Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 26: swift end of the second half

"Two free throws for Ireland!"

Bagman's huge voice echoed throughout the arena, causing the Bulgarian fans to shout.

As for the reason for the free throw, it was nothing more than that the Bulgarian team members were dissatisfied with the referee's decision and jumped off their brooms to argue around the referee.

However, two consecutive free throws did not seem to stop the Bulgarian team's determination to continue the rogue tactics, especially their two batsmen Volkov and Volkanov.

They don't care whether the stick in their hand hits the ball or the person, they just swipe and beat wildly.

Some Chasers were also rampaging in the air. Ireland's Moran was almost knocked off a broom by Bulgaria's Dimitrov.

"Foul!" the Irish supporters shouted in unison, all on their feet in a giant green wave.

"Foul!" Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice also repeated two words, "Dimitrov bruises Moran - deliberately flew over and rammed - sure to get a free throw - no Wrong, the referee blew the whistle!"

The Irish leprechauns were all in the air again, and this time they formed a giant hand and made a very rude gesture towards the Veela across the field.

When Veela saw it, it was worth it, and she lost control immediately.

Instead of dancing, they flew across the field and started throwing handfuls of flaming objects at the leprechauns.

With Clark's eyesight, it can be clearly seen that they are not beautiful at all now.

Instead, their faces elongated into pointed, beaked bird heads, and a pair of long, scaly wings were emerging from their shoulders—

The ugly look startled Harry and Ron, who were holding the binoculars.

"Got it, boys," Mr. Wesley said softly over the din of the crowd below, "so you can never just go for looks!"

At this point, the arena was in complete chaos, and the wizarding officials of the Ministry rushed into the arena in an attempt to separate the Veela and the Leprechauns, but with little success.

And the competition over their heads is no less intense than the fierce battle below.

The field was filled with screams of veelas, the crackling of the wands of ministry officials, the angry roars of Bulgarians, and the cheers of Irish supporters.

Clark silently covered his forehead. Sure enough, as long as it is a team game that takes place in the British border, it may eventually go out of control and develop into a brawling hooligan event.

However, this conflict did not last long, just as everyone laughed and watched the fun because the referee's broom was lit by the flame thrown by the Veela.

Seekers on both sides staged the scene of the rapid decline just now. Although this move was initiated by the Irish Seeker, the final result was that Bulgaria's Klum raised his arms.

He's caught the Snitch! Krum caught it!

The game is over!

Spotted nosebleeds gleamed on Krum's bright red robe. He rose lightly into the air, raised his fist high, and a golden light appeared between his fingers.

Unfortunately, it was a team game, and the scoreboard was flashing in the distance, Bulgaria: 160, Ireland: 170, and even if Krum caught the Snitch, they still lost the game.

At this time, the audience at the scene did not seem to realize what was going on.

Then, slowly, like a jumbo jet accelerating, the Irish supporters grew louder and louder, culminating in countless shouts of joy.

"Ireland wins!" cried Bagman, who liked Ireland, and seemed a little bewildered by the abrupt end of the game, "Krum caught the Snitch - but Ireland won - gosh, I think No one expected it to end like this!"

Harry, Ron and others cheered as much as they wanted, and felt pity for Krum at the same time, thinking he was a fool to end the game with Ireland leading by 160 points!

But that's a story.

"Now, with the Irish players walking around the field in the company of their mascots, the Quidditch World Cup trophy is delivered to the top box!" Bagman said in a bell-like voice.

A dazzling light was projected, and the top box was magically illuminated, allowing all the audience in the stands to see what was going on in the box.

Clark squinted at the entrance, and saw two panting wizards carrying a large gold cup into the box and handing it to Cornelius Fudge.

"Let us applaud warmly and welcome the defeated Bulgarian players to the stage!" Bagman shouted.

The seven Bulgarian players who had lost the battle went upstairs and entered the box.

The following fans of the Bulgarian national team or the Irish national team applauded and cheered to express their appreciation for them.

After all, as Ludo Bagman said, in the eyes of the Bulgarian fans, they are proud of their defeat.

For the fans of the Irish national team - the team they support has won, and no one minds giving the loser a little respect.

After Bulgaria, the Irish team followed.

Their Seeker Aidan Lynch, supported by Moran and Connolly, appeared to knock him unconscious on the second fall, but when Troyin and Quigley held the trophy high, the crowd erupted with thunder Lin Qi also grinned as he applauded and cheered.

After the awards, the Irish team left the box and rode a broom around the field.

At this point Bagman pointed his wand to his throat and whispered, "Whisper."

"This game is going to be talked about for years," he said hoarsely. "It's an unexpected twist... It's a pity the game didn't go on longer... Ah, yes... yes, I should give you... How much?"

Fred and George had rolled over their chairs and stood in front of Ludo Bagman.

They smiled happily and stretched out their open palms.

Ludo Bagman was extraordinarily generous, reached out and took out a pocket from his arms and put it in the hands of the brothers.

"Hahaha, you are really lucky, come, the money is all here, order it."

Wes Lai's twin brother took the purse and listened to the sound of gold coins colliding inside, unable to hide the smile on his face.

At this time, Bagman greeted Clark next to him, "Come on, Clark, this is yours."

He took out a bag of gold coins from his pocket again, but Clark refused.

"Mr. Bagman, I'm still a child. It's inconvenient to put so much money on me. I think it's better. I'll call our housekeeper to pick it up later, how about it?"

Bagman was stunned for a while, and said quickly, "Don't be so troublesome, it's not much money."

