Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 52--The battle of clones

"Well, it's the same, Vashi. Let's stay as far away as possible. Only by not being affected can we let these clones free their hands and feet. I feel that this is not their strength." Genjian was a little worried. Is this a genius? This gap is really big.

"Aoba, retreat. If you can, come and join us." Genma gave the order, slowly stood up, leaned against Shuda, panted, and walked away from the battlefield in small steps.

"Yes, captain. I'll be there soon. That day Ling..." Qingye didn't say any more. He somewhat guessed the captain's purpose, so he didn't say any more and ran straight towards the three seriously injured team members.

"Leave. Everyone, let's start." The hands of the Feng clone who had just finished performing the ninjutsu slowly dropped, glanced at Genjian and the others who were slowly moving away, and followed the other clones in a low voice.

no respond.

Naturally, they are one person, and communication between them is without words.

"Ah hahahaha! What an exciting opponent! What a pity, I'm going to tear you apart now! Curse Seal·Steel Wrist Binding!" The monster stretched out his left hand forward, extended it for a while, and then grabbed it. The latest earth clone. "I'll kill you first! You piss me off the most, you bastard!"

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!" The earth clone saw the attack coming towards him, quickly formed a seal without hesitation, squatted down and immediately launched a defense.

The other clones at the back were naturally not idle, and they all used their own ninjutsu far away from the Earth clone.

"Water escape·Water chaos!"

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!"

The water clone and the thunder clone were relatively close, and the control was activated before the monster approached the earth clone, affecting the ground under the monster's feet. The wet surface greatly slowed down the momentum of the monster, but the thunder flow entangled above it could not hurt it. to it, but still caused the original paralysis effect.

"Ah haha! Is it just such a small splash?" The monster punched it without hesitation, and the earth flow wall exploded into pieces.

However, the earth clone that was originally there was nowhere to be seen.

"Earth Release: Heart Beheading Technique!" Just under the small pool with thunderous currents, a hand stretched out and firmly grasped the monster's ankle.

The monster's upper body was tightly wrapped in a strange substance, but its lower body was unprotected and was dragged directly into the ground, leaving only its entire upper body exposed.

"Huh? How dare you play with me like this? I want you to die!" The monster's upper body began to change again, but the combined attacks of the clones had already arrived.

"Earth Release·Aggravated Rock Technique!"

"Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!"

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!"

"Combined Ninjutsu and Thunder Prison Technique!"

The earth clone underground did not release its grip on the ankle, and released the weighted rock into the monster's body, controlling its movements. The water clone and thunder clone next to him also took the opportunity to use control ninjutsu, wrapping the monster inside. A prison.

"Captain... this kid is really awesome." Lei Tong usually talks less, but he talks more when he encounters a battle. But now that the battle is over, he should be silent. But looking at such a delicate and accurate combined attack, I sighed with envy.

"Well, yes. After all, this is just one person, so it's understandable. Isn't it..." Xuanjian smiled and encouraged Lei Tong, and also looked back at the clones fighting alone over there. This look, and then another look. A shocking scene arrived.

"What's wrong, captain? He...why is he like this..." Vaxi heard Xuanjian's hesitant voice and followed the sound.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Wind Release·Vacuum Jade!"

"Combined Ninjutsu·Feng Wuyu!"

Wind and fire attribute attacks are the most explosive and difficult to control ninjutsu. But just like before, each fireball remained steadily in the air under the control of the fire clone.

The miniature storms hit the fireballs in the air accurately, as if they were aimed at the fireballs the moment they were ejected from the mouth.

These enhanced fireballs flew towards the monster trapped in the ninjutsu prison at high speed, spinning rapidly around the thunder prison. There was no leakage of chakra at all. They were so condensed and maintained. Touch the same form.

"How can you control it like this... The wind attribute is invisible and is the most difficult chakra to condense, and the fire attribute is violent and it is a difficult challenge to maintain it for a long time... This child can do this with just a clone, then , the body..." Xuanjian was dumbfounded and muttered to himself. This child brought too many surprises. These clones actually suppressed a monster that three jounin teams couldn't deal with just now, without showing any signs of injury.

"Ah! Do you think you can defeat me like this? Impossible! I will definitely tear you apart! Bastard! Ah! Cursed Seal Duolian's self-replying cannon!" Chakra spurted out, and he rushed to control the side. On the body of Lei Lao's thunder clone and water clone.

"Earth Escape·Rock Seal!" After completing the task, the earth clone broke out of the ground. Seeing the thunder clone and water clone who couldn't hold on, he pressed his hand on the thunder prison and moved his own body. Chakra creates a new layer of prison.

