Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 82: The body is sanctified, it turns out that he is the ceiling of combat power!

Chapter 82: Physical sanctification, it turns out that he is the ceiling of combat power!

 The wind and clouds are howling, and the wind is freezing.

Two figures were reflected in the sky. Shen Changqing's shirt was completely torn, revealing divine patterns all over his back.

 His gesture of holding the golden trident with one hand fell into the eyes of everyone near Tianbei Peak.

 “Impossible! This is the ancestral magic weapon of our clan!”

The head of the Shangguan family couldn't tell what was wrong with Shen Changqing's physical body, and just found this scene a bit weird.

 The divine soldiers attack, and only the divine soldiers can stop them.

In order to neutralize the power of the golden dragon, Shen Changqing threw the Xuanyuan Sword with his own hands and cut off the dragon's head with the sword shadow of nine thousand feet.

Under such a situation, Shangguan Yulong followed closely and sacrificed the golden trident. Without the magic weapon to compete, the victory should have been decided.



 Shangguan Yulong's heart sank slightly, and he wanted to withdraw the golden trident, but this magical weapon was restrained by an extremely terrifying force.

 No matter how he used his strength, he couldn't move at all!


Reflecting on Shen Changqing's cold face, the head of the Shangguan family stared intently, but saw cracks appearing on the golden trident, and was instantly stunned.

This scene also frightened all the Shangguan people and made them look horrified.


 Golden fragments were flying all over the sky.

Shen Changqing finally crushed the Shangguan family's magic weapon alive, just like he had crushed Tang Shaoqing's Dingtian hammer, effortlessly.

The whole place fell into dead silence, and even Xuanyuan Taihua was stunned.

This golden trident is not at the same level as the Dingtian Hammer. It is a real magic weapon!

“Xuanyuan Hen actually resolved another move?”

Yu Wenyuan's understanding was subverted when he turned back to look at Mayi Medicine Saint.

But he found that the Medicine Saint Ma Yi was trembling all over his body. He was inexplicably confused and his eyes were as distracted as if he had lost his soul.

 He continued to mutter words such as how could it be possible, unbelievable, unreasonable, and simply outrageous.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Yu Wenyuan was frightened in his heart and had no idea why Ma Yi Yao Sheng had a tendency to go crazy.

Looking back at the mid-air battle, Shangguan Yulong quickly retreated with a gloomy expression as the golden trident was shattered.

 This situation caught him by surprise.

I thought that Shen Changqing, as the genius of the Xuanyuan family, should inherit the swordsmanship as his strongest method.

That Great Heavenly Lord’s realm strength is the testimony.

 But why does this physical strength feel stronger than the sword?

 “Although the divine weapon is broken, my will will never be destroyed!”

 Shangguan Yulong's eyes continued to burst with sharp golden light, and all his power was increased crazily.

Countless golden thunderbolts gathered together, and they were densely packed like electric snakes surging wildly, completely turning the square inch of the world into a sealed area.

Such a shocking scene was revealed, causing many ancestors from all over Shuzhou to take a breath of cold air.

 “The catastrophe before the Immortal Road?”

“It’s really a heavenly catastrophe! This Shangguan Yulong actually understood the laws and triggered the heavenly catastrophe?”

“With such qualifications and understanding, he can only rank among the top three, so how strong is Nie Xingyuan?”

“In this great world, I never thought that I would one day be able to see the legendary divine thunder of heavenly tribulation!”

There was an uproar near Tianbei Peak.

Rumble —

The sky and the earth roared, Shen Changqing endured the baptism of thunder and walked slowly bathed in golden light.

The thunderbolts hit me one after another, but they couldn't even damage the skin at all.

Shangguan Yulong saw it, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

 The pressure brought by Shen Changqing on him is no less than that of Nie Xingyuan!

 “Thunder Dragon, Dharmakaya, calamity is coming!”

