Chapter 55 I know a man named Demon Emperor

 The ruins of Donghuang are five hundred miles away from the Mausoleum of King Meng.

There are a large number of collapsed peaks here, and the gray and decayed scene is clearly visible.

However, many people from the Wang family were exploring everywhere, trying to find a certain entrance.

Wang Yue stood in the shade, and the communication tool rang rapidly. It was a distress signal sent by his incompetent brother.

“Father, is the second master in trouble?” Wang Qiong asked.

"You don't have to worry about it. It's fine if you die. You have been living in the Wang family for so many years in vain." Wang Yue took his time and put away the communication tools again.

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew around the two of them.

The sky, which was originally clear and clear, became inexplicably gloomy. As darkness fell, wisps of cold air emerged between the sky and the earth.

Wang Yue's expression suddenly stiffened, and he looked solemnly at the body of a heroic spirit that was slowly gathering next to Wang Qiong.

The wind robe fluttered gently, the long black hair fell down to his shoulders, and the cloak covered his face.

 The thick black mist covered it, revealing only one eye, which looked like a pale crescent moon.

At this moment, the one eye was silently looking into the distance, the mausoleum of King Meng, which was five hundred miles away.

 “Senior, what’s wrong?”

Wang Yue controlled his nervousness and remained calm.

Ghost Xuluo took the initiative to show up, this was the first time, it had never happened before.

  “No problem.”

A hoarse and deep whisper sounded softly. Gui Xuluo looked at the distant King Meng's Mausoleum. After staring for a long time, his eyes were already a little wary.

There, there are a huge number of heroic spirits, and I don’t know what kind of battle is breaking out.

There is also an extremely astonishing aura, wrapped in pure awe-inspiring righteousness and unimaginable merit, which still exerts a certain deterrent force on him even from a long distance.

 As a demon, no matter how powerful the demon is, he actually avoids merit.

 “Why is it moving so slowly?”

 Gui Xuluo turned to look at Wang Yue again, feeling unhappy.

 The excavation work of the Wang family is not going well, and the entrance has not yet been found.

“Senior, the Dongtian Palace you mentioned has been around for 10,000 years. There have been so many changes in history that we no longer know where it is buried.”

“This place is quite extensive, and I’m afraid it won’t be found in a short while.” Wang Yue explained.

 The purpose of their entry into the Eastern Wasteland ruins this time was not just to find other advanced media.

 The main thing is to assist Guixuluo to find things that he could not find despite traveling through mountains and rivers thousands of years ago.

 After a month of hard work, a number of data showed that it might be in the Eastern Wasteland, in the Dongtian Palace 10,000 years ago.

“In this world, is there a heroic spirit contracted by you who is called Kunlun Dao Zun?”

Gui Xuluo's face shrouded in black mist was rippled, and he asked again.

Back then, in order to find Rakshasa Jade, the legendary heart of the demon, he traveled all over the mountains and rivers, slaughtered the creatures in one realm after another, and continued to cause chaos thousands of years ago.

However, even if it eventually dies, he has not found it.

 The last place I went to was called Middle-earth.

There, he heard about the deeds of a strong human being who had conquered demons for hundreds of years, killing almost all the sources of trouble in Middle-earth.

 This man is known as Kunlun Taoist Master.

 The entire land of Middle-earth continues the legend of the centuries-old demon.

He was quite curious, so he took a trip to Kunlun Mountain.

 It is a pity that I have not witnessed the power of Kunlun Dao Zun, because this man has been dead for hundreds of years.

 “Kunlun Dao Zun?”

Wang Yue couldn't help but frown. Thousands of years ago was the intersection of the demon era and the ancient martial era. The annals of Xingzhou records that during that era, there were indeed extremely famous holy places and powerful men on earth, but there was still a lot of history that was lost forever and could not be traced back.

"I haven't heard of it in our Xingzhou. Maybe there are some historical traces in other lands." Wang Yue responded thoughtfully.

A strong human being who can make Oni Xuluo care about probably has a lot of background.

 After all, Guixuluo was one of the three most evil demons in ancient times. He was born 12,000 years ago and lived for a full 3,000 years before passing away.

 In some legendary heroic spirits from Xingzhou Contract, Guixuluo is invincible.

 Whenever you encounter them, if you don’t run away, you will die.

How does this Kunlun Taoist exist?

"Although he has not been masked, he should not be simple. Since you can contract with me, someone will naturally contract with him, and I am afraid that he is here."

After Guixuluo said this, he took another deep look in the direction of King Meng’s Mausoleum.

That level of merit and awe-inspiring righteousness is indeed rare in the world, and the possibility of it being Kunlun Taoist cannot be ruled out.


Wang Yue was suddenly shocked. Judging from Guixuluo's tone, it seemed that this trip to the Eastern Wasteland ruins was coming.

 Zhongzhou and Shuzhou seem to have many heavyweight heroic spirits coming!


Outside the Mausoleum of King Meng, thunder resounded in the gloomy sky.

 The earth continued to shake and gradually collapsed.

 In the envelope of golden light in the sky, three figures soon appeared.

Shen Miaoke had been waiting in the floating car for a long time. When she saw Shen Changqing, she hurriedly waved.

“Thank you for your help, senior. I will never forget your kindness today.”

Bai Li's third uncle is a member of the Bai family's ancestral hall, ranking third, and his name is Bai Feihong.

He looked at Shen Changqing's back, his voice trembling with shock and his words incoherent.

Although the Bai family has a strong foundation in Central Continent, and there are many very powerful and important figures in the history, there is no such strong contrast as Shen Changqing.

 He originally thought that Shen Changqing should be the academy master who was contracted with him. He belonged to the same class and was both a teacher.

 But then the appearance of the hundreds of thousands of heroic souls from the cult really overturned his imagination.

“It’s just a matter of effort. I wonder if this girl can remember a person named Li Xinghe?”

Shen Changqing looked sideways at Bai Li and marveled secretly in his heart.

It’s so similar.

They are exactly the same. Except for the difference between a demon and a human, this girl possesses all the characteristics of Bai Li.

When Bai Feihong saw this, he quickly understood that the reason why Shen Changqing took action was because of Bai Li.

 “I...I have no impression.”

Bai Li frowned tightly, as if she was trying to remember, but in the end she shook her head slightly.

 She was in a trance just now, and under the impact of the image of the demon sect's one hundred thousand heroic souls, a large number of fragmented memory fragments emerged in her mind.

These fragments are all related to a man, who seems to be a very important person in his life, but he has never been able to piece it together completely.

If she continues to think about it, she will only experience more severe pain. The long and heavy memory is like the blending and collision of two souls, which makes her mentally and physically exhausted and somewhat unbearable.

 “That’s it.”

 Shen Changqing fell into deep thought.

 It seems that I just met a girl who looks very similar to her.

 Although I am disappointed, it is also reasonable.

 But what Bai Li said next made Shen Changqing's eyes freeze again.

“However, I know a person named Tianmo Huang. He seems to have led me to kill people and slaughter clans.”

 (End of this chapter)

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