Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 88: In the real world, spiritual energy explodes and the sky monument reappears!

Chapter 88 In the real world, the aura bursts out and the sky monument reappears!

 The imperial court of Daxia, Tiancheng, the center of the provincial capital.

 In a certain training room of the Yuling Association, Shen Miao was shouting and waving her fists.

 There were bursts of conspicuous Gang Qi leaking out, shaking the air and creating ripples.

“Have I finally entered the Great Perfection?”

 Shen Miao could notice the changes in herself and her expression immediately showed surprise.

More than half a year later, she practiced hard every day, following the martial arts practice path left by Shen Changqing.

Now that I have finally achieved success in my studies, I have entered the Innate Perfection, and I am only one step away from becoming a half-step master.

 It is true that this kind of talent would have been the absolute pride of heaven three thousand years ago.

 Although Shen Miaoke's soul level is not strong, his understanding and qualifications are not bad at all.

 “Classmate Shen, congratulations.”

 The laughter of Chen Xiangyang, the leader of the Heroic Spirit Guild, came from behind.

 For more than half a year, he paid great attention to Shen Miao and took care of her in every possible way.

Of course, Miss Bai Li from Zhongzhou is also very protective.

 Just a few days ago, the purchase and sale of the Kunlun Mirror Treasure was cumbersome.

 She personally went back to Central Continent to handle the matter and has not returned yet.

“President Chen, why are you here?”

 Shen Miaoke turned around, looking very surprised.

“It’s like this. The archaeologists of Qintianjian have encountered some historical problems that cannot be deciphered. Please ask me to ask Kunlun Taoist Master.”

 Chen Xiangyang looked a little troubled.

 Since half a year ago, Shen Changqing has not appeared next to Shen Miaoke.

According to Shen Miaoke, Shen Changqing seemed to have left alone.

·For some historical secrets, no matter how hard the Daxia Qin Tianjian digs them out, it is still difficult to distinguish the true from the false, and some things cannot be investigated and traced.

 Some of the unofficial histories left behind are very different from the official books, so we cannot trust them all.

 This all needs to be explained by the heroic spirit himself.

Of course, this also needs to be established after the memory of the heroic spirit has been recovered.

 “My father hasn’t come back yet.”

After Shen Miao heard this, she quickly shook her head.

"Forget it, if he comes back, be sure to contact me as soon as possible."

 After Chen Xiangyang finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but then he remembered something.

“One more thing, have you tried to contract a new heroic spirit recently?”

Shen Miaoke smiled and shook her head again.

She is very aware of the level of her soul. Although in the martial arts practice path, she can be extremely smooth and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

 But when it comes to Contracted Heroic Spirits, he may not have much talent.

 After all, during the first contract, no one except Shen Changqing responded.

“I have a newly acquired high-level medium here. You can try it out when you have time.”

 Chen Xiangyang said and took out a fragment from his arms.

"What's this?"

"I'm not too sure. According to the records of Qin Tianjian, it should be an ancient weapon. The history can be traced back to 20,000 years."

 “Weapon fragments from 20,000 years ago?”

 Shen Miaoke was quite shocked inside.

 She took the fragment handed over by Chen Xiangyang, held it in her palms and touched it gently.

“This high-grade medium is extremely precious. It is said that there is a spiritual master in Central Continent, and a similar complete weapon was contracted to an ancient genius who died young.”

 Chen Xiangyang continued.

About three months ago, the Cave Heaven Blessed Land in Shuzhou, Zhongzhou, Xingzhou and other nearby areas suddenly had a tendency of spiritual energy blowing out again.

This incident caused a sensation, and Qin Tianjian reacted immediately.

 Send manpower immediately to continue digging deeply into the cave heaven and paradise left over from ancient times.

As a result, a fragment of a standing stone tablet was found on a cliff peak in Shuzhou.

 The spiritual energy continued to leak out from the fragments of the stone tablet, and became more and more exaggerated.

 A month later, similar fragments of stone tablets were found in many places.

Soon, news came from Central Continent that a spiritual master had contracted an ancient genius.

A magnificent era of spiritual practice, an era buried in the long river of time, has a tendency to be unveiled.

 “Ancient genius…”

Shen Miao could hold the fragment in her hand tightly and could feel the aura of long time coming from it.

 She took a deep breath: "Thank you, President."

 Chen Xiangyang smiled and said: "What's this? If you still lack something else, just ask openly and I will arrange it for you."

 Shen Miaoke nodded heavily.


At the same time, we are visiting the Tianbeifeng ruins in Shuzhou.

The Cave Heaven Paradise here has been sealed off by the Fourth Army Corps for several months.

 Except for members of the Qintianjian who work a lot, no outsiders are allowed to intrude.

 Under the broken sky monument on the top of the mountain, Marshal Wu Weihou of the Fourth Army Corps showed solemn eyes.

Beside him, Zhenjun Wuyi stared closely at the broken sky monument and was puzzled.

“I remember that after I stepped out of the Heavenly Monument, the spiritual energy of the Divine Pattern Heavenly Monument was completely exhausted, and it no longer had any spiritual wisdom or power of law.”

 “How come there is a new wave of spiritual energy appearing today?”

Wuyi Zhenjun came from 15,000 years ago.

That was the end of the great era of spiritual practice, and it was also a period of exhaustion of spiritual energy. It was also the beginning of the era of demonic chaos.

Due to the depletion of spiritual energy, there are only enough sacred monuments in the ten directions to give birth to a martial saint.

