Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 90: The Nine-Crown King appears and is furious

Chapter 90 The Nine-Crown King appears and is furious

 Zhongzhou, Ziwei Kingdom.

 In a six-story media exchange.

Bai Li and his family members looked at the group of people sitting opposite and gritted their teeth.

 She had left Shen Miaoke's side and returned to Central Continent for some time.

Since this period of time, I have been extremely busy with Shen Changqing’s Kunlun Mirror matter.

 Originally, with the power of the Bai family in Zhongzhou, it was easy to get in touch with the upper-level personnel of Ziwei Kingdom.

You only need to explain a few words and pay the price for the Kunlun Mirror, and then you can bring the Kunlun Mirror back to Shen Changqing.

 However, something unexpected happened midway.

  The high-ranking person from the Ziwei Kingdom whom the Bai family contacted was suddenly oppressed by someone from the other side.

The other party’s power is more powerful in Ziwei Kingdom.

 He has dealt with it privately and sold it to a mysterious person for ten times the price.

Bai Li was really angry when she heard about this in Daxia.

 Hurry back, and after all the trouble, finally found a buyer.

At this moment, the buyer is in the six-story media exchange in Ziwei Kingdom.

It’s just that...Bai Li discovered it.

The other party is actually the head of Xingzhou Wang Family, Wang Shouzhuo!


 What does he want the Kunlun Mirror for?

 Neither can contract with Shen Changqing, nor can he use any power.

 This result was difficult for Bai Li to accept.

In sight, Wang Shouzhuo's face was radiant even though his temples were white.

 He sat on the seat calmly, sipping tea quietly.

There are many Wang family masters and spiritual masters around him, including the eldest son Wang Helong.

“Father, compared with our southern country, this Ziwei country is not much different.”

“The auction held by the Five-Star Media Exchange only had a few high-end media.”

“I don’t understand, father, why do you want to buy all these scraps?”

Wang Helong stared down with a look of disappointment.

 The five-star media exchange of Ziwei Country is extremely famous among all countries in Central Continent.

It is often revealed that high-end media from ancient times were very expensive.

 It is said that in the past year, many parties have passed the auction of the exchange.

 Contracted a large number of heroic spirits and three legendary heroic spirits.

Come here because of the reputation, but Wang Helong didn't see what he wanted.

 “Really good things will not be put on the table.”

“Buying these media is just buying tickets.”

Wang Shouzhuo calmly took a sip of tea.

He has already had a clear understanding of the foundation of this five-star media exchange.

As he was speaking, Wang Shouzhuo suddenly saw a glow coming from his side.

The heroic spirit body of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor slowly emerged.

"How is it? Did my grandson's contract succeed?"

Wang Shouzhuo did not look back, but asked lightly.

“Congratulations, that guy is pretty good and has succeeded.”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor's mouth showed a smile.

 “Oh? Who did you contract with?”

 Wang Shouzhuo suddenly became interested.

 Without one's own help.

He was indeed very happy that the father and son could find a high-level medium for practicing the great world.

 In fact, Wang Qiong made a contract with Ghost Xuluo last time.

 He was already ready to train Wang Qiong as the future of the Wang family.

It is a pity that Wang Yue and Wang Qiong were not able to do things well.

Ghost Xuluo was exposed in the East Wasteland ruins, which attracted legendary heroic spirits from all directions to suppress him.

 In the end, Gui Xuluo was beaten to ashes by Kunlun Taoist Master and was annihilated.

 At present, Wang Qiong has successfully contracted with another heroic spirit, who is also an ancient genius who has practiced greatness.

 He was more curious about who the genius was.

 “Just a low-profile little character, named Tang Shaoqing, the ancestor of Tang Zong. He is only a legend and not worth mentioning.”

The True Ancestor of Sirius stood with his hands behind his hands and responded with a smile.

“In your eyes, the legendary level is certainly insignificant.”

“But for many people, becoming a legendary heroic spirit is the limit of their lifetime.”

Wang Shouzhuo was not surprised when he heard this.

 How can it be so easy to contract with the mythical level?

Even if it is a mythical goalkeeper, it is the mythical level with the worst quality.

The media that belongs to them is beyond the reach of countless people.

The ancient talent that Wang Qiong made this contract with was not a leader in the Golden Age.

 But it can make up for the loss of Guixuluo, so it’s not bad.

 After chatting, a member of the royal family suddenly came in a hurry.

“Master, there is a girl named Bai Li who wants to see you.”


Wang Shouzhuo looked outside the corridor and saw a figure standing there.

 He immediately narrowed his eyes and responded with a sneer.

 “Let her come over.”

 All members of the Wang family, including Wang Helong and Tianlang True Ancestor, looked over.

Bai Li stepped forward, took a deep breath, and tried to keep her inner calm.

“You’re here for the Kunlun Mirror, right?”

Wang Shouzhuo spoke leisurely and continued to take a sip of tea.

 He sat on the chair and paid no attention to anyone.

Even though this girl is the eldest lady of the Bai family.

Hearing this, Bai Li was very surprised.

It seems that the other party bought the Kunlun Mirror deliberately?

 “Your terms.”

 Now that we understand that Wang Shouzhuo did it on purpose, there is no need to be polite anymore.

“It saves trouble to talk to smart people.”

Wang Shouzhuo smiled slightly and gently put down the tea cup in his hand.

Then he looked sideways at Bai Li, his smile disappeared, and his eyes turned cold.

Like a soul-catching hook, it exudes a murderous luster.

“I asked Kunlun Taoist Master to come in person, kneel in front of me in front of a full hall, and call me a master.”

