Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 47--The Mouse in the Dark

"Is there anyone around?"

"Well... no chakra reaction was found. No! There are multiple powerful chakras approaching at high speed!"

"Oh? Hide first. Let them pass first."

"Okay. Ninja Technique: Phantom Technique."

Puff puff!

"Huh? Why do I feel like someone was staring at us in that direction just now?" Kushina ran on the tree, followed by seven ninjas walking with her. Just now, her heart suddenly trembled, and the long-term muscle memory made her whole body tremble. However, when I looked in the direction where I felt it just now, I didn't see any living creatures.

"Oh? There's no one there! Even if this is Tian Country, it's just on the outskirts!" Kai didn't care. He rushed forward, turned his head and smiled at Kushina, giving him a thumbs up. .

However, Yu Ling's perception was stronger and more specific than Kushina's, so he naturally observed the unknown figure behind the boulder on the left rear.

"Did you suddenly disappear just now... It must be some kind of ninjutsu. I have heard of a ninjutsu in Konoha called Lure, which can indeed hide your body. However, you can't even feel the chakra. . Is this just an illusion..." Yu Ling glanced at it calmly, but still couldn't see any clues. The stone is just a stone.

"Phew, it seems that he has escaped. The ANBU boy's gaze... is very targeted." A man wearing a green mask got up from the ground, and the color on his body slowly appeared.

"Is that boy... the target of another team?" Another fingertip was twirling the thousand books. The ninja, who also wore a green mask, was a little suspicious and asked calmly.

"Huh? Speaking of which, the red wolf mask, without the dagger, and short stature are indeed very similar. Could it be that the other team..."

"Okay, this is not something we should take care of. Lord Danzo will handle it naturally. Now, we just need to get the information before them and perform meritorious services for Lord Danzo. Let's set off." A man with a broad face and brown hair The man peeled off the tree trunk, and as soon as he landed on the ground, he immediately jumped up and onto the branch.

"Yes, Captain."

"What kind of ninjutsu is it... obviously just now... huh? It appeared again." Yu Ling became very interested in this ninjutsu that he saw for the first time. Even if he was far away from that place, he was still thinking about it. The principle of that ninjutsu, or how to use it. Indeed, ninjutsu that can instantly hide one's body is extremely useful no matter what kind of battle it is.

But just now, Chakra's reaction appeared again. At this distance, even Kushina couldn't feel it, but Yu Ling clearly noticed their movements.

"Oh? They are in the same direction as us. Are they just deliberately staying away from us... Could it be that the destination is also the legendary Sound Ninja Village? In this case... their identities are..." Yu Ling looked at the four chakras The induction first deviated from them very obviously, and then turned, facing the hinterland of Tian Country, advancing at high speed.

Such strange behavior clearly shows that Yu Ling and his team's route and current actions are very clear. Then, only the top management of Konoha can grasp such information, and those with such perceptive abilities are not weak.

In Konoha, there are only a few elders and the Hokage who have the ability to control such a level of intelligence. Among those elders, the only one who can control powerful ninjas is Shimura Danzo, the founder of "Root".

"Is it "root" again... Why does this organization suddenly appear in my eyes so many times? Could it be that even if I conceal it, such information is still unpreventable? Then I can only speed up and become stronger. It’s gone.” I was horrified when I thought about it. His abilities and actions were thoroughly analyzed by an unknown enemy. A large part of the battle of ninja is the battle of intelligence. With information, the success rate of the "mission" can be greatly improved.

"Captain, just now, I felt like someone was staring at us."

"Oh? Impossible. We are the guardians of darkness. There is no existence darker than us."

"I feel like it's not secretive. It's very domineering and blatant."

"Huh? Does that mean they discovered us?"

"No, no, I'm just a little doubtful..."

"Don't worry, talk less, do more. Now is the time to lurk, stop talking nonsense."

"Oh? How dare you follow our movements and move in parallel. It seems that they did not notice our counter-reconnaissance. Then, prepare for an encounter ahead." Yu Ling squinted at several investigators several kilometers away on the left. Kara reacted, thinking to herself. He didn't tell anyone because he felt he couldn't explain this strange but powerful perception.

"Yu Ling, what's wrong with you?" Yue Tu was in front of Yu Ling and was the first to feel something strange about Yu Ling. It was like a hungry wolf feeling excited when he saw a delicate little rabbit.

"Well, it's nothing. Just keep on your way and pay attention to your surroundings." Yu Ling didn't intend to answer directly, but just perfunctoryly said nothing.

"Yeah, okay." Yue Rabbit had no doubts, didn't ask any more questions, and went on his way obediently.

