Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 78: There is always light in my heart

In the transformation stage, faced with the threat of Dumbledore's scrutiny, Clark's response is very simple, which is to show "sincere".

   So he did not ask the other party to complete the transaction after Sirius got out of prison.

   The reason for this is nothing more than to give Sirius the opportunity to tell Dumbledore about this matter, and to open up the transaction to Dumbledore, so that Dumbledore can rest assured.

   In this way, Dumbledore at most told Sirius to put away all the evil books and alchemy items in his collection that were related to black magic.

   But the two of them would never have thought that Clark's target from the very beginning was Voldemort's Horcrux, the Slytherin's locket.

   As for part of the Black family's collection, that's just an addition, it doesn't matter if there is one.

   Of course, in the face of Dumbledore's scrutiny, Clark will definitely not only be prepared to show "sincerity" as a means.

   If you only limit your vision to the small island of England, then Dumbledore's existence is indeed a mountain that cannot be bypassed and gives people a lot of pressure.

   But if you stretch your vision, you can see that this mountain is only a corner of the whole world.

   Having spent so many years in the magic world, especially in recent years, told him that Dumbledore is not invincible, he also has opponents and his own troubles.

   Not to mention, just say that just a few hours ago, in the dragon farm at Hogwarts, a werewolf launched an attack, and behind these werewolves, it is obvious who the messenger is.

  Clark believed that even if Dumbledore was jealous of him, he was by no means a bald head who "must be peaceful before fighting foreigners".

   In the face of the pressure brought about by the rise of the Magical Congress of the United States, he, Clark, can be considered a force to be won.

   And besides the Magical Congress of the United States, Dumbledore has other enemies. Voldemort, who was dead but not dead, was still at large.

What? Did you say Harry Potter?

   Well, if it wasn't for that prophecy, Dumbledore wouldn't have chosen Harry Potter to deal with Voldemort, Hermione was more reliable than him.

   With Harry's talent, being an Auror is barely enough. In the original book, he was able to defeat Voldemort, which somewhat took advantage of the protagonist's halo.

   Moreover, even if Dumbledore's "Noble Phantasm of Voldemort" plays a role, Clark can choose to reverse milk Voldemort. Isn't that what he collected Horcruxes for?

  Being the forerunner of the king, someone has to do it.

   Clark, who left the interrogation room, waited for a while before Headmaster Dumbledore came out.

  Behind him, Harry's face was filled with an excited smile, it was obvious that the presence of Sirius Black gave him a new place for summer vacation.

   "Ah, little Clark, are you waiting for us?" Dumbledore asked when he saw Clark.

   Clark nodded helplessly, "Of course, Principal, I have to go back to school."

   Dumbledore laughed, reached out and snapped his fingers, then put his hand on his and Harry's shoulders.

   The next moment, a red light flashed in front of the two of them, and the whole person seemed to be sucked into the pipe. When they opened their eyes again, they were already in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

   It's just that before they could recover, Dumbledore issued an expulsion order, "Okay, it's getting late, I think you have to go back to the dormitory first, what else, let's talk about it tomorrow."

   Clark and Harry looked at each other and left the principal's office obediently.

   They walked in the empty corridor, no one spoke, and finally Harry said, "Thank you!"

   The voice was so small that it wouldn't have been audible if it wasn't for Clark's excellent ears.

   "Blake told you all about it?" Clark turned his head and glanced at him.

  Harry nodded, "Thank you for helping him, I thought he was a bad guy at first, really...really..."

   "It's normal," Clark reassured him, "but we still have to learn to think more occasionally and not fully believe the so-called rumors."

   The two chatted each and every sentence, and soon returned to the dormitory.

   was silent all night. The next day, Clark woke up and took a walk by the lake. When he returned to the common room, he was surrounded by some Gryffindor students who happened to be here.

   "Clark, what's the situation? Is the dragon farm still open?"

   "Is Yanglong Park going to close?"

   "I heard that a werewolf attacked there yesterday, is that true?"

  The little wizards were chattering, and you asked me about the news related to the dragon farm. Clark had to use magic to expand his voice, which made them quiet.

   "One question after another.

   First of all, I'm sorry about yesterday's attack, and I'm here to apologize to everyone.

   As for the dragon farm, don't worry, this is a Hogwarts teaching facility and will not be demolished and closed. I can guarantee this.

As for the Fire Dragon Park, the Hogwarts school board will meet again to discuss it. I can't say that, but the only thing I can guarantee is that if the park reopens, we will definitely upgrade our security system so that Don't worry, everyone, have fun! "

   Clark's words made the students present applaud. They didn't care about werewolf attacks. The school's announcement didn't say that those attackers didn't.

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1 of 3 Has anyone hurt someone?

   Besides, for Gryffindor students, wouldn't it be more exciting to have an attack.

   Anyway, as long as the dragon farm and the fire dragon park are not closed, they haven't had enough. As for the previous Hogsmeade Village, after the Fire Dragon Park, who would go to that kind of place?

Clark got rid of the entanglement of his classmates in embarrassment and came to the auditorium to prepare breakfast, but the meal was not comfortable. From time to time, students from other colleges came to him and asked the same as Gryffindor students. The problem.

   It seems that after the fermentation last night, all the students in the whole school knew about the attack on the dragon farm that happened yesterday.

  Clark had to speed up the process of eliminating the food, but before he could get up and leave, Harry and Ron walked over together, Hermione and Neville followed behind them, and the faces of the four of them looked very bad.

   "What's the matter?" Clark asked curiously, not in a hurry to leave.

