Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 41 - Convergence

"Hmm. Huh? This is... ah, where's the captain?" Tomorrow was the first to wake up. Although he was knocked unconscious by a palm and hit a tree, he was not seriously injured. It didn't take long before he woke up. "Hey, brother, brother! Wake up!" Tomorrow was the first to run to shake his brother to wake him up, but received no response.

"Huh? Tomorrow. This... ah, where is Tian Ling?" Yuetu was woken up by Tomorrow's anxious voice. He opened his eyes in a daze and looked at Tomorrow, who was also confused. The mask was still on his face, but it couldn't block the majestic anxiety.

"Ming Yue... it was a bit unfortunate that he fell. Do you have any gauze? Let's bandage him first. When he wakes up, we will go find the captain." Yue Rabbit approached the two brothers and looked at the marks on Mingyue's arms. Wounds, said with some disappointment.

Compared to the flat ground where Yuetu and Tomorrow fell, Mingyue hit a piece of gravel when she fell. Her arms were bruised and her back was hit hard. You won't protect your body when you faint.

Tomorrow hurriedly took out a roll of gauze and a small bottle of alcohol from the ninja bag behind his back, and patiently helped his brother wipe it.

"Tomorrow, I've never seen you in such a hurry." Yuetu stood aside, watching the surroundings. When he saw Tomorrow who was in a hurry, he forced a smile and teased him.

Indeed, on a normal day tomorrow, even if I am impatient, I will not be in a hurry. Even though he is so impatient, he still does things in an orderly manner. After all, after being an ANBU leader for two years, this habit should be developed. But now, it was his dearest brother who was in danger, and he had thrown all the ANBU rules and regulations behind him. It was the first time for Moon Rabbit to see such a tomorrow.

"Um... tomorrow. Are you all okay?" Mingyue opened her eyes, and in front of her was tomorrow, who had been kneeling for dozens of minutes.

"Ming Yue, wake up." Yue Tu felt relieved when he saw that Ming Ri was slowly coming over. The body that had been tense due to vigilance also completely relaxed. "Can you move? The captain is missing. He must have lured the enemy away. Let's look for the captain."

"Well... I can move. Then..." Mingyue took a weak breath and struggled to climb up the tree while saying. These words were interrupted by the sudden rise of thick fog from the far north. Mingyue opened her mouth, but after seeing the thick fog, she didn't close it again.

Tomorrow followed his gaze and knew what Ming Yue was thinking. "That's Captain Tianling's Mist Hidden Technique. If the clone is in that position, the main body should also be in that direction. Let's go, brother." As he said that, Mingri held up Ming Yue with one hand and half dragged and half pulled him towards that place. A thick fog went away.

"It's so urgent. Come to the woods, I'm afraid there might be an ambush on the road." The Jade Rabbit jumped onto the branch and shouted to the two brothers below. "I'll check on the situation for you."

"Then I'll trouble...you." Mingyue's body was still early to recover, so she whispered a sentence with difficulty.

"Hey, you're all awake." Yu Ling stood quietly on the branch directly in front of Yue Rabbit.

"Captain Tianling... Just be fine. Where are the enemies? You said they were all jounin... You..." Yuetu was a little incoherent. In the face of a strong enemy, the captain took the enemy away alone and came back intact. This was a great encouragement to the team members.

"Well, let's go quickly. The mission continues. Hurry up to the border before dawn and rest and adjust at the guard's side. There are still pursuers behind. I killed one and diverted three. I won't buy much time. Yes. Let’s go!” Yu Ling urged. There really wasn't much time, and the storm over there was about to subside.

"Captain...well, okay." Tomorrow hesitated to speak. With his temperament, he probably wanted to say some words of thanks, but he was embarrassed and just kept it in his throat.

"The Moon Rabbit opens the way. The bright moon tomorrow is in the middle. I will cut off the rear. Wind clone!" Yu Ling arranged the formation so that the Moon Rabbit, who is currently in good health, would be at the forefront, while he, as the strongest combat force, would protect the rear, and Leave a clone in place to delay time.

"Yes." The three of them said in unison, then jumped onto the branches and jumped in the jungle, away from Konoha again.

"Let me report first. Well, the mission to kill Yu Ling failed. The earth ghost was killed." In the eye of the storm, the three ninjas who tried many ninjutsu but still could not escape sat down as if giving up and had a good rest. stand up. As the captain, Ninja even started writing mission reports.

When the storm stopped, he summoned the messenger eagle, tied the report he had just written to his ankle, and sent it to his leader.

"Captain Tianling, it's almost dawn. Do you want to take a break?" Ming Ri kept supporting Mingyue. The hours-long jumping made his shoulders sore and his neck hurt, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Well, we'll reach the border in about half an hour. Let's rest when we get there. It's still not safe in the woods. Now let me help Mingyue." Yu Ling saw the situation tomorrow and took the initiative to take over the task. come over.

