Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 96: The former Xianlu Plateau Emperor started the third stage of the leader (big

Chapter 96 The former Immortal Plateau Emperor begins the third stage of the leader (big chapter)

“The Five Directions Ghost Mountain back then has now turned into countless rubbles.”

“I’m afraid it’s a little difficult to find the specific direction.”

 “Moreover, they are still fluttering.”

“Based on the progress of our people, it should take a month.”

“Fortunately, now we have a lot of helpers who are looking for traces of Wufang Ghost Mountain.”

Liu Xianwen said while looking around.

This has some different changes from the scene I saw when I came in before.

 The large number of helpers he mentioned were naturally those heroic organizations.

 “It doesn’t matter, I can find it.”

 Shen Changqing closed his eyes.

The mark on his forehead flickered slightly, and his majestic spiritual thoughts suddenly emitted.

The connection between Xuanyuan Sword and him is difficult to truly erase even after tens of thousands of years have passed.

"found it."

 After a moment, Shen Changqing opened his eyes again.

Although the fluctuations of Xuanyuan Sword were extremely weak, he was still caught by him.

 When looking into the distance, take long strides towards the sky.

Rubbles are constantly floating in the air along the road, showing scenes of decay and dilapidation.

 There were a large number of evil spirit remnants clinging to them, making instinctive roars at Shen Changqing and his party.

 As we continue to fly through the air, the number we encounter is increasing.

 Just these, there is no way to stop Shen Changqing and the others.

The legendary heroes of the Xuanyuan family opened the way one after another.

 The demon painter Xiao Siquan presented the painting manual.

 In an instant, a large number of spirit spirits appeared.

Annihilate the flying ashes of those evil spirits that block the road.

Shen Changqing was not idle either. Every step he took was swept by the shadow of his sword.

 After traveling hundreds of miles, the scene ahead suddenly became dark.

There are only five floating ruins in the sky, and they are entangled with each other to reveal a huge coffin.

 In the past, there were ghost mountains in five directions, and only the tops of them remained.

 It's just that there are a large number of strange people near the top of the mountain.

One of the men sat cross-legged on the coffin and continued to vomit with his eyes closed.

 There are a large number of black-robed heroic spirits scattered around.

   “Were we able to get there first?”

 The demon painter Xiao Siquan frowned.

“No, they are foreigners and they should not know the body of the Sword Master.”

Liu Xianwen spoke calmly, and the vast power belonging to Yuan Tianzun began to surge around his body.

In Shen Changqing's eyes, the group of black-robed people occupying the top of the mountain.

 Especially the man sitting cross-legged on the coffin.

He is using a strange technique to try to take possession of the coffin.

With the appearance of Shen Changqing and others, the foreign heroes turned around one after another with cold eyes.

“Which human organization are you from? Do you understand the rules?”

“This place is my Night Clan’s territory, do you dare to trespass?”

The sky was filled with questions, and a huge storm broke out.

That extremely heavy feeling of oppression is filled with rich ancient power.


 Hurricane came in front of Shen Changqing and others.

 The three major myths looked calm, and dozens of legends remained motionless.

The man in black robe sitting on the coffin couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes.

Looking away, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just by standing there, Shen Changqing and others gave him an inexplicably powerful feeling.

“The Night Clan is a prosperous foreign tribe in the Xuanhuang Realm. Their master is called the Night King, also known as the Foreign Master.”

“These black-robed heroic spirits in front of me should be the seventh-generation ancestors of the Night Clan.”

Liu Xianwen spoke in a low voice, and when he raised his hand, thunder suddenly rolled from the sky.

 The five fingers cover the sky and the sun and float in the sky, just like the hand of God.


 The space was violently shaken in an instant.

 The man in black robe sitting on the coffin.

The expressions of many Night Clan heroes changed greatly and they hurriedly escaped.

 Only between the two of them, they sacrificed the ancient treasure, the Heaven and Earth Clock.

 Just listen to the bells ringing loudly and the sonic boom rolling.

 Suddenly, it exploded.

 The pupils of both of them were constricted and their minds were frightened.

This level of power made them realize it instantly.

The team of people in front of you is unfathomable!

 “You bastards! Who are you?”

“This is the realm of the Emperor of Plateau, and we all offer sacrifices to the Emperor of Plateau!”

An angry sound sounded, but space distortion and fluctuations were seen.

