Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 43--Safety

"You...are Danzo's people, right?" Kushina held back her temper, clenched her fists, and squeezed out a slight voice through her teeth.

"Yes." Seeing that the truth was exposed, these three people were not greedy for life and afraid of death, so they told the truth.

"What is your mission?" Asuma was not as irritable as Kushina, and asked the three of them calmly, without putting down the flying swallow in his hand.

"No comment." Gen believed in stricter rules and regulations than Konoha's Anbu. No member is allowed to leak any information, as long as he tells any information about the intelligence, that member will explode and die.

This is no joke.

But Asuma and the others didn't know this.

"I suggest you tell it yourself, otherwise, it will not be easy for you all." Asma was still advising, trying to get some information.

"Kill us. We have no hope or value in living. It is impossible for us to tell the information." The three of them were silent for a while, and the female ninja broke the silence and said proactively.

"King Kong Seal!" Kushina suddenly closed her eyes, lowered her head, and unleashed a large amount of violent chakra. Three golden chains spurted out from her body, entangling three "Root" members not far away in the blink of an eye. .

The pointed head aimed at their necks, and the three of them shrank back. After all, no matter how much human nature is worn away, such conditioned reflexes cannot be avoided.

"Gen... you'd better tell us your mission and Danzo's thoughts!" Kushina opened her eyes again, blood red and a little hysterical.

She didn't expect that Danzo would set his sights on a kid who had just graduated.

Perhaps because this child is not from the village, Kushina cares about him even more. After all, she was just a foreigner back then. Although the exclusion from the village had no effect on Yu Ling's life, she could still feel a slight hint of Yu Ling's loneliness.

He could feel something different.

So can she.

"We, really can't say." Water Wolf struggled for a while and finally managed to hold his breath and spoke out.

"If you can't say it, you have to say it! Otherwise, I'll stab you three!" As he said that, the leader who controlled the three iron chains made a "squeaking" sound while waving them in front of their eyes.

"..." The three of them were silent.

"Damn it..." Although Kushina was anxious, she couldn't do anything practical. She just bit her lip accidentally, and the leakage of chakra became more obvious.

"Look at this, you are not going to let us go. Then..." Only halfway through his words, the captain turned his head to look at his teammates with difficulty, and after nodding to confirm each other, they each bit the pieces. Tongue.

Ink spilled out, and some ink was stained on Kushina's chakra chain and Asuma's flying swallow.

"This is..." Kushina noticed the chakra on the ink and hurriedly took back the chakra chain. Upon seeing this, Asuma immediately let go of the "root" member in his hand and moved away from them.

boom! Chi!

The air was forcibly divided. It was this seemingly non-threatening ink that suppressed the air.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, Kushina recognized that this was also a type of sealing technique: "Get away! This is a sealing technique!" She also directly gave up control of the chakra chain, and the chakra chain only controlled , fell directly to the ground, and soon it dispersed into ordinary chakra, and the ink on it fell to the ground.

"Li, Four Elephant Seal, Triangular Seal!" The three of them shouted in unison with only half of their tongues left.


Three people suddenly disappeared.

All objects stained by ink also disappeared.

"Huh? Where are the people?" Kushina was a little confused. Normal sealing techniques will have a carrier or host as the container for the seal. However, these three people disappeared immediately, which made her feel inexplicably uneasy.

The unknown will always bring fear to people. What's more, as a ninja who is proficient in seals, Kushina now has a seal that completely violates common sense in front of her. This will bring more uneasiness to her than to anyone else.

"Duanzo...doesn't he die without leaving a body? It's quite in line with his style. Kushina, the enemy is gone, let's continue chasing. I'm a little worried about Gai being alone." Asuma saw that there were no enemies in front of him, He was eager to catch up. No matter it is Tianlong Team or Kai, their combat power alone is still not enough.

At least, the person who can capture Yamato is not something either of them can compete with.

"Hmm...Okay. Everyone, let's start on our way! Reach the hinterland of Tianzhi Country before tonight and try to join the Tianlong Team!"

Konoha underground, the "root" base.

"Just now, three more were missing." Danzo gently covered his right eye and sighed softly.

"Sir, what three are you talking about?" A middle-aged man wearing a green fox mask kneeled on one knee in front of Danzo and asked in fear.

"Yes. Since late last night, until now, I can feel that there are four less four-elephant seals under my control. Go and check the situation of the team that killed the Tianlong team."


"We're here." Tomorrow ran at the front and was the first to see the border in front of him. However, he no longer had the energy to jump up and down and shout the news as usual.

