Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 45--Guidance from a master of physical arts

"Does it require the use of the whole body like a finishing move? In that case, the speed of the punch..." Yu Ling thought carefully about his finishing move. It is true that the power that can be used will become very large, but the only and fatal flaw is the speed of punching. Using just the arms, one can punch ten times faster than the entire body in a short period of time.

"Speed. Let me tell you, boy! The speed of punching is developed slowly! However, if you give up the power you can have for speed, it will be more than worth the gain! Moreover, using the whole body can also increase endurance. Make sure your arms still have enough strength to last longer." Kai said confidently.

"But, senior, wouldn't it be possible to control the opponent more effectively if you are faster?" Yu Ling was a little confused. Indeed, it stands to reason that the only martial arts in the world that cannot be defeated is speed. As long as you are fast enough, you can easily defeat the opponent even if you don't have enough power.

"Yes, but let me ask you, how many times can you hit with your left punch when you punch with your right?" Kai did not refute this point of view, but asked such a somewhat irrelevant question.

"Well, let me think about it. Normally, it's about five punches, and when it's extreme, it's ten punches." Yu Ling did a little calculation and came to a conclusion.

"Well. Hello! The enthusiastic border guards over there! I want to borrow your wooden stake!" Kai said, staring at the wooden stake on the side, raising his hands in the air, and ran over in a hurry. While running, he suppressed shouting to the border guard who couldn't hear him in the room.

"Senior Kai..."

"Boy! Come here and try! Come on, stand over here. Punch ten times with your left hand, as fast as you can!" Kai jumped on the wooden stake and called to Yu Ling.

"This... okay." Yu Ling stood still in front of the wooden stake, took a bow, slowly put his right hand behind his back, and raised his left hand.

"Huh. Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!" He took a deep breath and let it out again. Yu Ling punched! In this boxing state, once the fist comes out, it cannot be stopped easily. The potential energy brought by each punch will be very harmful to the body if it is forced to stop.

Bang bang bang...!

Ten punches were completed in one second. This is Yu Ling's current maximum attack speed.

However, Kai, who was standing on the wooden stake, felt nothing but a slight vibration.

"Yo! That's pretty fast! Come on to the other side of me and use your... uh... your..."

"Finishing move·Horizontal whip!"

While Kai was still worried about not being able to remember the name, Yu Ling had already walked to the other side, took a stance again, and directly hit the wooden stake with a horizontal thrust.

This time, the wooden pile shook, and cracks slowly appeared on the surface.

"Yeah, that's right. Hahahahaha! I believe you yourself also know the difference in power between the two moves. Then, try to punch as much as possible in one second, but with body movements, and see the effect. !”

"Should I bring my body with me... Okay." Yu Ling tried it. Based on the lunge, he slowly used his calves to pull his upper body, then used weight to pull his arms, leaned back, and then suddenly attacked!


The power of the natural straight punch is the strongest!

Coupled with the addition of this weight, the power of this punch is actually more powerful than the horizontal whip as the finishing move!


A small fragment fell from the stake.

The sides of the wooden piles were cracked.

"Yo Xi! Yu Ling, do you see this gap? In the face of absolute power, speed! It's just the icing on the cake. The most important thing is power!" Upon seeing this, Kai jumped down from the wooden stake and patted He patted Yu Ling on the shoulder and jumped onto the roof behind again to watch the scenery alone.

"The strength... can be so strong. Then, let's change the first form. The legs... seem to be useful." Yu Ling looked at the cracked wooden stake, then looked at his fist, and secretly Thinking.

Not long after, another punch hit the wooden post.

"Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!"

Bang bang bang-boom!

Punch after punch, endless. After that, his "snatching opportunities" all changed to his hands. Because the damage of the finishing moves is not as strong as the improved ordinary skills, naturally there is no need for it.

Both fists hit various parts of the wooden stake back and forth, and the person also circled around the wooden stake step by step. Every time, I imagine the enemy on the opposite side, avoiding and counterattacking at the same time.

The upper body swayed, and with the flying fists, there was a rhythm back and forth, following the direction of power, bringing more power.

Although the punch speed is slower now than at the beginning, with both fists and the use of the body, the number of punches thrown in a long period of time has not decreased but increased!

This is the first time he has used such a technique.

"Huh...huh. It's a bit too much. I have to save my energy for the task... The finishing move: Cross Whip!" There is no right arm behind his back. This time, he directly supports the ground with one hand, flies up, and spins Split your right leg towards the wooden stake!

The strength and range of the legs were all in the arms, and he didn't even know how much energy it contained.

