Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 51--Timely rescue

"team leader……"

"This... Qingye..."

"Waxi, hurry up! Lei Tong, throw the knife!" Xuanjian climbed up with difficulty, with tears in his eyes, and used all his strength to throw the last three Senbon. His throat roared hysterically, and his companions around him began to struggle, looking at their companions in the distance, helpless.

Time seems to have stood still.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

"Fire Release·Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Water escape·Water chaos!"

"Wind Release·Vacuum Jade!"

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!"

Deep voices came out from under the mask one after another. In an instant, a solid earth wall stood in front of Qingye; then, a dragon head made of flames poked out from behind the earth wall and hit the monster in front of him; under his feet , a rough water wave changed the terrain, the dry land suddenly turned into muddy soil, and the monster's speed also dropped suddenly; two small groups of storms rotated, under exquisite control, around the monster's back, and The faster speed hit the monster behind the knee and knocked it to the ground. Through the conduction of water, the thunder flow wrapped around the monster completely.

At this point, Qingye was barely out of danger.

"That's it?" They were shocked by this series of ninjutsu, and the three people around them were a little surprised. This looks like a complete team.

"Captain, are these the reinforcements called by those people after they returned?" Dieyiwaxi asked Xuanjian, holding his upper body and forcing one eye open to look at the battlefield filled with smoke and fire.

"I don't know... the border is quite far from here. I don't know much about the border guards, but the speed is really..." Indeed, it takes at least half an hour to get here from the border, and it is impossible to get there anyway. So timely.

"So? This is just a passing team on a mission?" After hearing this, Lei Tong didn't even sit up. He just lay on the ground and looked at the sky, guessing.

Of course, only Aoba can see clearly the person in front of him.

"Tian...Tian Ling?"

That's right, the person in front of Qingye is Tian Ling. In other words, they are Tianling's clones.

Half an hour ago.

"Captain Kushina, the Yin attribute chakra over there feels more and more violent. And there are eruptions from time to time." Yu Ling suddenly said this not long after the previous stop.

In his senses, the forest was completely covered by the uncontrollable chakra, and the powerful chakra body was jumping around.

"Huh? Are you sure? Then go and have a look. Your team will follow." Kushina was also a little worried. Just now, she could see the huge chakra with her senses, and because of the remaining chakra of the Nine Tails in her body, she could also feel the strong malice.

"It's okay. My team continues the mission. I..."

"Do you want to go by yourself?" Kushina interrupted Yu Ling anxiously. Even now she doesn't feel comfortable letting a child take such a risk.

"No. I just let my clones go. They are stronger than me. Clone Technique!" Yu Ling shook his head calmly while continuing to run, and released five more clones. These five, who happened to be wind, thunder, water, fire and earth, a whole group of clones lined up with Yu Ling and ran forward for a while.

"Oh, that's it. Let's go then. Let me report what happened." Kushina took a long breath and felt relieved knowing that Yu Ling didn't have to take action personally. However, I was shocked for a moment by the scene in front of me.

Her perception ability allowed her to clearly see the equally violent chakra in those clones.

"Just five attributes... This is really unique and... violent."

"Okay, let's go."


Then, came the entrance of these five clones.

"Tian Ling... why are you here?" Qingye was still confused, why did Tian Ling, as the team leader, come to support alone? What about his teammates? "

"Mountain City Qingye, we are the clones of ANBU Ten Ling. Tian Ling felt the powerful chakra fluctuations and sent us to check the situation." The earth clone closest to Aoye spoke in the same low voice, without any ambiguity. He told Qingye the reason.

"It turns out you didn't come here specifically to save us... But thank you." Even with a shy character like Aoba, looking at such a straightforward and indifferent clone, he couldn't help laughing and laughed softly.

"Aoye, who is here? How are you?" Genma closed his eyes in the distance and quietly asked Aoye in the special way of the group.

"Well, it's the ANBU team leader, Tian Ling's clone. By the way, I'm not injured." After Qingye briefly reported, he opened his eyes. Although he heard that this Tian Ling was very strong, he couldn't bear to leave such a monster to a child.

"Huh? Tianling...'s clone? Leitong, Waxi, can you still move?" Xuanjian was the first to hold on to the tree and stood up step by step.

"Huh? Let me try...ah...it doesn't work for the moment. Captain, you go ahead. I can still use ninjutsu like this." Lei Tong exhausted all his strength and could only push himself to the side as he fell. On the trunk of the tree, he struggled to maintain his sitting position and spoke breathlessly.

"Where's Vashi?"

"I...Captain, I can't do it either." Vaxi was also sitting, but blood was constantly flowing from his waist and abdomen.