“That Kunlun Mirror, I offer it with both hands.”

This condition, after all, involves personal grudges. Wang Helong next to him had a calm expression and a sneer in his heart.

Ever since Shen Changqing raised his hand to kill Guixuluo, the gap between Shen Changqing and the entire Wang family has been completely forged.

 That day, he took the ancestor worshiping the moon with him and gave Shen Changqing good words and advice.

 Unexpectedly, Shen Changqing still killed Gui Xuluo.

Ghost Xuluo was annihilated into ashes. For the Wang family, the loss was still very heavy.

 However, the most important thing is that Wang Shouzhuo protects his shortcomings!

No matter whether Wang Yue and Wang Qiong did things poorly, as the head of the family, can he not fart?


After hearing this, Bai Li slowly clenched her fists.


at the same time.

 The Bai family's territory, among the ancestral residence.

 As one of the top ten aristocratic families with great reputation and rich foundation in Ziwei Kingdom.

The Bai family has many high-level spiritual masters and contracts with a large number of powerful ancient heroic spirits.

 There are dozens of legendary ones, and Emei Taoist Priest is one of them.

Whenever the Bai family heard about the rumors about the Ziwei Kingdom, the historical relics of the Xuanhuang Realm were excavated, etc.

 They will spend money to obtain rare and high-end media.

 About the recent news about the geniuses of ancient times, they have certainly also received much attention.

 However, this time, the power of money seems to have lost its due role.

 On the media exchange, it is rare to see someone selling high-end media from ancient geniuses.

There is absolutely no such thing as the legendary titled Martial Saint.

This level of heroic spirits is not only extremely rare in media.

 It cannot be measured in terms of money and spiritual resources.

 But the Bai family is the Bai family after all, and they have some means after all.

At this moment, Bai Feihong is standing on crutches.

He was looking nervously at the girl in front of him, the most talented spiritual master in the Bai family.

Just a few days ago, the Bai family jumped out of the Ziwei Kingdom.

 In the underground channels of a mysterious organization throughout Central Continent, a high-level medium of an ancient genius was obtained.

 No one knows whose medium this belongs to, which is equivalent to a way of opening a blind box.

 The identities of buyers and sellers are always kept confidential.

 Once sold, it cannot even be recovered or regretted.

 Its price is even more ridiculously high.

 And so far, no one knows the origin of that mysterious organization.

 Because underground channels have always been peaceful, most people follow the rules silently.


 There were exclamations in the ancestral hall.

Bai Feihong was overjoyed and saw a heroic spirit wrapped in thunder slowly condensing.

That kind of terrifying power of doom caused the entire restless ancestral hall to instantly turn into dead silence.

Taoist nun Emei felt frightened for a moment, and the deep pressure seemed to put her in the middle of a catastrophe!

“Which ancient genius is this?”

Bai Feihong was stunned, feeling as if the Bai family had won a big prize.

 The Book of Heroes then revealed the information.

  【heroic spirit: Shangguan Yulong. 】

 【Title: First Generation Thunder Saint, Five Elements Dharma Saint, Overlord Spear Saint...】

  【Level: Mythical level. 】

 Era: 19,000 to 15,000 years ago. 】

  【Life experience: The first generation was born in the golden age. 】

  【I was given the Divine Pattern of the Heavenly Monument at birth. He was hailed as one of the Three Heroes of Middle-earth at the age of five. At the age of ten, he embarked on the journey of conquering the Divine Pattern. 】

  【At the age of twenty, he challenged Xuanyuan Hen in Shuzhou, but unfortunately lost. 】

  【Later, I was favored by fortune from the Heavenly Monument, reincarnated nine times, climbed to the peak nine times, became a saint for nine lives, and was invincible for nine lives! 】


Everyone in the ancestral hall stared blankly as the information from the Book of Heroes was revealed.

The four characters "Shangguan Yulong" are like thunder, and there are nine titles of Martial Saints, exuding bright golden light.

 The level imprint of the word "myth" also makes everyone's minds buzz.

Bai Feihong looked at Taoist Sister Emei, and Taoist Sister Emei looked at his contractor, both of them had dull eyes.

 “This is the Nine-Crown King!”

Bai Feihong took a breath of cold air and was a little confused.

 Originally, he did not have high expectations for this high-end media obtained from underground channels.

  After all, it is a blind box method. As long as you can summon a genius with divine patterns, it will be a huge gain.

 But this is actually the medium of the Nine-Crown King of Central Continent?

“It’s over, my Bai family’s luck has run out…”

Bai Feihong’s knees were weak and he almost fell down with a trembling sound.

 Lately, there has been news about the golden age and those ancient geniuses spreading outside.

Especially the Nine-Crown Champion and the Ten-Crown Champion, their fame spread like wildfire.

Isn't the person in front of me the Nine-Crown King Shangguan Yulong?

 He never thought that the Bai family would be so lucky!

 "Is this saint...reincarnated again?"

Shangguan Yulong took on the form of a heroic spirit, and his mixed memories were chaotic.

 Some are complete, some are incomplete.

 He slowly opened his eyes, revealing a trace of vicissitudes of life and a little sadness.

 Facing unfamiliar people and unfamiliar scenes in front of you.

 Not only did he not have any vigilance, but he seemed very calm.

 A strong person is never afraid of the environment.


 Half an hour later, outside the ancestral hall.

Bai Feihong suppressed his inner excitement and prepared to tell Bai Li the good news.

“What did you say? The Kunlun Mirror was bought by the Wang family?”

As soon as he made the call, Bai Feihong was stunned for a moment and then became furious.

There should be another update in the evening



 (End of this chapter)

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