Chapter 83 Climb the summit!

As soon as these words came out, there was a huge uproar near Tianbei Peak.

"Xuanyuan Hen has actually become a saint in body?"

 “It’s impossible, how did he do it?”

 “Sanctification of the flesh…how rare!”

“Obviously we are still in the realm of the Great Heavenly Lord, how come we have reached this level of physical cultivation?”

“Shangguan Yulong was defeated, and one of the three heroes of China was defeated!”

There were sounds of horror one after another. The madness of Mai Yao Sheng was the collapse of cognitive perspective. He laughed all the way and walked away.

Yu Wenyuan was left stunned in place, his mind roaring and going blank.

 The figure in his sight was inexplicably tall and unattainable.

 Towering, majestic, supreme!

 Only then did he realize how big the gap was between himself and Shen Changqing.

Even if it is Nie Xingyuan from China, this is nothing more than this, right?

The head of the Shangguan family looked extremely pale. Looking at the direction where Shangguan Yulong fell, he felt as if the sky was falling and he was completely despairing.

 The depression in his heart rose, a mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot, and his body was shaking.

 “Master of the house!”

 The expressions of many tribesmen changed greatly and they hurriedly supported him.

"How could my son... meet such a freak?"

 The head of the Shangguan family was in despair and grief-stricken.

No way, he shouldn't let Shangguan Yulong come to Shuzhou to climb the mountain!

“So, Xuanyuan Hen didn’t even actually attack the sword last time?”

The sixth prince of the Taixu Dynasty was stunned. Like everyone else, he thought that swordsmanship was Shen Changqing's strongest method, but he didn't expect that the physical body was the king.

“From now on, no one can shake the Xuanyuan family’s position in Shuzhou.”

Sima Qingfeng stared at the figure in the air, his eyes rippled, and wisps of admiration arose spontaneously.

 “Shangguan has been defeated, please invite Xuanyuan Hen to climb to the top!”

On the other side, the head of the Chen family roared wildly, which also aroused the enthusiasm of many Shuzhou geniuses.

 “Climb the peak!”

 “Climb the peak!”

 “Climb the peak!”

 The sound waves spread across the mountains and rivers, which is unprecedented in the world.


At the same time, the sixty-six divine patterns on Shangguan Yulong's body were imprinted on Shen Changqing's body.

 At the same moment, far away in the attic of Dahuang Waterfall.

 Dugu Buhuo was as usual, enjoying tea and having fun, and had no interest in prying into the secrets of the heavenly monument.

However, he saw the jade slip in his arms exuding warmth, and a piece of news was slowly revealed.


Dugu Buhuo picked it up and looked at it, his expression instantly stiffened.

 He stood up suddenly, his eyes looking in disbelief.

“What’s going on? Shangguan Yulong actually lost?”

 He ​​once told Yu Wenyuan that in this era, only Nie Xingyuan in the whole of China could suppress Shangguan Yulong and Huangfu Yilin.

If Xuanyuan Hen wins, it proves that there is a second Nie Xingyuan in the world.

 But that was completely impossible, and now it was really revealed in front of me.

 “What happened, what happened?”

Dugu Buhuo murmured to himself, looking at the location of Shuzhou in the distance.


On the other side, there is Dahuang Tianbei Peak, which is only ten miles away from the Waterfall Pavilion.

Witch Matthew from Xingzhou has collected ninety-nine divine symbols and is staring at the top of the mountain expectantly.

Stepping up to the Heavenly Monument Peak and into the Heavenly Monument, he can come into contact with the secrets of the Martial Saint and choose his own secret method of the Martial Saint.

At the foot of the mountain, many family members were standing together, ready to witness his climb to the top.

The guardian of the sky monument beside him suddenly shook his body at this moment, and a large number of ancient words were distorted and changed.

 This caught his attention and he immediately turned around to look.

But I saw a familiar name slowly disappearing. "this…"

Wu Maimai's pupils shrank and he watched Shangguan Yulong's name being ruthlessly erased.

