Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 89: The Golden Age, Records of Heroic Spirits

Chapter 89 The Golden Age, Records of Heroic Spirits

“Can you find out the specific time of Shangguan Yulong’s birth?”

Zhenjun Wuyi asked seriously.

Like Shangguan Yulong, an ancient genius, a peerless monster-level freak.

 It is very likely that he experienced ten reincarnations in four to five thousand years!

There is no reason for the sky monument to bless his luck.

 After all, Shangguan Yulong is the Nine-Crown King!

 Looking back at the past year, how many nine-time champions were there?

 Unless the power of the heavenly monument is exhausted and the luck can no longer be maintained, it should be Laman in the tenth life.

 He needs more information to verify his guess.

“Judging from the time of the Martial Saint Mark, almost all ancient geniuses with multiple titles have one thing in common.”

 “They all seem to have been born one after another in a certain golden age!”

 The senior staff of Qintianjian quickly came to a conclusion after complicated sorting.

 “The golden age was born together…”

Zhenjun Wuyi looked moved again.

  Meaning, these ancient geniuses with many crowns.

Have they all been together in the same era?

 If this is the case, then how glorious was that golden age?

 Whether this also means.

The genius who was awarded the title of Martial Saint during the golden age has the highest gold content?

“Found it, this Shangguan Yulong was also born in the golden age.”

“Belongs to the ancient genius of Central Continent. He has experienced ten reincarnations in total!”

“It’s just that on the heavenly monument, there is no record of his title of Martial Saint in the Golden Age.”

After the words of the senior staff of Qintianjian fell, the mystery in Zhenjun Wuyi's heart was finally revealed.

 It was just as he guessed.

Shangguan Yulong has indeed endured ten fortunes from the Heavenly Monument and experienced ten reincarnations.

 He became the Ninth Martial Saint.

 However, these ancient geniuses were defeated in the golden age!

 What shocked Zhenjun Wuyi was.

The so-called golden age, what was it like?

What kind of opponents did this nine-time champion face during his golden age?

 So much so that he was reincarnated ten times and was invincible in nine.

 Only to fade away in the golden age?

“Immediately sort out all the names of martial saints in the Golden Age!”

Zhenjun Wuyi knew that this person was in the title of Martial Saint back then.

But before the senior staff of Qin Tian Jian could respond, the broken sky monument suddenly shook again.

 Subsequently, the entire Tianbeifeng ruins also shook.

 In the eyes of everyone with shocked expressions, the broken sky monument showed a burst of spiritual energy for the second time.

It seems like a complete recovery, with a large number of new martial saint titles appearing.

With wisps of golden luster, it is revealed again.

Zhenjun Wuyi paid close attention, his expression suddenly stagnant.

 “Ten-Crown Champions…There are actually ten-Crown Champions?”

I thought that Shangguan Yulong was already at the pinnacle of spiritual practice.

I never expected that there would be a more terrifying ancient genius.

 Ten reincarnations, ten lives invincible!

Is it possible that it was possible in Shangguan Yulong's life?

 Is it because he was defeated at the hands of the Ten-Crown Champion?

“These ancient geniuses of the Golden Age all came from Central Continent.”

“Don’t we have ten crowns in Shuzhou?”

Zhenjun Wuyi was a little anxious in his heart, looking forward to the third burst of spiritual energy in the Tianbei and the appearance of more names of Martial Saints.

 However, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

 He looked a little sad and disappointed.

 After all, Shuzhou’s ancient heritage is actually not weaker than that of Zhongzhou.

  Why was it that in the golden age of 19,000 years ago, there was no one comparable to the Ten-Crown King?

“There is a Triple Crown Champion in Shuzhou named Yu Wenyuan!”

"I will immediately send the news back to Qin Tianjian headquarters and search for his contract agent with all my strength!"

 The senior staff of Qintianjian knew that the matter was serious and immediately conveyed the news.




The lost true king of Wuyi is in the title of Wusheng imprinted on the heavenly monument.

I noticed the name of a Shuzhou genius who successfully reached the top in the golden age.

Those wisps of golden light lingered, and the number—

 Xuanyuan Hen, the first generation sword master!


 The earth and sky monuments from all sides reappeared, and spiritual energy continued to blow out.

 This makes the Yuling Era, which has already been revived, enter a new stage again.

 This is undoubtedly an unimaginable huge benefit for many contracted heroic spirits.

 After all, some heroic spirits are very talented, but because of their thin spiritual energy, they are unable to make significant progress in later generations.

 But now the situation has changed, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has increased several times.

 Their practice in later generations will undoubtedly be doubled!

Soon, another month has passed since the Tianbei spiritual energy blowout.

 The rumors about ancient geniuses continue to stir up the world.

 From Central Continent and Xingzhou, news of someone successfully contracting with a certain ancient genius continued to spread.


 At this moment, in the South Kingdom of Xingzhou, in the main hall of the Wang family.

Wang Qiong is sitting cross-legged, eyes closed.

 His forehead was dripping with sweat, as if he was suffering from some unspeakable pain.

