Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 92: For four thousand and five hundred years, I have been waiting for someone who can defea

Chapter 92 Forty-five hundred years, I’m waiting for someone who can defeat me

Who is this heroic spirit?

 The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor's heart was filled with huge waves.

  Could it be that he is a giant of Xianlu?

 No, that’s not right!

 The aura of the era in Shangguan Yulong's body is far less ancient than his own!

 He must be a junior!

 Hold on, it can’t be...

 The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor suddenly remembered something.

 Having nine sources of power, it has not yet touched the era of immortal road competition.

 In other words, the highest epoch level is Xianwu.

These characteristics, combined with Bai Feihong’s previous words, make him a senior Shangguan.

The identity of this heroic spirit in front of you is ready to be revealed!

 “Is this the Nine-Crown Champion?!”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor reacted and was horrified.

 He is a monk who is at the forefront of the Immortal Path and is in the period of exhaustion of spiritual energy and the end of Dharma.

Although he was only a small role back then, he practiced traditional Dharma after all.

 Regardless of identity level or era level.

 Or the level of contact is much higher than that of the martial saints of the Xianwu era.

Besides, it’s not like he hasn’t seen the strength of the Martial Saint before.

 Before the Heavenly Monument appeared, several martial saints had already been contracted out.

 The level of mythical heroic spirits of these martial saints is not particularly outstanding.

 Compared with him, it is still a bit worse.

 But this Shangguan Yulong...

 Hunted him to suppress himself with two moves?

 I am a great monk on the path of immortality!

  judge based on the previous strength of the Martial Saint.

The average martial saint is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

 “In the golden age, the nine-time invincible King of Nine Crowns will be born ten times.”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor whispered with difficulty, and several important words flashed through his mind.

If Shangguan Jade Dragon is so terrifying, then the legendary King of Ten Crowns...

 Such a picture falls into the eyes of everyone in the media.

 Shocked, shocked, disbelieving.

 A few people have recognized the identity of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor.

As the southern kingdom of Xingzhou, the Wang family’s top mythical heroic spirit.

 He was contracted out by Wang Shouzhuo sixty years ago.

 At that time, there were not many mythical heroic spirits.

 Even the extent of historical excavation is only a few tenths of what it is now.

As soon as True Ancestor Sirius came out, it caused a sensation in the Southern Kingdom.

 Because of this, people discovered the existence of the Immortal Road Era.

 He was the leader among the mythical heroes of the Southern Kingdom at that time.

  Although now, with the deepening of historical excavation, ancient ruins and eras have been discovered one after another.

 There are no longer a handful of mythical heroes, and the foundation of the world today has already surpassed that of the past by countless times.

 But there is no doubt that the True Ancestor of Sirius is in the minds of many people.

 He is still a very powerful being in the ranks of myths.

However, this unknown heroic spirit has never been seen by the world.

Now he is opening and closing his big palms, like turning into thunder, suppressing the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor to his knees?

 The media room was completely silent.

 The snowy eyes of Xuanyuan on the sixth floor are ripples.

 The main instigator of this incident was Wang Shouzhuo, the head of the Wang family.

 Although there is no teacup in his hand, he still maintains his movements.

 The whole body was stiff and motionless.

Beside him, Wang Helong's face was as white as snow, and his eyes showed panic.

 Looking at all the Bai family members, including Bai Li and Bai Feihong.

 It seems that none of them expected that this battle would end so quickly.

 Originally, according to Bai Feihong's estimation, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor and Shangguan Yulong fought.

 This will cause the senior management of the media agency to come forward to mediate, and he will use this to completely drag out Wang Shouzhuo's shameless behavior.

 Use the real power of Ziwei Kingdom to force Wang Shouzhuo to hand over the Kunlun Mirror.

 After all, this is a five-star media exchange.

The master behind it is the chief director of Ziwei Kingdom’s Hall of Heroes!

This chief secretary has quite a close relationship with the chief chief of Daxia.

The Bai family has no access to this level of relationships, but they have heard of Kunlun Dao Zun, right?

 No matter what resources the Wang family has used or what kind of powerful people it relies on.

How can it be compared with the chief director of Ziwei Kingdom’s Hall of Heroes?

But Bai Feihong didn't expect that Shangguan Yulong would suppress the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor alive.


 Outside the media room, applause suddenly broke out.

Everyone heard the sound and couldn't help but feel nervous. They all moved out of the way and lowered their heads.

“As expected of me, the Nine-Crown Champion of Central Continent.”

 “I am in Xiayu Peijia, and I have met senior Shangguan.”

 The visitor is in his early forties, with regular and resolute features.

 The upright posture has a sense of uprightness.

The attire has two python dragons wrapped around it, highlighting his status in the Ziwei Kingdom.

 In the entire Ziwei Kingdom, the Hall of Heroes is one of the five major powers.

 The position of Chief Division Chief belongs to the powerful lord of the Hall of Valor.

In addition, Ziwei Kingdom also has military power, archaeological power, association power, and treasury power.

 The five major powers have a clear division of labor and do not interfere with each other.

 On top of the five major powers is the cabinet.

 The classes in most countries are basically like this.

 With the arrival of the Chief Director of the Hall of Heroes, the respectful words came out.

 Once again, everyone in the media looked at each other in shock.

 My mind is at this moment, and there is a big wave.

It turns out that the heroic spirit that suppressed the True Ancestor of Sirius was the Nine-Crown King of the Golden Age?

Sounds of gasping sounded one after another, the dead silence on the field became restless again, and everyone trembled in their hearts.

 Is the Nine-Crown Champion so powerful?

Shangguan Yulong slowly turned his head and looked at Yu Peijia.

 In the vicissitudes of his eyes, Coupo was calm.

 “Do you know me?”

