Something went wrong.

When Kekri’s roar came, the elves near the campfire immediately became vigilant. They took up their weapons and moved towards Demon King and Kekri looked in the direction. Surrounded by Fuyin and several Ketu tribes, they felt that they were being stared at, and the atmosphere eased a little. They seemed to treat themselves as enemies.

What did the Demon King tell the Fairy Queen? Why is this happening?

Fuyin felt uneasy.

Kikri forcibly calmed herself down, but apparently failed. She lifted her chin slightly, looked towards the other party, and said angrily: “Why don’t you speak clearly, what you want, Actually we are the elves, right? You want to rule us, just like you did with the dwarves. I’ve seen it through, but didn’t expect you to put on a pose like this?”

Look at The tantrum Queen of the Elves, Demon King shook the head, expressed disappointment.

“Obviously you have misunderstood me and your own situation. Obviously your remarks neither deceived me nor yourself. You have nowhere to go. Don’t do it for yourself. To deny this fact.”

Demon King points to the elf behind and continues: “Look at them, you see yourself, if others see you, their first What is impression? Will the terrifying elven army start to fight in the Quartet? No, what they saw is a group of poor refugees.”

After hearing this, Kekri cursed: “We are not refugees It’s not before, not now, it won’t be for coming!”

“So what are you? Exiled elves? Huh, depending on Isabella’s friendship, I will enlighten you. , The young Isabella.”

Hearing this, Kekri immediately understood that the other party felt that he was an elder.

“I am already two hundred years old this year. I have never heard of such an elder! I don’t need you to teach me how to do things.”

“Obviously, you are not capable Reject.”

Demon King looked at her with a pitying look, which completely angered the latter.

“Then you see if I have it.”

After that, Kekri’s eyes flashed with purple light, and the elf guards immediately launched an attack. They used their short swords to use them. With magic, one appeared behind the Demon King, the other trapped the Demon King with a vineman, and the other slapped the ground with both hands, and the magical power of the coffin enveloped the body of the Demon King.

And Kekri, she absorbed the power of the forest, purple Life Power erupted from the ground, weeds broke out of the ground, and turned into terrifying monsters.


A night-like rays of light flickered, and the Demon King who was tightly wrapped up instantly tore away their shackles, and the terrifying magic power turned into three black hands, grabbing the three Guard, press them to the ground, let them be impossible to move even a little bit.

At this moment, the plants on the ground turned into terrifying fangs and bite towards the Demon King. The scene was very chaotic. Dozens of huge weird plants instantly surrounded the Demon King. What happened inside? , Kekri is also not clear.

As a result, a magical thing happened. I saw a gentle green light drifting out. The roar of terrifying plants suddenly stopped, and the green light slowly drifted to Kekree like a Fire Insect. In front of her eyes, she grabbed it with her hand, and there was a leaf inside, but it quickly disappeared.

“The power of the Divine Tree?”

She made a puzzled voice. Yes, this green light comes from the existence that the elves are most familiar with and miss. Divine Tree.

There are more and more green lights, and they gather into clusters, lighting up the entire forest.

The elves gathered around. They let go of their weapons, pacing slowly like a pilgrim seeing the gods.

“Divine Tree!”

“It’s Divine Tree!”

They immediately knelt on the ground, Kekri some not knowing what to do, only Seeing that in the huge vegetation, a sudden change occurred. Her summon plant suddenly shrank and turned into a lawn on the snow, while the man in black armor was wrapped in the power of the green Divine Tree.

When she saw the golden fruit in the other’s hand, Kekri’s eyes opened wider than an egg.

“The…fruit of the Divine Tree.”

She seemed to be frozen, and she couldn’t speak well.

Yes, what the Demon King holds in his hands is the legendary World Tree fruit that bears once every thousand years. No one knows what kind of power it has.

But one thing is certain is that the fruit is equal to the seed.

This is the seed of World Tree! !

For the elves, this is the sacred representative.

However, it is in the hands of a stranger.

“Want it?”

Demon King mysterious smiled, looked at Kekri and said.

Kikri only feels cold all over, she wants it, she wants it very much, even if she knows that there is a flame in front, she is willing to pounce on it.

“Why…why do you have…”

She is almost speechless, what can she say, for a group of elves who have lost the Divine Tree, the Elf Queen and the Divine Tree Compared with the seeds, what is it?

“Someone gave it to me, although it is useless for me, but…”

Demon King said while playing with the fruit of the Divine Tree, he went up and down The elves moved up and down, and they even held their breath.

“I believe you must be a friend of the elves now.”

“Friends? Haha, friends will not receive such gifts.”

His words It’s already clear enough. Many elves present, even a little bit older, understand, how can the fruit of the Divine Tree be given away? Either he grabbed it, or was…

He ruled Elf Race, even those Komori people, only in this way, he can get the fruit intact.

However, they have never heard of this history, nor have they heard of such a character. Obviously, he is not an elf. Who is he?

“We are willing to use everything in exchange for the fruit in your hands. No matter what request, I can promise you, but please don’t take action against my people. This is my only request.”

After Kekree said this, she also knelt down like other elves, although she was only kneeling on one knee, but it also meant obedience.

“Unfortunately, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. You do not have enough value in exchange for this thing. However, I am not a narrow-minded person.” Demon King’s conversation turned, he looked towards Ke Kerry, looked towards all the elves, he raised the golden fruit and said loudly: “From now on! Until the world annihilation, the residents of ancient times, the elves, you will become me The people of Divine have become my possession, and I am your king!”

tone barely fell, before Kekri could refute, suddenly, the fruit of Divine Tree gave out dazzling rays of light .

The elves acknowledge allegiance in the Divine Tree, and now, the Divine Tree is controlled by Demon King Richard. He does not know what method he used to make the fruit or seed become his servant.

In other words, no matter what Kekri or the elves think, they are all under the Demon King, and he can control them through Divine Tree orders.

What can the elves do? It’s a pity that they can’t do anything. They can only pray that the king can treat themselves well.

The huge Transmission Gate brought warm light, and they left the cold forest overnight. When the army of the elements arrived on the morning of the 2nd day, only the residue and the corpses of the companions were left here.

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