Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 42: Fast forward twenty years, and the demons are on the rise!

Chapter 42: Twenty years have passed and the demons have risen!

 A few days later, in Guigu Ridge.

 The sky gathers a large amount of ancient evil power, and several figures with terrifying auras stand tall.

The Demon Emperor has already walked out of the palace, standing with his hands behind his hands and smiling.

"Three years have passed. There has been no movement from the Demon King that day. Perhaps he has left the land of Middle-earth long ago. Now the Kunlun Patriarch has also passed away. What are you waiting for?"

 There is a whisper falling in the sky, and there is a deep feeling.

This is a demon lord from Mount Bodhi, named Demon Bodhi.

 The level of strength is the same as that of the original Divine Sword Master, reaching the early stage of the Celestial Realm.

“If you immediately lead the army to attack Kunlun Mountain, I will not hesitate and start a war with Tianfo Temple immediately!”

  Another voice sounded, also coming from another forbidden area of ​​demons, named Blood Demon.

There are still many ancient wills among those present today.

With the passing of the Kunlun Patriarch, many demons in the Middle-earth finally couldn't stand it any longer.

If it weren't for the Arhats of Tianfo Temple, including the very powerful experts in the capital of the hospital, and other holy places with equally good foundations, they would have taken action long ago.

  After all, if a full-scale war were to begin, they would suffer greatly without the Demon Emperor taking the lead.

"Everyone, please be patient. Although the Kunlun Patriarch has passed away, the Demon King's position is still undecided and is always a hidden danger."

“If during the war between us and the Kunlun Mountains, the Heavenly Demon Emperor takes the opportunity to launch an attack and then reaps the benefits, wouldn’t it be a failure?”

“Furthermore, since the Demon King disappeared for three years, is he also waiting for the death of the Kunlun Patriarch? It is not a rational move to immediately launch an attack at this juncture.”

The Sky Demon Emperor spoke calmly, not intending to start a war on Kunlun Mountain immediately.

Three years ago, the Divine Sword Sect suffered a disaster. The young master uncle who had the strength of the Celestial Phantasm Realm was killed, leaving no one alive in the entire sect.

This incident caused a sensation in the Middle-Earth. Not only did it scare those holy places into hiding, but it also frightened the ten major demon forbidden places. No major action was taken for a long time.

 The reason is that an unknown and indescribable powerful existence brings unpredictable variables.

They can only wait until the Demon Emperor disappears completely, and then launch their grand plan without this variable.

“In your opinion, when should we take action?” The Blood Demon stared at the Demon Emperor.

“I have been waiting for a long time, so naturally I am not in a hurry for this moment, but how can you be sure that the Demon Emperor will not intervene when the time comes?” Mo Bodhi also asked.

"You just need to wait for my news. When the war breaks out, the whole world will know." The Demon Emperor shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, many demon lords looked at each other, and then left without any hesitation.

 “Your Majesty, do you really want to join forces with them?”

The Bone Evil King looked at the departing figure in the sky and asked the Sky Demon King with a worried look on his face.

However, the Demon King smiled coldly: "They are just a bunch of rabble. It is not their turn to divide the world yet. I will make my own decision when the time comes."

“In addition, some dynasties in Middle-earth can already be eliminated. Let’s test their strength by the way.”

As soon as the words fell, the White Bone Evil King immediately took the order and left.


Kunlun Mountains.

  The last ray of light left in the holy land of the past was eventually buried under the dust with the passage of history.

Three thousand Arhats in Tianfo Temple chanted sutras to lay the foundation for Kunlun Patriarch’s spirit in heaven.

 The bell of Wu Lao Yuan rang for three days and everyone observed silence.

 And the storm swirling in the Demonic Forbidden Land is also undercurrent.

 The land of Middle-earth, which has been silent for three years, is once again ready to move as the news spreads.

The deterrent effect brought by the Demon Emperor before is constantly passing away.

On this day, Kunlun Mountain was hung with white silk ribbons all over the sky.

A sad atmosphere enveloped the surrounding areas, and Shen Changqing stood on the top of the mountain in a white robe for a long time.

