Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 48--The real monster


In the forest, near the powerful chakra, a loud noise was heard, and several trees were uprooted, thrown into the air, and fell down hard.

"What on earth is this? Is it just a powerful psychic beast?" Ebisu pushed up his glasses and looked at the trees in the sky. He was a little shocked and also doubted his original judgment of the enemy. Logically speaking, according to the detection results of the two ninjas, this is just a powerful ninja.

"Huh? It's humanoid. Could it be that it's an ape-like psychic beast..." Ebisu was the ninja with the strongest theoretical knowledge in the team, and he made some assumptions just by looking at it from a distance.

"Ebisu, is it just a psychic beast?" Anko hung a snake on the tree, swung down, and landed firmly next to Ebisu.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure. It's just that the figure looks a little like a psychic beast." Ebisu pushed up his glasses again, lowered the corners of his mouth, and looked straight ahead with a serious face, not being distracted by Anko beside him. attract.

"Just a little bit. Then, everyone should be ready to fight!" Hong Dou flipped his right hand, and the snake hanging on the tree tightened, and then pulled Hong Dou back from the ground.

"Hey, hey, you guys are ready! Don't be in a daze! Prepare your ninjutsu!" Anko jumped back into the tree, only to see her team members were stunned on the spot, and all of them put down their ninja tools. "Did you hear that? Get ready quickly. Even a psychic beast can't relax!"

"No, Captain. Look at that... thing running this way." One of the ninjas holding a long sword glanced at Anko with a vague look, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Over there...huh? Can you see it? Ah, what is this..." Hongdou followed the blade and looked in the direction where trees were being uprooted one after another, but she was also stunned like the team members. . "Ebisu, is this the psychic beast you are talking about?"

"Hmm... what on earth is this!" Ebisu had never seen such a strange creature before, so he raised his hands to cover his face and yelled in a broken voice.

This thing contains more hostility than any other creature, and is like a carrier of extreme darkness.

"Everyone, get ready to fight! Let's all use our abilities and try our best to take down this...monster!" Hongdou stopped caring about tactics and ambush, and stood upright in the middle of the continent, with snakes coiled around him. . "Ninja Technique: Send the Snake!"

The snakes wrapped around Hong Dou's body spurted out like they were desperate, rushing towards the monster that was not far ahead.

"Aoye, pull your position forward, Lei Tong, go to the front to protect Anko. You, come up with me to contain it!" Genjian also saw such a thing for the first time, but even if he was shocked, his calm mentality could not It is not comparable to other ninjas present. After directly changing the arranged plan, he flew out from the treetops, with the thousand books in his mouth already firmly in his hand.

"Yes!" As members of the Genjian team, they were used to the captain's style, so they naturally did not procrastinate and each began to prepare for their own duties.

"Hayate, Yugao. You two go to the front line, and I will support you with ninjutsu." Ebishou ordered his team members to leap forward and landed next to Anko.

"Xiyan, be careful." The invisible wind whispered in Xiyan's ear. Then, a gust of wind blew invisiblely across Ebisu's row, then rotated and picked up a bunch of fallen leaves, and then stopped. On the edge of Xuanjian.

"Haifeng." Xuanjian confirmed. Although this lure is a powerful weapon to kill the enemy, it can also be used by the opponent to defeat an entire army.



"Ah ha ha ha ha! Fresh and tender human beings! How long has it been since no one came here! Blood... blood!" A man was gray-black all over, with irregular bones exposed everywhere on the body, and his hands were in the shape of claws. A monster with all its legs bent, sharp fangs, and golden eyes shining suddenly stopped in front of these jounin.

"What on earth is this..."

"Huh? There seems to be a huge chakra over there. And it's still a single attribute! This..."

"Yu...Tian Ling, what do you feel?" This time Yu Ling was a little shocked and muttered to himself unconsciously, and Kushina noticed it.

"Yeah, very powerful malice. No, it's murderous intent. It's far away from us, and the chakra is huge, and it has a single attribute. Wait, such dull chakra is a pure Yin attribute chakra!"

"How could there be such a thing..."

"But it won't pose a threat to us for the time being. Captain, continue on your way."

"Okay, keep paying attention to him. Let's go!"

"Ahhhhh...!" Before the enemy could get too close, Hongdou, who was relatively behind, screamed first, and even water drop-like talismans slowly crawled out of his body.

