Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 17: just got off the train

Clark and Hermione and Neville arrived at Hogwarts safely and comfortably.

The train stopped safely in front of the platform of Hogsmeade Station, everyone got off the train, and the scene was very chaotic.

"First-year freshmen, this way!"

A familiar loud voice sounded, and under the bright lights, Hagrid was still the same, standing there to greet the first-year students, including Ginny, ready to greet them in the traditional way of crossing the lake.

He also saw Clark and the others, and shouted at them, "Isn't Harry with you?"

Unfortunately, the scene was too crowded. The three of Clark waved to him, and before they could answer, they were pushed to the other side of the platform by the surging crowd.

Now they are in the second grade, and they have to change to a new way of admission.

The three followed the other seniors to a rough, muddy path beside the platform. In the eyes of everyone, there were at least a hundred carriages waiting for them with invisible horses.

Of course, this does not include Clark, because in Clark's eyes, the front of the carriage is not really without horses.

Between those rods stood some strange and magical creatures.

They look a bit like reptiles, tall, but bony, black fur clinging to the skeleton, every bone clearly visible, no muscle at all.

And on the bulge between their shoulder bones, there are also a pair of large, black bat wings.

Seemingly aware that someone was looking at them, the "Pegasus" closest to Clark twisted its dragon-shaped head and glared at him with dead fish eyes without pupils.

Clark wasn't afraid, he knew that these carts were actually a kind of magical animal called Thestral, a kind of Pegasus.

Many superstitious people believe that such creatures are very unlucky and will bring terrible disasters to those who see them, which is a bad omen.

But in fact, Thestrals can only be seen by those who have witnessed death with their own eyes, and as a rebirth, Clark, who has personally experienced death, can naturally see them as well.

As for Hermione and Neville, neither of them could see that.

The three of them randomly chose a carriage to get in, close the door, and the carriage squeaked and moved under the pull of Yestral, swaying and swaying forward in the queue.

The car was filled with a faint smell of musty and straw, and with the rickety carriage, Clark once again recalled the feeling of riding an old-fashioned bus in his previous life.

Fortunately, the journey was not long. They made a detour along the walls of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At the end of the carriage road were two magnificent wrought iron gates.

On both sides of the door, there are stone pillars, and on the top of the stone pillars are wild boars with wings.

This is the main entrance of Hogwarts!

Through the main gate, the carriage speeds up the long uphill drive to the castle, past the grounds of Hogwarts and Hagrid's cottage along the way.

Hermione stuck her head out of the small car window and watched the turrets and towers of the castle come closer and closer to them.

Yes, and unlike many people may imagine, the gate of Hogwarts Castle is not on the side of the great hall and foyer, but at the back of the entire castle.

Finally, the carriage staggered to a halt, and Clark, Hermione and Neville got off the big lawn together, followed the crowd up the stone steps, passed through the majestic oak gate, and entered the spacious and deep entrance hall of the castle. .

There were burning torches, and a magnificent marble staircase led upstairs.

On the right side of the foyer, the door of the auditorium was open. They walked in and found that there were already many people sitting on the tables of the four colleges.

Overhead, countless burning candles were suspended in mid-air, illuminating the golden plates and goblets on the table. The enchanted ceiling reflected the sky outside, and the stars were shining in the dark blue night.

The three of Clark came to sit at the long table belonging to Gryffindor and waited quietly for the start of the sorting ceremony. Unfortunately, they did not see Harry and Ron until the first-year freshmen lined up to walk in.

These two missed the Sorting Hat ceremony!

Hermione glanced around, looked at Clark impatiently, and said in a low voice in his ear, "What the **** are these two doing? Could it be that they didn't board the train!"

Clark really wanted to praise Hermione "You're so smart", but unfortunately this wasn't the time for jokes, so he could only comfort her softly.

"Don't worry, the two of them are not too young. Even if they miss the train, they can still send an owl to Professor McGonagall, or contact the staff at the train platform."

Of course, there was one more thing Clarke didn't say, and that was "as long as they weren't reckless and impulsive Gryffindors".

Hermione obviously didn't think of this. She turned her head and looked at the freshmen with Clark. Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, she walked nervously into the auditorium.

Clark's cousin, Ginny, was among them, with her red Weasley hair conspicuously conspicuous, and Clark waved at her.

In addition to her, at this year's sorting ceremony, Clark also saw a little witch with pale blond curly hair and erratic eyes, who looked eccentric.

That is Luna Lovegood, who is famous in the original book, and is tied with Hermione as the heroine of Harry Potter.

Clark glanced at her curiously and found that there was nothing unusual about this little girl except that she was beautiful and her dress was a bit exaggerated.

But aside from her and Ginny, there seemed to be little to see in the entire sorting ceremony.

Clark turned his gaze to the teachers' chair again. Headmaster Dumbledore was sitting in a high-back chair watching the ceremony, his long silver beard and half-moon-shaped spectacles gleaming in the candlelight. Hui.

In a few chairs next to him, Gilderoy Lockhart was wearing his emerald green robe, and next to him sat the burly Hagrid~www.wuxiamtl.com~He was upright He picked up his glass and looked at Gryffindor with a worried look on his face.

In addition, there was a vacant seat next to Professor Flitwick, and the entire faculty seat was missing Professor Snape, the dean of Slytherin.

Hermione apparently noticed this too, and she glanced at Clark, realizing that Snape's absence was probably due to Harry and Ron.

"What the **** are the two of them doing? They won't be caught by Snape and will be fired soon, right?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Clark responded casually: "Don't worry, with Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall here, they will be fine."

At this time, the last freshman had completed the sorting, Dumbledore stood up, and Clark found that Professor McGonagall also got up, but did not take away the sorting hat, but hurriedly left the seat.

"Look, isn't Professor McGonagall here?" Clark pointed to her.

Hermione glared at Clark.

"You must know something, but you are hiding it from me!"

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