Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 42--Arrest

"We..." The captain was a little scared at this time. How could he not recognize the man in dark green tights in front of him? Metkai, known as Konoha's Taijutsu madman, is far beyond the strength of ordinary Jonin. The three of them cannot compete with him. Moreover, this is a student of his ninja school at the same time. Therefore, he did not reveal his mission. Although the members of these "roots" are completely ignorant of the ways of the world, they are also aware of the reputation of their leader, Danzo.

"Duanzo...acted so unscrupulously in order to become the Hokage for himself. What a waste of youth!" Metkai roared unbearably, and the green steam on his body became a little thicker.

"Wait, senior, who are you?" Although "Yu Ling" was also curious about the purpose of this organization called "Gen", at this moment, he was more curious about the passionate man beside him. Kai knew him, but he didn't know Kai. After all, Kakashi would show off his good students to his good friends, but he would not show off his good friends to his own students.

"Oh! That's it! My name is Metkai! Konoha's elite Jonin! I am Kakashi's lifelong rival and friend!" Kai suddenly reacted, looked at Yu Ling's raised mask, and danced to introduce himself.

"Kai...Senior. Your mission is also...to rescue Captain Yamato, right? Leave this to me. The Tianlong Team is in front. I'm just a clone." The wind clone said slowly, and he also raised his hands in the seal.

"You're just a clone, you've been worrying me for a long time. Then let me chase you passionately!" Kai laughed, jumped up on the spot, stretched his right hand upwards, pulled the small branch above and did a pull-up, Then he swung out and crossed the big trees. The green figure shuttled through the forest at high speed.

"Phew. Then, the mission is considered a complete failure. Retreat." The captain said calmly, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Both team members were a little reluctant. After finally developing the strength of a Jonin and joining the "Gen", he couldn't even deal with a brat who had just graduated?

"Water Escape·Water Knife!"

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!"

The two of them took action simultaneously.

However, the clone who was expected to use the barrier did not react at all this time. He just stood there and watched the high-pressure water flow and thunder flow towards him.

"You two...disobeyed orders without authorization." The captain's voice became colder and colder. He saw the two people who took the initiative to attack from the corner of his eye and slowly turned around and said.

The next moment.

The storm dances wildly.


That's it again.

Wind Escape·Eye of the Storm.

The three of them were trapped in the storm again.

"You guys, you can take the initiative to review when you get back." The captain seemed stern now, but in fact, he was worried. Now that Kai in front has arrived, can the large army behind be far behind? Even if others don't have Kai's speed, this storm can trap them for ten minutes, which is enough time for them to arrive. By then, the best case scenario would be that the three of them would be captured and brought back to Konoha for interrogation.

"That's..." Kushina, who was leading the way, felt powerful chakra fluctuations, still in the south! "It's a storm again! Everyone, hurry up and follow, there seems to be a battle ahead!"

A gust of wind rose not far in front of them, and now everyone saw it.

"How much chakra does this require...Which great god is fighting against? I never heard that there are such strong wind escape ninjas in Konoha?" The ninjas behind were shocked. Except on the battlefield of the Ninja World War, I have seen the ninjutsu of Sunagakure Village ninjas who are good at wind escape, but I have never seen such a large-scale wind escape before.

In fact, even Kushina never thought that the child who had just graduated early had such a powerful ninjutsu, and even wondered whether it was Yu Ling in front of him.

"Speed ​​up!" Kushina ordered, and red chakra slowly appeared on her body. Even though the Kyuubi was released and sealed into her son's body, there was still some residue in Kushina's body. The sealed space was not damaged, and it was still filled with the power of Nine Tails.

With a speed comparable to the teleportation technique, Kushina shot out, heading straight towards the storm, and passed through the forest.

"Kushina is too messy... let's go, Kurenai." Asuma looked at Kushina who was walking away. Blue chakra also rose under his feet. He looked back at Kurenai, and the two nodded. , and followed him.

Black shadows leaped straight through the forest. A tense atmosphere penetrated the hearts of every ninja, and they were silent.


The red chakra on his body slowly receded, and Kushina stopped.

"This is... Yu Ling's ninjutsu?" She looked at the large... open space in front of her, the open space left after the original forest was completely destroyed by the storm. Based on her knowledge, she was also a little shocked. "A child shouldn't have such a big chakra...even Otsutsuki..."

The storm was still howling, and the big trees that were scratched around were still being swept up and down again.

"Hmm? There seems to be something inside." Inside the storm, there was a looming black shadow, only its body shape was revealed in the wind carrying the gravel.

