Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 94: Does Kunlun Dao Zun have other mysterious identities?

Chapter 94 Does Kunlun Dao Zun have other mysterious identities?

“The first-generation sword master should be someone who can be said to be invincible in the golden age.”

The white-haired hero stared closely at Shen Changqing.

 As a heroic spirit contracted by Gu Chong, he, like the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor, is both in the Immortal Path Era.

It's just that unlike the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor, his name resounded throughout the Immortal Road back then.

 Called the Immovable King!

 Even if it is the Gulou force.

 This type of star continent is an absolute behemoth, and many ancient heroic spirits have been contracted with it.

 He is considered a leader among them and is highly respected and valued.

 In other words, it can be regarded as the first echelon of ancient buildings.

 In recent days, Xiahou Lingyun, who was in the golden age of that year, was contracted by the ancient building.

 An ancient genius who was invincible for five generations and was called the Five-Crown King.

 Prince Fudo Ming felt a very heavy pressure from Xiahou Lingyun.

Although Xiahou Lingyun is extremely powerful.

 But if there was a real fight, I was still half sure of suppressing him.

 It’s 50/50.

 But in front of this first-generation sword master, what he felt was a source of power as vast as the ocean.

If there were a confrontation, the chance of winning would probably be less than 20%.

The top swordsman in this era is probably the only real giant in the Immortal Road who can compete head-on with him.

 “Where is Nie Xingyuan, the ten-time champion?”

“I heard that the Ten-Crown Champion seems to be slightly better than the Nine-Crown Champion.”

 Guchong asked with a solemn expression.

 “This…I don’t know.”

“But it is undeniable that they are all at the pinnacle of immortal martial arts and should be the ceiling of their combat power.”

“After all, on that day, Shangguan Yulong personally admitted that he had been defeated by the first sword master in the Golden Age.”

“And at the end of Xianwu, Nie Xingyuan was not willing to compete with him anymore.”

Fudo Mingwang nodded slightly.

At this moment, in his sight, the sword domain enveloped the entire Wang family.

With the destruction of the three major mythical families, this being who is the head of the five major families in the southern country.

 After experiencing major blows and setbacks one after another, it can be regarded as a complete fall from the southern altar.

Wang Shouzhuo stood there blankly, as if his hair had turned gray overnight.

 “The three major myths of my Wang family are just gone?”

That is the pride of their royal family.

It is the golden signboard that always stands firm in the midst of the struggle between dragons and tigers among aristocratic families in the South.

Now, the ashes are annihilated!


 Shen Changqing left.

He did not kill the Wang family, which was considered to have left a glimmer of hope.

After all, if in reality, a human family is completely destroyed.

This behavior is too terrible and appalling.

It will not only cause shock in the southern country, but even most countries in the entire star continent will pay close attention.

 Shen Changqing has no need to do things to this extent.

 This has added new troubles to myself.

 Just, starting from today.

 The Wang family lost the foundation to gain a foothold in the Southern Kingdom.

This hidden danger that stabbed him in the back from time to time was left with only the handle but no blade.

Besides, do the Wang family still dare?

 Shen Changqing quickly returned to Daxia City.

 It is already ten o'clock in the morning, and dewdrops welcome the morning glow.

 A piece of news quickly spread from Xingzhou and made headlines immediately!


 “The first sword master has appeared!”

The Tiancheng Heroic Spirits Association suddenly heard the excited exclamation of a little girl.

Many talented boys and girls nearby, including the association’s senior spiritual masters, woke up from their sleep.

 Shen Miaoke stretched out, sat up from the bed in a daze, and picked up the phone as a habit.

“The sword master appeared in the southern country of Xingzhou, and that night he raised his sword against the Wang family and destroyed three major myths?”

Shen Miaoke looked at the headlines on her mobile phone in astonishment.

 Shen Changqing asked her yesterday about matters related to the Wang family.

  Why did the first-generation Sword Master suddenly appear after she took a nap?

 The Wang family is still in such a miserable situation?

This headline index is still rising rapidly, and the popularity is extremely high.

  After all, it has been nearly half a year.

The ancient Tianjiao of Xianwu and the Great World of Xianwu, which was a big time, was burned by hype.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the topic that has attracted the most attention in recent years.

 The last time it caused a sensation was three years ago.

 An extremely magnificent ancient continent, identified as a five-star ruins, was discovered by a group of archaeological forces.

At present, the popularity of the ancient geniuses in the Golden Age is no less than three years ago.

 Even, it will spread longer than it did back then.

 What just made Shen Miaoke quite confused.

The timing of the appearance of the first-generation Sword Master is too coincidental, right?

 Could it be that…

 “Miaoke! Open the door quickly!”

There was a knock on the door, and it was Li Tongtong who came.

 With Shen Miao's current status in Tiancheng and the resources at his disposal.

 Let Li Tongtong come to Tiancheng for better development, which is just a matter of words.