An ancient monster with a height of ten thousand feet suddenly opened its huge mouth of the abyss.


 The terrifying suction force explodes, like swallowing the sky and the earth!

 The appearance of this scene completely frightened all the black-robed heroes out of their wits.

Shen Changqing and his team are not a simple force at all!

Their bodies were uncontrollable, and they rolled back one after another along with countless palace ruins.

"Wait a moment!"

“If you have something to say, we can discuss it!”

 There was a sound of panic, and it stopped abruptly the next moment.

 All foreign races, including heroic spirits, were devoured by ancient spirits.

 When it spits out, only the black coffin remains.

Shen Changqing did not hesitate, and when he covered it with his big hand, he imprinted the soul mark.

The black coffin shook slightly and slowly opened and closed, revealing the Baosha lamp inside.

Shen Changqing checked briefly and found that the source of the Baosha lamp was exhausted.

 The small world inside also collapsed, although the physical body and the Xuanyuan Sword were still there.

 But if you want to take it out, you need to restore the origin of the Baosha lamp.

There is no rush for this, now his third stage Luo Tian is the origin.

 He then looked behind the Five Directions Ghost Mountain, at the end of darkness.

 He had discovered before that there was a huge cage there.

The prison cage is more than a thousand feet tall and made of some special material.

The whole body exudes the aura of seal.

Looking carefully at this moment, it is clear that there are densely packed and huge numbers of human souls imprisoned inside.

 It’s just that these heroic souls are all ordinary people in ancient times!

Shen Changqing even saw a lot of them. When he was Qingyunzhai Laozi, he was his disciple and grandson.

As the cage shimmers with luster, the imprisoned heroic souls all have painful faces.

The wailing sound continued, and there was a strange power that was slowly absorbed by the cage.

“How could something like this appear on the plateau?”

Shen Changqing frowned.

 He came from the cage of a thousand feet.

 I can smell the smell of sacrifice keenly.

This cage seems to be refining something through a large number of heroic souls.

Liu Xianwen was silent for a while and finally responded:

“This kind of thing is called a soul furnace.”

“The function of the Soul Furnace is a kind of transaction formed between the foreigners and certain evil spirits in the Forbidden Ruins.”

“The aliens provide what the evil spirits need, and the evil spirits’ masters will exchange contracts with their own men.”

“They are made of a special material, and their use is actually very simple.”

"It means collecting a large number of contract media from various places in the Xuanhuang Realm, and then placing the media in the soul furnace."

“Because the laws of the plateau have collapsed, the origin of the cave has been completely released between heaven and earth.”

“So those contract media have a probability of more than 50% that they will condense the heroic spirit or heroic soul body on their own.”

"But when they wake up, they will find themselves in the soul furnace and cannot escape."

 “With the help of the aliens in the Xuanhuang Realm, we continue to provide the evil spirits with what they need.”

 Liu Xianwen explained the origin of the soul furnace and its current greatest role.

 As for the transaction between the foreigners and the evil spirits in the forbidden ruins, it was formed a long time ago.

 This is because they need to continue to contract with evil spirits in order to strengthen themselves.

 After all, the Xuanhuang Realm is vast.

 But after tens of millions of years have passed, the place is currently suitable for survival.

  Has become, quite speaking, very rare.

 Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many alien races who always want to seize the human race’s territory.

Even though he was beaten to a **** head, he still kept fighting.

 It is also because it is among all the tribes in the Xuanhuang Realm.

 There is also competition for territory.

 Some foreign races have very terrible backgrounds.

 They occupy comparatively advantageous survival territories and resources.

However, they also need constant invasion to continue to obtain resources.

 The contract to create an army of evil spirits is nothing more than a very good means of invasion.

 But in most cases, a huge number of evil spirits condescend to the orders of their master.

 Only by pleasing the master can they allow their tribesmen to contract with the army of evil spirits.

 So, Soul Furnace appeared.

 Soul furnaces like this are made by this powerful alien race.

 Soul furnaces are scattered throughout many forbidden ruins in the Xuanhuang Realm, and Plateau is just one of them.

 Under normal circumstances, if there is a human spirit organization or a dark spiritual master.

 After seeing the soul furnace, everyone will choose to take a detour.

 There are two reasons.

 First, the Soul Furnace is a tribute from the evil spirits of the Forbidden Ruins.

If they want to gain some benefits from the forbidden market, they must not offend them.

