Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 80: Since you are born in this era, you should not be weaker than anyone else

Chapter 80 Since you are born in this era, you should not be weaker than anyone else

Shuzhou Tianbei Peak has a height of 100,000 feet.

The clouds and mist are shrouded in white cranes, and when you look up from the foot of the mountain, you can only see the majestic mountains, but it is difficult to see the whole picture.

Shangguan Yulong sat quietly on the steps, with a calm expression and his eyes closed. His sleeves and robes danced in the breeze, revealing various divine patterns.

Beside him, there was no guardian.

 However, from all directions, a large number of powerful people have arrived, silently paying attention.

 Chen Zixuan, the heir of the Chen family, Sima Tianjiao Sima Qingfeng, including Feng Tiancheng, the sixth prince of the Taixu Dynasty, all received the news early and were waiting here.

 Two hours later, the sky moved in waves.

 In the direction that no one noticed, the figures of Mayi Yaosheng and Yu Wenyuan appeared.

 “Is he Shangguan Yulong?”

Yu Wenyuan stared closely at the figure sitting on the steps, his pupils trembling slightly.

The aura of the Great Heavenly Lord fluctuated without any cover.

His strong power surges between the sleeves and robes, maintaining a subtle state at all times.

 “One of the three heroes of Middle-earth.”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng’s expression was complicated and he sighed deeply.

 Suddenly I felt something and looked towards the horizon from a distance.

The overwhelming Changhong figure attracted everyone's attention. Nearly ten thousand Shangguan people came from far away from China and finally arrived.

 Such momentum created a huge storm.

 Many of the powerful people in Shuzhou felt their hearts sinking slightly.

The foundation of Middle-earth is unfathomable. As one of the three heroes, Shangguan Yulong, how could the family power behind him be weak? He should be at the level of a giant in Middle-earth.

The battle today is obviously to cheer up Shangguan Yulong.

“Where is Xuanyuan Hen in Shuzhou? Why haven’t you come out to fight? Are you trying to be a coward?”

The head of the Shangguan family saw Shangguan Yulong alone at the foot of Tianbei Peak. He immediately looked unhappy and his eyes showed a bit of anger.

 His powerful spiritual thoughts swept across all directions, with a cold and ruthless look.

"Your words are wrong. My son has accepted the challenge and will eventually come."

 On the other side, the situation is also changing.

Xuanyuan Taihua’s calm voice resounded throughout the world.

The mighty team emerged from the clouds, filled with a sense of solemnity.

The deep oppression enveloped all sides of Tianbei Peak, and there was no intention of retreating from the Shangguan family.

 “Humph, that’s the best.”

The head of the Shangguan family looked at the Xuanyuan family's figures in the sky, his eyes showed a little fear, and he said no more.

After waiting quietly for a long time, Shangguan Yulong, who had been sitting on the steps, suddenly opened his eyes.

 A figure finally appeared in the distance.

 His arrival attracted the attention of countless eyes from all directions.

Shen Changqing walks in the air, and every step he takes causes ripples in the space.

“He’s actually the Great Heavenly Lord?”

Seeing the strong strength in Shen Changqing's body, there was an uproar near Tianbei Peak.

Ma Yi Medicine Saint was quite moved, while Xuanyuan Taihua was surprised. After not seeing each other for many years, Hen'er turned out to be the Great Heavenly Lord!

 “I’m Xuanyuanhen, come to fight today.”

 The end of Shen Changqing's eyes reflected Shangguan Yulong's figure.

This ancient prodigy from 19,000 years ago, a legendary freak, a figure buried in the long history of the Xuanhuang Realm.

Far from being a character like Tang Shaoqing, who can be compared at all.

 He felt the pressure like never before.

  However, whether it is Laozi Qingyunzhai, the leader of Black Lotus, or Taoist Master Kunlun.

 In every era, he has reached the pinnacle.

Since he was born in this ancient era where all the geniuses emerged, he should not be weaker than anyone else!

 Although I don’t know what will happen in future generations, this battle will definitely be recorded.

Shangguan Yulong stood up slowly, his expression calm and indifferent.

 An unspeakable aura spread out from his body, kicking up countless amounts of sand and dust. “Are you Xuanyuan Hen?”

