The ground suddenly brightened, and in the cold forest, the elves who had retreated in front of the ice lake suddenly raised their heads.

They heard the bell, the enemy disappeared, and they also felt an unprecedented oppression.

“Who…who is that person?”

A sharp eye suddenly exclaimed. She pointed to the sky, her fingers trembling.

Everyone looked up and saw a dark shadow floating above the forest. Kekree frowned and said in a low voice: “Go and take care of the wounded.”


“Demon King-sama!”

Fu Yin was both happy and sad. She looked up at Richard who was slowly falling down. The crazy werewolf grinned, it gasped heavily, the enemy After disappearing, he seemed to be in a very chaotic state. After seeing the Demon King suddenly, he actually rushed over.

It seems that after he enters the violent state, he can barely remember that Fuyin and the others are companions, and he regards the sudden appearance of the Demon King as an enemy.

“Bray! No!”

Fuyin yelled, but Demon King raised his finger, and the werewolf suddenly floated. He couldn’t move in the air, he could only desperately Waving the sharp claw, he fell asleep like a baby.

“Your companion is frozen, let him stay by the fire.”

Demon King took out a black stone, and it suddenly burned, giving off warmth Of the fire.

Fuyin quickly took off his coat and let the frozen dwarf lie on it. The three Kotu tribes were also shiver coldly. They knelt after seeing the Demon King.

“Let’s all come here, it seems you have encountered a lot of trouble.”

“Sorry Demon King-sama, my mission failed.”

Demon King did not speak. Facing Fu Yin’s apology, he turned his head and looked towards the forest.

“Don’t be sneaky, come out.”

tone barely fell, two divine light flashed, before the other party reacted, he was already sitting on his knees in the Demon King In front of him. She is a female elf with blue eyes and a thin body.

“Laray? Are you still alive!”

Fuyin said joyfully, she was still worried about the safety of the elves a second ago.

However, at this time, the Laray was already speechless with fear. She trembled and lifted the head. Looking at the man in front of him, her shiny black eyes were about to take her away. Devouring Soul enters, she can perceive the terrifying of the other party.

“Hold on!”

At this moment, Kirkley’s voice came, and she was standing on Banpo. Then the fire was everywhere, countless elves holding torch Appearing behind her, some were wounded and supported by other elves, and some were holding bows and arrows, but they pointed to the ground instead of each other.

Demon King looked at them and couldn’t help but smiled slightly, saying: “Interesting.”


“I am the current fairy queen Isabella , Hello, the king who rules the Great Forest of Ufa, thank you for your move.”

Kekri stood in front of the Demon King and spoke to him in the same tone as his mother.

She was a head shorter than the other, which made her a little uncomfortable. When receiving guests, the elf queen should have been sitting on a tall wicker chair.

“You are not Isabella, but you have her breath, although it is very weak.”

Demon King laughed, the other party only felt a little surprised, and even felt a little bit of Offended.

The elves are sitting around the blazing bonfire. The magical stone emits a two-meter-high flame, bringing them the warmth of the sun. Fuyin wanted to participate in this conversation, but the black clothed man asked her to take care of the wounded, and the latter dismissed the idea.

“If you are here to find World Tree, then I am afraid you will be disappointed. World Tree is dead.”

“I am not disappointed, and I already know , After all, there is only one reason for the elves to be displaced.”

Demon King smiled and said, the latter felt a little annoyed and unhappy, but she did not show it, but sighed calmly.

For some reason, the two of them did not speak suddenly, and the surroundings fell silent, except for the sound of a bonfire in the distance. The guards who stayed behind Kerkri were also embarrassed. They glanced at each other, completely wondering why this situation happened.

After two minutes of silence, Kekri finally couldn’t help it. She looked towards Demon King and asked: “What are you waiting for?”

“What am I waiting for? “

Demon King threw the original question back instead.

Kikeri browses slightly wrinkle and said, “I don’t think we need to be like this, Mr. Richard, you saved us. It’s a fact. Although we didn’t beg you, you eliminated those ice elements. , You can ask us for payment.”

Heard, Demon King’s mouth was slightly bent, and he looked at each other with interest and asked: “Then, what can I ask for? The blessing of the elves? Do you want a flower that doesn’t fall? Or is it a kiss from the Queen of the Elves?”

“You are too much!”

Kekree glared at each other, he was holding himself and Elf Race was kidding, he was looking down at the elf.

“Am I wrong? Without World Tree, you would be poor people with nothing. Look now, you can’t survive a winter.”

“This one I don’t need a big person like you to worry about it. Can we survive the cold winter? You can wait and see, we don’t need you to worry about it.”

“Really? Look, you can save Got those wounded?”

Demon King turned around and pointed to the wailing elves. They were wounded and lay in the arms of their companions. Even so, their wounds were still full of ice crystals. These ice crystals are taking away their body temperature, and little by little cannibalize their lives.

The trickiest part of the magical attack of the ice element is that it is difficult to recover completely. It will inject magical ice crystals into the wound and circulate the whole body. Those magical ice crystals will make the body temperature drop until the wounded dies. The flame can’t melt them, only magic can.

But obviously, the elves don’t have enough medicinal herbs to make magic potions, and they can’t find those medicinal herbs in this cold winter.

The other party hit his own pain point with a single sentence, and Kekri felt angry and helpless.

“We are a race of tens of thousands of years, this little pain is for us…”

“not worth mentioning? Yes, for a race of tens of thousands of years Saying that so many elves have died, it’s really not worth mentioning.”

“I didn’t say that. Don’t make arrogance with me. It’s just a piece of cake. We will cure them. If you continue Talk to me with this attitude, then I can only say sorry to say that you are not welcome here, ruler of the Uthan Empire.”

Kakri said loudly, her expression full of hostility , But in Demon King’s eyes, she is just a little kitty.

After all, when the elves were most powerful, the Isabella had to kneel when she saw herself, not to mention that they only had so many people left.

Weak races have no dignity. Obviously the elves are still immersed in the sleep of the Spirit King country in the past, and what Demon King has to do now is to make them sober.

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