Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 91: The media war, the descendants of the Xuanyuan tribe

Chapter 91 The media war, the descendants of the Xuanyuan tribe

 In the media exchange.

 “You’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”

Wang Shouzhuo spoke calmly and glanced at Bai Li.

 He was not worried about the Bai family getting angry at all, nor was he worried about Kunlun Dao Zun becoming angry because of this.

As the head of the five great families in the Southern Kingdom, his Wang family has sufficient foundation.

You can shout about the Bai family and the Kunlun Taoist.

Today, Taoist Master Kunlun will come over in person to apologize.

 Otherwise, there is no way you can get the Kunlun Mirror!

“I really want to know where did he offend you?”

Bai Li took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

 “You might as well ask him yourself.”

Wang Shouzhuo continued to drink tea unhurriedly.

 In short, Shen Changqing was nowhere to be seen.

 It is impossible for him to return the Kunlun Mirror.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a commotion coming from outside the corridor.

 “Old Wang, you have such a loud tone!”

 Bai Feihong led a large number of senior spiritual masters and finally arrived with murderous intent.

 This movement attracted the attention of many people in the media office.

 The auction was forced to end, and pairs of eyes looked over.

 Today, the forces coming to participate in the auction come from all over the world.

 There are many heavyweight families, heroic organizations, etc.

 What they are looking for are things under the auction table.

 At this moment, we are in the top box.

 There was a young woman in luxurious clothes who was browsing the auction contents.

 Hearing the movement outside, he couldn't help but frown.

 “What’s the fuss about?”

The housekeeper beside her bowed respectfully:

“Master, the Nanwang family has some conflicts with the Bai family of Ziwei Kingdom. Do you need me to send someone to deal with it?”

After hearing this, the young woman hesitated for a moment and finally shook her head.

 She came today with a clear goal and did not want to cause any complications.

“Inform the top management of the media office and ask them to end the auction as soon as possible.”

"The medium of the first generation sword master must be left to our Xuanyuan family."

The butler smiled and said: "Don't worry, I've already said hello. If you speak, who dares to take away the medium of the first generation sword master?"

 The young woman nodded.

 She continued to look at the booklet in her hand, gently touching the media features depicted on it, her eyes revealing the slightest ripples.

 As the rich and powerful family behind Shuzhou.

 The Xuanyuan family has continued its bloodline from ancient times to this day.

 Having played many roles in history, it has also changed many names.

  A family of demon slayers in a time of troubled times.

  The martial arts clan in the ancient martial arts era.

 The feudal princes who competed for dynastic hegemony.

 The leading warlord in modern times.

 And...the chaebol behind the scenes in the Yuling Era.

Though the characters keep changing, they will never forget.

 The origin of his bloodline is from the ancient Xuanyuan clan.

 As the newly succeeded head of the Xuanyuan family.

Although Xuanyuan Xue is very young, she also knows whose property this medium belongs to.

 “Ancestor, we will meet soon.”

 She whispered, feeling increasingly excited.

“Master, it seems like there’s going to be a fight outside.”


Xuanyuan Xue frowned and finally stood up.


at the same time.

 The chaos outside the corridor on the third floor intensified.

 A large number of spiritual masters from both sides confronted each other, and even summoned heroic spirits one after another.

"Old Wang, if you don't return to Kunlun Mirror today, the Bai family and your Wang family will fight to the death!"

Bai Feihong scolded angrily, murderous intent rising in his chest.

 He has been saved by Shen Changqing, and he also knows the relationship between Shen Changqing and Bai Li.

What's more, he personally promised Shen Changqing to get the Kunlun Mirror back.

Now that the Kunlun Mirror falls into the hands of the Wang family, what is going on? Wang Shouzhuo smiled slightly and looked calm.

 “You can just come over here, I might as well tell you the truth.”

“Since this Kunlun Mirror is in my hand, you, the Bai family, can’t take it back, and neither can Kunlun Taoist Master. It doesn’t matter whoever comes.”

Haven't Bai Feihong thought about it? Everyone has already said hello.

 Why did this Kunlun Mirror fall into his hands?

The Wang family is able to sit at the head of the five major families in the southern country. Isn't it because they have no means and background?

 “It’s too much to bully others!”

Bai Feihong suddenly raised his crutches.

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor narrowed his eyes and spoke quietly.


As soon as he finished speaking, an unparalleled coercion suddenly opened and closed.

This astonishing power fluctuation instantly enveloped the entire media room.

 The commotion caused the faces of many powerful people in the media office to change.

 “Mythical level! It’s actually mythical level!”

 “Whose family is above? What an amazing power!”

“If I’m not mistaken, that’s the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor from the Immortal Road Era, right?”

The media was in an uproar and everyone was shocked.

 However, the strong pressure from the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor was suddenly resolved by a gentle force.

 Behind Bai Feihong, a figure of a heroic spirit covered in thunder slowly emerged.

 Exactly, Shangguan Yulong!

 “Is this the Nine-Crown Champion?”

Bai Li has learned that the Bai family contracted Shangguan Yulong from the Golden Age.

It is recorded in the Book of Heroic Spirits that he only knows that he has experienced ten lives, and in nine of them he was invincible!

 However, for Shangguan Yulong's true combat power.

 Let alone Bai Li, the outside world is not clear about the forces that are frantically looking for ancient genius media.

 As the pressure of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor was resolved.

This made Wang Shouzhuo look sideways.

 He is quite familiar with the background of the Bai family.

Although the Bai family also has mythical ones, it is impossible for Bai Feihong to summon them by himself.

Moreover, he has never seen the heroic spirit in front of him.

Is it a new contract?

 “Please, Senior Shangguan.”

Bai Feihong took a deep breath, his eyes still filled with murderous intent.

"Who are you…"

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor couldn't help but frowned.

 He sensed the extremely terrifying origin of thunder in Shangguan Yulong.

And eight other incredible sources of power, each of which exudes heart-stopping fluctuations.

 However, judging from the atmosphere of the era, it is far inferior to myself.

 What is the origin of this guy?


 Shangguan Yulong looked at the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor calmly.

He raised his hand calmly and followed the whisper, as if the law was coming.


 The entire media suddenly spread across the thunder field, but no one was injured.

That terrifying power all fell on the True Ancestor of Sirius!

 “Sirius breaks the army!”

A cold shout sounded, and the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor immediately launched his killing move.

A round of waning moon blood eyes condensed in front of him, and at the moment the blood eyes opened and closed.

 There was overwhelming destructive power pouring out, and the moment it touched the thunder field.

What the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor never expected was that the Crescent Moon Blood Eyes only lasted two breaths before falling apart!

Endless thunder descended on him, making his heroic body tremble wildly.

He looked up in shock again, only to see Shangguan Yulong walking slowly towards him.

 The big hand was raised slightly, and a palm fell on the top of his head.


The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor’s eyes were cracked, and his heroic spirit’s body was covered with cracks. He was crushed to his knees by this terrifying palm force.

Wang Shouzhuo was sitting next to him, even though his power was only directed at the True Ancestor of Heavenly Wolf.

But this fluctuation still caused the teacup in his hand to shatter.

 When the tea splashes, it pours on the face.

   Reflecting his completely stiff face, there was a subtle twitching in the corners of his eyes.

Wang Helong beside him was so frightened that he dared not move, and the entire media room fell silent for an instant!

 (End of this chapter)

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