Chapter 81 Remarks on the Release

 Dear readers and friends, this book will be on the shelves after 12 noon tomorrow.

Thanks to the editor-in-chief Transparency for supporting me all the way, and thanks to the readers and friends for reading every day, so that this book can be on the homepage of Sanjiang Channel.

 I have a rough idea of ​​whether my grades are good or bad.

 But I still beg my readers to continue supporting me and give me an initial subscription.

 Let’s talk about Shen Changqing’s past lives, there must be more than three or four.

ˆ There will be more special identities, and they will be diverse, including the emergence of positive identities and hidden identities.

 Some important people encountered in previous lives will continue to be reincarnated in the future, and they are basically connected.

As for the world view, it is definitely very large. Each era has its own characteristics, which will be slowly expanded later.

 Finally, please support and subscribe!

 (End of this chapter)

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