Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 80: Semester is over, holidays are coming

"I declare that Blake is my idol!"

In the auditorium, Seamus, who had just finished reading the latest issue of "Hogwarts School Magazine", couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Look at this sentence:

In order to stick to his beliefs and fight against the most evil dark forces, he stayed in Azkaban for twelve years in obscurity;

In order to protect the friendship and protect the only orphan of his friend, he would rather bear the eyes that the world does not understand and hunt down the evil dark wizard alone.

Look, this is really cool, Sirius is a hero, a Gryffindor without a doubt. "

The "Hogwarts School Magazine" in his hand is equipped with many pictures, but the one that occupies the largest page is the comparison photo of Sirius when he was young and when he was on the run.

From the changes in the appearance of the two photos, it can be seen how much pain and sin Sirius Black has endured in these twelve years.

Beside him, some Gryffindor students also spoke up, echoing his opinion. Obviously, these people also became Sirius Black's fans.

So, this world is so magical sometimes, a murderer who was originally wanted by the Ministry of Magic, with the public opinion, changed his body and became a hero sought after by everyone.

And those people who had slandered him and despised him, also changed their faces one after another and became his supporters, cheering for him and making noise.

If Clark hadn't seen them talking about Sirius before, I'm afraid he wouldn't have thought of it.

But what did this have to do with Clark, who watched the farce while eating his cereal.

After inspecting the dragon farm several times and finding nothing unusual, the Ministry of Magic finally decided to lift the blockade of that small world and hand it over to the school.

And he was the handover person for today, so early in the morning, after running, Clark pulled Hermione and Neville up for breakfast, and happened to see the scene in front of him.

Regarding this phenomenon, Clark didn't really want to express his opinion. Isn't that the case with the masses? Whoever wins they go with whom, whoever is stronger they support whom.

The three finished their breakfast very quickly, then got up and went to the Forbidden Forest, where Charlie Weasley and Hagrid, professors of dragon raising, were already waiting for them.

With Clark coming forward, and the Minister of Magic Fudge had already greeted him in advance, the entire handover process was quick, and no other incidents occurred.

After the people from the Ministry of Magic left, they walked into the dragon farm through the peculiar space door.

It was no different from when they left before. It still maintained the appearance after being attacked. The broken gate and the dark-burned shops stood there, looking particularly desolate.

But fortunately, this place still stayed, except that the space is a little small, after all, it is a secret realm.

Speaking of the secret realm, Clark moved in his heart and took out a time converter from his pocket.

This thing is the same one he used before, but for some reason, it failed after it was used to save Hermione.

So it was also brought back by Clark from the Ministry of Magic as part of the deal with Fudge.

When he returned to the dragon farm at this moment, Clark could clearly feel that some kind of change was taking place in this damaged time converter that he could not comprehend.

The golden hourglass twirled between Clark's fingers, and it turned fast without being moved.

Suddenly, the fast-moving hourglass stopped for a moment, almost one hundredth of a millisecond, and then resumed its rotation.

Its stillness is so short that if it wasn't for Clark's keen perception, he would probably have ignored it.

Several other people were also curiously looking at this gadget in Clark's hand at this time, but after looking at it for a long time, they could not guess what it did, so they had to give up.

Clark also put this thing away again, leaving it for later study.

Although I don't know what it does, Clark can be sure that this thing must have an extremely important connection with this dragon farm secret realm.

So next, Clark and the others began to carefully check the current situation of the entire dragon farm.

After reading it, Charlie Weasley and Hagrid sighed.

"How can this place be used to raise dragons?"

No way, Clark and the others have just seen it. After turning into a secret realm, only the original Fire Dragon Park and a small surrounding area are left in the dragon farm space. As for the large forest space that used to be, all of it was consumed in the vortex of time and space. clean.

"It's not impossible," Clark said after thinking for a while, "We can use this secret realm as the core, and then expand a dragon farm around it."

"But it costs..." Charlie said hesitantly.

In order to build this dragon farm before, a lot of money has been spent. Now the dragon farm is not profitable, and the expansion of this dragon farm again, I am afraid it will cause criticism.

Clark waved his hand domineeringly, "Don't worry, I'll find a way to solve the money issue."

"Actually, there's no need to hurry. After all, we only have one dragon at the moment. With Norberta's physique, this place is enough. I think it's better to repair the Fire Dragon Park first and try to open it as soon as possible." At this time, Hermione made his own recommendations.

Hagrid nodded after listening, "Yes, yes, Norberta can be put in foster care with me for a while. She has been enjoying herself in the woods outside recently. As a child, I think it is better to get in touch with nature, often. It's not good to be locked in here."

"She's so happy, the animals in the Forbidden Forest have suffered." Clark groaned to himself. When he came just now, he saw this guy chewing the eight-eyed giant spider in his mouth. Juice splashes.

Harry and Hermione spent the next few days running back and forth between the castle and the dragon farm until the last day before the end of term.

On this day, schools announce their test results.

Hermione was very excited when she woke up early in the morning, and kept talking to Clark to relieve her nervousness.

Fortunately, she passed every course. Of course, because of the reason she was transferred to [Mage], she just passed several courses.

For this reason, Hermione also specifically complained to Clark. If the profession is popularized in the future, it must be tested according to the mage department, otherwise it will be too bullying.

Like her, Neville's grades weren't great, all just passing the line.

If his grades continue, I'm afraid he won't even be in the seventh grade. e. w. ts exams are not available.

Of course, Neville didn't seem to care about this either, and was still exercising every day, rain or shine.