"The wager is fifty Galleons, and the odds are seven, which means you have to give me three hundred and fifty Galleons. Why isn't that a small amount?"

Clark stared at Bagman's face with a smile, and kept seeing fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Well, I'll save it for you first." Bagman said with twinkling eyes.

The interaction between the two also caught the attention of the Wesley twins.

These two guys have eight eyes, and although they don't know what's wrong, they still weighed the purse in their hands, ready to open it and take a look.

"Wait!" Clark looked at Bagman who was writhing uneasy there, stretched out his hand to hold them down, and stopped the two of them, "Let's go back and see, I don't think Director Bagman is going to deceive you. ,Right?"

Bagman nodded again and again while wiping his sweat, and this matter seemed to pass.

However, what he didn't know was that when Clark and the others walked out of the box and went down the steps to the ground, George and Fred couldn't wait to drag Clark to a remote place.

"Clark, what's the matter? Are there any problems with these gold coins?"

"You two don't give Ron a stupid look, don't you even know what the leprechaun's gold coins are?" Clark asked with a smile.

The faces of the two brothers were very ugly. They opened the purse, took out two gold coins from it, and chanted a spell with their wands at Chili.

As a result, the two gold coins immediately dissipated in the air like bubbles in front of them.

"That guy cheated us with fake money!"

The twin brothers were instantly furious. You must know that every gold Galleon was enchanted by a goblin, and had special effects that could not be damaged or deformed.

And the gold coins in front of them disappeared as soon as the spell was cast, and they were obviously counterfeit coins, and they were also the "gold coins of the leprechauns" as Clark called them.

The two were about to go back to Bagman to have a theory, but Clark stopped them.

"Didn't you say you're going to open a shop and do business? Then I'll give you this first lesson."

Clark looked at them and smiled.

"If you are doing business and your eyes are only fixed on these dozens and hundreds of gold Galleons, then this business is absolutely not big."

When the two brothers heard this, they were very surprised at first. This is not making money, so why are they still doing business?

However, the two of them are also extremely smart. Combined with Clark's actions when he just faced Bagman, they seem to understand again.

"You mean, we can use this to blackmail him into helping our business?" George asked excitedly.

Fred was still a little puzzled, "But as the director of the sports department, how does he help our joke prop shop?"

Upon hearing this, Clark frowned and criticized them.

"What's 'threat'? In the future, we must pay attention to the misfortunes coming out of our mouths. We are obviously preparing to conduct business cooperation with Secretary Bagman.

As for what to cooperate? Didn't you see the Quidditch World Cup today? Why do you think the British Ministry of Magic is willing to undertake such a large-scale sporting event, and if it really loses money, who is willing to take over? "

"But we can't get involved in the business of the Quidditch World Cup." Fred still didn't understand.

George reacted, "You mean... a magic card game?"

Clark nodded, and the two brothers looked at each other, both seeing admiration in each other's eyes.

As expected of the young genius who can save the Prewett family from decline, they are still entangled in being cheated for the same thing, and the other party has already considered how to maximize their benefits.

"Then we should go to him now. What if he doesn't acknowledge the account after a long time?"

Fred tried to turn back to Bagman, but Clark stopped him again.

"You still need to be **** yourself. With your current conditions, it is impossible for Bagman to sit down and talk about this kind of thing.

So I advise you to wait a moment, open the joke shop first, and then find him after you have a certain amount of capital. "

"As for whether he will deny the account?"

Clark smiled playfully, and took out a few from his pocket, knowing that they also had Bagman's signature on them.

"I think, maybe our Director himself knew that his behavior was immoral, so he didn't even want your receipt back."

As soon as he said this, the twin brothers laughed immediately.

Sure enough, you can always trust Clark!

Now that Clark has a good plan, the Wesley brothers naturally no longer worry about it.

They walked back with the main force, and soon the crowd that left the gym and returned to the camp surrounded them like a tide.

Colored lights fell on their faces, gruff singing came from the night sky, and the leprechauns kept dashing over their heads, waving their lanterns and laughing.

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Finally, they returned to their tent, but under the influence of excitement, no one wanted to sleep.

Considering that the surroundings were indeed too noisy, Mr. Wesley agreed that everyone would enter the tent after drinking a cup of cocoa milk.

So in the next time, everyone argued about the game just now.

Mr. Wesley and Percy sparred over the ramming foul, while Charlie and Sirius debated whether there was something wrong with the Bulgarian team's tactics.

As for Ron, he didn't care about this, because just now, all the gold coins shed by the Irish dwarfs that he picked up on the field had all disappeared into his hands.

Ron was very annoyed at this kind of thing, but he had no choice but to sit there very frustrated.

They drank and chatted, and finally when Ginny fell asleep at the little table and spilled a cup of hot chocolate on the floor, Mr. Wesley ordered everyone to stop arguing about the game and go back to the tent go to sleep.


Hermione and Ginny got into the suitcase-turned-cabin and chose one room, Clark and Neville in the other.

Harry and Wesley's boys changed into their pajamas and climbed to their bunks.

At this time, they could still hear singing and strange pounding sounds from the other side of the camp, echoing long in the night sky.

"Oh, fortunately I'm not on duty," muttered Mr. Wesley sleepily, "and I don't need to tell the Irish to stop celebrating victories, or it's unimaginable."

And so they lay down on the fluffy bed, and fell asleep, until—Clark heard Mr. Wesley's cry from outside.

"Get up! Ginny - Clark - Neville - come on, get up, there's an emergency!"

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