"Captain Tianling?" After hearing this, Yuetu sent a message to Yu Ling's position behind him.

"Yes. When we get to the guard post, report the attack on the road, and then have a good rest. We will set off in the evening. After all, we are lurking, and the night will help us move. One day, under the bright moon, is that okay?" Yu Ling thought about it for a moment. After a moment, he suddenly thought of Mingyue's physical condition in front of him, and then asked.

"Well... I'm fine. Just disinfect it and it'll be fine." Although Mingyue was in pain, as an ANBU, she still understood the importance of the mission, especially such a rescue mission. Naturally, I could only endure it and continue the mission.

"Huh? The first clone has disappeared. Konoha's elite Jonin, Metkai, there is a large team behind. The three of them are trapped. Okay, the crisis is over for the time being. Let's go in quickly." Yu Ling felt his head pounding. Hot, but it is the memory that came back after the farthest clone disappeared.

"Captain Tianling, did you just mention Metkai?" Tomorrow caught the name and asked Yu Ling.

"Well, yes. But I haven't heard of him, but I feel very strong." Yu Ling explained how his clone felt about this ninja. He thought that his team members didn't know about Kai either.

"It's really Brother Kai. He's very strong! He can instantly burst out with strength comparable to that of the Five Shadows. Although he doesn't know how to use ninjutsu, his physical skills must be the best in the ninja world!" After confirming tomorrow, he added He resumed dancing, jumping and shouting on the branches at the front.

Indeed, Mingri and Mingyue had heard of this Metkai when they were still in the ninja school. Kai was two years ahead of them, and he was just a famous loser when he was in the ninja school. I almost didn't graduate even if I thought I didn't know ninjutsu. However, after graduation, the scenery is completely different. With his strong strength, he was one of the first to be promoted to Chunin in the same period. The Taijutsu boxing skills and speed astonished the third generation at that time. Hinata was known as the nemesis of Taijutsu. No ninja in the same period could beat him. Later, he was promoted to Jonin together with Kakashi, the genius of the Hatake family at the time.

This legend in the eyes of mortals is also the role model for these two brothers.

Ming Yue, who was next to her, listened to Ming Ri's happily talking to herself, and gradually straightened her back, and her grimace slowly unfolded.

"That guy named Kai looks very unreliable..." Yu Ling thought quietly and smiled bitterly. "People are really not what they look like. For example, those four weird ninjas, although they have the chakra of a jounin, their ability to use it... is a bit unflattering."



It’s stuck!


A series of noises, completed in one second.

Yu Ling only saw a green figure passing by, and then... nothing more.

In fact, Kai, who was speeding just now, simply wanted to stop. However, whether it was his strong body, the inertia brought by his speed, or...the weights tied to various places on his body, it was enough for him to break several trees when he stopped suddenly.

"Green steam... this must be Kai. However, it's hard to believe that this person is reliable." Yu Ling searched his memory, and judging from the information sent back by the wind clone, this was Kai himself. "It's so fast. It seems that his physical skills must be very strong."

"Wow! The proud blue beast of Konoha! Senior Kai!" Tomorrow jumped a few times and came to the top of Kai. He looked at the green figure smashed into the ground below, squatting on the branch with his hands on the mask, and expressed some exaggerated expressions. shouted from below.

"Eh? Does anyone know me? Oh! That must be the young man who wants to spend his youth with me! Yossi! Just let me climb out enthusiastically!" Kayn vaguely heard someone mentioning his title, and Immediately, like a chicken blood, he put his hands on the side, pulled out the head with a handstand push-up, rotated 720 degrees in the air, and landed firmly on the ground. "I am Konoha's proud blue beast, Metkai! Yo! Boy, your clone is very handsome!"

"Kai...senior. Thank you for the compliment." Yu Ling called out somewhat unaccustomedly. After all, the teachers and captains he has met so far are usually relatively silent. With such an out-of-the-box personality, only Naruto is more like it.

"I will go on missions with you now! The big troops will arrive later. Follow your plan! Just think of me as a part-time bodyguard! Let's go!" Kai jumped on the branch and looked at the Tianlong team. He raised his classic thumbs up, showed his white teeth, and said vigorously.

"Well... let's go then." Yu Ling felt a little unbearable, calmed down a little, and then led the team to start again.

"Senior Kai, you are still so enthusiastic." Mingyue rested on Yue Tu's shoulders, looking at Kai's back in front with a little envy.

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