Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Lupin leaves, news comes out

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

  The rhythmic knock on the door interrupted the conversation of everyone in the room. Hermione opened the door and found that it was Professor Dumbledore standing at the door.

   He also saw Clark and a few people here, but he was not surprised, as if he had expected this.

   "Your carriage is at the gate, Remus," he said.

   "Thank you, Headmaster."

  Lupin picked up his old suitcase and the empty water tank.

"Okay—goodbye! Harry," he said with a smile, "it's been a pleasure teaching you, and I think we'll see each other again. Principal, don't take me to the gate, I can do it myself... "

  Harry felt that Lupin must have wanted to leave as soon as possible at this moment.

   But then Clark suddenly said, "Professor, won't you wait any longer?"

   "Wait for what?"

   Lupin had not finished speaking when an unexpected voice came from the steps at the end of the corridor.

   "Professor, Professor Lupin, wait a minute!"

   was Ginny, she was the first to run up the steps and rush towards this side.

   Then the second, third, fourth…

   Among them are the George Weasley brothers of Gryffindor, Cho Chang and Luna of Ravenclaw, and even Cedric Diggory, the male prefect of Hufflepuff.

   They poured out of the steps one by one, as if there was no end.

  The surging crowd rushed in front of Lupin, everyone raised their heads and looked at him with a mixture of respect and admiration.

   Lupin's old suitcase and empty water tank fell to the ground, his hands were shaking, his lips were shaking, his whole body was shaking.

   Even if everyone didn't speak, he understood what these children meant - "Thank you for your teaching, teacher!"

  The crystal tears could no longer be restrained at this moment, like pearls, one by one, flowing down Lupin's vicissitudes of life cheeks.

   He looked at the children who came to see him off in front of him, who could talk eloquently in class, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

   "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Clark heard Professor Lupin's faint, trembling voice.

   "Professor, we should be thanking you."

   Clark's clear voice echoed in the hallway as he walked to the front of the students and looked at Professor Lupin.

   "We may meet countless teachers in our life, whether in school or in life.

   But it is very rare to meet a good teacher like you.

Because you not only taught us about magic, but also taught us how to be human: whether in good times or in adversity, we should face life with a smile, as long as there is love, the light in our hearts will always be there . "

After hearing Clark's words, all the students couldn't help nodding their heads, and then in the next second, under everyone's attention, Clark strode forward, opened his arms, and hugged Professor Lupin tightly. , patted his back hard like a man.

   "Come on, Professor, we'll miss you!"

   Lupin, who was hugged by Clark, trembled violently, and the tears that had been dripping like pearls instantly turned into streams.

   It never occurred to him that Clark would do this, that these kids would do it.

   When Lupin received Dumbledore's invitation to teach at Hogwarts, he was awake all night, tossing and turning in bed.

   He even imagined what kind of bad situation it would be if his identity as a werewolf was exposed, and what kind of eyes the students he had taught would look at him.

He was fully mentally prepared for these, and he even comforted himself that he went to Hogwarts to teach just to repay the kindness of Professor Dumbledore. No one wanted to curse the position of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. to do it.

  It was only when he packed his bags and returned to this campus, looking at those immature faces and those eyes eager for knowledge, that he realized how wrong he was.

   He is not helping Dumbledore, but Dumbledore is helping him, helping him get out of the quagmire and return to the light.

   So he devoted his energy to teaching wholeheartedly, finding pedagogical books from Muggles in every possible way, and designing teaching content with great thought, in order to teach these students well, in order to repay Dumbledore's kindness.

   But now, it seems that he is still wrong. Where is Dumbledore who helped him, it is clearly the group of children in front of him.

   It was never what he was educating the students, but the group of students who taught him, it was these innocent and kind children who brought the light to his heart.

   made him feel the taste of trust again after thirteen years.

   For a werewolf wandering on the fringes of society, this is probably the most precious thing in the world.

   Facing Clark's embrace, Lupin didn't know what to do at all. He was like a child, at a loss.

  Fortunately, Clark quickly released Lupin, who was trembling all over, but after him, Harry also stepped forward and hugged Lupin.

   His movements were awkward, but the hug took a lot longer than Clark.

"Professor, whether you are a werewolf or not, I trust you." Harry wiped away his tears and said, "You are my father's friend and the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher I have ever met. !"

  Harry's words make Lou

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   And when everyone rejected him, James Potter also stood up and gave him a hug.

  Lupin saw Dumbledore standing not far away, nodding to himself with a smile, just as he did when he accepted his admission despite all the opposition.

   At this moment, he suddenly let go of all the burdens in his heart, opened his heart, and tried to stretch his arms to hug the thin boy in front of him.

   There was a moment of silence in front of the office door, but soon the hustle and bustle of the past resumed.

   With Clark and Harry as role models, the remaining students came to Lupin one by one to send him parting blessings.

   These blessings are either a warm hug, or a word of thanks. Occasionally, there are one or two more attentive female classmates who will send small gifts specially prepared by them.

  Although hugs, blessings and small gifts are all cheap, they all reflect the attitude of the students of the three academies towards the fact that Professor Lupin is a werewolf.

   Looking at the long line in front of him, Lupin was relieved and moved, but a sense of guilt and self-blame suddenly rose from his heart.

He knew he had to leave Hogwarts, and he couldn't betray the trust of these children. Without the help of the wolf's poison potion, he would probably bite any of them after transforming. He absolutely didn't want to see it.

