Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 50--The ability of the four-person team

"Huh? Leitong, Genma, Iwahi. Why are you..." Just when Aoba was about to use his body to block the monster in front of him, his teammates appeared silently beside him.

"Okay, what starts now is our most primitive team! Let's go meet this monster together!" Genma held Aoba's shoulder, patted it gently, and took out his regular I hold the thousand copies in my hand, leaning forward, as if everything is ready.

"Oh, we still have to fight. Then come on." Lei Tong also clenched the long knife in his hand, took a step forward, and protected Qingye.

"You... Okay! Then, let this monster come back with all the benefits!" Qingye jumped back, distanced himself, flipped his hands to form seals, and the crows flew back one after another. .

"You know the tactics... right? It's time to start!" Genma took the first action, circling the side of the monster and activating ninjutsu. "Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Konoha Style Swordsmanship Liu!" Lei Tong faced the monster and ran forward, waving with one hand, his body elegant, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

"Ah hahaha! Just the three of you? Such a little blood is not enough! I will tear you apart!" The monster looked at the similarity in front of him and felt as if he had been provoked. He raised his fists and aimed at them. The route he ran over.

"You really look down on illusions! Illusion: Sanqianwu no Jutsu! I leave it to you for the similarity!" Aoba was behind, commanding the crows closest to him to fly around the monster, blocking his view.

"Hahahaha! These cute little birds! Such a little blood is not enough, we still need you humans!" The monster slapped down several crows, with blood stains on his hands, and put them in front of him, fiercely Take a lick and laugh.

"Hmph. With our cooperation, no one can escape! Black Blade·Tachi!" Lei Tong classified his actions as one, omitting all actions that affected his speed. He held the long knife upright and stabbed into the crowd of crows. .

"Ah haha! Huh?"


The long knife stained with poison pierced the monster's chest through the crow.

"Huh, I got it."

"Hey, hey! The same thing is back!" Dieyiwaxi suddenly discovered something and hurriedly threw the kunai in his hand at the monster.

"Washi, what are you doing..."

"Ah ha ha ha ha! What did you say... succeeded? Who succeeded? You are so close to me, how can I not tear you apart! Piston Punch·Supercharge!"

"What...it has no effect...what the hell is this."

"Hey, Same, come out quickly. Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu!" Genma had just reached the right side of the monster and had just time to release such a ninjutsu.

"Well, Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" Dieyiwaxi looked at the captain's Fire Release, seized this opportunity, and also used Fire Release.

"Okay, then I'll help too. Fire Release: Phoenix Fire Jutsu!" Aoye is also a good Fire Release expert. Following the steps of his teammates, he performed his best Fire Release Ninjutsu.

"Huh? My teammates have started to attack, so I have to leave quickly. Konoha Style Random Slash!" Lei Tong kicked the monster with both feet, pulled out his sword, and spun in the air, and it also started to form knots. print.

"Hmph, Fire Release·Dragon Flame!"

Compared to other people's C-level fire escape, this ninjutsu is a standard B-level ninjutsu. In terms of combat effectiveness, Litong is the strongest one in this team.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! You three-legged cat kung fu! Ah ha ha ha, you are only worthy of dedicating your own blood to me!" The monster's hands grew larger and blocked his face, but the fierce eyes revealed. Staring straight at Li Tong who was still in the air.

"Reitong, hurry up and rearrange the formation! We need to get rid of it quickly!" Genma ran out from where he was just now and returned to Aoba and Washi's position.

"Okay." Lei Tong thrust the sword into the ground, stopped his momentum, turned around instantly, and rushed to his teammates' side in less than two seconds before the flames disappeared.

"Now, what are you going to do?" Qingye stood at the back, his raised hands slowly lowered, and he asked the three people in front of him nervously.

"Well, the three of us seized the opportunity to teleport it away. Qingye, I need your cover." Genma moved to the middle, and put the Senbon in his hand back into his mouth again, with his hands free.

"Should we still use the Flying Thunder Formation Technique? Oh, that's good." Lei Tong stuffed his sword back, spread the same hands, and moved to the left side of Xuanjian. Seeing this, Dieyiwahi on the other side also moved a little to the right.

The triangle takes shape again!

"Are you ready? I'm going to start." Qingye slowly raised one hand and pointed to the sky.

"Okay, let's go." Xuanjian was the first to bear the brunt. Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the place.

"Okay, let's start! Illusion: The Art of Dispersing Thousand Crows!"

"I'm about to do it, Vashi." Lei Tong tilted his head, plunged into the crowd of crows, followed Xuanjian's footsteps, and approached the monster from the side.