 Secondly, the Xuanhuang alien race who can build a soul furnace must not be offended.

 Otherwise, once they leave the human race, they will be endlessly hunted.

To sum up the above two points, no one will touch the Soul Furnace in the Forbidden Ruins.

 In addition, it is worth mentioning.

 In many areas of the human race, there are scum and alien races colluding with each other.

 When the foreign race cannot find enough media.

  The scum of the human race package and sell many media in one go through barter.

 Even, no filtering will be done.

 This leads to the appearance of heroic souls in the soul furnace.

 You can often see common people in Shuzhou, Zhongzhou and other places, and even powerful people in those days.

At this moment, the disciples and grandsons Shen Changqing saw in the soul furnace came from this way.

 After understanding the meaning of the Soul Furnace, he directly raised his hand.

 “This kind of thing shouldn’t happen.”


Countless fine sword energies opened and closed.

 In an instant, the thousand-foot soul furnace in front was shattered into pieces.

   along with all the media inside, disappeared one after another.

 Many heroic souls with painful faces have ended their purgatory-like torture and returned to the long river of history.

 Liu Xianwen saw this scene and said nothing.

 As a contracted heroic spirit of the Xuanyuan family, he is a senior member.

 Of course he knows the true origin of the first sword master.

Has been reincarnated twice. In one life, he was Kunlun Dao Zun, and he was able to slay demons for hundreds of years.

 In his first life, he was Laozi Qingyunzhai, and he spent his whole life creating Dharma and preaching.

 Back then, as the first-generation sword master, he even killed all the demons on the plateau.

He used his body to suppress the fate of the plateau, so that the demon did not appear again for hundreds of years.

So, see this kind of thing.

How could Shen Changqing, who had been a sage for three generations, let him go and let him go?

 But at the moment when the soul furnace was shattered.

 On the ruins floating in the sky around me.

The evil spirits clinging to the densely packed dead souls, although they have no sanity.

But at the same time, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Shen Changqing.

 “Die, die, die!”

An earth-shattering roar erupted.

The green pupils flashed with murderous intent.

He even wanted to crawl out of the ruins, as if he wanted to peel off Shen Changqing's skin and convulse him.

 The way he bared his teeth and claws was almost crazy!


 Shen Changqing glanced away with cold eyes.

The sword domain was enveloped for an instant, and the heaven and earth fell silent.

 After a while,

 “I just saw one twenty miles away.”

Curse the Heavenly Master Luo Yuanming without saying a word.

After seeing Shen Changqing's behavior, his eyes glowed strangely.

 He did not hesitate and immediately turned around and left.

 “In that case, I’ll look for it too.”

 Xiao Siquan, the demon painter, smiled softly, waved his sleeves and left.

“What I did today may offend a lot of people.”

The top legendary heroes of the Xuanyuan family all looked at each other.

 Then they laughed loudly, turned around and went their separate ways.

Yuan Tianzun Liu Xianwen was quite silent.

 Because he behaves more steadily.

 “If I don’t come back in an hour, you take them away from the plateau.”

 Shen Changqing strode into the air, his eyes filled with murderous intent.


 The plateau is shaking, and the evil spirits are out of control.

The crazy roar echoed throughout the world.

 The movement is huge and affects all directions.

 Many dark spiritual masters who carefully search for the medium.

They were all terrified at this moment, looking around in disbelief and fear.

All the evil spirits around them were also roaring ferociously.

 At a location two hundred miles away from Shen Changqing.

 There is an organization of heroic spirits wearing robes.

 There were dozens of people in total, standing on the ruins and boulders.

At this moment, hearing the movement, everyone felt their scalps numb.

 “Who touched the taboo?”

“The Soul Furnace of the Night Clan was actually broken!”

 “No one in our ranks of dark spiritual masters would do this!”

“In recent days, many other forces have poured in. It is said that they are looking for some relics of the Sword Master?”

“I’m afraid it’s those people who did it. They don’t understand the rules, so we’re in trouble now!”

If Shen Changqing were here, he would definitely recognize him at a glance.

 Among the heroic spirits contracted by this heroic spirit organization.

 Suddenly there is someone who looks familiar!

 A blood demon in a blood robe.

 At that time, there was a time of chaos among demons in Middle-earth, and he was one of the ten most forbidden demon kings.

“I remember you guys said that the person worshiped by the Night Clan here is the Emperor of Plateau, right?”