Snapped! boom!

The wooden stake was cut off at the waist!

Uninterrupted, all-round fists, coupled with the heavy blow concentrated at one point, the wooden stake that could not withstand it was broken directly and flew to the ground not far away.

"Oh? Boy, you've made a lot of progress! Come here, come here! Try your best to rest for a while! Your boxing skills just made a lot of progress! Your control of the body is very exquisite. However, you must use your waist first! I'm looking at you The movement is a bit like the shoulders dragging the weight. In addition, the last blow just now was probably a temporary thought. It is really good as a release force. However, if you use both hands for support, it is a bit weak compared to the point of force release. . In this way, an unstable attack on the lower body can easily be seized by the enemy to counterattack. I suggest you use your legs as support, so that you can freely control the height. "Kai's vision is really good, and he saw through Yu Ling in just one time The purpose, methods and flaws of the move.

"Use your strength... It really starts with your shoulders. Next time, try using your waist. Do you want your legs to support you... It should be a good idea to control your height and maintain your balance. Thank you, Senior Kai." Yu Ling listened. After reading Kai's slightly serious opinions, he thought about it carefully, and after confirming the feasibility, he admired Kai's physical skills even more, and this time he sincerely called him "Senior".

"Yoshi! Practice well when you have the opportunity in the future! Exhausting yourself is not conducive to the mission! Go and rest quickly, sleep enthusiastically for five hours, and we will set off again!"

"Yes, senior."

"Asuma, how far is it from the border?" Kushina's somewhat impatient voice echoed in the forest.

"Hmm... Oh, it's not far. We can get there before dark." Asuma looked at the map and confirmed the terrain before telling the time.

"Okay! Everyone, hurry up. There are still two hours before dark, and we have to arrive within an hour! Come on!" The somewhat jumpy voice became smaller and smaller, but Kushina put on the tailed beast again The coat broke branches and flew away quickly.

"Hey! Oh, okay, your captain is flying solo, let's catch up too." Asuma looked at Kushina who had just started, and shouted tentatively. After seeing that it had no effect, he took out his He lit a cigarette slowly, looked back at his team members, then inserted the cigarette, chakra appeared under his feet, and chased after them.

"Oh, these seniors. Ahem, they are all still so energetic. Ahem." A ninja with a pale face, thick black circles, and three bangs on his head said intermittently.

"Okay, Hayate. Just finish the mission well. Cheer up, this mission is very important." A purple-haired female ninja leaned against Hayate to comfort him. Both of these men carry swords on their backs and are both elite jounin who are proficient in sword skills.

"I don't have time to give you my love now. Let's go, the main force is in front, why are you holding us here." A ninja wearing black goggles glanced at them angrily, and then chased Asuma. .

"Yes." The man and woman responded in unison. The man just now is the captain of their team, and they must not be disobedient.

"Kai, we'll be there in an hour." Kushina smiled softly at a small brown turtle.

"What happened to the team that went to lurk the Sound Ninja Village?"

"Report, no report has been received yet. The corpse collection team has returned, and the bodies of the four dead ninjas are in the morgue. There is a report at the scene, the handwriting is very blurred. Only the word "Yu Ling" can be recognized."

Underground in Konoha, at the base of "Root", on the cross bridge, Danzo was still standing on crutches, with two ANBU belonging to him kneeling in front of him.

"Yu Ling... no matter what, we must get rid of him. No matter how strong he is! Contact that organization and ask for Yu Ling's head at any price! In addition, in the underground bounty center, publish a bounty for Konoha genin Yu Ling , a bounty of ten thousand!"

This is what Danzo should be like, never giving up until he reaches his goal. The means and other things are only what you can't think of, but there is nothing he can't do.

"Mingyue, is the wound feeling better?" Yu Ling went to sleep obediently, but didn't wake up until two and a half hours later. But when he woke up, he found that the sky was getting darker, so he went to the ground to find the bright moon.

"Well, the bruises will have to wait for a while, but the external injuries are no longer in the way. I can set off at any time." Mingyue saw that the captain was awake and knew that he should set off soon.

"Captain Tianling, are you leaving?" Tomorrow's physical condition has always been good, but now he is naturally a little anxious.

"Hey! Boy, you're awake. Okay! Psychic skills!" Kai heard Yu Ling's voice, jumped into the room, bit his finger, formed a seal, and pressed it on the table beside him. superior.


A burst of white smoke came out, and a small turtle appeared quietly on the table.


"Yoshi! Just wait here for a while! Get ready, boys! We are about to spend our youth together!"

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