Sobbing, Fuyin was crying, and the companion who took care of her died.

The werewolf didn’t comfort her. As a creature who lived alone for several decades, he didn’t know how to comfort others.

So, he was looking for other people, crossing the ice scum on the ground, he saw another companion.


He saw the dying Transfiguration Demon, lying on the ground, its lower body turned into ice, and there was still white air in its mouth.

The shapeshifter seemed to have heard the voice of a werewolf. It moved a bit, and there were more ice scum around it, and it was so cold that it made people’s teeth tremble.

“What’s the matter?”

The werewolf looked at its injuries, his stomach was pierced by ice, and the internal organs were full of ice particles. The lower body should be completely necrotic. And it still breathed, mostly because of its incredible body.

It can’t make a sound. The two pairs of terrifying sickles are moved manually. It seems to want to say something, but it can’t make a sound.

“I see.”

The werewolf lowered his head, and suddenly, it opened its mouth and bit on the opponent’s neck…

here What exactly happened?

Sorrowful Fuyin continued to search for his companions buried under the snow. Someone must be still alive.

Looking on the werewolf’s nose, they finally found two surviving Kotu tribes, thanks to their thick fur, they survived. There was also a dwarf who was completely frozen. He was as cold as a block of ice and had to burn immediately.

“We have to go back and find the elves for help.”

The werewolf picked up the dwarf, and now only his body temperature is the most stable. The Kotu tribes were still digging their luggage, but they were scolded by the werewolves: “Leave those things alone, go quickly, there is something strange here, the surrounding air is constantly absorbing our energy.”

They left immediately. Here, enduring the biting cold wind, return to the forest.

Going back is much harder than it was. I saw traces of battle on the ground and trees along the way. Attacks, magic, and the ice cubes with cold smoke, they are sharp and swords. same.

“What the hell is it?”

Fu Yin looked at the ice cube stuck in the tree trunk, feeling a little scared.

“I don’t know.”

The anxiety in Bray’s heart became stronger and stronger. The forest blocked the wave of heavy snow. Many big trees poured and broke, but the rushing snow did not enter the forest.

“Ah! Elf’s corpse!”

Fuyin let out a scream. She saw several corpses on the ground. They maintained their fighting stance, drawing their bows and drawing arrows. , Even the expression is retained.

“It’s the ice element! Damn it! It’s the army of the elemental Demon King! We have to leave this ghost place quickly!”

Bray cry out in surprise.


Where did Fuyin know this kind of monster, but before the voice fell, I only felt the biting cold wind, and suddenly something appeared in the forest. It floated over, only to see a few gray and black rags floating on the tree.

The werewolf’s hair exploded, and it instinctively bared its teeth. Suddenly a few icicles flew in one direction. The agile werewolf escaped easily, but it suddenly remembered that it was a bodyguard. Charge alone, after all, another bodyguard will watch them. It looked towards behind it in astonishment, only to see a light blue energy barrier appeared behind it, and two sounds of peng peng blocked those icicles.

“They give it to me.”

Fuyin’s handguards contain magic, which is the magic technology of dwarves.

The werewolf turned his head immediately, rushing like a forest at the fastest speed.

It saw the enemy, wrapped in strips of rags, they were flying like weightless, and their main body was a crystal of ice core.

The ice element immediately attacked the werewolf, the snow on the ground suddenly splashed, one after another ice thorn rose from the ground, the werewolf jumped up, stepped on the trunk and moved quickly, around behind the opponent , And then launched a fatal blow to the core.

The sharp claws shredded the ice core, and magical power burst out of the werewolf’s hands, and its right hand suddenly lost consciousness.

There is more than one enemy. The werewolf took a deep breath. It opened its eyes wide, and the slight changes around it could not escape its eyes. Sure enough, he saw an ice element hiding himself in the snow, and it was waiting for an opportunity.

A turned and jumped, like a lion pounced on the antelope. He attacked with lightning speed. The cold magic burst out suddenly, and the ice element launched a huge magic around him. The snow was rolled up by the strong wind, forming a barrier.

But this can’t stop the werewolves who fall into the killing mode, they are very timid, but when they solve the enemy, they will lose the pain and start killing.

The werewolf broke through the wall of cold wind and executed the ice element in front of him.

It’s not over yet, there’s more!

Behind the tree, in front, on the right, in the snowdrift…

There are many enemies.


The werewolf Blay launched a crazy killing. His eyes were red, and the blood of the werewolf burned in his body, making his movements faster and faster. , The power is getting stronger and stronger.

More and more brutal.

Hiding on the side, Fuyin, who was protecting the others, saw his changes, but there were more and more enemies around him, and he couldn’t kill him no matter what. The hotter Bray’s body got more scars, his right hand was covered with a layer of frost, and blood stains appeared on his mouth, which was obviously injured.

But instead of stopping, he became more fierce.

If this goes on, he will die…

Including himself.

Fu Yin gritted her teeth, a huge ice suddenly hit, and peng sound slammed on their protective shield. She felt the energy of the magic shield quickly drain, the magic ice cube of ice element Able to absorb magic power, the magic barrier is getting smaller and smaller, and a layer of ice is formed on the surface. She can’t support it for long.

They are going to die here.

She feels very unwilling, because she hasn’t enjoyed this World well yet, and she hasn’t done what she wants to do.

Suddenly, she took out the hot pendant from the neckline, it was a strange black stone.

“If you encounter difficulties that can’t be solved, use this to ask for help.”

The words of Lord Richard came to her mind.

She grabbed the stone, closed her eyes, and shouted: “Master Richard! Help!”

Suddenly, she felt the stone vibrate and changed It was getting hot, and when I opened my eyes, a beam of light rushed into the sky, breaking through the thick clouds and dispelling the cold wind.

The ice elements and the elves fighting in the forest were all attracted by the sudden appearance of powerful power. I saw a black forest in the divine light.

The snow stopped and the wind stopped. They disappeared as the light faded.

Demon King Richard is suspended in the air, wearing black armor, looking down at the forest. Fuyin broke his tears into a smile, looking up at him.

“Master Richard!”

Suddenly, those ice elements sensed the danger, and the ice elements in the entire forest attacked at the same time. Their magic powers united and turned into control. The snow and ice of the forest.

Boom! ! !

The forest shook, a lot of snow and ice flew from the ground, and they moved towards the sky and the enemies flew away.

Demon King looked at them, showing pity in his eyes.

“Poor magical creature.”

He lightly said such a sentence, then raised his hand to shake it.


Only heard a bell ringing, the terrifying magic power spreads with the sound wave, wherever it goes, all the ice elements in the entire forest are broken. Turned into a mass of ice scum.

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