightenment, then fear and disbelief, but in the end all these emotions turned into pleading.

I just don't know whether this request came from a father or a director.

good chance!

Clark had no time to care about Crouch's mental activities at the moment. He just took advantage of the excellent opportunity of the other party's turmoil and unable to hold himself back. With that sharp sword-like gaze, he stabbed into Crouch's eyes like a broken bamboo, deeply. It penetrated into his heart and planted a seed in the other's heart.

And all of this was done so smoothly that everyone present, including Crouch, didn't notice it at all.

They just saw that when Clark said that sentence, Crouch's face instantly turned pale, his lips and beard trembled slightly, and the whole person was ten years older than before.

"Enough, Clark!"

After seeing Crouch's miserable appearance, even Mr. Wesley felt that Clark's behavior of exposing his scars was a bit aggressive.

After all, he is also the father of several children, and he can fully understand Mr. Crouch's mood at the moment.

If his children, like George and Fred, were sent to Azkaban for crimes, he would be as distressed as Barty Crouch.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wesley interrupted Clark.

"Perhaps she learned it by accident..." He turned to the elf kindly, with a friendly smile on his face. "Winky, where the **** did you get Harry's wand?"

Winky twisted the welt of the tea towel on her body so hard, her fingers were so hard that the welt was twisted.

"I—I found it there, sir..." she whispered, "there... in the woods, sir..."

"Ah, obviously, the truth is out!"

Mr. Wesley seemed to see everything.

"The man who made the mark should have ditched Harry's wand and phantom left after they were done. They did it so cleverly that they didn't use their own wand, so as not to reveal their identity. Moments later, this hapless Winky saw the wand by accident. , pick it up."

Diggory wished that was the case, and hurriedly followed Arthur Weiss' words, "So, she was only a few steps away from the real criminal? Little goblin, did you see anyone?"

In the face of Mr. Diggory's question, Twinkle trembled even more than before.

Her two lightbulb eyes looked at Mr. Diggory, then at Arthur Weiss, and finally fell on Mr. Crouch.

"I'm asking you something, Elf, have you seen anyone?" Mr. Diggory asked again impatiently.

There was a battle between heaven and man in Twinkle's mind, and then she took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and said, "I didn't see anyone, sir...no one..."

Clark noticed that Winky's thumb nails were pinching **** her index finger as she said this, as if it took a lot of willpower to restrain herself.

To be honest, she is really not suitable for lying.

It's just that the wizards at the scene didn't seem to notice it, and they easily believed her.

So such a eucalyptus related to the Dark Mark ended hastily.

In the end, Winky begged bitterly, but was fired by Mr. Crouch.

Hermione was still a little indignant about this.

"She was terrified!" Hermione said angrily, staring fiercely at Crouch who was walking away, "Those masked wizards made people hang in the air, and she could be forgiven for wanting to escape. , why should you blame her!"

"That's a no-brainer," Harry was examining the wand that Mr. Diggory had given him back. "Isn't this often played out on Muggle TV? If something goes wrong, someone has to come out and get fired. what!"

"So do Muggles do this kind of thing?" asked Mr. Wesley curiously. "I thought only those wizards at the Ministry of Magic would do this kind of thing."

"The weakness of human nature is always figured out, whether it is a Muggle or a wizard, it is the same!" Clark said sharply.

Harry nodded, but Hermione thought otherwise.

"How could they treat her like that!"

Hermione said angrily.

"Mr. Diggory kept calling her 'the leprechaun'...and Mr. Crouch! He knew she wasn't the one doing it, but he had to fire her! He didn't care how scared or sad she was - he didn't Don't treat her like a human!"

"Well, she's not human," said Ron. "She's a house-elf."

Hermione turned and attacked him immediately, "But that doesn't mean she's emotionless, Ron, it's so inhumane for them to do that—"

"Okay, Hermione," Clark gave her a hand, "it's not that simple about house-elves. You've studied the history of magic, and you should know that they're all descendants of the vanquished, who were once enemies of wizards. The wizards were kind enough not to exterminate them on the spot."

"But prisoners also have to talk about human rights!" Hermione retorted.

You know, she has always listened to Clark, which made Harry and Ron stare at them curiously.

"Hermione, I agree with you," Mr. Wesley said quickly, and motioned her to move on, "but this is not the time to discuss elf rights. I hope we get back to the tent soon. Other How are people?"

"We got separated from them in the dark," said Ron. "Dad, why is everyone so nervous about that skeleton?"

"After returning to the tent, I will explain it to you again." Mr. Wesley said anxiously.

They followed the wooded path, trudged through the crowds, and returned to the camp.

It's quiet here now, there are no more shadows of the masked wizards, only a few destroyed tents are still smoking.

Charlie stuck his head out of Wesley's tent.

"Dad, what's the matter?" he called out in the dark. "Fred, George, and Ginny are all home safely, but a few of them—"

"I brought them all back," said Mr. Wesley, stooping into the tent.

Clark and Harry followed suit.

At this point Bill was sitting at the small dining table, Charlie and Percy were sitting next to him, and George, Fred and Ginny seemed to be safe, but they were all in shock.

"Did you catch them, Dad?" Bill asked with a nod. "Those with the Dark Mark?"

"No," Mr. Weasley shook his head. "We found Barty Crouch's house-elf holding Harry's wand, but we have no idea who conjured that mark."

"What?" Bill and Charlie asked in unison.

"Harry's wand?" Fred said.

"Mr. Crouch's house-elf? That's impossible!" Percy looked disbelieving.

Mr Wesley, with the help of Harry, Ron and Sirius, told everyone exactly what happened in the woods.

"Okay, that's the way it is, so can anyone explain what that skeleton is?"

Ron asked impatiently after finishing the last detail.

"It didn't hurt anyone...why is everyone making such a fuss?"

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