Yu Peijia cupped her hands and smiled:

“The Sky Monument reappears, and the deeds of our predecessors who were invincible in nine lifetimes shocked the past and the present, and have long been spread throughout Central Continent.”

“If you, senior, are willing to serve me, Ziwei Country, and assume an important position to fight against the invasion of aliens from the Xuanhuang Realm.”

"From now on, you will enjoy absolute rights and status, as well as abundant resources for practice." "In addition, the Bai family who signed a contract with you will serve as the consultant of our Ziwei country's family from now on."

When the words came out, Bai Feihong couldn't help but become alert, and his eyes shone brightly.

 Sage consultant?

This is to jump out of the scope of the aristocratic family and board the ship of the senior officials of Ziwei Kingdom!

After Shangguan Yulong heard this, he smiled at himself.

Didn’t answer Yu Peijia’s question, but asked instead.

"I would like to ask you, since this is the age of Yuling, is there anyone in the world who has made a contract with Xuanyuan Hen?"

Yu Peijia lowered his head and thought, then shook his head.

"There is no news about the first generation of sword masters. I wonder what the seniors mean?"

After saying this, Shangguan Yulong remained silent for a while.

 Subsequently, his eyes revealed traces of memories of the past.

 Everyone in the world calls him the Nine-Crown King, but he doesn’t care about this title at all.

 “Nine reincarnations, four thousand and five hundred years.”

  "I've been waiting, I'm waiting for someone who can defeat me."

“I knew that if anyone could defeat me, it would be him.”

 “But, no.”

 “The second time I had no enemies, he was not reincarnated.”

 “I have tried three times and I still have no enemy, and he still has not been reincarnated.”

 “For the fourth time, I play against the four-time champion.”

 “The fifth time, I met the evildoer of later generations.”

“The ninth time, the great age comes to an end, and the fate of the heavenly monument gives it the final glory.”

“For six thousand years, all the ancient freaks were born in the ten directions.”

 “I defeated the five-crown champion, the six-crown champion, and the eight-crown champion in the final dharma!”

“Even Nie Xingyuan didn’t dare to compete with me!”

 “I long for someone to defeat me!”

 “But, no!”

 “Xuanyuan Hen, where is he?”

 “Today, I want to see him!”

Such words resounded throughout the media, creating a storm.

Shangguan Yulong's emotions caused terrifying coercion to spread, and a hurricane raged.

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor under that palm stared with fearful eyes and screamed repeatedly.

 The sound waves resounded in his ears and bombarded his mind.

  Along with the strength in the palms, the strength continues to rise.

 He felt like he was going to burst!

What kind of monster is this?

 From the conversation, we can know that Shangguan Yulong was born ten times in total.

 The first time belongs to the golden age.

 It was also the period when there were the most freaks in ancient times.

During this period, there is no doubt about Shangguan Yulong.

 It is the peak of all freak pyramids!

 But in this life, he was defeated by a freak named Xuanyuan Hen.

 In the nine reincarnations since then, he has had no enemies.

 And Shangguan Yulong has been looking for the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Hen.

However, whether it is Shangguan Yulong or Xuanyuan Hen.

 What is truly unimaginable to True Ancestor Sirius is.

This peak period of the Immortal Martial Era is too glorious!

 Let’s not talk about the golden age, let’s talk about the end of immortality and martial arts.

The final glory of the fate of the heavenly monument has lasted up and down the ten directions for six thousand years.

 All the freaks are born together!

 What a magnificent scene this must be?

 There was such an era in history.

Even in the Immortal Road Era, there has never been such a grand event!

Shangguan Yulong was able to forcibly carve out a path to sainthood in the situation where freaks gathered for six thousand years.

 The gold content of these nine-crown champions is terrifying.

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor finally understood why Shangguan Yulong was able to raise his hand to suppress him.

 What he faced was simply a monster.

Although he is a great monk on the path to immortality.

 But Shangguan Yulong is the pinnacle character who has ruled for six thousand years.

 Leaving aside the past, even in the current heroic spirit form, there is no way he can be an opponent.

 Outside the hall, Yu Peijia's expression was more solemn than ever.

 Perhaps I never thought of it.

The Martial Saint who was invincible for nine generations and was called the Nine-Crown King, turned out to have such a big obsession in his heart.

  It is impossible to describe, what kind of existence was the first generation swordsman of the Golden Age that year?

 Perhaps, in Shangguan Yulong's mind, he felt the most regretful.

 It is the last period of the Xianwu period, when the spiritual energy of the heavenly monument is about to dry up.

Golden Age Freaks were all born, but Xuanyuan Hen was not here.

At this moment, the field was also shocked.

 "Xuanyuan Hen... The Xuanyuan Hen mentioned by the Nine Crown King seems to be the first-generation swordsman branded on the heavenly monument!"

“I understand, it turns out that there are ten lifetimes of the Nine-Crown King. He was invincible for nine lifetimes, but he only lost to Xuanyuan Hen in the Golden Age!”

“Yes, why hasn’t Xuanyuan Hen been reincarnated?”

“The Nine-Crown King is so domineering! He has only waited for one person for four thousand and five hundred years, but he wants to be defeated again?”

 The restlessness continued, and exclamations came and went.

In this era of Yuling, anyone can contract the first-generation sword master.

Then the wish of Shangguan Yulong IX will be realized?

I'm afraid, this is the condition Shangguan Yulong put forward to Yu Peijia.

 “I want to see Xuanyuan Hen.”

The whispers spread again, and Shangguan Yulong stared directly at Yu Peijia.

 He also knew that this man would be in this country in later generations.

 Should have a certain degree of voice.

"I see."

Yu Peijia took a deep breath.

 But to be honest, this is a bit difficult to handle.

 (End of this chapter)

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