 As a very talented contemporary spiritual master of the Wang family, Wang Qiong has great expectations.

Although the last contract with Ghost Xuluo failed to complete the plan to annex other aristocratic families in the Southern Kingdom.

But this does prove that Wang Qiong is the only person in the Wang family who can lead the Wang family to glory in the future.

Wang Yue, who was watching Wang Qiong's continued contract but never received a response, couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"It's really difficult. This ancestor of the Tang Dynasty belongs to a person who lived 19,000 years ago."

“The historical period is so long that even Qiong’er’s soul level may be a bit in doubt.”

 Since the spiritual energy erupted from the Sky Monument half a year ago.

 He used all the resources he could use in the royal family.

 Finally, half a month ago, he was in the ruins inside Xingzhou.

 Found a high-level medium who is in the world of spiritual practice and is known as the ancient genius.

 But after such a long time, Wang Qiong tried to make a contract three times, but they all failed one after another.

 The heavy history of nineteen thousand years is a huge test for the soul.

"This is the third time. It's only three times. If Wang Qiong fails again, give up."

 Except for Wang Qiong and Wang Yue, everyone was present in the hall.

There are also the current head of the Wang family, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor who was contracted, as well as many spiritual masters and ancient heroic spirits.

 As the head of the three great myths of the Wang family, he, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor, has a transcendent status in the Wang family.

Even, he has to be superior to the ancestor of the Moon Worshipers.

 To a certain extent, although the head of the Wang family is in charge of the entire Wang family.

 But he, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor, is the real backbone of the Wang family and can enjoy all the resources of the Wang family.

 However, with the past six months.

That great era of spiritual practice buried in the historical era.

The veil of mystery was completely torn apart, after Wang Yue and Wang Qiong found the ancient genius' high-level medium.

 He felt that his status was seriously challenged.

 The names of geniuses and the titles of martial saints rumored by the outside world seem to be more powerful than the last.

 Suppose Wang Yue and Wang Qiong really made a contract with some powerful ancient genius.

 Then it would be devastating to his own interests.

 If you say you’re not worried, that’s a lie.

While watching nervously, Wang Qiong suddenly shouted.

 Following it, a dazzling light burst out in the surrounding space.

An extremely deep aura spread out, and a figure with dancing robes slowly emerged.


Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and then his face became ecstatic.

There was an uproar in the hall, and everyone quickly looked at the introduction information of the Book of Heroes.

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor was also nervous and looked around.    【heroic spirit: Tang Shaoqing. 】

   Title: Ancestor of Tang Zong. 】

  【Level: Legend level. 】

 【Era: Nineteen thousand years, the golden age! 】

  【Life experience: At the age of three, he was given the divine mark of the Heavenly Monument. 】

  【Mastered the Tang family's forty-nine ancestral hidden weapons at the age of five, started the journey of conquering the divine patterns at the age of seven, and defeated two great geniuses with divine patterns at the age of eight. 】

   【Stepping into the land of Shuzhou at the age of eleven, he challenged Gongsun Wuji, the peerless genius of Shuzhou, and defeated him in several moves. He was saddled with twelve divine marks in total. 】

  【At the age of twelve, I continued to challenge Xuanyuan Hen, the arrogant genius of Shuzhou, but unfortunately failed. 】

 【Thirteen-year-old crazy...】

 【Crazy at the age of fifteen...】

 【Eighteen-year-old crazy...】

  【My family fortune declined at the age of twenty. I woke up from a big dream and revived my Taoist heart. 】

  【Founded Tang Zong at the age of twenty-five, cultivated to the level of Little Heavenly Lord at the age of fifty, reached the Great Heavenly Lord at the age of one hundred and twenty, and aspired to become the Supreme Lord at the age of three hundred...】

Wang Yue paid close attention to the information records about Tang Shaoqing, the ancestor of the Tang Dynasty.

This Book of Heroic Spirits is derived from the Statue of Heroic Spirits.

And the Heroic Spirit Statue originated from the origin of the catacombs, which is closely related to the long history of the Xuanhuang Realm.

 Therefore, the life experiences revealed in the Book of Heroes are not much different from the real history.

Seeing this at this moment, Wang Yue was very shocked.

 The golden age!

 The genius of ancient times!

Even if this Tang Zong ancestor lost the divine pattern journey, he is still a top-notch powerhouse.

 “Xuanyuan Hen…it’s this person again.”

Wang Yue watched it for a long time and fell into deep thought.

So many days have passed, and the news comes from somewhere every now and then.

 The news that a certain genius spiritual master contracted with a certain ancient prodigy.

The number of ancient geniuses who have been contracted is not large. There are only about a dozen at present, scattered over the thousands of years.

  But there are a few who also come from the Golden Age.

According to what they said, Xuanyuan Hen was the first swordsman in Shuzhou.

 There was once a war that shocked the entire golden world.

 The winner is Xuanyuan Hen, the loser is Shangguan Yulong.

 He also heard that Shangguan Yulong was the Nine-Crown King?

 Ten reincarnations, but was defeated by Xuanyuan Hen in the Golden Age.