Chen Xiangyang could not refuse, after all, Li Tongtong and Shen Miaoke had the best relationship.

 “Have you seen the headlines breaking the news?”

Li Tongtong asked quickly as soon as he entered the door.

 “I just watched, the first generation sword master appeared.”

 Shen Miaoke nodded.

"That's not it!"

 Li Tongtong read another piece of news to Shen Miaoke.

“Kunlun Dao Zun, your father, seems to have a close relationship with the first sword master.”

“The first-generation sword master appeared this time and destroyed the three major myths of the Wang family. He was the one who stood up for Kunlun Taoist Master!”

“Furthermore, there seems to be a mysterious force behind the first-generation Sword Master.”

“Since Wang Shouzhuo returned from Ziwei Kingdom in Central Continent, the Wang family has encountered a series of attacks!”

As Li Tongtong said, Shen Miaoke stared closely at another breaking news.

It clearly records all the tragic events that the Wang family has encountered these days.

 All causes start from the Kunlun Mirror.

 This is horrifying to think about.

What is the relationship between the first-generation Sword Master and Kunlun Taoist Master?

How do two figures from different eras get connected?

He tyrannically killed the three mythical heroes of the Wang family, is he telling everyone?

Who would touch Kunlun Taoist Master?

 Is he an enemy of the first sword master?

 This news is also very popular.

 There are various speculations from the outside world.

 Because of the first generation of sword masters, Kunlun Dao Zun became famous.

  also spread rapidly from the previous small scope, and gradually became wider and wider.

Tao Zun Kunlun’s name appeared in many people’s sights for the first time.

If we talk about the past, Kunlun Dao Zun ranked first in the Daxia legend list.

 Being quite famous.

So now, you are famous!

Many people have discovered that Kunlun Taoist Master does not have only one identity.

He not only killed demons and demons in the troubled times, but also took the name of Taoist Master.

 Even reincarnated in the last years of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, as Qingyunzhai Laozi, creating Dharma and preaching!

 This heroic spirit has two lives!

Let’s look at the three major myths about the first-generation sword master and his sword-killing of the Wang family in the middle of the night.

 The relationship between the two is by no means simple.

 As a result, many people have never seen Kunlun Taoist Master.

 It was like thunder in my ears!

The image of Kunlun Taoist Master has become extremely mysterious inexplicably.

Speculations have stirred up a storm, and the popularity of headlines continues to rise.

 “Where is your father?”

 Li Tongtong asked.

 “He should be with President Chen.”

Shen Miaoke looked outside the room.


 The main hall of the Heroic Spirits Association.

 For Shen Changqing.

 This result is reasonable but unexpected.

 He used his identity as the first-generation sword master to intimidate the Wang family to destroy the three major myths. The first is to eliminate hidden dangers, and the second is to warn.

But I didn’t expect that in just one night, the news would spread all over the Internet.

Everyone now knows that Shen Changqing is the person guarded by the first generation of sword masters.

 This result leads to.

 He will not bear the troubles and other disturbances that the first generation of sword masters may bring.

 For example, behind the Wang family.

The unknown organization that asked senior officials of Ziwei Kingdom to trade the Kunlun Mirror privately.

 The hatred value was finally taken away by the first-generation Sword Master.

 At the same time, he also benefited from the intimidating power of the first-generation Juggernaut.

 From now on, no one will look down upon him, Kunlun Taoist Master.

 Whenever you want to have an idea, you must first weigh yourself.

 Whether he is qualified to arm-wrestle with the first-generation sword master.

 And, whether there is the energy to compete with the underlying forces behind it.

 It can be said that the best of both worlds!

“Senior Dao Zun, do you really not remember how you met the first-generation sword master?”

 At this moment, Chen Xiangyang and the Taoist Celestial Master who had contracted were present in the main hall.

 Including many senior spiritual masters, they all wanted to get answers from him.

 “Very ashamed.”

 Shen Changqing shook his head.

 Seeing this, Chen Xiangyang was puzzled.

The Taoist Celestial Master is also thoughtful.

Everyone in the hall looked at Shen Changqing with admiration in their eyes.

 The reputation of the first-generation Sword Master is now spreading to the outside world.

Following the declaration made by the Nine-Crown King Shangguan Yulong at the media office that day.

 In an instant, the first-generation sword master was pushed to the top.

 But now, the first-generation sword master is actually for Shen Changqing.

 Forcibly brought down the Wang family, which had a strong foundation, from the altar.

This is enough to prove that Shen Changqing is probably far from what he seems.

 It seems that it is only as simple as the legendary level.

 After all, Shen Changqing had just experienced his second awakening half a year ago!

 From the identity of Qingyunzhai Laozi, I awakened to Kunlun Taoist Master.

 Such something has happened again now, and Shen Changqing's identity has undoubtedly become more and more mysterious.

 And his intuition told Chen Xiangyang.

This matter is definitely not that simple.