Kushina closed her eyes and used her senses to detect the situation inside the storm.

"Yu Ling doesn't seem to be here. This storm actually has such strong chakra and durability without the control of the main body. This child is really... well, there are people inside, three of them. The feeling of chakra... is a bit cold, no It feels too familiar. Could it be that he is not a ninja from Konoha?" After some effort, Kushina finally distinguished the chakra of the storm from the chakra of the person standing inside.

"Kushina, how is the ANBU team?" Asuma landed soon after. Seeing such a scene, he was stunned and worried about Yu Ling's team. According to common sense, a child releasing such a ninjutsu would at least be depleted of chakra and lose the ability to move. If it were the enemy's ninjutsu... it would be very dangerous.

"I don't know, I can't feel Yu Ling's chakra." Kushina said truthfully. "There are three people in this storm, whose identities cannot be determined. Also, Kai is not nearby."

"Isn't Kai here... Then Yu Ling should still be on his way ahead. Let's wait here for the storm to end and ask the people inside." Asma felt a little relieved. In any case, Yu Ling should be fine for now. Just prepare to get some information here first.

The power of the storm slowly weakened, and the jounin gradually arrived. Fifteen jonin formed a neat circle and stood around the storm.

"Huh? There seems to be someone outside." While the captain was closing his eyes to rest inside, he suddenly opened his eyes and seemed to feel the gaze from the outside world.

"It's true, there is a circle of black shadows around." Water Wolf heard the sound and looked around, and saw a somewhat blurry figure standing on the outside of the storm. Although it was a little crooked, it did not affect the recognition. Those should be the jounin of Konoha.

"Get ready to transform. You must hide it. Otherwise it will be dangerous." The captain calmed down, took off his mask, revealing his scarred cheeks and a messy beard on his chin, and then immediately used the transformation technique. He turned into a somewhat stooped old man, holding a cane tremblingly in his hand.

Seeing this, the female ninja also took off her mask and used a spell to transform into an old woman whose image matched the captain's.

"You guys...then I will become a boy."

boom! The ninja codenamed Water Wolf turned into a young boy, like the grandson of the old couple, supporting the old man.

The storm dissipated, revealing the figure inside.

"Huh? Are they just ordinary mountain residents?" Kushina was a little surprised, she had clearly felt chakra just now. Could it be that his own perception confused the chakra of the storm? "Why are you here?"

"Ah yo yo, Ninja-sama! We went out to collect bamboo shoots, and we encountered a strong wind for no reason. We are trapped here! It was you who saved us just now. Come on, come on, I'll treat you to tea!" The old woman said The man jogged out very enthusiastically, holding Kushina's hand and thanking her hurriedly.

On the side, Asma's expression was a bit dumbfounded.

"Asuma, what's wrong with you?" Kurenai noticed it first and asked curiously.

"This... this is such a coincidence, hahaha..." Asuma laughed out loud as if he couldn't hold it in when he heard Kurenai's question. "Look at that boy, does he look familiar?"

"Huh? It looks familiar. Is this from our village?" After listening to Asuma's words, Hong stared at the water wolf carefully for a while, and then thought that there was indeed such a child in the village. But it's not that clear.

The water wolf felt a hint of unfriendly gaze and suddenly trembled all over.

"Hahaha, remember Konohamaru's good friend? Isn't this the little devil Udon!" Asuma smiled again and revealed the answer. Immediately afterwards, his hands flew quickly, he took out his weapon, Feiyan, and transferred his wind attribute chakra. "Your deception is unlucky, so I have to tell you the whole story. Chakra Knife Kikuichimonji!"


With the cutting ability of Wind Release, Asuma's speed at this moment was comparable to Kai who opened the second door! A distance of just tens of meters was covered in just one breath!

"Oops, I didn't expect it to be like this..." While Water Wolf was still thinking like this, Feiyan had already touched his throat and cut into it, but stopped.


All three of them were cut by Asuma's wind attribute, and their prototypes were revealed one after another.

Three ninjas.

However, they are all unfamiliar faces.


The captain of the three men failed to hold his mask steady under this shock, and the skunk mask with green stripes jumped straight to the ground.

"Green..." The other ninjas present may not know the meaning of this mask, but as senior jounin, Kushina, Asuma and Kurenai all know the organization, or person, represented by this mask.

Like Kai, these three people are also Konoha leaves that thrive in the sun, and they also cannot understand the roots of Konoha that are hidden deep underground.

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