"It's such a pity for the ancestor of the Tang Sect. Why did he choose to challenge Xuanyuan Hen?"

Wang Yue's eyes showed regret, if he hadn't been defeated by Xuanyuan Hen when he was young.

 The potential of the Tang Zong ancestor should be able to be unleashed to a greater extent.


Wang Qiong was very weak and exhausted, so he could only lift the summons and fell into a deep sleep.

"Thank you for your hard work, my son. I will upload the information about the ancestor of the Tang Sect to the Hall of Heroes in the South Kingdom immediately."

Wang Yue was in good spirits, even though he had lost Guixuluo.

 But now there is an ancestor of Tang Zong, and Wang Qiong did not disappoint him after all.

 Besides, Guixuluo belongs to the black household.

 He is a dark heroic spirit that cannot be discovered or recorded.

 The ancestor of Tang Zong can be upright and upright.

If you reach the top of the Southern Kingdom Legends list, you can get huge rewards from the Southern Kingdom!

“Is it only the legendary level? It seems that the so-called geniuses of ancient times are nothing more than that.”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor saw that Tang Shaoqing's heroic spirit level did not threaten his own status.

 He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Qingyun said calmly, with a calm expression.

With this attitude, it was as if Tang Shaoqing was not taken seriously.

Wang Yue suddenly frowned. Facing the mythical Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor, he could only respond kindly.

"In front of the seniors, this ancient genius is naturally a little inferior, but if he is one of those titled Martial Saints, I am afraid it will not be simple."

“I wonder if seniors can help us find an intermediary for the title of Martial Saint for our Wang family?”

After saying this, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor’s expression immediately showed displeasure.

“It’s not impossible, but you have to know that this great world of spiritual practice is not as long as this time.”

"Their cultivation method is not a complete path to immortality, but a new path, which is called the method of immortality and martial arts."

“In other words, it is the pinnacle of martial arts and has not yet truly reached the path of immortality.”

“If you want to find it, you should also look for a medium from the Immortal Road Era. Isn’t this more valuable than the Immortal Martial Arts?”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor spoke with a superior attitude and the tone of a senior.

 His words were full of disdain for Xianwu.

  After all, he is the strongest mythical person in the Wang family.

Living at the end of the Era's struggle on the Immortal Road, he knew that there were many real giants in the Immortal Road.

This difference in eras made it impossible for him to put down any airs in front of future generations.

Although he is not a giant, he is still a senior in the Immortal Road Fighting Era, right?

Of course, the reason why he moved out of the Immortal Road Competition.

He was still telling Wang Yue and the whole Wang family, consciously or unconsciously, that his position was unshakable.

 Another thing, the medium for the fairy road competition is more difficult to find.

 “This...senior’s words are wrong.”

“I heard that among the Martial Saints imprinted on the Heavenly Monument, there are ancient geniuses who have three crowns, six crowns, and even ten crowns.”

“I’m afraid they are much stronger than Tang Shaoqing, and probably not weaker than the heroic spirits competing on the Immortal Road.”

Wang Yue did not back down and refuted the words of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor.

Seeing this, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and fell silent.

 He slowly glanced at all the royal family members in the room.

 As the news from the outside world continues to spread, the name of the ancient genius in this great world of spiritual practice.

  has gradually become mysterious and tall in the minds of many people.

 Especially the so-called Triple Crown Champion, Six Crown Champion, and Ten Crown Champion.

It has attracted the attention of many high-level countries.

 If he wants to stop the Wang family, he will continue to look for those people's high-level media.

I'm afraid it will only cause the relationship between myself and the Wang family to become further and further apart.

Moreover, it can’t be stopped.

 His position in the royal family will eventually be shaken.

 The only thing we can do now is to maintain it as much as possible.

 The resources allocated by the Wang family should not be tilted too seriously.

What's more, he got it from Tang Shaoqing.

 I didn’t realize how powerful the geniuses of ancient times were.

 Soon, the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor smiled slightly.

“Perhaps as you said, I will try my best to find their medium.”

Wang Yue also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor is the backbone of their royal family.

 If there are differences, then the trouble will be a bit big.

 He guessed that what the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor was worried about was the issue of resource allocation.

 Suppose a heroic spirit whose value exceeds the value of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor appears in the Wang family, the resources will undoubtedly be skewed.

 This problem is common among aristocratic families.

 Not long after, everyone in the hall dispersed, and the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor also left.

Wang Yue uploaded information about Tang Shaoqing’s heroic spirit to the Southern Kingdom.

 After waiting for two hours, the Nanguo Hall of Heroes completed the record of the Tang Zong ancestor.

 When a piece of news came, Wang Yue, who was full of expectations, couldn't help but feel crazy.

 He stared closely at his phone, which was the list of legendary heroes belonging to the South, and suddenly his breathing became rapid.

 “It’s so terrifying to practice in the great world?”

“The ancestor of Tang Zong is worthy of being a genius of ancient times!”

 “Hahaha! Ah hahaha!”

 (End of this chapter)

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