Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 18: New transfer student at Hogwarts


Dumbledore's words interrupted Hermione's investigation.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts in the new school year, and I hope you have had enough time during your two-month vacation, so that your little brains can be left empty, so that you can continue to hold the knowledge of the new school year."

There was a burst of cheerful laughter in the auditorium, and Dumbledore cleared his throat, his long white beard gleaming silver in the candlelight.

"Before the great dinner begins, I have a few things to say.

First of all, we are delighted to welcome a new teacher to Hogwarts this year, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who will be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. "


There was thunderous applause in the auditorium, especially some senior female students who clapped their palms red.

Lockhart stood up, belly shy, as if he was very happy with the little wizards' reaction, and the smile on his face was extraordinarily bright.

"Quiet, quiet!" Dumbledore had to shout a few times to silence them.

"As for the second thing, this year we will welcome a friend from afar, and he is a transfer student from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Bruce Stewart."

A sturdy boy with short black hair strode up to the teacher's chair.


As soon as Clark heard his origins, he immediately perked up and looked at the transfer student.

He looked about the same size as Harry and the others, but he was a little more burly and his features were very outstanding.

Facing the gazes of the young wizards in the audience, this Bruce Stewart didn't look restrained at all, and smiled very naturally.

Dumbledore continued on it: "Although Ilvermorny is also divided into four houses, as a transfer student, I think Mr. Stewart still has to conduct a sorting ceremony first to determine where he should sit."

Following his words, the Bruce put on the Sorting Hat, but as soon as the Sorting Hat touched his scalp, he immediately screamed:


There were only a few cold, sparse applause from the long Slytherin table, followed by Dumbledore.

"Ilvermorny is a world-renowned wizarding school in the United States, widely regarded as one of the greatest educational institutions of wizardry in the world.

In the face of foreign friends from afar, I hope that the Hogwarts classmates can also show your spirit, become friends with Bruce with a warm and friendly attitude, and promote communication between the two schools together. . "

Dumbledore's polite remarks did not produce any good results. Obviously, the young wizards present were more interested in the expectation of dinner than the transfer student from thousands of miles away.

"Okay, that's all that matters," Dumbledore said helplessly, "Let's have a feast!"

The golden plates and goblets in front of everyone suddenly appeared full of food and drinks, and the hungry little wizards cheered and began to eat.

This was really a delicious feast. There were laughter and laughter in the auditorium, and the sound of knives and forks colliding, but Clark didn't move his fork, just stared at the back of Bruce not far away, and fell into contemplation.

"Clark," Hermione tugged at him, "what are you looking at? Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall have left."

Professor McGonagall had just returned, whispered in the headmaster's ear, and the two left the auditorium together through the back door of the hall.

"Nothing." Clark looked away, but Hermione noticed his gaze.

"Is that the American transfer student? Is it because of the dragon farm?" The smart Hermione immediately thought of what Clark had said to her last semester.

Hogwarts established the dragon farm originally to target the dragon farm on the Romanian side, but now they are flirting with the Magic Congress in the United States because of the defeat of the bear.

Now that Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has sent another transfer student to Hogwarts, it's hard not to connect it.

Clark forked a piece of baked potato that had just appeared on the table, peeled it off, dipped it in sea salt and black pepper, and chewed it in his mouth.

After swallowing, he said, "I don't know, but his name is quite interesting."

Hermione didn't understand what he meant, and Clark didn't want to elaborate. The sudden transfer student suddenly disturbed his thoughts.

You know, there is no such character in the original book.

Now it's just because of his unusual behavior last year that caused this butterfly effect. In the days to come, with his participation, I am afraid that the world will become unrecognizable.

But as long as he thought of the godhead shard in his mind, Clark's eyes became firm again. Change, change. In this world, nothing is constant. Perhaps only the power that transcends the mundane can last forever. After I become a god, who cares about the flood.

Besides, he came from China in his previous life, and never believed in God's Noah's Ark. What he believed in was that Yu could control the waters, and man would definitely conquer the sky.

Since the world is going to change, with me here, let's make it a little better!

At a dinner party, neither of them enjoyed themselves very much. Clark was thinking about the meaning behind the transfer students and the changes he would face in the further future, while Hermione was worried about the status quo of Harry and Ron.

But after dinner and back to the Gryffindor lounge with Clark and the others, she knew exactly what was going on.

Because in the lounge, the Weasley twins had already read the Daily Prophet~www.wuxiamtl.com~ very loudly.

"The Ford Anglia Can Fly, Muggles Are Big"

Two Muggles in London are convinced they saw an old sedan fly over the post office building...noon in Norfolk, while Mrs Hetty Bellis was drying her clothes...Mr Angus Foley of Peebles told The police report... a total of six or seven Muggles saw..."

"Oh, Merlin's beard! What did they do?" Hermione breathed a little while looking at the scene in front of her. "They are really childish."

The last sentence, she said to the Weasley twins.

Because the two of them were jumping up and down in the lounge at the moment, everyone said that his brother was the school he drove with Harry, and the little Gryffindor wizards around were also very impressed by what they said. interest.

"It's really childish," Clark sighed helplessly, picking up the "Daily Prophet" and unfolding it.

The only good news may be that this news is hidden in the cracks of the last page of the newspaper, and perhaps the negative impact of this will be less.

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