 The blood demon's eyes showed deep fear.

 After being contracted out.

 He also has a deeper understanding of the long history.

 Above the troubled times of demons and monsters in Middle-earth, there exists the Age of Immortal Martial Arts.

Within the plateau, the five ghost mountains are the origin of the demonic chaos.

The source of evil spirits that they rely on for survival was born from the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

 In the Immortal Martial Era, the Five Directions Ghost Mountain had not yet appeared.

The plateau actually belongs to the territory of countless immortal demons.

 There is a demon king among them who is their master, named Yan Wutian.

 It means that Yama is connected to the gods and is lawless.

“The ruler of this place is indeed the Emperor of Plateau.”

 The contractor trilled in response.

 According to his understanding, the Night Clan builds soul furnaces.

 For the Emperor of Plateau, there is another very important use.

 That is to condense the origin of the caves on the plateau into a kind of treasure of heaven and earth.

Once this kind of treasure is formed, it is equivalent to a mobile "cave origin".

 The Emperor of Plateau can rely on this treasure to leave the plateau!

He doesn't need a contractor, he still uses his heroic spirit to sweep through the future generations of the Xuanhuang Realm.

 However, this kind of treasure seems to be extremely difficult to form.

Even after so many years, Emperor Gaoyuan still hasn't taken a step out of here.

 Now, someone actually broke the soul furnace.

 Isn’t Emperor Plateau going to be angry?

 “Die, die, die!”

All the evil spirits clinging to them suddenly rushed up.

 The blood demon turned around and blasted it to pieces.

 “It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, the Emperor of Plateau is about to go on a killing spree.”

The Blood Demon looked into the distance, his eyes filled with unspeakable horror.

 That Yan Wutian on the Immortal Path.

  It is countless times more terrifying than this little demon descendant like him!


 Just when the plateau fell into chaos.

 At the end of darkness, high in the sky.

 This is the biggest taboo place on the entire plateau.

 Ruins are floating in the sky in all directions.

However, there is an extremely magnificent Qionglou palace built.

 The shape is similar to the White Jade Palace in heaven and the Shura Palace in hell.

 Ancient, vicissitudes of life, deep.

Overlooking the entire plateau forbidden ruins.

 There are also a total of 7,749 thousand-foot-long soul furnaces.

The black chains are connected to each other, standing at the end of the darkness.

The wailing sounds from countless heroic souls inside are desolate and sad.

Even the Demon Emperor of Middle-earth was among them!

 He suffered endless pain and never had the glory of the Demon King of Middle-earth. Since he woke up, he found that he was being used as a sacrifice.

 In addition to him, there are many familiar monsters here.

 As well as those powerful and upright people in Middle-earth.

It’s like they were all thrown together after death.

 “Relief…I want to be liberated…”

The Demon King groaned in pain, closed his eyes tightly and was unable to move.

Under the forty-nine soul furnaces, there is a stone statue that reaches the sky.

 In the palm of the stone statue, a black-haired man is half-lying on a bronze king's chair.

 His expression was indifferent, with an indescribable sense of oppression lingering around him.

 Exactly, the former emperor of Xianlu Plateau, Yan Wutian!

 Suddenly feeling something, he slowly opened and closed his eyes.

Wisps of dim light flashed by, and he looked calmly toward the sky.

 Looking with this glance, all I saw was.


 Like the sky falling and the earth falling.

 Boundless and deep pressure is coming.

It seems that the figure that broke into this place will be crushed to pieces.

 Shen Changqing came from outside the sky, the sword marks between his forehead and eyebrows glowing brightly.

 Every step he took was bearing the terrifying crushing power of Emperor Gaoyuan.

 But this could not stop him even half a step.

 His posture was even more erect, with his back never bending.

Even if the space around you collapses, you are still as majestic as Mount Tai, and your steps are steady and unshakable!

This is the power of sanctification of the physical body, and it also has the sharp edge that belongs to the sword realm.

The will of Emperor Plateau cannot stop him from entering this place.

 Finally, the Tongtian stone statue suddenly shook.

  Countless rays of light then emerged.

 In this plateau land, powerful existences that had been buried for several epochs all appeared together.

The Tongtian stone resembles the brow bone and the bridge of the nose.

 Slowly, thousands of Immortal Demon Lords appeared.

They looked down with cold eyes, their expressions were calm and intimidating.