Since the last **** battle with the werewolf Greyback, he seems to have made new progress in his combat ability after killing for the first time. Now even Clark can only do his best in the close combat with him.

Fortunately, there is still a top student in the Iron Triangle, and Clark still won the first place in the year with almost all the perfect scores.

However, his classmates were used to it, and they didn't think it was strange or extraordinary.

Except for the three of them, Harry and Ron had also passed the exam in every class, especially the Potions class exam, and Snape didn't even bother Harry.

This made him even think that Dumbledore had intervened, not allowing Snape to get along with him.

You know, Snape's attitude towards Harry has been quite frightening in the last week.

Perhaps after avenging Lily and dealing with Peter Pettigrew, the half-blood prince relived his grievances with Sirius Black, so much so that he took out his grievances on Black's godson, Harry.

Or maybe he was jealous that this guy Blake could live with Harry, Lily's son, and looked at those green eyes every day, which made him jealous.

Snape's distaste for Harry continued unabated anyway, and every time he saw Harry, a muscle beside his thin lips twitched unpleasantly, and he kept flexing his fingers , as if trying to grab Harry's throat.

But aside from a little unpleasantness, everything else is good news.

Clark's cousin Percy Weasley passed the superlative n. e. w. ts exam, and got a good grade, which will also provide him with a higher starting point for a job at the Ministry of Magic.

And his two younger brothers, George and Fred, each managed to collect a handful of 0.0. w. LS certificate, at least graduation is not a problem.

However, the minds of these two guys are not on this. Thanks to Clark's early participation in the establishment of the "Hogwarts School Magazine", they already have the ambition to start their own business and make a fortune.

Meanwhile, Gryffindor House has won the House Championship three years in a row thanks in large part to its prowess in Quidditch.

This meant that the end-of-term banquet needed to be decorated in scarlet and gold, and it meant that the Gryffindor House table was extra lively because everyone was celebrating.

Even Harry was eating, drinking and talking, laughing with everyone, forgetting that he was going back to the Dursleys the next day.

After eating and drinking, the students went to bed early, and the next morning, they dragged their packed hearts and sat on the Hogwarts Express.

The train started slowly with the whistle of "woo woo woo", and it was full of children returning home to reunite with their families.

The three of Clark were still sitting in the last car of the train with Harry, Ron, and Ginny as they did at the beginning of the school year, but at this moment, they no longer had Professor Lupin by their side.

"I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning. Just before breakfast, I had decided not to take Muggle studies." Hermione said casually while flipping through the magic book.

"But that would add a lot of points to your final exam grades!" Ginny said. "I'm even going to study you, and I'll take one next year."

"I know," Hermione said with a sigh, "but I can't take it next year like this year. Human energy is always limited, and the changer at that time almost drove me crazy."

"Besides, the Ministry of Magic has also taken it back and suspended the application. I can't continue even if I want to. Fortunately, after I don't take Muggle studies and divination, I can have a normal one again. the course timetable.”

"Ah, after that, I won't be able to apply for a time converter anymore, and I said I'll get one next semester." Ginny was a little disappointed.

"Who made your cousin get into such a big trouble." Hermione chuckled softly, covering her mouth.

At this time, Ron complained: "Speaking of you and Clark didn't tell us about the time changer, I still can't believe it, aren't we good friends?"

"When we applied, we signed the guarantee and promised not to tell anyone, but it has magical effects." Clark explained solemnly.

He turned his head, just in time to see that Harry was watching Hogwarts hidden from view by a mountain, and the next time he saw it, I was afraid it would be a full two months.

However, unlike previous years, this time Harry didn't have the sadness of leaving the campus on his face, but instead kept smiling foolishly.

"Looks like you're very happy, Harry!" Clark looked at him with a smile.

"Of course," Harry said briskly, recovering from Clark's questioning, "I was thinking about the vacation, and Sirius invited me to his house to live with him, and he said he Get me a room."

"That's great," said Ron, "Harry, you can still come to our house, the Blacks must have a Floo network, that would be very convenient, and you could invite your godfather to join you. Get up, I will talk to my parents and they will definitely welcome you as guests."

Harry nodded happily, but his mood soon dropped again.

"But Professor Dumbledore said that I need to stay at my uncle and aunt's house for another month before I can go to my godfather's house."

This news puzzled Ron and Hermione. Only Clark knew that it was all because Harry's mother cast an ancient protective magic before being killed by Voldemort.

Powerful magic mixed with a mother's selfless love for her children, with blood as a medium, flowing in Harry's veins, allowing him to be safe from Voldemort.

After Harry's parents died, his mother's sister Penny and his cousin Dudley became Harry's only blood relatives.

As long as he lives with his blood relatives~www.readwn.com~As long as 4 Privet Drive remains Harry's nominal "home", the guardian magic provided by blood relatives will continue to work until Harry reaches the wizarding world The legal age of majority (17 years).

Naturally, Ron didn't know the secret hidden behind this, so he could only quickly change the subject and relieve Harry's troubles.

"By the way, Harry, I remember, there's the Quidditch World Cup this summer!

Then we can watch the game together! My dad can always get the tickets from the unit, by the way, Clark, you can go too when the time comes, and Hermione and Neville. "

The suggestion really made Harry happy again, "That's really cool, can I take Sirius with me?"

Clark also nodded, "I've already got tickets for this, and Minister Fudge just released a few of my tickets. Hermione and the others will come with me."

Although he is not very interested in Quidditch matches, that kind of social occasion is quite useful for him to expand his contacts. 16727/10549920

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