"Fortunately, there is no suspicion. There is really no way to explain this."

"Stop, there's someone in front." Kushina suddenly stopped and pushed back hard on the branch in front of her with both feet. The momentum brought by her whole body was resolved in an instant, and she stepped back instead.

"Oh! Hide with enthusiasm..."


Just when Kai was about to start yelling, Kushina hammered down with a fist from top to bottom, and forcefully closed Kai's upper and lower jaws.

"Do you want to stop... There are those in front of you... No, those chakra reactions have not stopped, they are still rushing forward. Could it be that they want to get information before us? What is in front of us is... ...No chakra reaction. Just an ordinary person. However, you should be careful when you are in an enemy country. Well, I learned it. Wait, did the chakra of those people disappear... Is it a problem with my range, or is it a problem? , were they killed on the spot?" Yu Ling landed at the back of the team, slowed down step by step, and finally stopped on the farthest branch, looking at the direction where the chakra fluctuations existed before, thinking secretly .

"We are no longer in the Land of Fire. Everyone must be careful in every move they make. We don't know where the enemy will appear. Only by being vigilant every moment can we achieve perfect lurking. Kai!" Kushina said patiently. He told the juniors of the Tianlong Team and Kai, who didn’t understand tactics at all. However, Kai was immersed in his own world, carefully stroking the big bump on his head, and didn't hear Kushina's words at all.

"Hey, I'm here!" Kai came back to his senses, covered his head and leaned behind the tree, looking at Kushina nervously.

"Do you understand?" Kushina suddenly put on a nice smile and looked at Kai.

"Yeah, I understand, I understand!" Kai had goosebumps all over his body. He nodded hurriedly and slowly moved back.

"Then what do you know?" Kushina still smiled and slowly approached Kai.

"I...I know how to listen to the captain..."


"Listen carefully next time! We are in an enemy country now, so we have to be careful about everything." Kushina punched him angrily, and then started to talk sense again.

"It's the captain." Kai stood at attention, covering his head with his hands and looking straight ahead.

"Alas... no one is perfect. Okay, they passed. Let's go!" Kushina looked back, and after sensing that those ordinary people were gone, she kicked away alone again and rushed away. go out.

"Genjian, it seems there is someone in front of me." The ninja wearing black sunglasses raised his hands, and crows surrounded him, feeling the message from the crows.

"Huh? Stop. Anko?" Xuanjian heard the sound and immediately stopped. For the sake of accuracy of the information, he asked Hongdou again.

"Oh, Ninja Technique: Send the Snake!" Hong Dou put his hands on the ground, and the brown striped snake slipped out of his sleeves and quickly dispersed around. After a while, they all came back.

"There seems to be something with powerful chakra around. A feeling of chakra that I'm very familiar with, but I'm not sure about it. Wait, he's here!" Hongdou felt the chakra brought back by the little snake, that kind of familiar feeling. I feel it, but I can’t tell where I’ve seen it.

"Huh? Everyone, get ready for battle! Spread out as a small team! Surround the incoming object!" Genma took the lead in jumping onto the big tree on the side and led his team to surround the position where they were standing just now.

"Ebisu! Front, I'll go to the side!" Anko said, and also jumped onto the tree facing Genma. The two teams were ambushing here, and only Ebisu's team was left in the front.

"Aoye, arrange the illusion. Same, prepare for a surprise attack." Genma ordered his teammates and simply arranged the battlefield. On the other side, Hongdou was doing the same thing.

"I will use snakes to restrain you. You should seize the time and subdue him quickly. This person's chakra is very powerful." Even Hongdou was no longer naughty at this moment. He released the snake in his hand with a solemn expression, took out a kunai, and even Start forming seals.

"Oh, we are the strongest frontal attack team. Come on, use our Konoha sword skills to defeat this powerful opponent." Ebisu's calm voice came from under his sunglasses, holding kunai in both hands. Indian pose.

"We have an opponent so soon. We are really unlucky. Mizuki, you cover, Xiyan and I will contain them. We must seize the opportunity, we believe in your ability. Ahem." Hayate continued with some difficulty. After saying such a long sentence, he pulled out his long sword and protected the white-haired ninja named Mizuki behind him, ready to take action at any time.

"Blast..." Xi Yan looked at the moonlight blast and silently pulled out his sword.

"Yes. Escape!" As he said this, Hayate used his signature ninjutsu and suddenly disappeared without a trace in front of everyone.

"Well, the Dance of the Three Crescent Moon!" Xiyan saw that his partner was preparing to go all out, and then he also used his own Konoha sword technique.

"Okay, let's solve it as soon as possible."

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