"Ah hahaha! What do you want to do? Another group of cute little crows! This can't stop me from tearing you apart! Ah hahaha! Piston Fist Zero!" The monster looked at the three of them. The three people running in the direction, as well as a large group of crows in front of them, fell to the ground again. The magical substance in their hands also completed the change at the same time, becoming wider and thicker again.

"Captain, be careful! Vaxi, contain it." Lei Tong looked at the fist aimed at Xuanjian, jumped forward, landed on the right side of the monster, and shouted to Vaxi who was still flying in the air.

"Okay. Fire Release: Fierce Flame Bullet!" Vaxi raised his hands in the air to form seals at high speed. As soon as he landed, he released a continuous line of fire, with one end in his hand and the other on the monster's body.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" Lei Tong also made a move. Under his control, the small fireball broke through the crow's illusion and landed accurately in front of the monster, causing his actions against Xuanjian to stop. step.

"Ah hahaha! You little bug in the way! Since you want to die so much, let me kill you now, you bastard!" With just three punches, the monster knocked down the fireball that flew in front of him, and the one attached to his body A line of fire, he didn't care at all.

"Oops, Xuanjian! Vashi! He's coming right now!" Lei Tong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that such a painless attack would make such a rough-skinned monster change its target in an instant. . However, it is easier to deal with people who lose their minds like this.

More chakra leaked out, and the monster started running, leaving a long blue trail behind it, which was clearly pure chakra!

"Ah...my chakra is out of control again..." The same chakra was also slowly pulled out of the body under the tug, emerging on the surface of the body bit by bit, and then overflowed again. Scattered in the air and disappeared without a trace.

"Xuanjian, hurry up." Vaxi was directly opposite Lei Tong. Naturally, he could see Lei Tong's distorted expression, and his physical reaction was exactly the same as his appearance before collapse, which was a little bit... in a hurry.

The ability they want to display is a true three-person combo, all of which are indispensable.

"Vashi, let's borrow the same chakra as a medium first. It only takes a moment, and we can..."

"Ah!" A similar scream of pain came over, and the monster had already punched in front of him.

"It's over...Washi, hurry up!" Xuanjian pulled out Qianben in an instant, and the subtle sound of breaking through the air reached the monster's ears. It spanned a distance of ten meters and pierced the tendons of his arm in the next moment.

The arm did not have the same protection as the surface of the fist. Just a small piece of Senbon easily stopped the monster's movements. The pause on the arm for one second was enough for Lei Tong to escape.

"It's the same! Don't move, just stay there! Gather chakra quickly, you only have this chance!" Although Xuanma's decision was a bit unbelievable, it was indeed the most correct tactic. Taking advantage of the monster's inconvenience, launching an attack directly is the best way.

However, how could the monster's attack really be stopped because of a thousand sticks?

"You puny humans! Yeah! Cursed Seal Duolian's self-fire cannons!" Within one breath, large and small air holes appeared all over the monster's body, and in the next moment, a large amount of chakra spurted out at the same time. And De, while helping him fly away from the encirclement, also used this chakra to forcefully repel the three people around him.


Bang bang!

After three sounds, all three of them fell to the ground, looking as if they had suffered heavy internal injuries.

"Huh? This monster...has it become smaller?" Qingye, who was following his crow communicator in the distance, also saw such an obvious fact.

That monster has really shrunk.

Just now he was over two meters tall, but now he seems to be almost the same as them, only about 1.7 meters tall.

"Can it be said that consuming a lot of chakra will shrink the size? Huh? Why is it slowly getting bigger again..." While Aoba was still analyzing, the monster's body seemed to be inflated and expanded. .

"What is going on?" Aoba is not a sensory ninja, so naturally he cannot feel the changes in chakra in the air.

"Ah ha ha ha! Then it's just you now! Use your crow to kill the meat first! Curse Seal·Seismic Flame!" The monster's arm became thicker again, and it smashed straight towards the ground in front of it.


A large hole emerged first, followed by a series of cracks.

The crows in the sky seemed to be frightened again, scattered and fled again.

"Hey, Illusion: Phantom Crow Killing!" Qingye still tried, raising an arm and summoning his crows. But this time, all the crows fled away, leaving only one, which stayed firmly on his fingertips.

"Hahahaha! Your crows don't care about you anymore! I'm going to tear you apart! Curse Seal·Axe Slash Explosion!" His feet first dug into the soil, then his upper body leaned forward, and in an instant he suddenly exploded, raising He hit Qingye with his huge fist.


"Captain, we have to hurry up. This rhythm has been taken away by the monster again."

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