Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 84: Four hundred years ago, the Shifang Martial Saints fought against Guishan

Chapter 84 Four hundred years ago, the Shifang Martial Saints fought against Ghost Mountain

 The space inside the sky monument forms a small world of its own.

There are countless golden words floating in the darkness, and there is also a stone tablet standing, but the names imprinted on it are all titles.

 Shen Changqing walked slowly, came to the stone tablet, and looked at it seriously.

These titles are all strong men from the human race who have entered the Heavenly Monument since the rise of spiritual energy and obtained the supreme creation, thus realizing the realm of the Martial Saint.

 They are listed in no particular order, there are not many of them, there are only a few dozen covering the ten directions.

Shen Changqing saw the title of Ma Yi Medicine Saint on it.

He reached the pinnacle in the field of medicine and spent many years in the heavenly monument. He finally realized the supreme creation and was forever branded with the title of Medicine Saint.

 If there are those who come later, they will naturally be able to realize this destiny.

 “Why is there no name of Sword Master?”

 Shen Changqing has not seen anyone suddenly realize the creation of swordsmanship.

 In twenty years, he cultivated his body to the third level through the Xuanyuan Sword Tomb.

And in the ancient forbidden land of Shura Mountain, he cultivated to the fifth level of physical sanctification.

 In addition, the three stages of the Demon Emperor are also progressing rapidly.

Shen Changqing really can't accurately estimate how strong he is now.

However, the life and death energy of Shura Mountain was basically sucked dry by him.

 Soon, someone should discover the changes in Shura Mountain.

 Generally speaking, whether it is the Overlord or the Demon Emperor, he has gained a lot.

 Only his own realm, including the practice of swordsmanship, has been put on hold.

Since there is no Sword Master on this stone tablet, let him be the first to do so.

Shen Changqing lightly touched the stone tablet, and the countless floating golden lights instantly turned into dragon scrolls, and when they gathered together, they formed a book of heaven.

The line of sight changed as if the world was moving, and rows of bookshelves appeared in the small world, like a library of heaven.

The Book of Heaven is densely packed and all-encompassing!

An additional cowhide scroll emerged, recording the mission of the Sky Monument.

Shen Changqing's eyes were immediately attracted and he stepped forward.

From the above description, the Sky Monument appeared after the Immortal Road disappeared and originated from the distant direction of the Xuanhuang Realm.

  It fell from the sky and stood on the land of Shifang. It belongs to the same period as the corpse that fell from Wufang Ghost Mountain.

Its mission is to suppress the evil origins of the Five Directions Ghost Mountain and prevent the Five Directions Ghost Mountain from causing harm to the world.

In addition, the Heavenly Monument also contains a large amount of creation, which is a treasure of the human race.

“From this point of view, the Ten Directions Sky Stele is like the most precious treasure in the Xuanhuang Realm, but this cowhide scroll does not record its origin.”

 Shen Changqing was thoughtful when he saw this.

 The corpse in Wufang Ghost Mountain is obviously not a living being.

  More like another treasure of heaven and earth, giving birth to self-awareness and possessing human form.

In other words, it is likely to have absorbed the unspeakable evil source power somewhere in the Xuanhuang Realm.

This kind of power is enough to create a very terrifying way of practice, so that many non-human beings can master it and practice it.

 For unknown reasons, the treasure of heaven and earth that turned into a corpse has been floating around for many, many years.

Finally fell here, forming the Five Directions Ghost Mountain, causing a world of demons and chaos.

The cowhide scroll also clearly records that under the influence of the source of evil spirits, five messengers named Ghost Saints will be born in the Five Directions Ghost Mountain every other era.

 Their power is indescribable.

 Shen Changqing was quite silent when he saw this.

He finally understood why so far, he had only seen the living Martial Saint, Mayi Medicine Saint.

 Because everyone else basically died in the battle.

“Is there no way to destroy the body?”

Shen Changqing fell into deep thought. Based on the information he has learned so far, the reason why the demons and troubled times have also withdrawn from the stage of history.

Probably because of the corpse that fell on the Five Directions Ghost Mountain, after tens of thousands of years passed, the evil origin power was finally exhausted.

 As the supreme treasure of heaven and earth, it has also lost its spiritual power.

 Over time, it can no longer breed ghost saints from the five directions, causing the demons in the world to be leaderless. From then on, they each enclosed their own territories and proclaimed themselves kings. The latecomer Ghost Xuluo, known as the Ghost King of Laoshan, was one of them.

  It is no exaggeration to say that Guixuluo should belong to the last glory of the demon ranks.

 This shows that no matter how powerful a being is, it will eventually be killed by time.

 After all, ten thousand years is already a very long time.

 If the spiritual energy is completely exhausted, even the treasures of heaven and earth will not be able to sustain it.

 About the information about Wufang Ghost Mountain, the cowhide scroll only records this.

Shen Changqing closed it and slowly glanced at the books on the bookshelves.

 The talent of understanding and understanding will be brought into full play here.

 “No one enjoys enlightenment more than me.”

 Shen Changqing walked slowly and continued to read.

Time passes in a hurry, the stars in the outside world change, and the seasons change in spring and autumn.

The ten most powerful geniuses of the contemporary era all attained enlightenment in the Heavenly Monument, and each person’s achievements are destined to be different.

But those geniuses with divine patterns who failed to make the list are still shining brightly in their respective realms, and their cultivation progress is flourishing.

Year after year, time flies, and fifty years pass in the blink of an eye.


 Shuzhou, a mountain forest somewhere in the east.

 The Medicine Saint in linen clothes smelled of alcohol and had a head full of silver hair.

He was half lying on the straw mat set up outside the hut, lazily looking at the scenery on the horizon, sometimes bursting into laughter, sometimes crying bitterly.

"Master, you have drank five pots today. This deer blood liquor is quite harmful to your health. Please rest for a while."

Yu Wenyuan stepped forward and took away the wine bottle of Ma Yi Yao Sheng with a slight sigh.

Ever since he witnessed the battle on Tianbei Peak fifty years ago, Mai Yao Sheng has never been normal again.

Like an old naughty boy, he never interfered with his practice.

This kind of madness is not pretending, but it is not fake either.

Yu Wenyuan knew very well that the master was running away from something.

 “I seem to have seen them.”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng suddenly spoke.

“Master, who are you talking about?”

Yu Wenyuan turned around and looked back, but saw nothing.

“As long as either Xuanyuan Hen or Nie Xingyuan was born at that time, they should both be able to survive..."

After hearing this, Yu Wenyuan immediately lowered his head.

He understood that the words of Ma Yi Yao Sheng were referring to the nine martial saints who died in the battle four hundred years ago.

 According to the passage of time, five beings named Ghost Saints will soon be born inside the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

“Master, from the moment you accepted me as your disciple, I knew the mission I was shouldering. Although I failed to step into the Heavenly Monument, if there is any trouble in Shuzhou, I will definitely take the lead!”

Yu Wenyuan spoke loudly, his will never changed at all.

“It’s good that you have this heart, but I may not be able to see it.”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng’s cloudy eyes stared blankly at the sky.

Like a revolving lantern, the scene of the ten great warriors fighting against the Ghost Mountain four hundred years ago appeared in front of them.

That scene was so touching.

He really wanted to fight for Shuzhou again, but flowers will bloom again and people will never be young again.

Only the fire of the human race is passed down from generation to generation and will never be extinguished.

 Feeling tired, Mai Yao Sheng held Yu Wenyuan's hand tightly and finally closed his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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