Following him, Shuzhou Xuanyuanhen climbed to the top of Lingjue Peak, bearing ninety-nine divine marks!

The clear revelation of this text made Wu Xiujiu feel like he was struck by five thunders, and his whole mind suffered an unprecedented impact.

 As one of the Three Great Masters of Middle-earth, he certainly knew Shangguan Yulong’s strength.

But now, looking at the records revealed by the guardians of the Sky Monument, it is clear that Shangguan Yulong failed to climb the mountain in Shuzhou, and Xuanyuan Hen took away all the divine patterns!

 “Is there such a thing?”

Matthew Wu was extremely shocked, and immediately afterward, he suddenly felt like he was surviving a disaster.

If he had chosen Shuzhou in the first place, he might not have a chance to climb the mountain now.

Looking up, he showed firm eyes and walked slowly upward.


 Xingzhou Tianbei Peak.

 A figure sat quietly cross-legged on the steps, and the aura around him was extremely deep and restrained.

His realm strength is even difficult for outsiders to accurately understand.

 There are ninety-nine divine patterns in total, which are also imprinted everywhere outside the body, shining slightly.

 “Shangguan Yulong was defeated in Shuzhou.”

There was a sigh, and a gray-haired old man slowly walked out of the space in front of Huangfu Yilin.

"who is it?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Yilin suddenly opened his eyes.

 “Xuan Yuanhen in Shuzhou.”

 The white-haired old man's eyes showed deep regret. No one expected this result.

 Originally, according to normal progress, there should be three climbers in Middle-earth.

But Shangguan Yulong's wings were broken in Shuzhou, and it is said that he lost miserably.

After hearing this, Huangfu Yilin couldn't help but fell into silence.

 He has never seen Xuanyuan Hen, nor has he been to Shuzhou.

But he once fought against Shangguan Yulong and witnessed with his own eyes the powerful and terrifying methods of the 'Heavenly Tribulation Body'.

However, even so, was Shangguan Yulong still defeated?

“Brother Yulong, what kind of opponent did he encounter this time…”

Huangfu Yilin stood up slowly and looked in the direction of Shuzhou with an unspeakable solemn expression.

“Let’s go to the peak. You will meet each other eventually. The Ghost Saints of the Five Directions Ghost Mountain and the Martial Saints of the Ten Directions and Realms. This future will ultimately depend on the ten of you.”

"I'm just curious about Nie Xingyuan's attitude. What would he think if he walked out of the sky monument and found a freak who could rival him?"

The white-haired old man gently patted Huangfu Yilin's shoulder, signaling that it was time to climb the peak.


 Shuzhou, under Tianbei Peak.

Xuanyuan Taihua’s excited laughter spread throughout the mountains and rivers. Tens of thousands of Xuanyuan tribesmen waved flags enthusiastically, and the sound was drowned out by the waves.

 “Welcome to the summit, young master!”

 “Welcome to the summit, young master!”

Shen Changqing has ninety-nine divine patterns on his body. In his sight, at the end of the 100,000-foot Sky Monument Peak, there is a sky-reaching light pillar that reaches straight into the sky.

 He looked a little disappointed.

 What is the secret of this heavenly monument?

 Without any further hesitation, we finally took one step towards the summit.

His figure is reflected in everyone's eyes, and those eyes are filled with various emotions.

 It may be frustrated, full of admiration, admiration, complexity, envy, etc.

At present, the title of Martial Saint in Shuzhou has not been left behind after all.

Xuanyuan Taihua watched Shen Changqing leave with a smile on his face.

"Hen'er, it will take anywhere from a few decades to a few hundred years to realize the Tao in the Heaven Monument. When you return, the entire Shuzhou will be listening to Qin's orders!"

 He whispered softly until Shen Changqing disappeared at the end of Tianbei Peak.

 The sound of worship from powerful people from all over the land of Shuzhou is still ringing in my ears.

 (End of this chapter)

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