Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 46--Begin to lurk

"Senior Kai, what is this?" Tomorrow lay on the table with gleaming eyes, staring at the little turtle in front of him. He had never known that Kai could actually use chakra before, and he couldn't believe that he could also use it. Such a decent ninjutsu.

"Yo! This is the most powerful summoning technique! It's a psychic technique! You can use your own blood as coordinates to teleport objects instantly. How about it? Doesn't it look very youthful and energetic?" Kai proudly held up Xiao Xiao turtle, showing off confidently. I had a lot of trouble learning this ninjutsu at first, but now that I can use it, I have to show off.

"Is this...a turtle?" Yu Ling was speechless, his eyebrows slightly raised, trembling, but he was still staring at the petite turtle.

"That's right! This is the turtle! No, this is called the Ninja Turtle! He is a psychic beast that has always been spiritual! How about Yu Ling, do you want to sign a contract? This is a very useful combat power!" Kai Shiyi Ignoring Yu Ling's strange expression, he was spinning and jumping to himself, showing off unscrupulously.


"Kai! If you don't be careful, what are you trying to do here?" Kushina, dressed in scarlet red, suddenly appeared behind Kai and hit her head with a fist.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts! Who dares to steal? Hello, captain." Kai squatted down gorgeously and hugged his head. It was so sweet for a second. After realizing that this was his team member, Kushinna, he just wanted to go crazy. His youthful vitality was forcibly suppressed by him. "Hey~ why is the captain so fast? Where are the other team members?"

"Arrived within a quarter of an hour. Get ready and set off." After all, this woman is the Hokage, and her words are even more dignified than the Hokage. After hearing this, the Tianlong team stood up and gathered around Kushina.

"He's really a child... Sigh." Kushina took a close look at Yu Ling. With such a small body, he had to perform such a task at such a young age. While she felt ashamed, she seemed to be worried about him. In the future, he sighed helplessly.

"Tian Ling, after entering the Kingdom of Tian, ​​my team will act together with your Tianlong team, and the other three groups will act together. Although this reduces the success rate of lurking. But considering that there will be unknown opponents, We need stronger combat capabilities as a guarantee, so we have adopted such personnel deployment. Do you agree, squad leader?"

In terms of status in this mission, Kushina and Yu Ling are equal. All as their respective captains.

Naturally, Kushina also recognized Yu Ling. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't bother asking.

"Okay, I agree with your arrangement." Although Yu Ling is not sure why Kushina wants to ask him, judging from his status, he is just a genin. At best, he is the captain of the ANBU team. But there’s no need for the dignified Konoha “Mrs. Yazhai” to seek advice, right? But after all the questions were asked, Yu Ling could only answer.

"Okay, I'll restore some chakra, and we'll set off as soon as they arrive!"

"Huh... Hey, Kai! Who hit you..." Asuma seemed to be stepping on auspicious clouds, with his feet attached to chakra, and he was the first to reach the border. As soon as he landed, the big bright red bag on Kai's head came into view. Even Asuma's character was shocked, and all the cigarettes that had been in his mouth for more than twenty years fell out.

"Ah, ah hahaha! It's nothing, nothing. I hit my head when I was spending my youth, hahahaha!" Kai hurriedly defended after hearing Asuma's voice and his unfriendly eyes.

"Oh? Is there anyone in the ninja world who can knock you into such a pile?" Asuma didn't believe Kai's lame words and exposed him mercilessly.

"Ah hahaha, oops! My youth is too strong and leaking out!" Kai scratched his head and continued to play haha ​​with Asuma.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to practice chakra first. I'm exhausted from following the captain all the way." Asuma said, ignoring Kai, sitting in the corner to rest.

Whoosh! Whizzing!

Other team members also arrived one after another.

Most of the people dispatched on this reconnaissance mission were faster combat ninjas or scout ninjas, so even if they were slow, they would not be held back.

"Captain? Captain Kushina?" Kai looked at the arriving ninjas and called Kushina in a low voice. He didn't dare to shout any more. If Kushina had "training energy", the first thing she would do to recover would be to beat herself up.

"Huh? Captain, are you...concentrating on training?" Asuma noticed something strange and looked at Kai's reaction. He also didn't make any noise, just beeping as if talking to himself.

"What's wrong with Captain? Why do I feel like something's not right with her?" Hayate stood outside the sentry door, looking at Kushina who was practicing in the room, but felt a little confused.

Kushina sat upright with her hands in a si seal, her elbows squarely placed on her legs, her back straight...?


Kushina suddenly tilted to the left, turned her upper body over, and lay on her lap.