  Harry and Ron looked at each other, and finally Ron said, "Professor Lupin is leaving. He can't teach us Defence Against the Dark Arts next semester."

   "What? What's the situation?" Clark was also very surprised by this matter.

   Obviously things didn't develop according to the original plot, why Lupin still couldn't be a teacher.

   "It's Snape!" said Harry indignantly. "He must be jealous of Professor Lupin taking the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. He dreamed of teaching that, didn't he?"

Hermione explained in a low voice, "We met Hagrid this morning, he told us, Snape told all the students in Slytherin this morning, and now everyone knows that Professor Lupin is The werewolf thing."

   "This news, coupled with the incident of the werewolf attack yesterday, made the students very worried. I think they might have written to their parents by now." Neville added.

   "That would be difficult," Clark sighed helplessly when he heard this. "In this case, Professor Lupin can't even think of leaving Hogwarts."

   Several people sighed together, this Professor Lupin, but they are the most satisfied with the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in recent years.

  It's a pity that good luck makes people, even Clark, who is the director of Hogwarts, can't settle this kind of thing, and he doesn't want to help settle it.

   Regarding Lupin coming to teach at Hogwarts, he was against it from the very beginning, and even raised it in front of Dumbledore, but the other party didn’t listen.

  Light from this point of view, Dumbledore is worthy of being a reckless Gryffindor.

   It is true that Lupin himself is pitiful and innocent. He is a good man, a good man, and has a strong teaching level, but his werewolf status is a ticking time bomb, which may suddenly explode one day.

  Hogwarts is full of underage students, and letting them stay with a werewolf may save Lupin, but it is also irresponsible to all students.

   There is nothing 100% in this world. Once a student is bitten, it is an absolute disaster for that student.

   About this, Clark, who has gone back in time several times to save Hermione, has a deep understanding.

  Clark believed that the kind-hearted Lupin actually understood this, and perhaps he was also frightened every night, suffering from the torment of his conscience.

   "Hey, after dinner, let's go see Professor Lupin. He must not be feeling well now." Clark sighed and gave his own advice.

  Harry and the others also had no appetite at this time, they hurriedly dealt with them, and walked towards Professor Lupin's office together.

   There were still students walking along the way, but the closer you got to Professor Lupin's office, the fewer students walked around. In the end, Clark and the others didn't even see a single person.

   When they arrived at Lupin's office, they found that the door of the room was open, and Lupin had packed most of the things inside.

   Grindylow's empty water tank stood beside his battered suitcase, which was open and almost full.

  Lupin was now bending over to look at something on his desk, and he only looked up when Harry and the others knocked on the door.

   "It's you, I thought that if something like this happened, no one would come to see me... You know." Lupin said with a smile, with no trace of loneliness on his face.

   "We met Hagrid at breakfast," said Harry, "he said you've quit, wasn't he wrong?"

   "I'm afraid that's right," said Lupin.

   He started to open the drawer of the desk and take out the contents.

   "Why?" Harry asked eagerly, "Just because you're a werewolf? You can't leave us just because of this!"

   He emphasized it again, Ron nodded again and again, but Clark, Hermione, and Neville didn't move.

  Lupin noticed this too, and there was a hint of bitterness in the smile on his face.

   "This time tomorrow, owls are coming from the parents - they won't let a werewolf teach their children, Harry.

   And after what happened yesterday, I think they were right...I could be like those guys and bite any of you at any time...that kind of thing can never happen. "

  Lupin went to the door and closed the door behind Harry.

   "You are the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher we have ever taught us!" Harry said very sincerely, "Don't go!"

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 2 of 3 Lupin shook his head and said nothing.

   And just as he continued to pack the drawer, Clark said, "Professor, I have one thing to refute you, you are different from those werewolves!"

   "Yes, that's right!" Neville said with great certainty, "I faced that werewolf myself, what's that...what's that guy called?"

   "Fenrir Greyback," Clark said.

   "What! Greyback!" Lupin was shocked. He only knew that a group of werewolves attacked the dragon farm yesterday, but he did not know that it was Fenrir Greyback who was at the head.

   "That's right, it's that guy," Neville nodded. "I can clearly feel that I have been in close contact with him. You are different from him, Professor Lupin."

   "His soul is a void of despair and darkness, and nothing can fill his heart.

   And you are different, Professor, I can feel it, there is love in your heart, there is sunshine, there are some precious things in your heart that need to be protected. "

  Neville's words brought tears to Lupin's eyes.

"thanks, thanks!

   Did you know that the werewolf that bit me in the first place was Fenrir Greyback, and my father arrested him and he bit me in revenge.

   So thank you so much, Neville, you avenged me. "

He put his hand on Neville's shoulder, "You are right, I do yearn for the light, but as my father told me, there must be someone in this world to watch the light in the dark, Maybe this is what God has given me to do."

  Lupin patted Neville on the shoulder and turned to look at Harry again.

   "Actually, I've always been grateful to your father, Harry, who was arguably the first light that came into my life.

   When everyone was rejecting me, and I didn’t dare to contact others, it was your father who approached me.

  Because of him, I have friends for the first time, three wonderful friends.

   also because of them, I know, I am not the same as those werewolves who hurt me, it was the best time of my life. "

  Lupin's words moved everyone present. Sometimes, the friendship between brothers is so pure and touching.

   This power is the same as the "love" that Harry's mother attached to him, and even helped Lupin resist the erosion of the werewolf curse on his soul.

   "Okay," he wiped the tears from his eyes, "Stop talking about it, I'm not a poor guy, Lupin. I used to have friends like James, and now, I have students like you."

   At this moment, the smile returned to his face.

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