On the shoulders of the Tongtian stone statue, dozens of ghost saints from the five directions of that year also appeared.

 Everywhere in the four directions, the sky and the universe.

Countless bodies of plateau demons and heroic spirits appeared densely.

"It's you!"

 Many ghost saints recognized Shen Changqing at a glance, and their aura instantly rose.

Countless plateau monsters stared with anger. An entire generation of them died at the hands of Shen Changqing.

Perhaps they were not Shen Changqing’s opponents back then.

  But at present, they obey the orders of the Emperor of Plateau.

 Shen Changqing finally stopped.

 When he raised his head, he looked at one of the forty-nine soul furnaces.

His eyes were filled with waves, and there was an uncontrollable killing intent.

 In that soul furnace, there were surprisingly disciples from Kunlun Mountain!

 “Why do you have an audience with me?”

 In the palm of the sky-reaching stone statue, on the bronze king's chair.

Emperor Gaoyuan spoke in a low voice, and the divine sound resounded throughout the world.

The supreme demon is so powerful that he is as condescending as an emperor.

 He saw Shen Changqing destroying the soul furnace, but he didn't expect to step into this place.

 “I’ll kill you.”

Shen Changqing's face was as cold as frost.

The wind robe dances, and the body of the heroic spirit shines dazzlingly.

After saying this, many ghost saints from the five directions laughed.

Thousands of Immortal Demon Lords looked down with cold eyes and were indifferent.

 Emperor Gao Yuan was silent until he slowly stood up.

 The entire square space of the stone statue seemed to sink slightly due to his movements.

 “Aeons ago, thousands of demons on the plateau worshiped me, Yan Wutian.”

“After all eternity, all the evil spirits on the plateau will call me the Demon King.”

 “You said you want to kill me?”

 The indifferent will of Emperor Plateau affected the entire world.

 The forbidden ruins collapsed again, and endless evil spirits roared ferociously in the ruins.

Such a picture shows numerous power organizations entering the plateau from all directions.

 Unable to understand what was happening, and panicked.

Shen Changqing still did not bend down in the face of this level of pressure.

Even though the space around him has become nothingness.

 He took another look at the forty-nine soul furnaces.

 His descendants of the Great Wilderness are suffering.

 His junior brother from Kunlun in Middle-earth is undergoing torture.

 Emotions such as desolation, sadness, pain, and sorrow pervade the world.

 He couldn't bear it.

So, Shen Changqing closed his eyes.

 In the chaotic space, under the majestic World Tree, he sat quietly cross-legged.

The third-stage Luo Tian, ​​whose whole body was filled with the aura of evil spirits, suddenly opened and closed his eyes!



 There are ripples in the plateau world.

Like the dead heart of a giant, it started to beat.

  Circles of dark lines spread from the high sky to the wilderness of heaven and earth.

Like a storm sweeping across, the coldness was overwhelming, covering the entire Forbidden City in an instant.

From all directions, there are dark heroic spirit organizations, including many forces who came to search for the relics of the Sword Master.

It was at this moment that everyone felt an indescribable palpitation.

 It was as if the top of my head was covered with an endless layer of nightmare haze.

 A chill arose in my heart, and emotions of horror were revealed.

 Look at the entire plateau forbidden ruins.

 In countless floating ruins.

All the evil spirits that had been roaring suddenly stopped in an instant.

Their pupils showed instinctive fear, looking far away in the direction of the sky.

They all bowed their heads in worship and trembled.

It’s like welcoming...their king!

This chilling aura swept over me.

 And horrifying scenes are staged in every corner.

 “The Demon Emperor?”

 “This is the breath of the Demon Emperor!”

The blood demon who was fighting with the evil spirit suddenly saw the evil spirit kneeling down in fear.

At the same time, the breath came over, reminding him of long-standing memories.

The one who destroyed the Divine Sword Sect back then.

Although it was short-lived, the Demon Emperor, who had terrorized Middle-earth for decades, actually appeared on the plateau?

 He turned his head and looked into the distance in disbelief.

 Vaguely, it seems that an unimaginable war is about to happen!

On the other side, the demon painter who was destroying the soul furnace had his pupils condensed violently.

"What kind of power fluctuation is this? Which Demon Lord is fighting against the Plateau Emperor?"

 The Curse Master Luo Yuanming stopped where he was.

Looking blankly at the countless evil spirits surrounding him in fear.