The patriarch’s words before his death still echoed in his ears.

“The Kunlun Mirror is a true ancient treasure. I wonder what kind of magical power it contains...”

Shen Changqing murmured to himself, looking at the outline of the middle-earth land outside the mountains. Then he no longer hesitated and turned back to the depths of the forbidden area.

He held the Kunlun Mirror in his hand, used his true energy to penetrate it, and began to observe the mysteries of supernatural powers.

However, as the only mountain-holding treasure in Kunlun Mountain, it took the Patriarch more than ten years to unlock its seal. How can it be so simple to understand the secrets of the magical power inside?

Even if Shen Changqing's understanding is incredible, looking at the spell patterns dotted with countless stars, he can't figure it out in a short time.

"Kunlun Mountain has a long history. It is said that after taking charge of Kunlun Realm, one can be called a Taoist master by practicing the Three Lives and All Things Dharma. However, the name of Taoist Master has completely disappeared in the twelfth generation."

“This Kunlun Mirror was also jointly cast by several senior brothers of the ancestor to seal the magical power to prevent it from being cannibalized by the world, waiting for it to be restarted one day.”

“Since my ancestor has paved the way for me, I should have followed the steps step by step until I mastered the Kunlun Mountain Taoist method.”

Shen Changqing frowned and fell into deep thought for a long time.


This three-life method is indeed powerful, but the time it takes is somewhat beyond Shen Changqing's acceptance.

“Forget it, why do I need to become a Taoist master? If there is another way to go, I will surpass the Taoist master in less than twenty years.”

Shen Changqing finally shook his head and gave up the path of cultivation left by his ancestor.

He continued to meditate on the mysteries of the Kunlun Mirror's magical powers, hoping to discover new ways of practice from the countless starlight spells embellished with them.

 Time keeps passing by and this process is quite long, but Shen Changqing has absolute confidence.

Even, he can spare some extra time to continue to consolidate the strength of the Black Lotus Cult Master.

But Bai Li always stayed outside and did not allow anyone to come and disturb her.

She has also heard a lot of rumors recently. The forbidden areas of demons have continued to be restless and have a strong tendency to come out in force, but they have been suppressed for some reason, as if they are waiting for something.

 The entire atmosphere in Middle-earth has become quite strange, like the calm before a rainstorm.

“I don’t know how long this retreat will last.”

Bai Li turned around and looked back, muttering to himself.

 She was basically used to Shen Changqing's frequent retreats, but according to past rules, it could be as little as three months and as much as half a year.

 However, this time it was beyond her expectations.

 After waiting for a whole year, Shen Changqing did not come out.

 The next year, Bai Li looked forward to it with eagerness, resisting the impulse of lovesickness, and still stopped outside.

 In the third year, reports of demons and troubles began to spread to the outside world.

 The fourth year, the fifth year, the sixth year...the order of the world gradually became a little chaotic.

 In the seventh year, many Taoist priests from Kunlun Mountain began to descend from the mountain to slay demons.

Bai Li is still waiting. She knows that Shen Changqing doesn't want anyone to disturb him when he is in retreat, but is it too long this time?

 Until twenty years.


 Guigu Ridge.

The river of blood was rolling, and the overwhelming crowd of demons stopped quietly, looking at the top of the palace attic with feverish eyes at the figure wearing a blood-clothed robe.

 “Everyone, it’s been twenty years.”

The Heavenly Demon King slowly scanned the demons throughout Guigu Ridge, his eyes showing a bit of sadness.

 Twenty years ago, Patriarch Kunlun passed away.

 Twenty years later, the Demon Emperor still has not appeared.

 This world should change its hands.

 “Get started!”

The Heavenly Demon Emperor gave a clear drink, and suddenly the demonic energy was released from his sleeves, and the sound wave turned into thunder and resounded throughout the world.

 “Get started!”

 “Get started!”

The overwhelming demons in Guigu Ridge roared and roared in an instant, responding feverishly to the Demon Emperor's orders. The sound shook the underground blood river with waves!

 (End of this chapter)

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