 “I’ve probably sorted out my thoughts.”

 He took a deep breath, his eyes bright.

 Shen Changqing pricked up his ears with great interest.

I would like to hear what President Chen has to say.

“The Golden World Monument is favored by luck, but only the first-generation Sword Master has never been reincarnated.”

“I’m afraid this is not because the Heavenly Monument did not grant luck, but because the first-generation Sword Master can no longer be reincarnated.”

 “For him, the golden age is his last life!”

“There is a high possibility that he was first born in a much earlier era.”

 Chen Xiangyang finished speaking with a solemn expression, and everyone in the hall fell into deep thought.

 That said, it does make some sense.

"I see!"

 The Daomen Celestial Master was suddenly shaken all over.

  showed a wise look in his eyes, with an air of knowing everything well.

“No wonder Brother Dao Zun can’t remember the first sword master, but the first sword master can stand up for you.”

“I’m afraid the two of you were old friends or even brothers in a more distant era!”

 “It’s just that he has awakened his memory, but you haven’t yet!”

The words came out, like pebbles falling in a calm lake, causing huge ripples.

 Everyone was awakened as if they were enlightened.

 Chen Xiangyang and everyone stared closely at Shen Changqing for an instant, their faces flushed, their ears red, and their breathing rapid.

“Senior, do you have other mysterious identities?”

 One sentence made Shen Changqing silent.

 Associate according to normal people’s thinking.

Shouldn't it be that the first-generation sword master was reincarnated into a world of demons and demons?

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiangyang and the Daoist Celestial Master both think in the opposite direction.

 The key point is that all the senior spiritual masters in the room actually believed it.

 Faced with this situation, how should we respond?

 “It must be so, it must be so!”

 Chen Xiangyang could not be more excited.

  With the news about the first-generation Juggernaut breaking out.

 He became increasingly aware that there were other unknown secrets hidden in Shen Changqing!

It's definitely not just Kunlun Taoist, just because Shen Changqing didn't recall it.

"Senior will definitely be able to awaken for the third time. I will report the news to the superiors right away."

 Chen Xiangyang stood up and left quickly.

 In fact, after what happened last night.

 The Great Xia Qintian Prison has already caused a sensation.

 Because no one expected it.

 That first-generation swordsman of the golden age was actually closely related to Shen Changqing.

 The meeting in the hall dispersed, and Shen Changqing returned to the house.

However, he saw that his daughter seemed to have been waiting for a long time, staring straight at Shen Changqing's arrival.

That look in his eyes was full of suspicion.

 “Have you eaten in the morning?” Shen Changqing said with a smile.

“Dad, is the first sword master you?”

Shen Miaoke looked around and after confirming that there was no one around, she asked in a low voice.

After hearing this, Shen Changqing was slightly startled.

 Following that, his eyes showed a hint of wonder and relief.

 Shen Miaoke's natural qualifications have never let him down.

 Let’s not talk about insight for now.

 The reason why Shen Miaoke felt that he was the first generation sword master.

 It is estimated that there are some connections with the conversation last night.

 “Why do you see it?” Shen Changqing continued to ask with a smile.

Shen Miaoke looked around the house nervously and pulled Shen Changqing back to the room.

“Last night you asked me about the Wang family, but when I woke up this morning, the Wang family was gone. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?”

 From the moment she saw the headlines, Shen Miaoke already had the answer in her heart.

 After all, Dad has been reincarnated many times!

“As you might imagine, I am the first Sword Master.”

 Shen Changqing nodded and did not hide it from his daughter.

 “It’s actually true…”

Hearing this accurate reply, Shen Miao could not help but widen her eyes.

Without what happened last night, she would certainly not have been able to connect the first sword master with Shen Changqing.

I really didn’t expect that the outside world has been paying attention to the golden age and the genius of ancient times in the past six months.

 Dad is obviously one of them, but he is not the triple crown champion, the six crown champion or the ten crown champion.

 He is the first generation sword master!

It’s terrible, if I hear any news again in the future.

Shen Miaoke might be able to relate it, could this be his father?

“There is another thing. In the near future, there will be a girl named Xuanyuan Xue who will meet you in the association.”

“She can help you solve some problems that you may not be able to solve in the future.”

 Shen Changqing continued.

 Some arrangements are already on the way.

 “Is she the one behind the downfall of the Wang family?”

 Shen Miaoke's heart was beating rapidly.

 I have never come into contact with a big shot of this level.

 “That’s right.” Shen Changqing nodded.

"Then what should I call her? In other words, how should I get along with her?" Shen Miao was a little nervous.

  Can bring down a noble family from the Southern Kingdom to the altar.

Xuanyuan Xue must be a person of high status and powerful.

 Dad would not offend others by introducing such a person to him.

 Shen Changqing thought for a while and then spoke.

 “You can just call her sister.”

"However, in terms of seniority, you are the ancestor of the entire Xuanyuan family."

 (End of this chapter)

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