Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 95: Plateau Forbidden Ruins, Xuanyuan Clan’s Myths

Chapter 95 Plateau Forbidden Ruins, Xuanyuan’s Myths

“You should practice well, dad has some personal matters.”

 Shen Changqing left again.

 Only Shen Miao was left stunned.

 Chewing carefully the meaning of what I just said.


 The sky is clear and the field of vision is extremely wide.

 Shen Changqing, with the body of the first-generation sword master, galloped through the air.

 After handling the affairs of the Wang family, he was ready to get himself back.

 The fleshly body sitting in the black coffin on the plateau, as well as the Xuanyuan Sword and other treasures.

Nearly 20,000 years have passed, and Shen Changqing does not know whether his body has been reduced to ashes.

Although he has been physically sanctified, he is still facing the most terrifying time-killing weapon.

Shen Changqing couldn't guarantee that his physical body would be intact.

 After all, even the heaven and earth’s supreme treasure cannot endure it.

Of course, no matter what.

Even if the physical body has decayed a lot, it is still of great use.

 Shen Changqing can use special means to make it into a magical weapon, which is still extremely powerful.

 In addition, the Xuanyuan Sword is of great significance as the ancestral treasure of the Xuanyuan family.

 Like the Kunlun Mirror, both need to be taken back.

 It was lost on the plateau, and it is true that Shen Changqing did not think it through well and did not return it to Jianzhong in time.

“This plateau has actually turned into a forbidden ruins in the Xuanhuang Realm?”

Shen Changqing looked at the information compiled by Xuanyuan Xue and frowned.

Now, he can be considered to have his own power network.

Whenever you want to know some information, Xuanyuan can quickly find it.

 In the current Xuanhuang Realm, there are no traces of civilization on this plateau.

 But it also does not belong to the category of ancient ruins that can be developed or excavated.

 Because this piece of land has experienced devastating collapse and has become a forbidden ruin for life.

 In addition, because the plateau is extremely remote.

 In his previous life, it took Shen Changqing several months to reach the outskirts of the plateau.

 But now that there are underground tunnels, it should be much faster.

 Two days later, he arrived at the cave.

 Then he saw a large number of heroic figures waiting in front of him.

 Among them, there are quite a few who exude a terrifying aura of power.

“Liu Xianwen, Xiao Siquan, and Luo Yuanming met Xuanyuan Ancestor.”

 The three mythical heroes all bowed respectfully.

In addition, there are dozens of top legendary heroes who also bowed.

 These are all contemporary Xuanyuan clan.

  As an ancient heroic spirit contracted by Shuzhou's behind-the-scenes tycoon.

Those present today are all the mainstays of the Xuanyuan clan.

 None of them are recorded on the Great Xia Heroic Spirit List.

 However, it can be said without exaggeration.

Any time a person is recorded, it can cause quite a stir.

Especially the three mythical ones in front of Shen Changqing, although they are not the strongest ones in the Xuanyuan clan at present.

 But they all come from the Immortal Road Era, and have far more strength than the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor.

 Among them, Liu Xianwen is the fourth generation head of the Yuan Tian Sect and is known as Yuan Tian Zun.

According to historical records, the Yuantian Sect was the largest sect in Shuzhou that had been passed down for three thousand years.

 This is equivalent to spanning the entire dynasty era.

 And the foundation of Yuantian Sect is extremely strong.

 In addition to summoning Liu Xianwen, the Xuanyuan clan also had many strong men from the Yuantian Sect.

This Xiao Siquan is the demon painter in the Immortal Road Era, and he masters a mysterious power of law.

It can be said that there is no second person in the world!

 He owns a painting book, which depicts a total of 365 kinds of strange creatures.

 Each spirit creature can give him power and various means.

In addition, ghost creatures can also appear from the painting spectrum and fight with them.

 They are all very powerful, no less powerful than a hero!

As for Luo Yuanming, the mythical heroic spirit of the Xuanyuan clan has an equally special origin. He comes from an extremely remote place in the Xuanhuang Realm and was contracted from ancient ruins.

 And that land is said to be a cursed land.

 He went against heaven and mastered the power of curses, and was known as the Master of Curses.

These three people hold high positions among all the heroic spirits of the Xuanyuan clan.

In addition, the Xuanyuan clan also made a lot of contracts.

 The Xuanyuan people in various eras.

 But it is a pity that it belongs to the ancient tribe of origin.

 In other words, among the clan members of the Golden Age, Shen Changqing is currently the only one.

 “How is the situation on the plateau?”

 Back to business, Shen Changqing asked.

 Before this, the three myths had already inspected the current situation on the plateau.

Liu Xianwen raised his hands and said, "It's very dangerous."

“This plateau has been the birthplace of countless weird and evil things since ancient times.”

“The Immortal Road, the Immortal Martial Arts, and the Troubled Times of Demons and Demons all have their shadows in all eras.”

“Of course, high risks also come with high returns.”

“This is simply a paradise for dark spiritual masters. You can find evil mediums wherever you go.”

“Less than two hours after we entered, we found traces of multiple powerful heroic spirit organizations.”

After saying this, Shen Changqing immediately fell into deep thought.

 The earth collapsed and the laws collapsed.

  that which is brought about by it.

 It is a silhouette of multiple eras, clinging to every corner.

 This is the danger Liu Xianwen calls, the paradise of dark spiritual masters.

 “And, there is a worse problem.”

 The demon painter Xiao Siquan also spoke at this time.

“Your deeds of suppressing the plateau for hundreds of years in the golden age have been spread outside.”

“Since this time, more and more people have poured into the plateau.”

“It’s not just the Dark Spirit Masters, there are also many mysterious organizations. Their goals are very clear and they all want to find your body.”

“According to my guess, they want to put it on the black market or obtain huge profits through underground channels.”

  Shen Changqing was quite surprised by this result.

“Twenty thousand years have passed, how much can a broken body be sold for?”

 The three myth-levels looked at each other in shock.

 “Perhaps, some people want to collect it.”

 Shen Changqing was speechless.

“Let’s go, I don’t want to waste too much time. I’ll leave as soon as I find my body.”

 He turned around and stepped into the crypt.


 All the heroic spirits followed closely behind.


 Through the underground cave tunnel, Shen Changqing traveled to the plateau in just a few days.

As soon as we emerged from the abyss, countless floating boulders appeared in front of us.

Various ancient and dilapidated palaces, symbolizing the ruins of each era, slowly floated around Shen Changqing.

The whole world was in a state of drowsiness, and the mixed atmosphere was chaotic.

After the law disappeared, the original power of the cave was poured out on the entire plateau.

 As a result, the plateau seems to have formed a netherworld.

 Lonely ghosts and evil spirits wander around.

 All the heroic spirits of the Xuanyuan clan felt quite uncomfortable.

 But Shen Changqing had a very strange feeling.

This feeling was brought about by Luo Tian, ​​the third stage of Black Lotus Cult Master.

 Shen Changqing couldn't tell or describe it.

 Somewhat comfortable and quite lazy.

 It’s like...the king of the plateau has come home!

 (End of this chapter)

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