"Ah hahaha! Why did another person appear? Huh? Why does this person have no smell, no human smell at all! What on earth is this! Ah hahaha! There is blood behind it!" The monster's pores appeared all over its body once. He broke out and broke free from the control of the thunder flow, muttering to himself unscrupulously in the air.

"Good opportunity. Let's go..."

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Wind Release·Wind Cut!"

Aoba just wanted to take advantage of this moment of being unable to move in the air to use his genjutsu, but he didn't expect that he would be overtaken by the ANBU next to him.

The combination of wind and fire ninjutsu is the most common combination and the most effective. A fire dragon's head, whose speed and damage were magnified several times, rushed straight into the monster in the air and completely enveloped it.

"Hahahaha! Such a small flame can't hurt me! You have to die too! Curse Seal·Explosive Blow!" The monster fell, and its arms changed slightly again, and appeared out of the smoke again. At this time, he rushed out directly.

"Asshole! How dare you hurt me! You must die!" The chakra from both legs exploded instantly, and within a breath, he appeared next to Tian Ling's Lei Fen and punched him down. "Ah hahahaha! Deal with one first! Huh?"

"Earth Release: Weighted Rock Technique! Earth Release: Dancing Rocks!" The earth clone moved and jumped out from behind the previous earth flow wall. When it fell, it increased its own weight. When it landed, it shook. Piles of gravel. Then, a punch was thrown out, and pieces of gravel attacked the monster that was already close at hand from all directions.

"Ah! You're so annoying! I'm going to kill you! Cursed Seal Duolian's self-reinforced bullets!" Once again, pores appeared one after another all over the body, and the next second, dark blue chakra leaked out out.


The rubble that was flying in the air just now was blown into pieces in an instant and slowly fell from the air. The five clones barely managed to stay away from the explosion before taking a breath.

"Yo yo! The little mouse is good at running! Curse Seal·Axe Slash Explosion!" He turned around forcefully in the air and came down, pressing his huge fist in front of him.

This time, the other clones scattered again, but the earth clone stayed in place.

"Earth Release: Weighted Rock Technique! Earth Release: Rock Fist Technique!" The body suddenly sank, and a deep pit was pressed out of the surrounding ground. The earth clone stood firmly in the center, raised his fist, and rotated his upper body. Similar to that monster, thick clods of soil condensed on the surface of the fist, and then he punched out!

Compared with that monster, it was a straight punch that was not inferior at all.

This is a straight punch with enhanced physical skills!

As Tian Lingliu's first style, he uses every opportunity to find every opportunity!


"Ah hahaha! Why is there such a huge power all of a sudden! This really excites me! Curse Seal·Explosive Blow!" The monster in the air was forcefully caught by the punch. This was a situation he did not expect. The shape stagnated for a moment, but the next second, it exploded again!

The fist came down again.

"Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity." The earth clone read the lines coldly. Now there is no right hand behind his back. His left hand is still horizontally blocking in front of him, and his right hand is hidden deep in his waist.

At this moment, he also punched!


"Yo yo! It's actually okay! Curse Seal·Seismic Flame! Hahahahaha!" This time it was blocked again, and the monster's body in the air also fell. Taking advantage of this momentum, the monster's hand changed again, its thick fist covering a larger area, and it suddenly hit the ground.

A pit about the same size as the earth clone's feet appeared.

And it’s even deeper.

Pieces of gravel flew into the air uncontrollably.

"Earth Escape: Rocks Dancing!"

The earth clone seized this opportunity, accurately hit the rocks in the air with a punch, and hit the monster at high speed.

"Wind Release·Wind Cut!"

"Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire!" The clones are all the same person, and the coordination between them is even more flawless. Seeing such an opportunity, being able to use combination ninjutsu is naturally the best choice. So, the fire clone and the wind clone took action.

"Combined Ninjutsu: Skyfalling Meteor!" The three clones announced their names in a low voice at the same time, and rocks mixed with flames flew towards the monster non-stop.

"Ah hahaha! Are you like this... huh? That's interesting hahahaha! I'm going to kill you!" The monster's expression changed slightly, and he felt his breath became calmer, and then there was another burst of chakra. "Curse Seal Duolian's continuous artillery fire!"

This time, due to the blessing of wind and fire attributes, the stones were not shattered, but slowly slowed down. They were all scattered on the ground before they reached the monster.

"Captain, it's...it seems we can't help..." Lei Tong slowly lowered his hands ready to form seals. Even if they didn't know the strength of Tian Ling's clone in front of them, they didn't understand Yu Ling's due to their qualifications. Although they have a different life experience, seeing such a scene, it is also clear that this battle is not something they can get involved in.

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