However... Yu Ling is only eight years old now. No matter how mature he is mentally, physically... he is still just the size of an eight-year-old child. One meter and two nodded slightly, which is Yu Ling's current situation. As for Ming Yue, a healthy young ninja who is almost 1.7 meters tall, it is obviously not something that a child like Yu Ling can support.

"Let me go ahead and continue to trouble the captain." Yue Rabbit accidentally noticed this scene and went into battle himself to resolve this awkwardness.

"Well, thank you. Wind clone!" After leaving another clone in place, the four-person team moved forward again, running towards the border.

"It's dawn, um, let's wake everyone up. Kurenai, Kai! Kushina-san... everyone is getting up!" Asuma jumped down from the tree and woke up the Jonin one by one, ready to continue. Task.

"Huh? What's the damage over there?" When he woke up, he looked around at Yuhi Hong, and found that the forest to the south was somewhat damaged. The trees were all lying in various directions, and there was still a small open space. Farther away, there is very thick water vapor.

"Oh! That was the bloody storm in the forest in the middle of the night yesterday! It appeared very late at night!" Kai saw the damage that Hong mentioned, and then thought of the storm he saw yesterday, stood on his head, and walked with his fingers. In front of Hong, he said vigorously.

"That direction is the direction of Tian Country. Could it be that..." Kushina thought of the ANBU Tianlong team that set off before them. "Oops, chase." Without any explanation, he rushed directly to the place where the storm appeared alone.

"Huh? What's going on?" The other Jonin were still confused and had no idea what Kushina was thinking, but Asuma and the others had somewhat guessed it. They had all heard about the rising star genius Yu Ling, who graduated from the normal ninja school four years ahead of schedule and immediately joined the ANBU. At the same time, he developed a clone that harbored ninjutsu. Two of them are about storms and water mist.

At the same time, it is in the direction of Tian Zhiguo, so it is most likely the masterpiece of Yu Ling, the ANBU code name Tian Ling.

"Let's go, they can't be captured again." Asma said in a deep voice with a cigarette in his mouth and the corners of his mouth turned downward.

Kushina, who was the first to arrive at the scene, stood on the battlefield last night, waiting for the ninjas behind.

"This is where the clone performed the ninjutsu, right? Well, there's no blood around, so it seems like there's no problem up to this point."

"Kushina, how about I catch up first. I have the fastest speed here." Kai arrived first. Indeed, his physical skills are unmatched by anyone here, and his extreme speed It is also invincible. What's more, he also possesses forbidden techniques.

"Okay, be careful." Kushina thought about it for a moment and then agreed. After all, Kai's combat power is also top-notch. If he uses forbidden techniques, he can be comparable to Kage-level ninjas.

"Yoshi, burn your youth! Open the Eight Gate Dunjia·Third Gate·Shengmen!" The light green chakra...no, it's just evaporated sweat! Green steam surrounded Kai. This is his forbidden technique, and so far, it has not harmed the body.


As soon as Kai stepped down, the person flew dozens of meters away. This is a speed that is difficult for the naked eye to keep up with. Within a few breaths, when the ninja behind came to Kushina's position, Kai had already disappeared.

On the other hand, the root members are still following Yu Ling.

"Huh? Is this... or a clone?" The three of them arrived at the place where Yu Ling was first found, and the ground was stained with blood. Just when they were about to pass quickly, a wall of wind suddenly appeared in front of them.

"It's the wind wall again." Water Wolf was a little irritated. He had used up so much chakra to kill one of them, and now another opponent appeared exactly like before. Do we have to use the same method again and spend a lot of time and chakra to deal with this person who is clearly a clone at a glance?

It was already daytime, and the Jonin team behind would catch up at any time. The tug-of-war could not be used again under any circumstances.

No, a green figure rushed over without stopping.

"Oh! It's Tian Ling." Kai saw the thin body and immediately recognized that it was Tian Ling. He turned on the branch, kicked in the opposite direction, and landed next to Yu Ling. Fortunately, this time, his guess was not wrong. "You are...gen." Kai was a little excited and a little excited just now, but the next moment, his face that was full of joy suddenly drooped, his thick eyebrows stood up, and his voice became darker.

"Gen?" "Yu Ling" asked Kai with some confusion. He had never heard of this name before.

"That's right, Gen. Konoha's second ANBU, led by a high-ranking Konoha executive. Handles... all kinds of dark events. What are you doing?" Kai didn't have a good impression of this department at all. As upright as he is, it's natural that he can't stand the person who huddles underground and makes small moves that can't be put on the table. The three root members standing in front of Yu Ling now made him guess a lot, and he gritted his teeth and hated the old man with all his heart.

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