Chapter 56 She is still her

“You don’t remember Li Xinghe, but you remember the Demon Emperor…”

Shen Changqing froze on the spot, his mind deeply touched by Bai Li's words.

It seems that I have not found the wrong person!

 It's just Bai Li's current memory that seems to be incomplete?


 Shen Changqing suddenly remembered something.

 According to the original history, Bai Li had actually died long ago. There was no Taoist Kunlun in the world, and there was no trace of the existence of the Demon Emperor.

 When they first met outside Shiwanda Mountain, Bai Li and Bai Niang should have died in the hands of the demon.

 His appearance changed the fate of Bai Li and Bai Niang.

 After that, two hundred years of time came to accompany him, and Bai Li lived until the end of his life.

 He did change history, but for the vast history of the entire Xuanhuang Realm, including the vast territory.

 In just two hundred years, what he did in reincarnation would be difficult to cause major changes in future generations.

 Most of the time, it will be naturally wrapped up by the timeline, submerged in the long river and insignificant.

 But he allowed Bai Li to survive, and he also killed the monsters in Middle-earth to the point where there was a gap!

In those two hundred years, he had a life imprint that was unique to him. No matter how history changes and changes, this is indelible and will exist forever.

Looking at it now, Bai Li is the reincarnation of his predecessor.

Since she knows the Demon Emperor, it means that she is reviving the memories from thousands of years ago, including the fusion of souls.

 She is still her, there is no difference, but she has not really woken up yet.

 After clarifying his thoughts, Shen Changqing's eyes showed some tenderness.

"Head hurts."

Bai Li felt a little difficult to breathe at this moment. It took a lot of effort to find a fragment of memory in her mind, which made her realize that it was her past.

 “You will remember it eventually.” Shen Changqing whispered.

At that time, he took Bai Li to the Divine Sword Sect. Perhaps it had some very special meaning for Bai Li.

So much so that in the state of ‘amnesia’, I don’t remember Kunlun Taoist but I remember the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

When Bai Feihong next to him saw this, he was a little surprised. Could it be that the dream that Bai Li told him before was not groundless?

Just at this moment, a large number of floating vehicles appeared in the distance, and another heroic spirit turned into a sky-shattering rainbow and rushed over.

The person who came here was dressed in green clothes, with silver hairpins hanging from his hair. He was middle-aged in appearance, but his charm was still there. His feet were as powerful as a rainbow in the wind and clouds, and his strength was extremely powerful and impressive.

Bai Feihong quickly introduced to Shen Changqing: "This is the Emei Taoist nun contracted by our clan, who was in the Beiyuan land 10,000 years ago."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Changqing naturally looked over.

 Legendary heroic spirit?

 Shen Changqing's eyes rippled.

 This is the second time he has seen a heroic spirit that can be rated as legendary by the heroic spirit statue in future generations.

The first time was with the Taoist Celestial Master who was contracted by Chen Xiangyang. It was also 10,000 years ago, but it was the land of Shuzhou.

The Taoist Celestial Master's realm strength was around the Celestial Realm back then, and he could sense a relatively strong aura of merit, including powerful power, from his body.

This Emei Taoist Sister should belong to the same level as the Taoist Celestial Master, and her merits and powers are almost the same.

“I rushed over as soon as I received your news. How is the situation?”

Emei Taoist nun floated to the ground, and her expression was shocked when she saw Shen Changqing. She seemed to be in disbelief at the eye-catching golden light of merit on Shen Changqing.

 But it was still the first time to ask about the status of Bai Li and Bai Feihong.

"We are not in serious trouble. If this senior hadn't helped in time, I might not have been able to survive our arrival." Bai Feihong said with emotion.

Who would have expected that King Meng’s Mausoleum would be a natural tomb of heroic spirits?

"I thanked you sir on behalf of the Bai family. I wonder where you are from?" Emei Taoist Priest raised her hands towards Shen Changqing. While expressing her gratitude, she was still a little curious about Shen Changqing's origins.

Wherever you look, Qingyunzhai Laozi probably won’t be able to move your eyes away. After all, this is the combination of the merits of Kunlun Taoist Master.

Unless Shen Changqing restrains himself, whenever he uses a little bit of ability, the golden light of merit will shine like the sun.

 “I am Qingyunzhai, I come from Daxia in Shuzhou.”

 Shen Changqing bowed and paid respect in return.


Taoist nun Emei was obviously even more shaken.

As we all know, Daxia has a strong foundation in Shuzhou, which is beyond the reach of many regions. Many of the heroic spirits contracted by it are famous far and wide, and are intimidating.

 The Qintianjian within Daxia is known as the strongest archaeological team. More than 20% of the ruins in the Xuanhuang Realm were discovered by the Qintianjian.

 Including the excavation of some imperial tombs, Qin Tianjian is also among the best.

At the top of the Qintian Prison, there is an organization called Tianshu Division, which has the most accurate determination of the level of heroic spirits in history.

Even though Taoist Aunt Emei is in Central Continent, she is very familiar with some of the published lists of heroic spirits in Daxia.

 Looking at Shen Changqing's golden merit, this level of richness is obviously legendary.

 However, she had not heard of the name Qingyunzhai Laozi.

Is it a new contract?

"Senior, I'm afraid we have to leave first. We will meet again in the cave passage in a month. Our Bai family will definitely send you a heavy treasure to express our gratitude."

Bai Feihong looked at the arrival of his family and said goodbye.

This Eastern Wasteland ruins area is quite large. There is more than just the Tomb of King Meng. They also have other tasks to perform.

 “Farewell.” Shen Changqing nodded slightly.

Bai Li looked at him, there was always an indescribable emotion in her heart, as if she didn't want to separate.

 But as the Bai family arrived, several people finally got into the car.

 Mid-air, after exchanging some information.

Bai Feihong asked a man next to him: "You can put aside other things first. Can the list of legendary heroes in Daxia be announced now?"

The man shook his head: "I received rumors that the reason why the Great Xia Legendary Heroic Spirit List is closed is precisely because of this Qingyunzhai Lao Tzu, who is still in a closed state."

There was a young woman next to her who was deep in thought. She was the contractor of Emei Taoist Priest.

“In Daxia’s Heroic Spirits List, I often see many new names appearing, but I have never seen this Qingyunzhai. Maybe I didn’t pay attention to it being at the bottom of the list.”

After finishing her words, Taoist Sister Emei shook her head.

"Without this possibility, he will never be just an ordinary legendary level. I have never seen that kind of rich merit. He must be a high-quality legendary level or above."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion after hearing this.

Just as Emei Taoist Sister said, the golden merits of Qingyunzhai Laozi are there, and it is obvious that they come from a lot of money.

Just who is he, and why is the Legend of Daxia list closed?

 “The Taoist nun is right, he is not simple.”

“Daxia is really unfathomable. It is a superpower with crouching tigers, hidden dragons, don’t you know? When Qingyunzhai was in King Meng’s Mausoleum, he could actually command a hundred thousand heroic souls from the ancient martial arts era!”

Bai Feihong opened his mouth in surprise, truly showing respect for Shen Changqing.


 On the plains.

Shen Changqing watched Bai Li leave. Just as he was about to return to his daughter, his body trembled slightly and his eyes showed a hint of joy.

 The reincarnation fruit sent a reminder that Kunlun Dao Zun's heroic spirit fusion has been completed!

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 (End of this chapter)

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