Chapter 43 Today, I am Tao Zun

In just half a day, dark clouds pressed down outside the Kunlun Mountains, and a deep demonic aura enveloped the wasteland, as if it had turned into a huge mouth of an abyss, trying to swallow up hundreds of miles of land.

 This vision naturally attracted the attention of Taoist Priest Chi Yuan, including the three palace masters.

 They suddenly opened their eyes in the state of cultivation, looked up and raised their eyes with ugly faces.

 “Guiguling finally came over!”

 “Don’t panic, activate the mountain protection formation immediately!”

 “Where are the Kunlun disciples?”

One after another, clear drinks rang out, followed by the rapid ringing of bells, echoing throughout the entire Kunlun Mountains.

A large number of figures in robes appeared one after another, and the light instantly opened and closed, covering the sky.

As black clouds pressed down on the realm, the Demon Emperor slowly appeared, looking down at everything.

 “The Holy Land of Middle-earth, the top of Kunlun, rests today!”

His voice shook the whole world, carrying the great power of the celestial realm, and even the overwhelming demonic energy came over, forming a skeletal face that covered the sky and the sun, and also let out a silent roar.

Looking into the black clouds, countless demonic armies began to appear, with greedy and rampant postures, wantonly venting the wild thoughts that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time.

For the Sky Demon Emperor, as long as Kunlun Mountain is destroyed, the entire human power in Middle-earth will collapse as a result.

There is no other reason. Kunlun Mountain has always been the highest holy land in China. It is the place of faith of sects all over the world, and it is also the belief of all people in the world.

 The principle of catching the thief first also applies to sects!

“All disciples listen to the order and activate the twelve magic weapons in the Enlightenment Pool!”

The master of the Xuan Palace shouted loudly, and aroused the true power of his Huangting realm. Together with the other two palace masters, he turned into a rainbow and poured it into the Enlightenment Pond.

 As the shouts fell, all the elders and disciples in Kunlun Mountain did the same.

These twelve magic weapons cannot be used unless they are in the celestial realm, and cannot be dispatched unless they recognize their master. However, as long as the formation in Kunlun Mountain is still there, half of its power can still be exerted.

In the blink of an eye, the formation roared loudly, and the twelve magic weapons circled out in the sky, bursting out with twelve rays of bright golden light, intending to disperse the black clouds in the sky.

 But when the Heavenly Demon Emperor saw this scene, his heart was calm and his eyes were unperturbed.

“It’s a pity that if the Patriarch is reincarnated, with these twelve magic weapons, I will indeed be no match, but you...”

He shook his head slightly, and a black energy burst out from the flick of his sleeves. The transformed skeleton face behind him opened its huge mouth and swallowed all the twelve golden lights!

When the Master of Xuan Mansion saw this scene, his heart suddenly thumped.

 “Break it to pieces for me!”

The Heavenly Demon Emperor's thunderous sound echoed throughout the world, reflecting his cold face, and crashed down from his big palm. The scene shocked the mountain guarding formation to tremble crazily, and then continued to distort.

 Just three breaths, boom!

The formation shattered and strong winds blew in. The Taoist priests and disciples who released their true energy were completely overwhelmed and fell down.

 They all spat out a mouthful of blood, their expressions turning into horror.

 “Condensate a throne of bones for me.”

The Demon Emperor spoke again, preparing to order the attack on Kunlun Mountain.

But at this moment, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked towards the back mountain area with a frown.

"This is?"

 A creepy chill swept through his mind, and his pupils condensed violently.


The sky suddenly changed, the dazzling golden light shattered the dark clouds in the sky, and a simple mirror appeared on the top of Kunlun.

Just for a moment, it is reflected with terrifying burning power, and all evil spirits in the world are annihilated wherever the mirror shines.

The large number of Guiguling demons in the black clouds let out shrill screams on the spot, and before they even had time to react, blazing white flames appeared all over their bodies!

The Demon Emperor's expression changed drastically, and he immediately fluttered his sleeves and hurriedly retreated. However, he was still illuminated by the Kunlun Realm, and a piece of his sleeve disappeared instantly.

Looking at the face of the sky-covering skeleton behind him, there is also a look of pain, and it is twisted as if it was torn alive by big hands, and nothing remains!

 The appearance of this scene shocked everyone in Kunlun Mountain. The Master of the Third Palace looked back, looking at the Kunlun Mirror that appeared at the end of the sky, and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

"Taoist! This is the Kunlun Mirror that only Taoists can use. A Taoist was born in Kunlun Mountain!"

 “Welcome to the Taoist Master!”

The sound of ecstasy sounded, and the Master of Xuanfu was the first to kneel down.

 Looking under the mountains, this is all the case.


 The forbidden area behind the mountain.

Bai Lizheng continued to wander anxiously. The Sky Demon Emperor led his troops to attack Kunlun Mountain. With the strength of the three palace masters, they would definitely not be able to stop him.

Once the Kunlun Mountains are destroyed, the entire Middle Earth will become their paradise.

 “I kept you waiting for a long time, Li’er.”

A slightly vicissitudes of voice suddenly sounded, causing Bai Li's wandering movements to suddenly freeze. When she turned her head to look into the depths of the forbidden area, a figure slowly appeared.

Shen Changqing's whole body was surrounded by a faint milky white halo, as if carrying some kind of forbidden spell power, which affected the surrounding space and made the thin spiritual energy of heaven and earth show signs of rotating on its own.

 He stepped forward and reached out to wipe away Bai Li's excited tears.

“Twenty years is not a long time.” Bai Li shook her head slightly.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to kill demons again. This time we’ll kill for a longer time.” Shen Changqing smiled and pulled Bai Li towards the outside of Kunlun Mountain.

Twenty years of seclusion has already changed his appearance, his whole body's aura has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he is no longer the young boy he was before.

In fact, he had mastered the three laws of life and all things as early as ten years ago, and also realized the true meaning of Tao and nature, and his body broke through to the realm of celestial phenomena.

 For the remaining ten years, he spent his time trying to get the Black Lotus Master to reach a higher realm until he took that step and surpassed the celestial phenomena!

 Perhaps it was because he really liked to retreat, and ten more years passed before he knew it.

The current exit is not a limit, but the crisis in Kunlun Mountain is imminent, and he has to leave.

 “Is the Demon Emperor going to show up again?”

After hearing his words, Bai Li's eyes shone with admiration.

 “No, you can’t kill a chicken with an ox’s knife.”

Shen Changqing smiled lightly, at this level of strength, why do we still need trump cards?

He shrunk down to an inch in one step, and in an instant he was in front of the demons in the sky.

The moment the powerful true energy spread, the expression of the Heavenly Demon Emperor changed on the spot.

 He saw something and smelled a familiar smell from Shen Changqing's body.

 “It is indeed the Kunlun Taoist Master…”

The Demon Emperor, whose heart suddenly contracted, stared at Shen Changqing, and gradually felt a numb scalp.

Kunlun Taoist Master is the most powerful being in the entire Kunlun Mountains, but his inheritance was completely cut off many years ago.

What he never expected was that after the death of a Kunlun Patriarch, a stronger Kunlun Taoist appeared!

 He turned around and wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

Shen Changqing's index finger gently reached out, and the Kunlun Mirror above his head instantly burst out with terrifying golden light. When it shone on the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he screamed in agony.

Even a master of astronomy cannot withstand the power of this ancient treasure!

As the golden light swept across violently, all the demons from Guigu Ridge had nowhere to hide. Their bodies were damaged while screaming in fear, and blood foam was flying.

In just a moment, rivers of blood flowed at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, and corpses lay everywhere!

 (End of this chapter)

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