His eyes were like lightning, bursting out with wisps of golden light.

 When a whisper is made, it is full of depth.

Like the sound of muffled thunder, rolling and spreading between heaven and earth.

Dancing along the black hair, an indescribable sense of oppression spread across the sky.

Reflecting on the body, there are a total of sixty-six divine patterns, all of which are blooming with dazzling light.

Like the resurrection of an ancient divine creature, shadows appeared behind him, roaring silently.

This scene, the terrifying pressure coming from Shangguan Yulong, was witnessed by everyone near Tianbei Peak, and they couldn't help but feel cold and fearful in their hearts.

Yu Wenyuan's face turned pale and he couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Xuanyuan Hen's opponent is actually such a monster. How can he win? How can he win?"

A freak of Wu Matthew's level can defeat him in two moves.

At this moment, in front of Shangguan Yulong, who was more terrifying than Wu Matthew, his aura alone made him unable to raise any fighting spirit!

 He couldn't help but think of what Dugu Buhuo said. In the whole of China, except Nie Xingyuan, no one could suppress the other two heroes.

At this moment, he fully understood the meaning of this sentence.

 “Let’s do it!”

There was a lot of exclamation near Tianbei Peak.

 Shangguan Yulong's eyes were shining with golden light, reflecting his cold face, and golden thunder suddenly erupted when he raised his hand.

A giant golden dragon condensed in an instant, cast by pure golden thunder, and its head and giant claws poked out from the thick clouds, reaching a height of ten thousand feet.


The sonic boom roared and exploded in the ears.

Countless lightning strikes on the top of the sky, like a scene of destruction.

 Shangguan Yulong's move is a unique move. This is the Shangguan family's unique magical power - the art of controlling the dragon!

 In an instant, the golden dragon swallowed Shen Changqing.

This scene made all the powerful people in Shuzhou so nervous that their breathing stopped.


Shen Changqing stared calmly, the Xuanyuan sword mark on his forehead suddenly opened and closed.

 The moment the sword was raised, the shadow of the sword was nine thousand feet!

Wherever it goes along the way, wind and clouds divide it in two.

 In everyone's eyes, the outlines of heaven and earth have never been so clear.

That sword cut through the golden thunder in the sky, cut off the head of the giant dragon, and swept away the clouds for hundreds of miles, reaching the end of the clouds.

With one sword, he penetrated the thunder field of the Dragon Controlling Art!

“He was actually able to defeat Shangguan Yulong’s move?”

Yu Wenyuan was shocked in his heart, and felt a little numb when he saw the nine thousand-foot sword shadow.

But Mayi Medicine Saint always looked solemn, obviously seeing that although Shen Changqing's sword was at its peak, it was extremely powerful.

 But it seems that due to lack of combat experience, he overlooked a hidden murderous intention.

 “Alas, the victory has been decided.”

He looked unbearable, and finally sighed slightly, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

Xuanyuan Taihua, who was watching, clearly saw something was wrong, and couldn't help but look anxious.

All this happened in the midst of lightning and flint. No one noticed that at the moment when the golden dragon shattered, a terrifying edge cut through the sky and descended.


The sky and the earth shook, and blazing waves surged into the sky.

Shangguan Yulong held a golden trident, his eyes exploded with golden light, sweeping in destructive power and stabbing Shen Changqing's chest.

The blazing wave shattered Shen Changqing's shirt, revealing his body covered with divine patterns and distorting the surrounding space.

"you lose."

Shangguan Yulong spoke coldly, but when the blazing waves dissipated, his heart sank slightly.

 Shen Changqing in sight was not hit in the chest, but instead reached out and grasped the golden trident!

  With the strong wind blowing, the black hair kept dancing, and the face was calm without the slightest wave.

 “It’s okay, he actually reacted, which is surprising.”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng's mouth suddenly showed an appreciative smile, but then suddenly stiffened.

 “Eh, no, it’s his flesh body!!”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng's face was startled and uncertain, and then suddenly changed drastically, which was a bit unbelievable.

He stared at Shen Changqing's exposed body, his breathing suddenly became rapid, his pupils were shaking, his mind was pounding, and his mind was in a state of confusion!

 (End of this chapter)

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