Liu Xianwen, who had not been able to wait for Shen Changqing's return for a long time, was also shocked.

 And above the sky.

 Under the Tongtian Stone Statue.

As Shen Changqing opened the third stage of Luotian, his long hair has turned silvery white.

 The devil is reincarnated, but he is surrounded by two other forces: demons and ghosts.

 His eyes were as dark as abyss.

This terrifying deep breath caused the sky above to completely collapse.

 “The Demon Emperor...yes, it’s him!”

 The Demon King of Middle-earth is wailing in pain.

  Suddenly he opened his eyes, with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

 He had long heard the noise outside, and it seemed that someone had broken in and wanted to attack the Emperor of Plateau.

At this moment, I was eager to see the scene outside, but found that I couldn't do it.

He could only feel that the destructive power of the sky and the universe was setting off a storm outside.

 “Am I saved?”

 “Am I saved?”

The Demon King struggled wildly, and hope arose in his heart.

 Not only him, but also the soul furnace.

There are also many of the hundreds of thousands of mountain demons that Shen Changqing saved from the Divine Sword Sect.

These demons have all been taught moral etiquette.




 The roar resounded and fanaticism spread.

 They felt Shen Changqing's aura.

The big demon king who caused the Shenjian Sect to be destroyed overnight has appeared!

 Look around the Tongtian Stone Statue.

 The laughter of dozens of ghost saints has disappeared.

The sky is filled with demons and demons on the plateau, and there is a dead silence.

Thousands of Immortal Demon Lords looked in disbelief.

  Can no longer maintain the previous attitude.

 “Who are you?”

Emperor Gao Yuan spoke in a deep voice.

 He felt unprecedented pressure.

 Even if it was eons ago, it was rare for him to see it.

A demon king with such a terrifying aura like Shen Changqing.

Furthermore, Shen Changqing was clearly the Sword Master in the mouth of the demons on the plateau before!

 Why did he suddenly become a peerless demon?

 “Behead your people.”

 Shen Changqing's eyes were as dark as ink, without any emotion at all.

That sentence was heard loudly in the sky and the thunder was rolling.

The plateau demon called Wuyangyang.

 The body of the heroic spirit was instantly shaken and collapsed, and his face turned into ashes in shock.

 Many ghost saints from the five directions looked dull and had no time to make any move, and their bodies also collapsed.

Thousands of Demon Lords roared together, surging out all their power.

They ducked away from the Tongtian Stone Statue and wanted to kill Shen Changqing.

But I saw Shen Changqing's cold eyes sweeping away, scoffing!

There is a void crack in the sky!

 Like an upside-down dome hanging from an abyss, it is shocking.

Thousands of Demon Lords were torn to pieces on the spot, without even a muffled groan being heard, and their heroic bodies were ruthlessly erased.

 Shen Changqing looked back at Emperor Gaoyuan again.

 In an instant, the Tongtian stone statue was reduced to ashes.

The jade buildings and jade buildings all over the sky seemed to be in a scroll, being wiped away and disappearing instantly.

 Indescribable power descended on the Emperor of Plateau.

 What he endured was far greater than what the previous generation of sword masters endured.

 “You are very strong.”

 The Emperor Plateau looked solemn as never before.

The moment he took a step forward, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood descended.

The sky is filled with blood, as if there are tens of thousands of bones and billions of souls.

 That was the creature he had killed and the race he had massacred.

 This magic method is called Sacrifice to Heaven.

The technique of sacrificing to the sky, pressing horizontally towards Shen Changqing.

Shen Changqing finally raised his hand, and the huge black coffin appeared in front of him.

Xuanyuan Sword broke out of the coffin and was instantly covered with a layer of black lines.

 Become a magic sword!


 The sword rises, and the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood disintegrate.

 Such a scene can be called an epic.

 When the sword energy was about to fall in front of the Emperor of Plateau.

 He suddenly spread his arms, and the entire plateau suddenly shook.

 “Eternal Demonic Appearance.”


 A **** giant with a height of 100,000 feet appeared on the spot.

Following the movements of Emperor Plateau, the 100,000-foot-long **** giant instantly held the sword energy in his palm.


 The sword energy was shattered.

 He raised his hand, and the giant raised his hand too.

Hunted straight towards Shen Changqing, causing a blazing wave along the way.

 Unparalleled pressure is coming, and the sky is falling.

However, the **** giant's arm has not yet reached Shen Changqing.