This Martial Saint is him.

"Three months have passed. If the spiritual energy continues to erupt like this, the origin of the entire world will probably increase several times, and your heroic spirits' practice will undoubtedly increase."

Wu Weihou was amazed again and again, even though he didn't know the history of that great practice.

 But this situation of spiritual energy blowout will obviously bring unimaginable benefits.

 There is no telling, the era of Yuling will be even better! But the words had just fallen.


The broken sky monument swept out a ray of golden light, followed by spiritual energy that surged into the sky, setting off a huge storm.

 “Really, really...really exploded?”

Wu Weihou looked greatly shocked. He stepped back in the hurricane and looked up at the sky with a shaken expression.

 The dark clouds were pushed away, and spiritual energy was vented in all directions.

 “How could this happen? It doesn’t make sense!”

Zhenjun Wuyi felt incredible that this was not the origin of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth born from the outside world.

 It is the spiritual energy stored in the divine pattern sky tablet, which is the power that seemed to be exhausted but was not exhausted.

 Judging from this extent, it has been vaguely stored for five hundred years?

 “Something has appeared!”

 A large number of Qin Tian Jian staff members suddenly spoke out in surprise.

Wuweihou and Wuyi Zhenjun heard the sound and looked, and saw the golden words emerging on the broken sky stele.

Those are impressively Martial Saint titles, numerous in number, exuding a vast aura.

“So there were so many martial saints in history?”

Zhenjun Wuyi's cognitive outlook has been torn apart, and it is a bit hard to believe.

 Because we were at the end of the Great Era of Cultivation, the Divine Pattern Sky Monument kept reducing its qualifications in order to continue to give birth to martial saints.

At the same time, he sealed himself to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy, and the countless secret techniques of the Martial Saint were reduced to only a few.

Even the name of the title of Martial Saint has disappeared and can no longer be seen.

 During the new war in the Five Directions Ghost Mountain that year, the inheritance of the human race was updated and many ancient records were also lost.

What Zhenjun Wuyi didn’t expect was that there were more than just a few martial saints in the world.

Now as the Heavenly Monument bursts out with spiritual energy again, these lost things are back.

 “Sir, we discovered something incredible!”

 Suddenly, a senior staff member of the Qin Tian Jian hurried over to report to Marquis Wuwei.

“We have compiled a lot of information, as well as the names of martial saints that were revealed just now, and found that although there are many names of martial saints, almost half of them are actually the same group of people!”

After saying this, Marquis Wuwei was stunned for a long time.

 What does this mean?

 “It’s reincarnation…”

Zhenjun Wuyi's eyes were more solemn than ever before.

 With the spiritual energy exploding during the Great World of Cultivation 19,000 years ago.

There are many unique monsters who bear the fate of heavenly monuments.

 Be able to reincarnate again and again and continue to fight for the secret method of the heavenly monument.

 He calculated the time carefully.

 According to the cycle of spiritual practice, a martial saint is born every four to five hundred years.

 Except for the beginning of the spiritual energy tide and the exhaustion of the spiritual energy of the sky monument, the initial stage and the final stage are not counted.

 In other words, ancient geniuses can withstand up to ten fortunes and be reincarnated ten times in total.

 “You go on.”

 The senior staff of Naqin Tianjian were sweating profusely, but they looked very excited.

 For them, nothing is more exciting than digging into history.

“There is a man named Yu Wenyuan, who has a total of three titles in the Martial Saint brand on the heavenly monument!”

“Also, there is another one named Xia Hou Lingyun, who actually has five titles!”

“Not only that, there is a man named Wu Matthew, who has six titles, and a man named Huangfu Yilin, who also has six titles…”

 Speaking of this, the shock in Zhenjun Wuyi’s heart became more intense.

 He knew what it meant.

 Every time these ancient geniuses get a title, it means that they have successfully reached the peak in one life and become the strongest in the realm.

Three titles are the Triple Crown Champions, six titles are the Six Crown Champions, and so on...

When Zhenjun Wuyi thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a terrifying exclamation.

These are the most rare freak-level ancient geniuses in the world of cultivation.

“How can someone be reincarnated so many times?”

Unlike Zhenjun Wuyi, what Marquis Wuwei found most unbelievable was the person who could be reincarnated five or six times in a row.

“The point is not here, the point is that almost every life, they can become the strongest in the realm and obtain a new title of Martial Saint.”

Zhenjun Wuyi looked complicated and spoke.

 Each generation has new geniuses and new freaks.

 But these people are invincible, suppressing an era time and time again.

 One can imagine how terrifying their talents are and how strong their strength is.

These reincarnations are an unimaginable amount of pressure for the geniuses of the new era.

"Also, there is a man named Shangguan Yulong, he actually..."

The senior staff of Qintianjian suddenly discovered something and suddenly became short of breath.

"What's wrong?"

When Zhenjun Wuyi saw him like this, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

 “This Shangguan Yulong, he has nine titles!”


Zhenjun Wuyi's face was slightly stagnant, and his mind was greatly shaken.

 The Ninth Martial Saint, the Nine-Crown King!

 What level of ancient genius is this?

 Wait, that’s not right.

 Shangguan Yulong is so talented and capable that he should be able to be reincarnated ten times.

 But he is a nine-crown champion, so he seems to have lost a lifetime title?

Zhenjun Wuyi gradually understood something, and stared blankly at the densely stamped name of Martial Saint.

 Has he never been reincarnated, or...had a defeat?

 (End of this chapter)

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