Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 16: 1 other volunteer

"Need someone else... Harry?"

Facing Clark's plan, Hermione immediately thought of her good friend. Of course, this kind of good thing must be shared with her friends.

Unfortunately, Clark shook his head, "No, Harry's identity is important. Professor Dumbledore has been paying attention to him. We have to keep a distance from him this year."

"Then Ron?"

Hermione thought of another friend of hers, "He's your cousin, and the relationship should be close enough, and he doesn't have much sense of existence."

Clark still shook his head, "No, Ron can't be trusted. He's a big mouth and can't hide things in his heart. If he knows, it's no different from the whole dormitory, the whole school, and even the whole grade."

After being rejected for two candidates in a row, Hermione was a little discouraged. To be honest, she was focused on studying in the first grade and didn't know many friends.

As for the girls in the dormitory with her?

Hermione glanced up at Clark's handsome face, and quickly dismissed the idea.

Just as Hermione was searching, thinking about who else would be suitable for the role of this test subject, there was a knock on the door of the compartment.

"Please come in."

"Excuse me, did you see Clark..." As the door was opened, the questioning stopped abruptly.

"Long time no see, Neville." Clark greeted Neville with a smile. Hermione saw him, her eyes suddenly lit up, she glanced at Clark, stood up enthusiastically, and welcomed him into the compartment. That made Neville a little uncomfortable.

Just like on the train when school started last year, now the Gryffindor triangle is sitting together again, but this time, Hermione gave up her seat to Neville and sat next to Clark.

The two of them sat on their seats, all four eyes staring at Neville together, sizing him up from head to toe.

Neville hadn't reacted yet. He was talking to them about some interesting things about his holiday life, but as he talked, he felt that something was wrong.

"What's the matter with you?" The simple and honest Neville thought there was something wrong with his clothes, and rubbed his nose cautiously.

"It's nothing," Clark took the initiative to take over, "I just found out that I haven't seen you in the summer vacation. You have changed a lot, you have grown taller and stronger."

Neville smiled and patted the back of his head embarrassedly.

Clark and Hermione did not continue to talk about the topic just now, but talked about what he experienced in France after Hermione left, including what Kuila did in the back, and how the fashion commentary he wrote was popular. Welcome, and how in the end Kuira got his revenge by sending her stepmother to prison with her own help.

Of course, some touch-ups and artistic processing are indispensable in this. After all, as the protagonist of the story, the camera must fall on Clark.

Hermione and Neville listened intently to his story, at times nervous about their precarious situation and at times giggling for a small victory for them.

While they were listening to the story, the galloping Hogwarts Express had already left London, and outside the window were fields full of cattle and sheep, and endless meadows.

Clark's mouth was dry, and it happened to be half past twelve when there was a clattering noise from the corridor outside.

Soon, a middle-aged flight attendant with a smile and dimples pushed open the door of the compartment and asked, "Honey, do you want to buy some food from the car?"

Maybe all the trains in the world are the same, even the wizard's Hogwarts Express, there is no shortage of "peanuts, melon seeds, eight-treasure porridge".

It's a pity that these special foods on the Huaxia train are not available here. She only has Bibi Duo Beans, Chubao Super Bubble Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pies, Pot Cakes, Licorice Wands, and some other bizarre foods.

Clark wasn't very fond of snacks, and Hermione was insensitive to those sweets because her parents were dentists, and as for Neville, he looked at them and muttered that his grandma made him love burritos.

So in the end, Clark just bought a big bottle of chilled pumpkin juice.

He took the pumpkin juice into the compartment and placed it on the table, Hermione took out the bread and salad greens her mother had prepared for her, and Neville took out a bulging cardboard box with three little babies. Arm thick burritos.

"You didn't bring lunch, Clark?" Neville saw that Clark only had a small suitcase, and it didn't look like he had brought lunch, so he handed him a burrito, "If I didn't dislike it, how much more would I have? Yes, let's eat together!"

With that, he gave Hermione another burrito, and Hermione also contributed her bread and salad.

Clark unceremoniously took the burrito and took a big bite. A strong cheese flavor, mixed with soft diced beef and sweet diced onion, exploded in his mouth.

Well, it's a cheese-beef-flavored burrito.

Unfortunately, it seems that the burritos have been cold because of the long time, otherwise the warm cheese should be able to pull out long strands after taking a bite.

Clark ate a burrito in three bites, much to Neville's delight.

"Okay, since you all invited me to eat, let me share some food."

After speaking, Clark stood up, took off the key around his neck, inserted it into the third keyhole on the suitcase, opened it with a "click", and a downward staircase appeared in the suitcase.

Hermione and Neville watched curiously as Clark walked down the stairs in the suitcase. After a while, he came out again with a steaming pot of curried potato brisket in his hand.

He put away the box and put the brisket on the table in the middle~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The strong aroma of curry wafted in the compartment immediately, making people drool.

"Come on, come and **** craft!"

Clark greeted them to enjoy it together. The three of them used Hermione's bread to enjoy the fragrant and spicy curry, the powdered potatoes, and the tenderly braised beef brisket. They enjoyed the whole pot very quickly. Food was wiped out.

After eating and drinking, they chatted about some courses in the new semester, mainly the Defense Against the Dark Arts course taught by Lockhart.

"This year's Defence Against the Dark Arts textbooks are really expensive," Neville complained, "but my grandma said there was something to be said for those books."

"Oh, he's amazing." Hermione nodded, "I mean, he wrote almost all the books on the book list! And when he signed the book, he said that he would come to Hogwarts this year in person. Teach us Defence Against the Dark Arts."

Clark looked at Hermione with an admiring expression on his face. He really couldn't bear to break her fantasy, so he could only hold back a smile and nodded.

"I think the class he took will be wonderful!"

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