"Anko, what are you..." Now, another phenomenon that Ebisu couldn't explain appeared on Anko, which scared him silly. "I'm so ignorant...I'm useless in this world...what the hell." Ebisu squatted down unconsciously, and the hands covering his cheeks slowly moved up, covering his entire head, and a wave of A gloomy aura erupted from his body.

"Huh? Captain Anko? Captain Ebisu?" The other team members didn't know what was going on. They just watched the two captains fall down in pain one after another inexplicably. They just watched, but they couldn't help.

"Huh? Don't scare me! You two captains, please go to the side to rest first. Ah, my position is very dangerous!" Mizuki grabbed the arms of the two men, rolled backwards, and threw them out of the battlefield. .

In the air, Hongdou, who was far away from the monster in front of him, gradually improved, and the phenomenon of fainting from force did not appear.

"Huh? Captain Anko! Ebisu!" Aoba, who was standing at the end of the team, saw the two captains flying towards him. He controlled the piles of crows, reluctantly held the two of them, and slowly descended. , laid flat on the ground.

"Huh? This chakra is really familiar. It can't be... another masterpiece of that bastard..." Anko covered her shoulders, pulled Aoba's sleeves, and endured the faint pain at the talisman. He stood up, ready to rely on his ability to control snakes to help his teammates.

"This man's chakra sense is really strong. Hey, be careful! Ahem..."


All the ninjas standing in the first row frowned. Even if they are not sentient ninjas, they all feel the powerful chakra coming towards them, and each of them is even slightly affected by this negative chakra.

"Captain... How can this make me... really angry... ah!" A ninja holding a long sword next to Genma suddenly had blue chakra on his body, as if he was being pulled by the monster. Then, he was forced out of the body. His emotions were also affected by this, and he became crazy and out of control.

"What's...what's wrong with you?" Genjian looked a little panicked as he looked at the chakra spilling out of his body. Chakra can indeed be used directly outside the body, but that is under autonomous control. Now it's like chakra is being pulled into someone else's hand, seduced easily.

Genma took a step back, slowly moving away from the ninja. "Everyone be on guard, strengthen your control over your chakra, long-range nin...ah!" Before he finished speaking, chakra slowly poured out of Genma's body, spreading from his limbs to his heart.

"Captain...huh? This is targeted, right? It didn't see me, so I'm fine. Then, let me deal with you, monster!" Moonlight Gale kicked his feet and approached with knives in both hands at high speed. He killed the monster, and the sound of breaking the air broke out one after another.

"Oh hahahahaha! The blood of the little bugs! Blood! Let me play with you lowly creatures! Hahahahahaha!" The monster looked up to the sky and roared, and the gray-brown objects covering its body seemed to be There has been some form change, it has become sharper and more aggressive.

"Okay, this distance is enough. Konoha Style: Gale Slash!" Moonlight Gale swung the sword with both hands and struck the monster's back hard.


There was a somewhat crisp collision sound, like the sound of two pieces of fine iron hitting each other, and there was no more unnecessary noise.

The knife bounced back hard, and Hayate, who was in the air, had no time to adjust his body shape and flew directly backwards.

"Blast!" Xiyan ignored the situation of the battle and rushed in the direction where the blast flew out.

"Oh hahaha! There are actually bugs that dare to attack me! Then let me enjoy your blood!" The monster slowly squatted down, then suddenly jumped up, and multiple hollow tubes instantly grew out of its hind legs. At the moment of taking off, a large amount of chakra burst out, supporting the monster to fly into the air.

"Oh hahaha! Let me slowly appreciate your painful expressions! Blood! Blood!" The monster swung his hands back, and hollow tubes grew out one after another, and also completed an explosion of chakra. He directly changed direction in the air and rushed towards the mid-range attacking ninja hiding in the forest.

"Hey, are you so strong? You Tong, please help me contain him, Mizuki and I will deal with it!" Qingye also stood up from the back, side by side with Mizuki.

Upon hearing this, Lei Tong suddenly attacked from the side without hesitation. "Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!" Under the same control, several small fireballs flew up and down around the monster, but they were still in no hurry to attack.

Behind him, Mizuki took out his giant shuriken, and Aoba beside him was also commanding crows to surround the fireball.

"Insects, struggle hard! Why don't you little fireball come to attack! I can't wait any longer! Ouch!" The monster said to itself, and suddenly turned its head again, suddenly facing the person who was concentrating on controlling The same as the fireball.

"Oops...my chakra...is being sucked out bit by bit! Uh..." Lei Tong couldn't hold on anymore. The chakra was pulled out of the body bit by bit, and slowly emerged in the body. surface.

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