Yu Ling learned this rock seal when he was very young, and the intensity that he can perform now is beyond the reach of other ninjutsu. It completely wrapped up the unstable thunder prison and made a strong bracket.

However, this is obviously not the end.

The fireballs, or wind and fireballs, on the side are spinning faster and faster, and the fireballs that were originally lined up in a row are now separated, covering the upper, middle and lower layers, with three fireballs surrounding each layer.

The inside of the rock seal is not that stable either. The water prison actually started to move, and the direction was just opposite to the fireball outside! It is mixed with thunder currents, spinning around the monster inside... spinning. Only that layer of rock remained still, maintaining its most basic form.

The fireball slowly adhered to the surface of the rock seal. The fireballs slowly merged with each other and turned into three separate fire rings. Gradually, under the pull of centrifugal force, the top and bottom were bonded together. With the blessing of the wind attribute , turned into the outermost dazzling fireball!

"Huh? What is this! It's so strong, you bastard! Let me out, I'm going to kill you." The monster muttered to himself inside, his eyes getting colder and colder, and the thick murderous intent just now changed to He felt cold, as if seeking revenge, the corners of his mouth were still quirked up in a weird way, and his fists were waving uncontrollably on the wall beside him.

At this time, the farthest fire clone and wind clone also approached the cage and stood in the gap beside the other three clones. These five clones all faced the ball, and their positions, starting from the north, were wind, thunder, water, fire and earth!

Suddenly, they moved within the same millisecond! The five clones stretched out their hands and pressed on the outermost fireball. Light blue chakra emerged in the palms of their hands and slowly spread to the cage.

"That's... the position of five people. What is he going to do?" Genjian felt that their positions were almost the same. Such a distance should not be hurt by the aftermath of the attack, and they could also support them when necessary. The clones then led the team to stop and looked back at the five clones who were also in a hard fight.

"Huh? Has that monster been caught? It would be easier if this kid had sealing skills, so it can be solved directly..." Lei Tong leaned against the tree, his tone became extremely lazy and a little helpless. said. In his eyes, what was restraining the monster was just the layer of earth balls. He couldn't see the thunder prison inside, and the fire balls outside seemed to him just decorations.

"Huh? My crow told me that the ball has great chakra and is still growing." Aoba first closed his eyes and raised one hand to summon a crow. After learning this information, Then he opened his eyes again.

"Increased chakra? Could that monster still be..." Vashi clenched the kunai in his hand and stared at the ball nervously.

"Probably not, because my crows are not so scared now. The chakra they felt before from that monster would scatter in all directions." Qingye pushed up his sunglasses and analyzed calmly.

Indeed, even if a monster is a monster, its chakra is not unlimited, and now that it is isolated from the outside world and the supply of chakra is cut off, there is naturally not that much chakra.

"So, are those clones?" Xuanjian heard what Aoye meant and asked casually.

"Well, that should be the case. Those clones, I don't know what they are preparing for, are all inputting chakra."

On the side of Yu Ling's clone, the five clones still maintained their previous movements. The outer fireball was condensing at a visible speed, and even the white light unique to the wind attribute chakra was slowly emerging.

"Three." The clones chanted silently at the alarm clock, and chakra suddenly burst out from their hands.

"Two." After an explosion, the chakra input was immediately cut into sections, and the five clones pulled out one arm and came back.

"One." The rotation of the outer ring stopped, and the rotation of the inner ring also stopped forcibly. The prison that lost this pressure was squeezed by the external atmospheric pressure, and instantly shrank by a large circle.

"Start." Time's up!

"Five Escape Chaos Shatter." The deep voices of five people uttered at the same time, and the ball imprisoning the monster shrank at this moment, directly turning into a small ball that could only accommodate a baby.


"Hahahaha! I really met a bastard today! I will definitely kill you!" The monster felt the bones being squeezed and hurriedly used its own abilities to forcefully support the shrinking sphere. But the chakra didn't support him enough to do this. Within a few seconds, his whole body was stuck and he couldn't move.


At such a size, the chakras of the five attributes blended and collided with each other, causing a big explosion in an instant. The ball, along with the contents inside, disappeared.

The monster inside was not only completely eliminated, but also disappeared.

"This kid is so strong. We have always underestimated him." Vaxi put away the kunai and looked at the clone in the distance with some admiration. What he didn't know was that the strength of these five clones was not reflected in this way at all. They had not seen the full strength of the five clones.

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