"Well... your captain... is he asleep?" Yu Ling had just stood up, but was attracted by the movement. He turned his head to take a look, and couldn't help but tell the truth.

"Oh...that's it, then...just keep sleeping..." After hearing this, Kai didn't dare to wake Kushina. You must know that the "cultivation qi" thing is just a hypothesis, but getting up qi does exist. And Kushina happened to have it.

"Captain just fell asleep. Then let's take a rest." Hayate sat down directly and began to slowly refine chakra.

"Ah! Oops, Oops... Why did I fall asleep... It's already midnight!" After almost an hour or two, Kushina suddenly woke up and jumped up from the ground, going crazy. I ran outside as if to see the starry night sky.

"Captain Kushina, you're awake." Yu Ling jumped off the roof with one hand.

"Ah? Uh-huh. I... um. Everyone..." Kushina felt a little shy when she realized that she had been exposed while sleeping. If a captain fell asleep during a mission, only a ninja like Kushina could do that.

"Well, everyone is fine. They are all resting at the sentry post to refine chakra. I'll tell them to gather." Yu Ling saw Kushina waking up naturally and was ready to gather and set off.

"No, no, no, I'll do it myself. Your team will also gather together. Everyone! Let's go!" After wasting everyone's time for so long, how could Kushina have the nerve to ask Yu Ling to do it for her again? Nervously, he stuck his head into the guard post, yelled loudly, and then quickly exited the guard post.

"Yes..." The team members were all speechless. The captain's ability to fall asleep and wake up was terrifyingly fast.

"Okay! Listen up! Team Genma, Team Ebisu, and Team Anko, you are a group. Try to gather together and act together. My team and the Tianlong Team will act together. When entering the country of Tian, ​​you must pay attention to the surroundings. The environment, in addition to rescuing the ANBU captain this time, we also need to collect intelligence. Let's go!" Kushina turned her back to everyone, her long bright red hair flowing up and down with her movements.

"Is this... about to set off?" The ninja named Genma looked at Kushina's figure crossing the guard post, chewed the Senbon in his mouth, and took the lead to follow.

"Ha... We've already reached the border and we're still running so fast alone." Asma slowly lit a cigarette, pulled on her hair and crossed the border in one leap.

"Team Tianlong, let's go." Yu Ling gave the order, and the four of them put on their masks and followed Kushina together.

"Hey! Genma, let's go a little further. Don't go in from the same place. Ah! Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!" Anko looked at her half of the team and Shiranui Genma ran out alone, and released him mercilessly. He grabbed the snake in his hand and tied up Xuanjian forcefully.

"Huh? Hey! This is too violent..." Genjian was speechless. Just because he ran in the wrong direction, he was entertained by a large group of tawny striped snakes.

"Okay! Let's set off then!" Anko here is no less out-of-the-box than Kushina. They also took the lead in the other direction, crossed the border, and headed towards the hinterland of Tian Country.

"Alas, neither side can be stable..."

"Xuanjian, what did you say?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing. Let's hurry up."

"Ah! I'm so lucky to be able to act together with Kai-senpai! Kai-senpai! Can you teach me your turtle summoning ninjutsu? Although it's useless, Kai-senpai is still so cool when he uses it!" Tomorrow Seeing that he was in a group with Metkai, he immediately forgot where he was in the Tianlong team, and ran directly to Kai's side, asking about the psychic technique of summoning a little turtle.

"Yo! You are also an enthusiastic boy! Who are you...?" Kai didn't remember the person in front of him at all. He was born face blind, and wearing a mask made him even more confused.

"Aha! My name is... my code name is Tomorrow! I am your..."

"Tomorrow, pay attention to your position." As the rearguard, Yu Ling could naturally see the deviation of Tomorrow and corrected it.

"Oh, okay. Yes, captain. Kai-senpai! Now that the mission is completed, you can teach me!" Tomorrow still wants to learn this cool-looking ninjutsu. Maybe this is the power of idols.

"Yo Xi! Complete the task well and I will sign a contract for you!" Kai agreed readily. After all, no one in the village wanted to take over his turtle contract. If other psychic beasts could not match his attack form, he would not choose such a psychic beast with weak attack power and slow movement.

To be honest, he was also a little desperate for his inexplicable psychic beast.

Now there are people rushing to get it. How could he let such a good opportunity pass?

"Psychic beast...contract. I don't know much about this yet. Well, after this mission is over, let's go back to the ANBU to investigate. The Tianlong team, all pay attention to their own aura and the surrounding environment! We are not here now The Kingdom of Fire, we must prevent us from being caught again!"

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