 The shouts were loud and the sound of heaven was rolling. Shangguan Yulong seems to be one with the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation.

 The whole body is filled with countless lightnings, and the terrifying power of calamity pours out crazily.

 In an instant, nine python dragon shadows appeared, their majestic heads and horns were revealed, spreading destructive power.

When Shangguan Yulong was killing Shen Changqing, the heads of the nine python dragons all let out a terrifying roar.

 This attack was Shangguan Yulong’s full strength.

The head of the Shangguan family, who was watching from a distance, stared blankly. He never thought that this genius with divine patterns in Shuzhou would force Shangguan Yulong to this point.

Even facing the land of Middle-earth, the fourth-ranked genius has never used the body of Heavenly Tribulation!

 Is the pressure... really that great?


The python dragon roared loudly, and the divine thunder roared in the sky.

 Shen Changqing's black hair danced wildly, and his eyes were cold, looking down at the arrival of the calamity body below.

  Lift your foot and suddenly step on it!



The space was distorted, and the wind and clouds were crushed to form a collapse arc.

The nine python dragon phantoms endured indescribable power, and they were overwhelmed and lowered their heads until their majestic horns shattered inch by inch.

Thunderbolts all collapsed, and the shadows were shaken to pieces.

 Shangguan Yulong transformed into the origin of the Heavenly Tribulation, and felt that the figure standing above his head was no longer a human being, but a god.

 He spat out blood with a roar.

The whole body's strength collapsed in an instant, and all the limbs and bones, including the internal organs, were bearing indescribable force.

He couldn't see behind him, but the ground behind him had collapsed, forming an abyss of thousands of feet!

 “Your body…”

He had blood foaming from his mouth, his face was miserable, and he was still struggling to hold on.

Shen Changqing raised his feet and stepped down for the second time with a calm expression.

 “As you can see, I have been sanctified in the flesh.”

Martial Saint is an illusory title, a symbol of one's own field standing at the top of the pyramid in this era.

It is also the representative and inheritance of the end of the Immortal Martial Arts since the Immortal Road disappeared.

 In other words, it is a kind of own power and enlightenment, reaching the ultimate and peak of the ranks.

 It can be the Holy of Voodoo or the Holy of Thunder.

 It can also be the medicine sage, the military sage, or the sword sage.

 Here at Shen Changqing's place, he has already become a saint in his body before he reaches the Tianbei Peak!

  How is this done?

 Shangguan Yulong finally smiled sadly after receiving this definite reply, and his body fell straight down from mid-air, like a kite with its string broken.

 He thought about his own ending, but it was just later than others.

Perhaps this battle took a lot of twists and turns, but in the end, he successfully obtained the ninety-nine divine patterns.

 But things are unpredictable, so I thought that Shuzhou Tianbei Peak was a sure winner.

 What he expected to face by himself turned out to be the ceiling of combat power among all the geniuses!

 Shangguan Jade Dragon fell into the abyss, accompanied by the dissipation of the thunder of heaven and earth, and the disillusionment of the terrifying thunder field.

Countless gazes froze near the stele peak that day, and ninety-nine divine patterns were slowly imprinted on Shen Changqing's body!

The atmosphere was filled with deathly silence, and many people did not even see clearly what was happening.

Suddenly, Shangguan Yulong, who was originally so powerful and powerful in triggering the catastrophe, was suddenly crushed to pieces by Shen Changqing!

"Hahaha, he has become a saint in the flesh, so what else can he compare to? What else can he compare to?"

“What are the three heroes of Middle-earth, what are the geniuses with divine patterns, why do we need the Heavenly Tablet Peak, and why do we need to inherit it!”

 “It’s a joke, it’s all a joke in front of him!”

At the top of the clouds, the mad laughter of the Medicine Saint Mai suddenly came.

It was like a certain belief that had always been firm collapsed in his heart, subverting all his cognition!

 (End of this chapter)

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