The sky suddenly became dark, and it looked like the palm of the Tathagata.

With one palm, the head of the 100,000-foot-long **** giant was split into pieces!

 The Emperor of Plateau suffered a heavy blow and his body trembled.

 His back was also beaten and he bent over. He looked up in disbelief.

 His eyes were already full of shock.

 “The laws of heaven and earth?”

 “This is magic...how could you do it?!”

“I’ve never seen you before, so what era are you the devil from?”

  Emperor Gao Yuan's heart was filled with great waves.

Even if it is an immortal path, there are no real immortals!

Fa Tian Xiang Di is said to have come from the Taoist Immortal Sect. How could the devil in front of him do this? How could he do it?

 At this moment,

Shen Changqing used three stages of Luotian to display the magic of heaven and earth.

It is a demon **** that reaches the sky, and its height occupies the entire world.

Countless evil spirits are crawling and trembling, and one after another in the distance looks at them in shock.

 “I am Wutian!”

The Emperor of Plateau roared, never yielding to anyone.

 He just endured the terrifying pressure of the law, heaven, earth, and earth.

 Just when he stood up, his shoulders collapsed and shattered.

 Then the knees, torso, and head were also cracked open inch by inch.


  With a scream, the body of the Highland Emperor was crushed alive.

Looking at the sky, the forty-nine soul furnaces are also falling apart.

“As expected of the Demon Emperor, worthy of him!”

 “I’m saved...I’m saved!”

The Demon King was so happy that he burst into tears.

At this moment, he finally regained his freedom and turned around to look at Shen Changqing's position.

Without any hesitation, he bowed deeply towards Shen Changqing.



Those demons from the Hundred Thousand Mountains are still excitedly shouting the name of the demon.

Countless heroic souls filled the sky, and their bodies began to gradually dissipate and return to the long river of time.

Each look was filled with gratitude, or someone knelt down and kowtowed with tears in their eyes.

 No matter how the outside world looks at it, in their minds.

 Shen Changqing is not a devil, but a savior.

 In a moment, the soul furnace of heaven and earth was shattered.

 All heroic spirits were freed and gradually dissipated.

Shen Changqing was silent, and he put away the Xuanyuan Sword again.

The Black Lotus Cult Master cultivated for more than a thousand years for three generations.

At present, his strength has been verified.

 Looking back at the forbidden ruins on the plateau.

Since it is a harmful place, there should be no need to keep it.

 The sky, the sky, and the earth continued to transform, and the demon giant clasped his hands together.

The original power of the evil spirit is rolling open and shut, as if it is going to burn the sky and boil the sea, burning all the agents of evil spirits cleanly.

 This action caused greater collapse of the plateau.

 This is the place where laws are destroyed, so how can we bear it?

 The evil spirits began to fly into ashes and annihilate, and the dark spiritual masters fled in panic.

 “Has the Emperor of Plateau...been slaughtered?”

The Blood Demon stared blankly at the Sky Demon Giant.

"Who did you just say? Who is the Demon Emperor? Who killed the Emperor of Plateau?"

 The pupils of a large number of dark spiritual masters showed fear.

 “We can’t stay here anymore, let’s leave first.”

The Blood Demon rolled up his sleeves and left quickly with all the people in the organization.


 In the distance, Liu Xianwen looked at the continuous collapse of the plateau.

 While waiting, he still did not see Shen Changqing.

 “The ancestors of the Xuanyuan family are not simple...”

Liu Xianwen stared at it, feeling shocked.

 He was almost certain that the one who had just fought against the Emperor of Plateau was Shen Changqing!

 “We can’t wait any longer.”

Liu Xianwen glanced behind him and saw all the contracted heroes of the Xuanyuan family.

 Immediately issue an order to leave the plateau forbidden ruins.

At the same time, forces from all sides also appeared one after another and rushed towards the exit of the cave.

 The demon giants of heaven and earth continue to be refined.

 Until Shen Changqing suddenly discovered it, next to the disappeared Emperor Gaoyuan.

 There are two crystal clear irregular prisms, and the whole body of the prisms exudes the original atmosphere of the cave.

 They cannot be refined.

"What's this?"

 Shen Changqing stretched out his hand, and the prisms flew out instantly.

 After a while, he looked moved.

 “Is there such a treasure of heaven and earth in the Yuling Era?”

 (End of this chapter)

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