The huge room is full of words. There are many documents stored here, and it is filled with more than a dozen shelves. There is no open flame here, only a cold crystal lamp, which is on an empty table.

An old man of the Ketu tribe sat there. He guards the old man in the information database. This is very important and cannot be easily approached. Everything about the Wusen Empire is here. You can find every A person’s information, as well as the news of every grain of wheat coming in and out.

Suddenly, there was a sound of twisting the key. The old man opened his eyes and saw Hara in a fluffy coat walk in.

“Master Halla, work so late today.”

“Yes, there are a group of elves, hey, the past few days have been busy.”

Hara sighed, she was holding a pile of letter papers.

“Oh, this way, don’t force yourself too much. Take care to rest.”

The old man said lightly, elves? He didn’t know what kind of elf, if only a few years ago, it would be ridiculous to be able to put on other people’s fur in the winter, but now, God made a joke. He no longer needs to worry about whether he will freeze to death or starve to death first, as he did before. As long as he sits in this warm room, he can eat the food of his weeping bitter tears every day.

Things that I had never dreamed of before, have now come true.

“Then I’ll go first, and remember to lock the door when I go back.”

The old man walked for a while, and Halla had sorted out the files and walked to the door. .

“Oh, well, be careful when you go back. Don’t go near the water, there are lizardmen…”

“Bo grandfather, lizardmen is already our companion.”

Hala replied with a wide smile on his face. The old man was taken aback for a moment, and he realized that he was still talking about the old days.

“Ah, yes, go back and be careful not to slip.”

“Well, good night.”

The door was closed, and the old man squinted his eyes. He was lightly sighed.

“Yes, times have changed.”

Never hear the previous warnings: don’t go near the water, there are lizardmen; don’t forget your head when you look behind you Go up, the old cheetah is hiding in the tree; don’t enter the beautiful grass, the terrifying serpentfolk is waiting…


wu~ ~

Resounding The horn suddenly sounded and Lars opened his eyes. It was already dawn and the silhouette flashed outside the tent. The quilt was very warm. He didn’t want to get up in general, but he barely stopped, pushed away the quilt, and began to put on the armor.

In winter, he always likes to sleep late. The only things that can make him get up are father’s eyes and mother’s feather duster.

But now, he will leave the warm bed without those.

Open the tent, the soldiers have lined up, but Lars has not been formed into the fighting team, he is the logistics.

He saw a familiar silhouette, a somewhat fat uncle, he was the one who cooked in the logistics. Russ ran over immediately, followed behind him, and ran with him.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s going to fight.”

“Aren’t we fighting all the time?”

” No, we haven’t attacked, we’re just consuming it here, and today we’re going to formally attack the city.”

Uncle said and ran, he lifted all the pots in the camp, and removed the leftovers. The pot water was poured into the fire, and the thick white smoke smelled of charcoal.

“Untie it for me, quickly.”

The cold made his fingers feel uncomfortable, and he couldn’t untie the rope tied to the pot, so Lars went to help immediately.

“Why is it today?”

As he untie the rope, he asked at the same time that Uncle is dismantling the shelf. These are all logistical tasks.

“I don’t know too much. I heard that it seems that the direction of the wind has changed and it is blowing in Wind City.”

“But what does this have to do with fighting?”

Russ untied the rope and the shelf just collapsed.

“This is good for us. The wind can make them unable to open their eyes. Our arrows and magic can hit farther.”

“Then why should we run?”


Lass has more and more questions, and Uncle becomes impatient. He puts the muddy pot on the back of the other party and says: “The cannon is coming, don’t ask so much, hurry! Go back to the carriage. , It’s time to move.”

With the sound of messy footsteps, the battle began.


A large number of soldiers charged, countless sharp arrows and poisonous flame balls passing over their heads, passing by them from time to time With a huge rumbling sound, they could feel the vibration of the earth, and the loud noise shook their ears. But they didn’t stop, they kept running. In this chaotic scene, all commands were useless, the commander’s voice was drowned out by loud noises, and the command flag was also covered by thick smoke.

They only know one thing to do, which is to rush forward towards the tall city wall.

There were countless soldiers on the city wall. They didn’t see the siege weapon, only a group of soldiers charging blindly. There is also a rain of arrows all over the sky. Although the tailwind allows them to fly farther, but in the magic barrier’s front of the city wall, they are doing meaningless things.

“Hehe! They are courting death.”

“I thought the Imperial Army had what it was capable of.”

The commanders were laughing, It seems to them that the enemy’s offense is meaningless, because they can’t break through their own Formation at all.

“Let those archer and magician not waste their energy, and watch how they are torn apart by Formation.”

Just as the soldiers watched this scene with a smile, With a sudden swish, a soldier suddenly fell backwards quickly, and fell to the ground with a heavy thump, his helmet rolled on the ground a few times.

Suddenly there was silence on the city wall. All the soldiers turned their heads and looked towards the place where the sound came. They saw that the soldier was dead with an arrow stuck in his chest, which killed him. .

They still don’t understand why the enemy’s arrows can pass through the Formation. That is a magic that even giant dragons can block. Why is it penetrated?

When they reacted, more arrows and magic came to them.


“Enemy attack! Quick counterattack!”

“Hurry up and shoot!”

“Give me all Get up! Don’t shrink under the city wall!!! Counterattack! Counterattack! Damn! Quickly use a pig-headed cannon! Quick!”

The scene is chaotic, the magic cannon is not a longer tube, it is more complicated, there is one The very swollen barrel looked like a pig’s head, so the soldiers called it a pig’s head cannon, even though it had a magnificent name: Alexander Penetration Cannon.

Several loud noises of hong long long, the high-speed moving magic shells were in a flat form, and instantly hit the opposite hillside, which is the enemy’s camp, but exploded in the air.

The enemy also has a magic shield, which is as it should be by rights.

“Hold the city wall! Don’t let them climb up! Burn them to death or freeze them to death, hell! What the magician is doing! Defend!”

The commander yelled, the situation It became more and more unfavorable, the city wall Formation unfathomable mystery was damaged, a gap appeared, and the enemy’s attack hit them directly.

At this moment, with a bang, the entire city wall shook violently, and the soldiers immediately lowered their bodies.

I only heard someone shouting: “Not good! The city gate broke a big hole!”

The soldiers’ complexions suddenly changed and their morale plummeted.

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