Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 54: Do you now admit that it is a thing of my holy religion?

Chapter 54 Do you now admit that it is my holy religion?


Hundreds of thousands of heroic souls responded together, and the sound of killing filled the mausoleum.

This aroused momentum shattered the imperial power of King Meng of Beiyuan into pieces. Looking at the Beiyuan army in the Linggong Basin, there was even silence and deathly silence.

They stared blankly at the figures of the heroic souls of the sect reflected in the demon sect's banner. The fierce storm on the battlefield that had been strong before was so frightened that it was like the coming of winter, and they lost all their arrogance!

In an instant, the four guardians stepped onto the palace with their sleeves fluttered, and many Beiyuan generals changed their expressions and stepped back.

The demon sect's flag wavered, and the sound of killing resounded throughout the sky.

An overwhelming battle was instantly staged in the mausoleum. When the battle broke out, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the formation rippled with black energy and roared.

How could the masters of the Demon Cult from the ancient martial arts era three thousand years ago be resisted by the soldiers of Beiyuan?

 “Is there such a thing?”

Beiyuan King Meng looked at the army in disbelief. The army was in chaos, with the sound of horse hooves and frightened neighing. After just one encounter, they were shattered into pieces by the spirit of the devil's hero.

These heroic souls practiced the magic of the Demonic Cult, and after their death, most of them were in the noble class of high quality, and there were a large number of heroes among them.

 He even saw the four guardians with cold expressions as they stepped forward in the air and rolled up their powerful aura.

 During Shen Changqing's lifetime, the four great protectors were all in the Grand Master realm. After Shen Changqing's death, they had also entered the early stages of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

 Now that he is revealed in the form of a heroic soul, he should be considered a hero!

 “Damn it!”

King Meng of Beiyuan felt frightened, and immediately rolled up his yellow robe with his sleeves rolled up, and the appearance of a golden dragon instantly wrapped around him.

As an emperor who swept across the surrounding land and made outstanding achievements, he was still buried in the land of dragon veins after his death, so he must be very powerful.

 In an instant, the battle made waves.

However, under the continuous attacks of the four guardians, the golden dragon phase was overwhelmed and shattered into pieces.

 Looking at this scene, many powerful people from Zhongzhou and Xingzhou were all in a frenzy with shock and horror.

"Does any of you know this heroic spirit? Was he summoned by our Star Continent Contractor?"

“I don’t know, I’ve never heard of it before, I’m afraid it’s not from Xingzhou!”

 “With a raised arms and a call, a hundred thousand heroic souls will appear, this, this, this…”

“He must have held a high position of authority during his lifetime. What kind of leader was he called?”

“No, no, no, I clearly heard him being called Lao Tzu by King Meng of Beiyuan!”

There was an uproar, and the powerful people who were surrounded by Beiyuan soldiers in many places in the mausoleum all felt numb when they saw these one hundred thousand heroic souls.

Wang Jianshan's eyes were also dull, and the minds of all the Wang family members around him couldn't help but go blank.

 The strong visual impact shook the mind, and an indescribable tremor spread throughout the body.

“The ancient martial arts hero from three thousand years ago, that heroic spirit wrapped in golden light, could it be that he was a hero with superior quality?”

Wang Jianshan swallowed hard. In addition to the general division of heroic spirit levels, there are actually more detailed differences.

 There are still ravines between the heroic spirits.

If measured by combat power, a hero with low-level qualities can only barely bear this title.

Those Beiyuan generals are obviously at this level, only slightly better than the heroic-level Captain Ten Thousands.

The four figures in black robes who are fighting with King Meng of Beiyuan are obviously higher than the low-level ones, and they are heroes who have reached the upper-middle level quality.

As for high-level qualities, in most cases they were once heroes, the masters of sects in the ancient martial arts era, and the leaders of a sect!

If you surpass high-level quality but have not yet reached the legendary level, you will definitely be able to overwhelm all other heroic levels and become a hero among heroes!

Since Shen Changqing, who is shrouded in golden light, can command a hundred thousand heroic souls, and has four strong men under his command, isn't he a hero among heroes?

 Even more powerful than the leader of a sect!

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. I believe you when you say he is legendary."

 An old man from the Wang family murmured to himself, and quickly came to a more accurate judgment on Shen Changqing's level of heroic spirit.

Wang Jianshan's face turned pale and he fell silent immediately. Although he is the second master of the Wang family and has a very high seniority, his talent is extremely poor. With so many resources, he can only contract a hero of intermediate quality.

 Compared with the talent of his third brother Wang Yue, it is simply a world of difference.

 This even affected future generations. Wang Yue's son Wang Qiong's talent was even more terrifying.

 When I was young, I contracted a legendary statue, which ranked among the top 100 legendary statues in the Southern Kingdom of Xingzhou!

 This is undoubtedly the pride of the entire royal family and the target of all resources.

 His father, the current head of the Wang family, favors him very much.

It is said that more than a month ago, Wang Qiong visited Shuzhou, found a high-level medium in Daxia, and contracted with a new mysterious existence.

 So far, he does not know the specific information.

The dignified second master of the Wang family doesn't even deserve to know.

I thought that when I came to the Mausoleum of King Meng, my direct descendants could try to make a contract with King Meng of Beiyuan and improve my status in the clan. Unexpectedly, King Meng wanted to kill them all.

 In a dangerous situation, another unknown and mysterious heroic spirit appears!

If it was not summoned by the Xingzhou Contractor, could it only be Zhongzhou or Shuzhou?

 Looking carefully in the direction of Shen Changqing, there was an old man and a woman in green.


"Leader, leader, how can I be the leader of one side?"

 Above the palace, there were panicked, unbelievable, angry and unwilling roars.

Beiyuan King Meng was defeated step by step by the four guardians. The body of the hero's soul was already a little bit damaged, and the two sleeves of the yellow robe were completely shattered.

Looking at the golden dragon wrapped around his body, he is invincible at all.

Although he is an emperor, looking at the vast history of the entire Xuanhuang Realm, he is actually just a drop in the ocean, only a little more powerful than the average dynasty leader.

“I would like to know why the Holy Fire Order became your burial object?”

Green Dragon Protector circulated cold words and approached step by step.

“Tell me, how did you get the Holy Fire Order?”

Suzaku Dharma Protector also gave a clear drink, and struck King Beiyuan Meng with a palm strike, which made King Beiyuan tremble wildly.

“I traveled across mountains and rivers, conquered cities and territories, and plundered countless rare treasures from all over the world. How can I remember your things?”

Beiyuan King Meng could only retreat. Under the offensive of the four guardians, he was about to be unable to hold on.

 “Now do you admit that it is the object of my holy religion?”

 The four guardians blocked King Meng's retreat in Beiyuan, and reached out to lock his arms and neck with their big hands.


Beiyuan King Meng was completely panicked.


Before he could finish his words, the power in the palms of the four guardians roared, shattering the heroic soul of King Meng of Beiyuan into pieces and flying away.

Such a scene reflects the chaotic scene in the mausoleum, the overwhelming defeat of the Beiyuan army, and the strong deterrent from the demon sect's hundred thousand heroic souls.

Bai Li, whose eyes were full of Shen Changqing's back, was deeply shocked.

  She seemed to recall something, and there was a sharp pain in her mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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