   And there are so many children who are willing to choose to trust themselves, what is there to be unsatisfied with?

   After hugging the last child, Lupin took a step back and bowed deeply to them.

   This move moved many students to tears, because they knew that if Lupin did this, he would definitely not stay.

   "Goodbye, then, Remus," Dumbledore said in a controlled manner.

  Lupin picked up the old suitcase and empty water tank from the ground in front of the children and shook hands with Dumbledore.

   Then, he waved to the children, "Thank you! Thank you everyone! I have received your blessings, go back!"

   After saying that, he kept the smile on his face and turned around, as if he was worried that he would not be able to help himself to stay, and left without looking back.

  The students followed behind him, passing classroom after classroom, and in the end they could only gather on the steps, watching helplessly as he walked across the green grass of Hogwarts and disappeared behind the gate.


Lupin's departure made most of the Hogwarts students feel lost. Among them, Harry was not the only one who felt sorry for Professor Lupin's departure. Many of his classmates in Defence Against the Dark Arts classes were Sorry for Lupin's resignation.

   "I wonder who they will arrange to teach next semester?" Simon Finni said glumly.

   "Maybe a vampire," Dean Thomas said hopefully.

   But this kind of sadness came and disappeared quickly. By the next day, these children were distracted by another thing.

   Early in the morning, the students who had just sat down were discussing the huge disturbance caused by the roaring letters sent by the parents in the principal's office yesterday afternoon. As a result, a large group of owls flew into the auditorium in an endless stream.

   Just when the students thought it was the parents' roaring letter sent to the wrong place, some sharp-eyed guys had already discovered that what these owls dropped was a supplement to the Hogwarts School Magazine.

   In addition to these supplements to the Hogwarts School Magazine, there is the Daily Prophet with a large photograph of Sirius Black on the front page.

As you can see from the front page of the Daily Prophet, the Ministry of Magic finally caught Sirius Black, but things turned out to be completely different from what they originally imagined. Black is actually innocent. The culprit turned out to be a man named Pettigrew. Peter's guy.

   "Peter Pettigrew: Back From the Dead?" A hero is a murderer. 》

  According to the insider information obtained by this reporter, the Ministry of Magic raided the night before yesterday night to hear an important case concerning Peter Pettigrew who framed Sirius Black and then escaped with a spell to kill thirteen Muggles...

   "We are doing our best to improve the laws and regulations, and the trial procedures will be more rigorous. In the future, cases of such major mistakes will be minimized, and we will strive to prevent such things from happening."

  Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge said this morning, "I implore the wizarding community to remain calm."


  For more information, please wait for further follow-up reports from this newspaper.

   Such explosive news was like throwing a boulder on the calm water, instantly detonating the entire auditorium, and everyone's interest was aroused, and they began to care about the secrets behind this report.

   Among them, the identity of Peter Pettigrew, the truth of the incident, the process of his arrest, etc., have become the hottest topic in the school, and even the British magic circle outside the school has talked about it.

   After a brief period of consternation, the students began to explore the details of the incident even more curiously.

   But the Ministry of Magic's statement is too brief, and even the "Daily Prophet", which has always been omniscient, rarely has any news.

   As if this huge news that shocked everyone, happened so suddenly.

   Peter Pettigrew has successfully replaced Black as the most evil dark wizard under Voldemort's hands.

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 2 of 3 But people were surprised to find that no one knew exactly what he did, what conspiracy he planned, and how he was caught in the end, all of which seemed to be a mystery.

But Hogwarts students and adult wizards outside the school who subscribed to the Hogwarts Magazine soon discovered that the Hogwarts Magazine, which was sent with the Daily Prophet, was published in the , published a detailed report on the matter.

   The entire school magazine spends most of its space to introduce the whole process of the whole thing.

   Includes the relationship between Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter, the betrayal behind Voldemort's murder of the Potters, and how Peter Pettigrew framed Sirius Black and sneaked away.

   All kinds of unknown facts, all of which are exclusive reports.

   This also made the "Hogwarts School Magazine" a small circle in the British wizarding world, becoming part of many household expenses, and the number of subscriptions soared rapidly.

"Is this okay?" Hermione asked uneasily, looking at the students who were reading the Hogwarts School Magazine with great interest, "If we do this, Mr. Gouffy, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, will not have Opinion."

   Clark waved his hand casually.

   "Don't worry, I have already agreed with Mr. Fei Gu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com These are just appetizers, and the Daily Prophet will also reprint these contents tomorrow.

   And there's so much to report about Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

   We don’t have to publish it all at once, we put a little dry stuff every time, plus some analysis and comments on the content inside, you know? "

  Hermione nodded.

   Sure enough, the next day, the Daily Prophet began to reprint the contents of the Hogwarts School Journal.

   I split it into pieces and distributed it several times.

   After the Daily Prophet's content was almost published, the Hogwarts School Magazine followed up with the next issue.

   In this issue, it focuses on how Black spent twelve years in Azkaban after being framed by Peter Pettigrew, and then how he escaped.

   Of course, these articles must have used some Spring and Autumn brushwork and novelist's words. After obtaining the consent of Sirius, some beautification and polishing were carried out on the whole thing.

   But in any case, under the packaging of these articles, Black also became the most famous hero after the Second Wizarding War.

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